I Can Give the Origin of Everything (I Can Grant Origin Powers To Anything)

Chapter 427 Do you want to rest in peace after provoking me?

Old brother died.

It seems to be going well.

The two joined forces, and in just a few minutes, they beheaded a master of the upper realm...

And the opponent is still a veteran grandmaster, with rich combat experience to the point where it almost exceeds the sum of the two of them.

But they are taking advantage of the opponent's rich combat experience.

Xu Lingjun knew that no matter how the two of them calculated, the old brother was not such an easy-to-calculate person. Once they showed the slightest sign, all the subsequent plans would be immediately understood by the old brother.

That being the case, just use the wisdom of old brother

Isn't he able to see through...then let him see through.

He had known that Xu Lingjun would sneak up on him, so Xu Lingjun would sneak up on him honestly and let him be prepared in advance, so that Xu Lingjun could use all his full blows...

I'm afraid the old brother would never have imagined that there would be someone who could withstand the full blow of a master of the upper realm, and then return it several times.

In fact, this is their only chance of winning.

This battle seemed to be going smoothly, but in fact, if the old brother's action was delayed a little bit, if Xu Lingjun's endurance could not bear it, or if the old brother's reaction was a little faster, he could avoid the fatal blow.

The situation at this time will undoubtedly be reversed immediately.

Xu Lingjun and Regret Yuncheng couldn't even escape...

A seemingly simple plan, but it is perfect because of its simplicity...

This plan was finalized after Xu Lingjun and Regret Yuncheng discussed it overnight, and it made perfect use of the characteristics of the two people's skills.

Even so, after successfully beheading the old brother.

Xu Lingjun could hardly even move, regretting that Yuncheng had just been injured by his powerful blow...that is to say, he was rough-skinned and thick-skinned.

Fuyuan took a bottle of spiritual blood potion and drank it slowly.

Xu Lingjun sighed in his heart. He lost more than half of the source value of this operation, and he didn't know if he could get back the cost if he returned to the Polar Star Battlefield.

Regretful Cloud City even staggered up,

Looking at the old brother who was lying on the ground, he said with regret: "It's a pity that I couldn't explain your real identity to him. I really want to see his expression when he knows your real identity..."

"If the opponent is this kind of person, let's be a little careless, maybe the person lying here is us."

Xu Lingjun shook his head and said: "Don't talk too much nonsense with the enemy. In my opinion, there is only one kind of enemy that can be considered a good enemy, and that is the enemy who died."

"Been taught a lesson."

Regret Yuncheng said something seriously, feeling that what Xu Lingjun said made sense.

Xu Lingjun closed his eyes, and said in a low voice, "Xiaoya, you can start acting now."

In the arsenal, Gundam, who had been stripped of all weapons, had already woken up. Hearing the master's order, she finally started to move.

Break free from the chains that bind you.

Under the traction of the sensor, the weapons placed in extremely distant places all flew up by themselves, heading towards the main body, smashing through all obstacles along the way.

In only thirty seconds, Infinite Justice had finished dressing up again.

The battle armor did not return to Xu Lingjun's side, but flew up and flew towards the scientific research institute... Even if there is a one in ten thousand possibility, Xu Lingjun and the others cannot allow the loss of the changing capsule.

Two minutes later.

Accompanied by intense artillery fire...

The Academy of Sciences has been directly bombarded by artillery fire, including the researchers inside, and none of them were spared!

And the soaring artillery fire instantly awakened the remaining pirates. Their reactions were extremely fast, and they guessed the plan to turn the tiger away from the mountain at the first moment.

Immediately, he rushed out with a weapon in hand, only to find that at some point in the street, those old guys seemed to have gone crazy, biting and tearing raw meat when they saw anyone, their crazy attitude was even more crazy than usual.

I used to know that it was cooked anyway.

"Quick, go find the boss!"

These pirates hurried forward to help control those former brothers, and some people have already rushed towards the palace...

But when they rushed in, they found that there was no one on the ground except for a pool of blood and the completely dismembered old brother.

"Boss... is dead?"

The pirate who came to report the news had a dull expression on his face, unable to believe what happened in front of him...

But lying there with a sluggish face, the lifeless corpse was clearly the boss.

Boss is really dead.

How can this be……

You know, the old brother fled from the Polar Star battlefield when he was young, and after he became a pirate, he was invincible, and he almost never suffered. He was able to retreat from any enemy even if he was lost.

He even built this huge family business when he was old. In a sense, he is a more remarkable existence than the founding emperor of the Great Xia, because he almost built a civilization by himself.

But who knew that now, he would die like this, quietly.

"No, Tiaohulishan, we have been fooled, the enemy still has attacks, and the enemy has other methods!"

The pirate reacted quickly and exclaimed: "Heavy arsenal, we must quickly distribute the weapons in the heavy arsenal."

In order to ensure the stability of his rule, Old Brother does not allow anyone other than the soldiers under his rule to hold heavy weapons.

But now...

If these pirates could obtain these weapons, they might be able to stabilize the situation again.

Thinking about it, the pirate rummaged through the old brother and found the key.

Then rushed in the direction of the heavy arsenal.

Ten minutes later, when he came to a heavy metal gate, he opened it directly with his pupils and a key, before he even had time to see what was inside.

A fierce gust of wind came, and the pirate felt his field of vision turned upside down. When he settled down completely, he saw two pairs of feet slowly change from invisible to tangible, walking in front of them... and then endless darkness came .

"This is their arsenal of heavy weapons. If this place is destroyed, the martial arts skills of these pirates will not be enough to deal with those zombies."

"Then what are you talking about, let's do it!"

"Wait a minute, there are some weapons in it that we can use, I have a capsule, I can take some of them."

Xu Lingjun stepped in.

After a long time, he came out.

After all, Yun Yuncheng and Xu Lingjun have almost returned to their full state now. With a low shout, endless blood flames erupted directly in this heavy weapon room, triggering the ammunition inside. Immediately, fiery flames shot into the sky, accompanied With a rumbling violent explosion.

The two became invisible again...

Even though the patrolling teams rushed over immediately, they still didn't find any trace of the two of them.

When the two walked out of the palace.

It was clear that the streets were in chaos.

The first four infected people were all old pirates with great power and many servants. None of these servants could escape their clutches. After these people were bitten, their first instinct was to flee, but after the outbreak of the virus quickly became a new source of infection,

In just a few hours.

The streets that used to be bustling and bustling have now become a purgatory on earth, with one after another zombies swooping towards every living target.

Even if the opponent's martial arts cultivation is high, it is useless...

Among these infected zombies, there are many people with martial arts cultivation. After infection, although they lost the instinct of warriors, their solid bodies are far better than ordinary zombies. Warriors can break free from the siege of these people.

But this goes on.

It is only a matter of time before the entire Celia planet is completely infected.

In the distance, the roar of gunfire sounded from time to time. Obviously, infinite justice is executing justice here.

And the counterattack of the pirates is still sharp... It's just that there is no leader after all, and there is already a bit of panic of silos!

"Xiaoya, help them to speed up the infection."

Susan said.

"Yes, Master!"

Fighting around in the city, Infinite Justice, who was fighting fiercely with the gunfire, reached out and caught a few more powerful zombies, then flew up and flew to other places... ready to throw these zombies to other cities to spread the infection!

Regret Yuncheng shook his head and said: "If Roger knows that after his death, you still use his Neptune Token to destroy his foundation, I'm afraid he won't die in peace."

"If three generations of your grandparents died at the hands of the same person, would you rest in peace?"

Xu Lingjun asked back.

Shaking Yuncheng shook his head Qi Qiran, in this situation, how to provoke Xu Lingjun with peace of mind is really the most wrong decision made by the Zhou family in this life.

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