I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 600 Huge Night Lantern (2-in-1)

Just when Ke Qing was about to say something, Li Qiuzhi kissed her soft and red lips directly.


At this time, Keqing calmed down.

Although the two of them had done a lot of intimacy before, there was still no kiss. At this time, they could only feel their brains heating up and their thoughts go blank.

Seeing that Keqing's body became limp and unable to resist, Li Qiuzhi gently picked her up and walked upstairs.

The legs hanging on Li Qiuzhi's arms dangled weakly, and the high heels on his feet moved little by little, as if he was dozing off.

After a while, the two came to the hot spring bathhouse.

This is the time for girls to take a bath.

At this time, Ying, Fischer, Barbara, Xiao Gong, Xinhai, Nilu and many other girls were chatting and laughing while taking a bath.

Li Qiuzhi first carried Keqing into the changing room, and then placed her on a chair with a backrest.

He squatted down slightly to hold up her feet, and took off two high-heeled shoes with lapels one after another, revealing her feet wrapped in black stockings.

Li Qiuzhi asked Keqing to step on his knees, holding her ankles with both hands and stroking her gently.

"Humph" Ke Qing blushed and looked to the side with a dissatisfied snort. She pressed her skirt with her right hand and slid it down the inside of her legs, covering her fair buttocks.

What a hateful guy, he doesn't even let people prepare a little bit

Li Qiuzhi stroked her ankle for a while, then slowly moved his palm upwards, massaging the soft and elastic calf through the stockings.


Feeling the numbness coming from her calf, Keqing bit her lip and groaned, then spoke with difficulty:

"Okay, okay, stop playing, someone will be here later!"

"That's right. Let's get down to business. How about letting me help you improve your strength?" Li Qiuzhi continued to pull down the black stockings that had reached above his knees.

"What, what about improving strength?" When Keqing was wondering, her black stockings were completely taken off.

A pair of snow-white thighs appeared in front of Li Qiuzhi's eyes.

He didn't answer, but just moved his face close to Keqing's white calves, pressed her knees with both hands and pushed the white legs together a little apart.

Li Qiuzhi kissed her soft and white calf, and then kissed all the way up the inside of her leg.

When Keqing's skirt was lifted up again, her face turned red and she subconsciously pressed the back of Li Qiuzhi's head.

Half an hour passed.

Ke Qing, who was sitting astride Li Qiuzhi, lay on his chest a little exhausted, and the skirt of her short dress was a little wet.

Her face flushed, and she glared at Li Qiuzhi while panting slightly.

Li Qiuzhi smiled, helped her change out of her dress, picked up Ke Qing and walked outside to the hot spring pool to wash herself a little.

At this time, Ying and the others seemed to be about to leave after taking a bath, but they were knocked upright. Keqing let out a "yeah" and shyly buried her face in Li Qiuzhi's chest.

"You've done something bad to another girl again."

Standing up from the hot spring pool, his snow-white skin was covered with water stains, he hugged his chest and looked at Li Qiuzhi with disdain.

Xiaogong, Xinhai and Barbara, girls who had just lived in the fairyland space for a short time, covered their chests and looked at Li Qiuzhi, blushing slightly.

"Come on, Ke Qing is a little tired. Let me help you improve your strength next." Li Qiuzhi coughed lightly, not embarrassed.

After saying that, he put Keqing down, then sat down in the hot spring pool with Ying in his arms, letting her sit on him.

"I want it too!" Fischer came closer and kissed Li Qiuzhi's lips directly.

"Well, I feel a little dizzy after soaking for a long time, so I'll leave first."

Coral Palace Xinhai was still a bit embarrassed and felt that it was too shameful to post in front of others, so she wanted to leave first.

The same goes for Barbara and Xiao Gong.

But just when they wanted to leave, translucent spiritual tentacles wrapped around their legs from under the water and slowly climbed up.

"Yeah!" Several girls sat down in shock.

"Nilu, can you please dance a little bit?" Li Qiuzhi looked at the girl with long bright red hair and said.

"Okay, okay." Nilu jumped up helplessly in the hot spring pool.

Because of the special skills he acquired from himself, Li Qiuzhi would always ask her to dance next to him when he was practicing with other girls.

I was quite shy at first, but now I'm used to it.

As Nilu started dancing, Li Qiuzhi felt that the effect of his practice immediately improved a lot, including the effect of hot water on condensing energy in the body.

He practiced with Ying for more than ten minutes, and then went to Fischer. At the same time, it was Xiaogong's turn, and finally Xinhai and Barbara.

After practicing until late at night, everyone's strength has improved a lot, and they are all above level 90. For example, Ying and Fischer are already at level 95.

This is the result of Li Qiuzhi's daily efforts. Now his practice progress on his character panel has increased by hundreds of thousands:


It's just that there is still a long way to go to level up.

However, as long as you keep going to the stomach of the cosmic beast every other day or two to gain experience points, it won't take long to improve again.

After practicing in the hot spring pool, Li Qiuzhi helped tidy up a room for Keqing to live in.

In recent days, the girls have also paid attention to helping Li Qiuzhi collect treasures and elemental materials.

In particular, many elemental materials were handed over to Lei Movies and she was asked to help create many high-quality weapons and props.

Even ordinary artifacts have two pieces.

Therefore, the wonderland space has grown rapidly, and the entire space has increased from more than 700 square meters to 930 square meters.

As the space becomes larger, the decoration inside has been improved a lot. Just like a high-end hotel, there is basically no shortage of housing.

No matter how many girls come, it can be accommodated, so tidying up a room for Keqing will naturally not be a problem.

After tidying up the room, he took advantage of the situation and fell asleep with her in Keqing's room.

The next day, early morning.

The comfortable quilt is simply undesirable, even for Keqing. After all, there are many spatial characteristics blessings in the fairyland space.

The quality of sleeping here cannot be compared with other places.

No matter how tiring you are at work today, as long as you sleep, you will be full of energy tomorrow, and no trace of fatigue will be carried over to tomorrow.

With such a comfortable bed, it was understandable that Keqing wanted to sleep a little longer, especially when this guy Li Qiuzhi was pressing on her again, practicing close to her.

Although there was some resistance and shyness at first, after doing it, people really became obsessed with it.

But her sense of responsibility for her work defeated her thoughts of continuing to indulge.

He pinched Li Qiuzhi's waist and asked him to get up quickly and take her back.

Naturally, Li Qiuzhi would not disturb Keqing's work. He kissed her lips one last time, got up and actively helped her get dressed.

During this period, there was inevitably some playful teasing, and the embarrassed Keqing kicked her in the face with her feet wearing black pantyhose.

This time Li Qiuzhi came down obediently.

After changing their clothes, the two went out to eat the breakfast prepared by Noelle, Ying, Barbara and others, and then teleported back to Liyue Port.

"I'm going to the General Affairs Department to make arrangements for today's work."

Ke Qing turned around to leave. She looked around and saw that no one turned back. She quickly kissed Li Qiuzhi on the face and then walked away quickly with a blushing face.

Li Qiuzhi smiled.

"Oh? That's Yu Hengxing, why did she leave in such a hurry?" At this moment, a familiar voice came from behind Li Qiuzhi.

He turned around and saw Xianyun wearing red half-rimmed glasses and a black dress, with her half-exposed plump chest covered in black stockings.

"Hey, why are you here?" Li Qiuzhi avoided her question calmly.

"Hmph, I went out on the street to look for materials for making night lanterns. Unexpectedly, all the stalls didn't have what I needed. It's a bit disappointing."

Xianyun shook his head and said.

"Probably not. With the Hai Lantern Festival approaching, people are in need of making night lanterns. Those stores should have sufficient stocks."

Li Qiuzhi looked somewhat surprised.

"Humph, the night lanterns I made are for Gan Yu and Shen He. They are busy and don't have time to make them like other people. They have the time to make night lanterns.

"I naturally don't want them to fall behind others. If others have it, my disciples will naturally have it too.

"Therefore, I decided to personally make a unique night lantern for them before the Hai Lantern Festival tomorrow.

"But the shops in the city don't have the materials I need. It's a pity!"

Xianyun held his forehead, parted his soft lips and spoke in a slightly disappointed tone.

"What makes a unique night lantern unique?" Li Qiuzhi asked curiously.

"The night lanterns in Benxian Guancheng are all similar. At most, they are slightly different in pattern. The size is still the same, and the shape is still the same."

Xianyun folded his arms, slightly held up his chest wrapped in black stockings, and continued:

"The night lantern I give to my apprentice must be different from other people's. First of all, it must be big, at least as big as the lakeside pavilion in the backyard of Yuehai Pavilion.

"In addition, the shape also needs to be innovative. What do you think about using my fairy bird shape?"

"Well, I think it needs to be discussed." Li Qiuzhi thought to himself, indeed he was indeed Liuyun Jifeng Zhenjun, this idea was really her style.

He thought for a while and said:

"If Zhenjun wants to make such a large night lantern, the shops in the city naturally don't have the relevant materials, so he has to find a way to make it himself.

"And it doesn't matter if the night lantern is bigger, but if the shape changes too much and it doesn't have the shape of a night lantern at all, then it can't be called a night lantern. Maybe it can be called a fairy bird-shaped hot air balloon?

"This way, the festive meaning of the lanterns will be lost.

After hearing Li Qiuzhi's words, Xianyun lowered his head and thought for a moment, then nodded gently:

"What you say doesn't make sense. The night lantern still has to look like a night lantern, but it must be big. Are you willing to help me?"

Xianyun pushed up his red half-rimmed glasses and looked at the young adventurer in front of him.

"Of course there is no problem. I am also very interested in making such a large night lantern."

Naturally, Li Qiuzhi had no reason to refuse the lady's request.

"Very good, then tell me what you think of me?" Xianyun and Li Qiuzhi continued to talk while walking, and at the same time they developed a little liking for him.

[Xianyun has a good impression of you and gains 360 favorability points. The current favorability level is 8 (60/800)]

Looking at the favorability prompt that popped up on the character panel, Li Qiuzhi said with some joy:

"This is not difficult to say. To make a night lantern as big as a pavilion, first of all, its frame must be strong enough.

“Then the outer cover must be made of thick enough lamp paper, and finally there must be pieces of floating stone that can generate enough lift.

"This way, if you light a lamp, it will be enough. The first two are easy to say, but the floating stone fragments may be a bit difficult to find."

As he said this, Li Qiuzhi was also a little troubled.

He, Shen He and the others had discovered a large floating stone in the cave of Zhenjun Minghai Qixia, but it had been handed over to Ningguang to rebuild the Qunyu Pavilion.

Of course, making a night lantern doesn't require such a large floating stone, but even one the size of a fist can't be taken out for the time being.

There is also a one cubic meter Mingxia floating stone in the fairyland space, but that is for collection.

If it is taken out and used, the spatial characteristics it provides will disappear.

"Hmph, it's a simple matter. It's just an floating stone. I'm good at it, but where can I find that huge lamp paper?"

Xianyun asked Li Qiuzhi.

The main materials of the lantern are the outer layer of paper, the wick and a small amount of floating stone fragments.

It's okay to light a candle if there are no floating stone fragments, but flying into the mountains and forests like this can easily cause a fire, so it's clearly prohibited.

Now that Xianyun has the floating stone, other things will be simple.

"It is difficult to buy such large paper lamps, but we only need to collect some wood and find an alchemy synthesis table to synthesize it.

"As for the skeleton, we can also go to the dock to find someone to buy a few pieces of wood, and that should be enough."

While Li Qiuzhi was talking, he suddenly thought that Xianyun, as an immortal, must have a lot of treasures in his body over thousands of years.

Only then can he confidently say that he has plenty of floating stones.

He suddenly wanted Xianyun to live in the fairyland space, so that by collecting her treasures, maybe the space would grow significantly!

She already has an eight-level favorable impression of herself, and if she wants to find an opportunity to extend an invitation, she might not refuse.

But this requires finding the right opportunity, and now it’s a bit abrupt.

"Is it made through alchemy? It's a good idea. It happens that both the paper lantern and the skeleton of the night lantern require wood, so let's go to the dock area and have a look."

Xianyun nodded slightly, then turned and walked towards the dock.

[Xianyun has a good impression of you and gains 300 favorability points. The current favorability level is 8 (360/800)]

Seeing the favorable impression prompt popping up again, Li Qiuzhi followed with a little joy.

Under the hem of the black dress, slender legs wrapped in black stockings stretched out, and the high heels on her feet made a crisp sound as they stepped back and forth.

The two of them carefully confirmed the details of the night lantern as they walked, and it didn't take long before they arrived at the pier.

Thanks to "The Cook Who Loves Fishing" for the 1,666-coin reward!

Thanks to "book friend 20231027939-ea" for the reward!

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