I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 602 The Wonderful Scenery of Thousands of Night Lanterns (2-in-1)

The sky was dark.

Li Qiuzhi has been busy for a long time. He went to Mondstadt, Daozhi, and Xumi to invite many girls to come to Liyue to participate in the lively atmosphere of the Hailantern Festival.

Those who have the ability to "travel between the stars" can be teleported directly to Ningguang. Those who don't have it yet, Li Qiuzhi will pick it up personally.

Like Rosalia and Kamisato Ayaka.

Most of the people who got the invitation had some affection for Li Qiuzhi, even girls like Laila who didn't come because they were afraid of crowded occasions.

After all, this friend Li Qiuzhi enthusiastically invited me over, so it was quite gratifying to come over regardless of the inconvenience.

There is a feeling of being valued by friends.

To inform everyone, Li Qiuzhi finally went to Yuehai Pavilion to inform Gan Yu and Shen He that at this time, they should also get off work.

Moon Sea Pavilion.

When Li Qiuzhi came here, he saw the staff here looking relaxed after get off work. After all, they were busy and on vacation, and everyone was happy.

He walked into Gan Yu's office and saw her and Shen He.

"Hey, why are you here? Are you here to see Shen He?" Gan Yu rubbed his eyes and yawned, saying slightly confused.

"Not just that, I'm here to see you two, mainly because I want to invite you to have a Hai Lantern Festival dinner together at Qunyu Pavilion."

Li Qiuzhi explained.

"Hey, is this so..." Gan Yu hesitated slightly, obviously wanting to accompany his master during this lively festival.

After all, it was rare for Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng to come to Liyue Port.

Li Qiuzhi saw her thoughts, smiled and said, "Zhenjun Liuyun is also over there."

"Since master is here, let's go over and have a look." Shen He looked at his senior sister.

"Well, thank you for the special invitation." Gan Yu nodded and expressed his gratitude to Li Qiuzhi.

[Gan Yu has a good impression of you and gains 320 favorability points. The current favorability level is 8 (660/800)]

Li Qiuzhi was a little happy when he saw the favorable impression prompt popping up on the character panel. He had gained the favor of many girls today.

Many girls' favorability levels are close to the full level, and I'm a little bit looking forward to what kind of favorability skills they will give!

"It's almost time. Please hold my hand and I will take you there."

Li Qiuzhi reached out to the two girls.

Blinking his beautiful silver-white eyes, Shen He took Li Qiuzhi's hand without much hesitation.

Gan Yu next to him opened his eyes slightly.

Oh, he actually took her hand without hesitation. After thinking about it for a while, he saw that his junior sister didn't even care about taking Li Qiuzhi's hand.

She didn't want to take it too seriously, so she stretched out her hand and placed it on Li Qiuzhi's palm as well.

Then she felt her hand being held, and the warm body temperature was transferred to her, which caused a slight blush on her fair face.

[Gan Yu has a good impression of you and gained 340 favorability points. The current favorability level is 9 (200/900)]

Seeing the favorable impression prompt popping up again on the character panel, Li Qiuzhi glanced at Gan Yu in surprise.

It seemed that he was shy. He smiled silently, and then activated his "interstellar travel" ability to teleport to Ningguang in Qunyu Pavilion.

The scene changed in the blink of an eye, from Gan Yu's office to Ning Guang's office.

In addition to Ning Guang, Captain Qin, Yae Shenzi and Kamisato Ayaka are also here. It seems to be such a rare coincidence that they can gather here.

Several people tried to discuss some cooperation in the cultural field.

Li Qiuzhi did not disturb them and took Gan Yu and Shen He out first, outside the office.

He also saw the secretaries Baiwen, Baixiao and Baishi taking many girls such as Sutang and Xiaogong to visit Qunyu Pavilion.

"There are so many people. I have never seen Qunyu Pavilion so lively." Gan Yu was slightly surprised, and then asked, "Speaking of which, where is Zhenjun Liuyun?"

"It should be outside."

Li Qiuzhi next to him answered.

After a while, several people walked to the platform outside Qunyu Pavilion. At this time, there were several round tables placed in the middle.

Several pots and pans were set up on the side. Chef Xiangling and Guo Ba, who were invited from Wanmin Hall, as well as Noelle, Ying and Paimon who volunteered to help, were preparing for the dinner.

Girls like Kelai, Amber, Fischer and more were surrounding the huge night lantern in front of the platform.

Everyone looked at it and couldn't help but let out some exclamations of exclamation.

This made Xianyun, who was standing in front of Xiaodeng, subconsciously raise the corners of his mouth, obviously feeling a little proud of receiving these compliments.

"Zhenjun Liuyun, what are you doing?"

Xianyun suddenly heard a voice calling him from behind, so he turned around and found that it was his apprentice Gan Yu.

Standing next to him were his other disciples Shen He and Li Qiuzhi.

"Have you read this?" Xianyun pointed to the huge night lantern behind him, and then continued:

"Look at Liyue Port, every house is hung with night lanterns, and everyone is holding a night lantern. Naturally, my disciples cannot fall behind."

Night has fallen, and there are many lanterns floating in the sky above Liyue Port.

Some of them are constantly rising, while others are constant at a certain height. Many night lanterns emit red light, lighting up the entire night sky.

Xianyun patted the huge night lantern:

"This is the Hai Lantern Festival gift I prepared for you and Shen He. Of course, this guy Li Qiuzhi also helped a little bit. How satisfied are you?"

"Hey, is it for us? That True Lord doesn't have to bother so much." Gan Yu looked at the ground embarrassedly.

She remembered that Liuyun Zhenjun was always like this before. As long as it was a toy that she had seen on the street, he would definitely make a better one for her when she returned.

It hasn't changed yet, but now I am no longer interested in toys when I was a child. I feel so shy when so many people look at me.

But at the same time, I was also a little moved, and incidentally, I also had a good impression of Li Qiuzhi:

[Gan Yu has a good impression of you and gains 360 favorability points. The current favorability level is 9 (560/900)]

"Thank you, Master." Shen He next to him was much more frank.

"Okay, okay, the thousands of night lanterns in Liyue Port have been raised. Of course, our night lanterns cannot fall behind. The final installation of the floating stone and the lighting of the candles will be left to the two of you."

Xianyun used immortal magic to take out the big candle and floating stone and handed them to Gan Yu and Shen He respectively.

The two looked at each other, nodded slightly, and then installed the candles and floating stones one after another under everyone's gaze.

There was no surprise. After the last floating stone was installed, the pavilion-sized night lantern slowly rose up.

The red color looks like it is flowing into the sky with people's wishes and blessings.

Happy Lantern Festival!

Everyone's eyes were fixed on the huge night lantern, and at the same time, it was time to release the night lantern in Liyue Port.

Thousands of night lanterns rise slowly like stars.

This is especially clear in Qunyu Pavilion.

The Ningguang group and the girls who were visiting the Qunyu Pavilion who were discussing matters came out. Beidou and Rosalia were sitting on the table drinking wine.

But all his eyes were focused on the thousands of lights in Liyue Harbor below. Such a wonder could only be seen once a year.

Let everyone feel that their trip is worthwhile.

Soon, all the lanterns were floating in the sky, the dinner was ready, and everyone sat down at the table.

The good times pass quietly like a fleeting moment.

After the dinner, everyone naturally went to Liyue Port for a walk. The Hai Lantern Festival is the busiest time of the year in Liyue Port.

How to get to Liyue Port quickly? Naturally, "traveling among the stars" is faster.

Li Qiuzhi only needs to send Hu Tao back to the Rebirth Hall, and then everyone can teleport to Hu Tao.

But before that, there were still a few girls in Qunyu Pavilion who didn't have "road marks".

Li Qiuzhi took this opportunity to give them the "beacon". It would be a good idea to treat it as a Hai Lantern Festival gift.

He first came to Beidou and Rosalia, who were sitting at the same table and drinking together.

At this time, there was a slight blush on their faces, which was obviously due to drinking too much. As soon as Li Qiuzhi came over, Beidou hugged his neck, and then put his wine glass to his mouth:

"Haha, I'm quite happy today, come and have a drink with me!"

Li Qiuzhi didn't have the habit of drinking, but he didn't mind drinking. Since he put it to his mouth, he took a sip before saying:

"I came here to give you a gift."

He briefly introduced the function of "beacon".

"Oh, doesn't it matter that such a powerful thing is given to us like this?" Beidou took a big sip of wine and said with some surprise.

"Of course it doesn't matter. 'Daobao' is not a rare thing to me. I can give it to you. It would be nice to visit and chat with you often."

Li Qiuzhi smiled and said.

"Okay, then I'll accept it without mercy." Being able to obtain the ability to teleport is very useful for Beidou who is often at sea.

Moreover, it was a gift from a friend, so she naturally had no reason to refuse.

[Beidou has a good impression of you and gains 460 favorability points. The current favorability level is 7 (560/700)]

Looking at the prompts that popped up on the character panel, Li Qiuzhi was quite happy to teach Beidou how to integrate the "beacon".

After finishing it, he looked at Rosalia:

"The ability to teleport is quite useful to you, right? When you're bored at work, you can sneak over here and have a drink with Beidou.

"When I think I will be discovered by the nuns, I can teleport to Barbara and return to the church."

Rosalia found the application direction given by Li Qiuzhi indeed very attractive, so she nodded and happily took the "guideline".

[Rosalia has developed a liking for you and gained 470 favorability points. The current favorability level is 7 (600/700)]

After delivering the "beacon" to Beidou and Rosalia, Li Qiuzhi came to Kamisato Ayaka who was sitting with Xiaomiya, Shenzi, Kujo Sera, Kuki Shinobu, and Kirarayoshi.

Yae Shenzi has always been very willing to cooperate with Li Qiuzhi, so after she mentioned it a little bit, she and the general also had a "sign" sent by Li Qiuzhi.

Linghua and Sanluo happily agreed. After all, they could contact the general at any time, and they could even teleport after asking for permission.

This is quite attractive to Kamisato Ayaka and Kujo Sora, especially Kujo Sora.

Therefore, they accepted Li Qiuzhi's gift without hesitation.

[Kamizato Ayaka has a good impression of you and gained 520 favorability points. The current favorability level is 7 (600/700)]

[Kujo Sora has a good impression of you and gains 580 favorability points. The current favorability level is 7 (380/700)]

Li Qiuzhi also gained the favor of the two of them relatively smoothly.

On the other hand, Kuki Shinobu and Kira Ryo were just ordinary people in Inazuma. In addition to respecting the general, they were also a little afraid of the prestige.

Therefore, I am a little scared to keep in touch with the general at any time, especially when I can be contacted at any time by the Yae Palace Secretary.

This made Kuki Shinobi feel like he was retreating.

But when she saw Yae Kamiko's faint smile, she suddenly felt that if she didn't accept the result, it might be worse.

I had no choice but to take over the "road sign".

[Kuki Shinobu has developed a liking for you and gained 380 points of favorability. The current favorability level is 9 (200/900)]

Seeing that everyone accepted it, Qi Liangliang did not refuse. With the ability to teleport, she would be more efficient in delivering cross-border express delivery.

This makes her look forward to it very much!

[Qi Liangliang has a good impression of you and gains 430 favorability points. The current favorability level is 6 (530/600)]

As prompts popped up on the character panel, the favorability of Inazuma's girls towards him improved a lot.

For example, Kuki-nin is almost at the max level for him.

Next, there are Gan Yu and Xianyun. As long as they are given another "beacon", all the girls present will basically master the ability of "interstellar travel".

Li Qiuzhi came to Gan Yu and Xianyun's table.

He also told them about the function of "beacons" and gave them as gifts for the Hai Lantern Festival. He said with a smile:

"In this case, it should be very convenient whether Gan Yu wants to return to Aozang Mountain in the future or whether Zhenjun wants to come to Liyue Port to meet his disciples."

"Eh, okay, thank you."

In fact, Gan Yu had a magical method that could quickly travel to and from Aozang Mountain, but she did not refuse the kindness of her friend Li Qiuzhi.

After all, the teleportation ability of "interstellar travel" is more convenient than his own magic.

So he happily accepted it.

[Gan Yu has a good impression of you and gains 420 favorability points. The current favorability level is 10 (full level)]

Xianyun is quite interested in the function of "Beacon" which is similar to a void terminal and can keep in touch with others at any time.

After all, the coverage area of ​​the Void Terminal is only two countries, but it can ignore distance, so there is nothing wrong with holding it.

"Well, thank you very much. I will return the gift for the Hai Lantern Festival."

Pushing up her red half-rimmed glasses, Xianyun said while hugging her breasts covered by black silk fabric.

[Xianyun has a good impression of you and gained 420 favorability points. The current favorability level is 9 (280/900)]

Li Qiuzhi was very happy when he saw two favorable impression prompts popping up on the task panel. Today was really a fruitful day.

Not only did Xianyun and Jiuqi Ren express their affection for him to the ninth level, but Gan Yu even reached the full level!

This means that he can gain another favorability skill!

Sure enough, the character panel also popped up a prompt to gain favorability skills:

[With sincerity and perseverance, you will be deeply connected with your own destiny that has no intersection. From now on, the girl's destiny star will shine with you, and you will gain the ability: follow the moon. 】

The previous chapter was revised and a few hundred words were added to speed up the process of getting favored by girls.

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