I Can Give the Origin of Everything (I Can Grant Origin Powers To Anything)

Chapter 49 Did I rob someone's girlfriend again?

far away.

A beautiful woman in a black tight leather jacket stared at the interaction between the siblings.

Watching Wang Qingya leave.

She whispered: "The plan went well, the second target has left, and the first target has returned to the room."

"Get started."

Akabane Xinghen and others are all fully armed, guarding in the hotel, listening to the report of his subordinates, and whispering: "Shang Youya, you are guarding outside, be careful not to give the target a chance to escape and ask for help..."

The opponent is just a martial artist who has just gathered Qi.

But even so, Akabane Xinghen still arranged for people to defend outside. If the enemy escaped by chance, they could block it back in time.

Be careful and never go wrong.

After receiving the order of Akabane Starken, Mingbu naturally hung up the phone and quietly turned into another narrow alley.

How did Xu Lingjun know that he had suffered the disaster of Chiyu, and was targeted by a large organization that had been hidden for a long time.

At this point he returned to the living room.

Take out the refrigerated fruit that Wang Qingya had cut for him in the refrigerator in advance and put it on the coffee table... He loves meat, and Wang Qingya is worried that he eats too much meat and the nutrition is not balanced, so he will often make him some small snacks or fruit.

No way, this guy is a lazy ass.

He likes to eat apples, ducks, pears, etc., but he will never eat them unless they are cut or washed.

It feels as if there is a real home here after I have Sister Yaya.

Lie down on the sofa.

Holding a toothpick in one hand and stabbing the fruit, in the other hand holding the book of Yansha Wave Fist, he studied it earnestly.

After the source.

Flame Killing Fist has been buffed to perfection.

However, although Xu Lingjun has already understood all its mysterious points, although the brain keeps saying that I understand it, I understand it all, but the hand is still half-understood.

Flame Killing Wave Fist is another way of interpreting this set of boxing skills from the wind... One is to pursue the ultimate lethality, and the other is to try to minimize the wear and tear on the body.

After trying to figure out this set of martial arts, Xu Lingjun benefited a lot, and he felt that his understanding of Yan Shaquan was more profound.

Oh right...it should be called Yansha Wave Fist.

Although this name is quite frustrating, it has to be mentioned that it does have a high reference value.

So much so that Xu Lingjun didn't even go to class, and devoted himself to studying this set of boxing skills.

Whether his current culture class or martial arts class, he has already reached the top level in the school, and he can't learn much useful knowledge in school.

In other words, there may be knowledge, but it is all knowledge that cannot be used in the Longmen exam. Some of this knowledge can be learned in the future, so there is no need to waste the important time before the Longmen exam.

Therefore, Xu Lingjun is now going to school, and there is basically nothing else he can do except for Zhou Qing's mentor's leeks.

But it's not good to be too diligent in leeks, so he has to be given a chance to grow.

Thinking about it, Xu Lingjun was lying on the sofa, carefully trying to figure out his boxing skills.

Send a piece of fruit to your mouth from time to time, and you have a very leisurely life.

After a long time.

He got up to go to the toilet.

But just straightened up from the sofa...

A small squeak sounded.

A bright light flashed in front of him, so fast that he couldn't react at all...

The neck couldn't help but feel cold.

A black-clothed woman suddenly appeared in front of Xu Lingjun, her body was slightly bent, and her knees were half-kneeling on the ground.

A cold voice said: "The mission has been completed."

Xu Lingjun stood there dumbfounded, looking at the woman in front of him who didn't know when he broke into his house.

He reached out and stroked his neck.

Just now... I seem to have been bitten by a mosquito...

Who is this person?

What is she doing at my house?

What is the mission she said?

I haven't had time to open my mouth to ask,

Xu Lingjun's gaze fell on the blade in the black-clothed woman's hand.

Weapons, killers? !

She came to assassinate me, Xu Lingjun's pupils shrank suddenly.

Could it be that I stole someone's girlfriend again without knowing it? So that the man was so angry that he sent a killer to assassinate me so madly.

Although I don't know why the killer didn't assassinate him after he came, he squatted there and didn't move, as if he was waiting for something.

Xu Lingjun didn't hesitate, didn't make a sound, and ran two steps forward, kicking the black-clothed female killer fiercely.

Mingbu squatted there, ready to listen to the sound of his favorite enemy falling to the ground...

This is her habit and hobby...

Her movements are fast, and she can take the enemy's key under her control in an instant, and because the movement is so fast, the target will be slightly stiff after being beheaded by her.

Then she will slowly fall to the ground, and that is the voice she loves to listen to.

But this time.

A knife smeared the opponent's throat... It's just a little martial artist in the Qi Gathering Realm, his strength is far less than his own, and he is attacking the light with secret, killing is not too simple.

Can wait for the interest time.

Not only did not hear the sound of the enemy falling to the ground, but there was a fierce wind blowing.


Mingbu hurriedly turned back, but was shocked to find that the victim who had just wiped his throat was still alive and kicking.

Now I'm even attacking myself...

Missed the opportunity.

It was too late for Mingbu to try to hide, so he could only urgently block his arms in front of him, still in shock what was going on in his heart... Strange, I had already killed the target.

I could clearly feel the blade of my knife slicing through the opponent's throat.

Why did he not die, but continued to live and dance?

The thoughts were interrupted for a moment.

Although Mingbu blocked the opponent's attack, his body suddenly lost his balance, as if he was hit by a fast speeding car.

At this moment, my mind went blank.

Mingbu's whole body had already flew out into the distance, and slammed into the wall.

Wow blood spurted out.

Mingbu's heart was greatly shocked. Isn't this person in front of him a martial artist in the Qi Gathering Realm... How can he be so powerful that even I can't resist it.

You must know that Mingbu is a senior Chiyu clansman, and his strength is comparable to a killer in the realm of realisation.

Even if his limbs were cut off due to his wings, his strength was greatly reduced, but it was impossible for a mere qi-gathering martial artist to compete.

But under this blow, pure strength, she actually fell into a disadvantage.

And with one move... Xu Lingjun kept moving, and strode towards Mingbu.

Like a fierce tiger descending the mountain, Mingbu's eyes are itchy for a while, with the strong power and wind pressure.

You must know that his current strength is much stronger than when he killed the bone split lizard before. This punch is confident that even if the bone split lizard takes it, I am afraid it will not be much better, but this woman actually kills him like that. The fist ate it.

Although injured, it was completely unaffected.

This woman is great.

Although Xu Lingjun was curious about who sent this woman, the premise of the interrogation was to break her limbs first.

I now have unlimited rights of self-defense for breaking into private houses and using swords and soldiers rashly.

I don't want to treat her the way I want to...


Xu Lingjun strode forward, punched out, and the fist was condensed but not scattered, and went straight to the bright step.

During this period of time, after reading Yan Sha Wave Fist, Xu Lingjun's boxing skills have been greatly improved.

But Mingbu's body had just suffered a heavy blow from Xu Lingjun, but at this time he was still able to twist his waist, bend his legs, and his slender legs suddenly bounced like springs...

The whole person has been rolling on the ground for a few times, not only avoiding Xu Lingjun's attack, but also turning back to the customer...

A knife slashed towards Xu Lingjun's neck again.

Her movements are agile and her speed is extremely fast... Although this woman is a killer, her absolute strength is far above mine.

A boundless crisis suddenly rose in Xu Lingjun's heart.

No, she still has a knife in her hand, and if she gets close, I'll be dead.

"Dry Sky Gang Qi", 30% of the effort, burst! ! !

The qi and blood in the body are transpiring, and it is entangled with the true qi.

Immediately... it exploded.

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