I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 627 Black Tower Ladies Single Push Association (two-in-one)

The bright sunshine in the afternoon shines through the window and falls on the spotlessly clean ground.

Li Qiuzhi is also thinking about building a good relationship with Fukaros and Funina, and finding ways to cooperate to build the "Void Internet".

Cooperating with Arecino to steal the heart of God, wouldn't it be equivalent to causing trouble for yourself?

"Of course, if possible, the 'Hearth House' doesn't want to go against the Water God. Regarding the matter of God's Heart, I will wait for the right time.

"Next step, the 'Hearth House' is going to let Linney and the others apply to perform at the Opéra Opéra, and take the opportunity to figure out the operating principle of the Cardinal Annunciation.

"At the same time, the secrets hidden deep in Merlo Petersburg also require manpower. If possible, I would like to entrust you with the latter matter."

Arecino said, crossing his arms.

Originally, she wanted to wait until Linni and the others had finished investigating the opera house before arranging to go to Merlot Petersburg, but if Li Qiuzhi and the others could cooperate.

Perhaps it would be more appropriate to let them go to Merlot Petersburg.

After all, the Duke who manages Merlo Petersburg is not a simple person. If Linni and the others are accidentally noticed by the other party, their strength will not be enough to protect themselves.

But Li Qiuzhi and the others are different. Their strength is enough to deal with all troubles.

Linni and the others want to investigate the Cardinal Advocate. Can they really find anything? After all, Fukalos is over there.

As for Merlot Petersburg, Li Qiuzhi originally wanted to investigate there, so it didn't matter if he shared the results of the investigation with her.

By the way, you can also get commission money and goodwill, so there seems to be no problem in agreeing.

It's just that on Linni's side, in order to prevent them from actually discovering any problems and being caught by Fukalos, Li Qiuzhi felt that they had to be more careful.

When I know the date of their performance, maybe I can go and check it out.

Li Qiuzhi pondered, and used the beacon to discuss with Ying and Paimon. After confirming that there were no problems, he agreed to the commission.

"It's a pleasure to cooperate." Arecino said with a slight smile.

[Arecino becomes fond of you and gets 3 favorability levels 4 (60/400)]

A prompt for gaining favor popped up. Li Qiuzhi nodded and said:

"I will go to Merlot Petersburg as soon as possible."

[Linette has a good impression of you and gains 320 favorability points. The current favorability level is 4 (380/400)]

Immediately afterwards, another impression prompt popped up. It was Linnette next to him who had developed a liking for him.

Probably because they agreed to cooperate with "Hearth House".

"Well, do you have any ideas on how to sneak into Merlo Petersburg? If not, we can give you some advice." Arecino continued.

"Well, it's not like you took the initiative to commit a crime and then got caught. That's no need."

Li Qiuzhi shook his head and said.

Merlot-Petersburg served as the prison for all of Fontaine, and anyone who needed to be detained went there, whether it was for a day's sentence or a year's sentence.

So it's not difficult to sneak in, but he's not a notorious fool.

You can go to Funina and ask her to help you enter in an open and fair manner, and you can even ask the managers there to cooperate.

There's no need to go to such trouble.

"Okay, come back to the 'Buffati Mansion' after the investigation is completed. If I go out on official duties, you can just hand over the information to Linni and the others."

Arecino crossed his arms and leaned back on the chair.


After the discussion, Li Qiuzhi and the others were ready to leave. Linni, Linnette and the blond boy with freckles sent a few people off.

Paimon saw that the blond boy seemed a little shy, so he took the initiative to introduce himself, and then asked his name.

As expected, he was very shy. He squeaked a few times before whispering the word "Fimini", and nothing more.

Lynette added later.

Femini is the younger brother of Linny and Linnet. He is shy and inarticulate, and his hobby is diving.

After a simple greeting, Li Qiuzhi told Linni and the others that they didn't have to send them off, and that he, Ying, and Paimon could just leave by themselves.

The current time is around two o'clock in the afternoon. It should be ten o'clock at the Black Tower Space Station, and it has been long since get off work.

Li Qiuzhi planned to go over and check if there was any solution to the crisis in the original sea of ​​​​fetuses.

So he explained it to Ying and Paimon. They felt a little tired and were going to go back to the fairyland space to rest.

It happened that the three of them returned to the fairyland space together.

Ying and Paimon went back to their room for a lunch break, and Li Qiuzhi opened the "Void Star Sea" and walked in. At the same time, the "Sword God of Ying" at the Black Tower Space Station also opened the "Void Star Sea".

Li Qiuzhi returned to the Black Tower Space in this way. After all, the location where the Wonderland Space opened the door moved with his position.

Now that he appears in Fontaine, there is no way to open the door directly from the Wonderland Space back to the Black Tower Space Station, and there is no one who owns the "Beacon" there.

Therefore, it is natural to need the "Void Sea of ​​Stars" as a transit.

Because he was already off work, Li Qiuzhi naturally appeared in the room. He took back the "Sword God of Ying" and took out his mobile phone to log in to the "Interstellar Peace Network".

Benefiting from "ultra-distance remote sensing technology", the "Interstellar Peace Network" can theoretically cover all places in the galaxy with "ultra-distance network base stations".

Generally speaking, except for unexplored and unknown star fields, most planets with known life will have branches of the "Interstellar Peace Company".

In order to communicate with the headquarters, "over-distance network base stations" will naturally be built.

In this case, Li Qiuzhi can basically search for all kinds of information across the galaxy on the "Interstellar Peace Network", and there is a high probability that he can find situations similar to the original Fetal Sea Crisis.

Of course, there may be some more dangerous star areas that are not suitable for building "over-the-distance network base stations", and there is a high probability that there will be no signal in those places.

He entered these contents into the search box and clicked "Search": The blood vessels of a certain creature flowed from the water of the original fetal sea in the early days of the planet. How to solve the problem that it will be dissolved when it comes into contact with the water of the primitive fetal sea?

The response speed is very fast, and relevant information pops up quickly on the page:

"What kind of planet would have a primitive sea of ​​​​wombs that breeds life? The "Boshi Society" planetary knowledge early education small class will answer it for you." [Newcomer discount: 39999 credits]

""Ranger" Mark Pollach discovered the primitive sea of ​​​​fetuses on the Emerald Star" [Recent Hot Topics]

"The "Bokusho Society" research proves that long-term drinking of the water of the original fetal sea can cure infertility to a certain extent" [Please pay to read the paper for details]

Li Qiuzhi's idea that relevant information is easy to find seems a bit wrong, because not every planet has such a thing as the primitive sea of ​​​​wombs.

First of all, there is a high probability that a planet with no extraordinary power at all or a relatively low energy level will not exist.

Because the original fetal sea contains a large amount of planetary energy, and the planetary energy can overflow to form the fetal sea, it means that the energy level of this planet is very high.

It is unlikely that intelligent life on such a planet would not have its own extraordinary system.

Secondly, even if some planets have very high energy levels, they may not necessarily have a primitive sea of ​​embryos. After all, depending on the environment of each planet, it can also have other forms of expression.

For example, a world-class tree of life, a super mineral vein hidden underground, etc. are all possible.

Therefore, even compared to all developed star fields, planets with primitive fetal seas are relatively rare, and there are no examples of using the water of the primitive fetal sea to create humans.

It seems that just because the universe is very large, there will definitely be similar situations. Li Qiuzhi thought with a little regret.

Otherwise, no matter how much relevant information there is, with the accuracy of the "Interstellar Peace Company" search engine and the detailed description he has given, the relevant information should have popped up long ago.

In fact, in addition to this information, when Li Qiuzhi searched just now, an advertisement for a question and answer service popped up next to the webpage.

According to the advertising information, if you have any unclear questions, you can click on the ad link and enter the question you want to ask.

After inputting, the system will automatically match the "Boshi Society" that has a cooperative relationship with the "Interstellar Peace Company", and scholars in related fields will provide manual answers.

But Li Qiuzhi saw that just asking the system to match a scholar would require 20,000 credits, and the scholar's service fee would have to be paid after matching!

The fee is based on comprehensive pricing such as the scholar's knowledge level and reputation, and the matching fee is a drop in the bucket compared to the service fee.

Although Li Qiuzhi's monthly salary at the Black Tower Space Station is quite high, not to mention that he has not been paid yet, even if he is paid, he may not be willing to spend so many credits.

I don't know if the "Interstellar Peace Company" is crazy about money. Even if the payment for knowledge is reasonable, setting such a high price is really not close to the people.

Alas, who allowed this "Interstellar Peace Company" to have an absolute monopoly in all areas of the galaxy? The existence of such a sole giant company in the universe is simply outrageous.

Perhaps this is the effect of having the "Star God" behind him.

Just when Li Qiuzhi was about to give up the search and go to some academic forums and other websites to ask questions, he suddenly thought that his mobile phone could not only log in to the "Interstellar Peace Network".

You can also log in to the internal network of the "Black Tower Space Station".

The scholars here are already the most elite group in the galaxy. Maybe if you send it out and ask, there might be interested people who can discuss it together.

Thinking of this, Li Qiuzhi quit the "Interstellar Peace Network" and opened the intranet software of the "Black Tower Space Station".

Face verification started in the background, and in less than a tenth of a second, it quickly entered the internal network of the space station.

The interface of the space station's intranet is simple and contains various information such as news consultation and academic discussions.

Li Qiuzhi quickly edited the news and published it:

"Autumn comes again every year": "Who has done research on the primitive fetal sea? Do you think that if the blood vessels of a certain creature are flowing in the primitive fetal sea water of the early planet, and this creature comes into contact with the primitive fetal sea? It will be dissolved in water, so how to solve this problem?" (Doubt)

There are quite a lot of night owls on the space station. Not long after Li Qiuzhi posted the message, someone answered:

"Bilgava": "Ah, damn it, it's already night, and you scholars are still discussing these vexing academic issues. Don't you know you have some time to relax!!"

"Green Fat Sea": "The world is deteriorating and people's hearts are not as old as they used to be. It seems that it is time for the poster to understand the rules of the 'Black Tower Space Station'!"

"Destroying People": "It is recommended to execute him directly, the death penalty!"

Looking at the replies from netizens, Li Qiuzhi's head was full of black lines. Aren't those scholars usually quite serious? But as expected, everyone was the same online, and their true nature was exposed.

Helpless, he continued to send messages:

"Autumn comes again every year": "Please don't fool around, I really want to know about this issue, please. (Please, please)"

"Destroy the People": "Ah, if you don't want to be ridiculous, I suggest you ask Ms. Black Tower. I remember that none of the staff of the space station seems to be studying the direction of the primitive embryo sea. After all, you have to go to the field to study that thing. You It looks like there is a primitive sea of ​​​​fetus in the space station. Just buying a few liters and studying the ingredients is of no use."

"Aleale is not stupid": "What the person above said is right."

I wish I could ask Ms. Heita to send the message online. Li Qiuzhi looked at the reply speechlessly:

"Autumn comes again every year": "Okay, do you know how to contact Ms. Black Tower or go to see her?"

"Flying a spaceship without a license": "It's simple. First you have to be a genius in the 'Genius Club', and then just go to the office and knock on the door."

I am a genius, so I studied Li Qiuzhi myself and became even more helpless. I only knew how to make sarcastic remarks.

"Mars Robot": "I'm not sleepy anymore when talking about Ms. Black Tower. Come on, if you want to know the latest trends of Ms. Black Tower, join the group. Maybe you will be lucky enough to meet her. (Single recommendation from Ms. Black Tower) Association link)"

Black Tower Ladies Single Push Association? There is such a group chat. Li Qiuzhi opened it curiously, and then the page jumped and entered a group chat interface. The top information was:

——"Autumn is coming again every year" Enter the group chat through the link——

"Famous but not with": "Oh, there's a new guy here, welcome! (smile)"

"Mars Robot": "This guy wants to see Ms. Black Tower to ask some academic questions. He is laughing so hard. I have never seen such an innocent person. I brought him in to show you. (Sneaky smile)"

"Red-haired Turtle Dove": "Oh, it's not easy to meet Ms. Black Tower. It is said that Ms. Black Tower will occasionally go there when there are novel objects in the special analysis room."

"Famous but not famous": "Speaking of which, the space station has not received any rare items for a while."

"Gua Tian Li Yu": "So, if you can find a new rare item somewhere for Ms. Heita to collect, maybe she will be willing to have a word with you."

oh? Li Qiuzhi's eyes lit up when he saw the last person's speech. Perhaps this was a way to meet Ms. Heita. He asked:

"Autumn comes again every year": "What kind of strange objects is Ms. Black Tower interested in?"

"Famous but not possessive": "It doesn't have to be a rare thing. As long as it is interesting, Ms. Black Tower will be interested. If there is anything, you can ask Esta for help."

Interesting things, Li Qiuzhi smiled. There were quite a lot of Teyvat. It seemed that the matter of meeting Ms. Black Tower was settled.

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