I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 623: Following (two in one)

Fontaine, Opéra Opécle.

Funina and Clolinde went out in front, and Li Qiuzhi followed behind.

Since they had no intention of hiding, Fonina and Clolind also noticed that someone was following them.

"Hey, you guys, it's very impolite to follow the Lord Water God who is admired by thousands of people.

"Huh, seeing as I'm in a good mood today, I won't accuse you for the time being."

Fu Nina, who was walking in the corridor of the opera house, turned around and looked at Li Qiuzhi and the others dissatisfied.

At the same time, I suddenly felt a familiar feeling in my heart, as if I had seen these people in front of me somewhere.

Clolinde next to her had already put her hand on the sword at her waist, as if she would draw the sword whenever they made any move.

"Ah, no, no, we just have something to do with you." Paimon quickly waved his hand and said after hearing the accusation.

"There are so many people who want to see the Water God every day. You guys, please go and don't disturb Lady Funina to rest."

Clolinde said calmly.

In fact, "that" Li Qiuzhi's purpose of being able to speak has been achieved, just when he was about to explain.

"Wait!" Funina looked at Li Qiuzhi and the others and said in surprise:

"I recognize you!

"The boy with short black hair, the blond traveler and the flying elf, oh, you are the travelers, right?!"

"Wow, it turns out that even Lord Water God recognizes us, hehe." Little Paimon said excitedly.

"Hmph, I have heard about your deeds in other countries before, and I just read your reports the day before yesterday. I have been looking forward to your coming to Fontaine!"

[Funina has a good impression of you and gains 320 favorability points. The current favorability level is 3 (20/300)]

Li Qiuzhi was a little surprised when she saw the prompt that popped up on the character panel. It seemed that she was really looking forward to them coming to Fontaine.

Funina crossed her arms, raised her white chin slightly, looked at them with pride and said:

"Hmph, that's right. A showdown between the Water God and a famous traveler would definitely be very entertaining!"

She pointed at Li Qiuzhi and the others and said:

"I will accuse you of following the most popular god in Fontaine, which is me, Fonina!"

"Hey!" Pamon said in surprise, "Didn't you just say you won't accuse me?"

"Just now was just now, and now is now." Fu Nina said with a proud look on her face, "If you win, I will listen to you for a while to find out what you want from me."

"Oh?" Li Qiuzhi smiled in surprise. It seemed that the Lord Water God was very playful. He thought for a moment and said:

"Then Lord Water God, how are you sure that we are following you? We just happen to be walking on the same road. There is no reason to say that everyone behind you is following you."

As he spoke, he spread his hands to express his helplessness.

"That's right, we just happened to be walking on the same road as you, so we didn't follow you!" Pamon argued with his hands on his hips.

Yingye nodded slightly.

"Hmph, I just heard you say you came here specifically to find me. What else could it be if you weren't following me? Clolind, you heard it too, right?"

Funina looked at the lady wearing a blue side hat next to her.

"" Clolind sighed slightly, nodded helplessly and said, "Well, I did hear it."

She actually didn't want to mess around with Funina, but who made her the water goddess?

"Look, I have a witness now!" Funina looked at Li Qiuzhi and the others proudly.

"This doesn't mean anything. Although we do want to find you for something, we originally wanted to come to you after the trial.

"Now we actually came out to use the toilet, but we just happened to meet you on the road and asked you by the way, and we also have witnesses.

"That's the staff inside the opera house. When we come out, ask the staff to help look at the seats."

Ying held her chin and thought for a while, then calmly defended herself to them.

"Hmm" After hearing Ying's words, Funina immediately recalled what other strong evidence she had to prove that Li Qiuzhi and the others were indeed following her.

But she thought for a moment, but couldn't find any evidence to refute it.

Thinking that she had to go for dessert and then go back to watch the trial, Funina sighed and said: "Oh, okay, let's just say you won this time. Tell me, what do you want from me?"

"Hey, it's so easy to win." Paimon saw Funina admitting defeat. He was about to sigh that it was easy to win against the Water God, but was interrupted by Clolind's slight cough:

"Ahem, tell me if you have anything to do. Lady Funina still needs to rest."

It was rare for Fu Nina to speak softly first. If she was overheard later, based on her understanding of Fu Nina, she might immediately feel that she had lost face and become angry and look for reasons to accuse her.

That would be annoying.

At this time, Paimon also reacted and said sheepishly: "Ah, yes, you can tell me."

She looked at Li Qiuzhi to prevent herself from almost saying the wrong thing again.

Li Qiuzhi nodded, looked at Funina and said, "I wonder if Lord Water God has ever heard of the 'Void Internet'?"

"Are you talking about something that is relatively popular in Xumi and Liyue recently? It is said that you can communicate regardless of distance, and you can also read content posted by others, just like a newspaper."

Funina was no stranger to the "Void Internet". When she first learned that it could do such a thing, she ordered her men to go to Xumi and buy a void terminal.

Unfortunately, she couldn't use it once she left Xumi's realm, which really made her feel lost for a while.

"No, as long as you log in to the 'Void Internet', you can find your favorite content on the Internet anytime and anywhere, and the content you publish can also be seen by people in different regions.

"It is said that Fontaine's law-repaying power is transformed from the belief in justice. If the opera house trial can be broadcast live through the 'Void Internet'.

"Then maybe the way to obtain faith is no longer limited to Fontaine. I guess this can also convert more energy."

Li Qiuzhi introduced the detailed functions of the "Void Internet".

Funina became more and more excited as she listened, and she wanted to immediately log onto the "Void Internet" to check it out. However, when she thought of the void terminal in her hand that was motionless no matter how she operated it, she sighed and said:

"What's the use of telling me this? This kind of thing can't be used in Fontaine."

"This is because the 'Void Internet' has not yet covered Fengdan here." Li Qiuzhi explained.

"Then why not cover it?" Funina asked doubtfully.

"This is a good question. In fact, it is mainly due to the problem of insufficient energy that the "Void Internet" can only maintain the two countries but cannot cover them.

"That's why I want to cooperate with you this time. I want you to allow the 'Cardinal Adjudication' to convert the law-compensated hybrid energy to provide for the operation of the city, and at the same time provide energy to the 'Void Internet'.

"This way the network can be covered. I wonder what the Lord Water God wants?"

The coverage of the "Void Internet" is very helpful to any country. Generally, there are no surprises and there is a high probability that it will not be rejected.

"Well?" Funina hesitated a little.

If she could really control the Cardinal Advocate, she agreed without saying a word. Anyway, supplying energy to the city is provided, and it is also provided to the "Void Internet", so this is not a big problem.

But the problem is that she cannot control the oracle. It has been operating on its own since it was created.

The mixed energy will be delivered in quantitative quantities by itself, and it is just enough for the operation of the city of Fontaine.

If they were used for the coverage of the "Void Internet", many security agencies in the city and other things that use hybrid energy would lack energy.

"Forget it, the Cardinal's decree is of great importance and cannot be used at will, so I refuse." Funina shook her head and said.

"Refuse?" Li Qiuzhi was a little surprised, "Don't you want to use the Internet to gain more righteous beliefs?

“In this way, you can provide energy to the Internet, gain more righteous beliefs through the Internet, and use part of the converted energy to continue to expand the coverage.

"Then you can get more righteous beliefs from people in the newly covered areas. Thinking about it this way, it is not only good for you but also good for us.

"It's totally a win-win cooperation, why reject it?"

Clolind next to Fu Nina also looked at Fu Nina with some confusion, if it was really possible to cooperate as Li Qiuzhi said.

This is indeed beneficial to both parties.

"Hmph, just, even if it is cooperation, how can I agree to it as soon as it comes up? Don't I need to understand the situation first? What if you lie to me? Anyway, think about it first, and I will give you an answer in a few days."

Funina said dissatisfied.

Indeed, no matter how you think about it, compared to gathering righteous beliefs in this small opera house, you can definitely get more on the "Void Internet" covering several countries.

And the law-compensation energy transformed from the opera house-level belief in justice can maintain the operation of such a large country. That is the belief collected on such a large scale as the "Void Internet".

It was a bit hard for Fu Nina to imagine how terrifying the amount was.

Although he often acts nonsense as a water god, there is no reason to reject something that is of such great benefit to Fengdan.

"It makes sense. Then Lord Water God, we will come back to you in a few days."

Li Qiuzhi smiled and said.

"Well, just come to Momang Palace when the time comes. Clolind will bring you to me." Funina relaxed a little, and she looked at Clolind next to her:

"Let's go to the lounge and buy some desserts."

If she kept talking, she was afraid that she wouldn't be able to bear it anymore, so she agreed immediately.

"Okay, Lady Funina." Clolind nodded to Li Qiuzhi and the others as she stepped forward to leave.

Based on their improved cooperation that was beneficial to Fontaine, she also developed a slight affection for a few people:

[Clorind has a good impression of you and gains 320 favorability points. The current favorability level is 3 (20/300)]

I talked with Funina about cooperation and made some progress.

However, the lack of confidence she showed when she mentioned the Cardinal's decree made Li Qiuzhi a little concerned.

It's as if she didn't build the oracle and ruling cardinal.

However, according to the data records, this magical machine that can collect the belief in justice and convert it into the hybrid energy of law was indeed built by the god Fukaros, that is, Funina just now.

Fukalos is her demon name, just like the movie Beyond Thunder also has a name called Balzebul.

Li Qiuzhi, Ying, and Paimon were thinking strangely as they walked into the opera house.

He is now somewhat certain that Funina is not the water god Fukalos, if she is an incarnation controlled by the water god, or a doll or something like that.

When the memories are shared, the expression of lack of confidence will generally not appear.

Li Qiuzhi felt that it was necessary to investigate the reason and find out the real water god Fukalos.

Otherwise, judging from Fu Nina's appearance, she seems to be unable to make a decision when faced with such a good cooperation project.

After all, she was only level 36. Even though she had the status of Water God, she probably couldn't do many things without the corresponding powers.

When the trial ends later, I might have to follow her around a little bit.

After returning to the opera house and sitting in the stands for a while, Fonina and Clolinde came back soon. At this time, the Supreme Inquisitor Navilette also found out the identity of the thief.

Not surprisingly, there is indeed a problem with the identity of this thief.

According to the investigation, the thief was a relatively poor man living in Gray River. He also had a gambling hobby and owed a lot of gambling debts.

He learned this from his neighbours.

Moreover, this so-called thief usually has to stagger away even to carry a bucket of water, and his neighbors don't think he can have such agility to steal things.

The supreme judge gave him a chance to tell the truth, otherwise he would be sentenced to a heavier sentence. If he cooperated, he could be given a lighter punishment.

The thief was so frightened that he confessed everything under the majesty of Navilette, the supreme judge.

According to him, someone came to him and offered to help him pay off his gambling debts, but in exchange he had to become a thief and admit his guilt at trial.

As for who found him, it was obviously Fleur.

It was true that someone had his contract stolen from him, but it wasn't the gambler who he had found as his scapegoat. He couldn't find any specific one.

The reason for doing this is just to pin the blame on Kirill. The main purpose is to suppress competitors.

After all, Kirill publicly stated that it had optimized the security agency production line and reduced costs a lot. In this way, no one would be able to beat Kirill's chamber of commerce in terms of cost control in a short time.

That was a bit hard for Fleur to swallow.

After all, if the contract is gone, it will only mean that there are fewer security agencies to sell, and if the goods cannot be sold, the chamber of commerce may go bankrupt.

Fleur wanted to use the trial as an opportunity to suppress his opponent.

And see if Kirill can prove through trial why the production speed of his security agency can be increased.

In this way, even if he cannot suppress Kirill, he can still know what production process he optimized.

Change first and then change.

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