In that simple hotel.

When Akabane Xinghen learned the worst news, his face was as blue as black iron.

"Are you sure, you saw Mingbu being captured alive?!"

"Yes, my subordinates saw it."

Shang Youya's face was also extremely ugly, and they all understood what it meant that their people were captured alive.

"Mingbu is not someone who is greedy for life and fears death."

Chiyu Xinghen looked dignified and said coldly: "And this mission is just to assassinate a small martial artist in the Qi Gathering Realm. No matter in theory or in practice, there is no possibility of failure."

He paused and added: "Even if she takes 10,000 steps back, if she really fails, she will have enough time to bite the explosives in her mouth and die generously for our family, but now she is captured alive, How profound is the cultivation level, so that Mingbu can't even commit suicide, she should have enough time."

He slammed his fist on the table angrily, and said, "It's not like Mingbu's mind is obsessed, he always thought he had enough chances to win, so he forgot to commit suicide, and it was too late when he found out? What do you think about such a ridiculous thing? Could it happen?"

"My subordinates don't know what happened."

Shang Youya knelt on the ground with a look of panic, and said: "My subordinates have been observing the outside in accordance with the instructions of the adults, to prevent anyone from peeping and discovering that something is wrong. There are indeed some noises in the house, but if the sound is not intentional, it is basically listening. No... When the sound stopped, the subordinates saw the presence of the Armed Police Division. Then, even if Sister Mingbu was captured alive, the Criminal Investigation Division also came to cooperate, and it was too late for the subordinates to try to rescue her. "

"grown ups!"

Suddenly, someone from outside rushed in in a hurry and shouted: "The subordinate followed the order to track the Wind Scar secretly with his equipment, and found that he just bought a ticket to return to the Imperial Capital tomorrow morning."

"Sure enough, the worst has happened."

Chiyu Xinghen said with a wry smile: "In the end, it's still scaring the snake. I'm afraid Wind Zhihen has realized that we haven't given up on assassinating him."

"Sir, it's not good, just now, the whole city of Qingzhou is under martial law."

Another clansman who had another mission had a flustered look on his face, rushed in and shouted: "Just at the beginning, the whole city of Qingzhou is under martial law, and the armed police have all been dispatched, and they are going from house to house to search for our whereabouts. ."

"It seems that Mingbu's identity has not been preserved."

Akabane Xinghen sighed for a long time, closed his eyes, and a look of pain appeared in his eyes.

He didn't understand, how did things get to this point?

He just wanted to wait and see, but the first step was broken.

It's just to kill a low-strength warrior, sending out a high-level Akabane clan whose strength is comparable to that of a true warrior, and who is also skilled in assassination, and the assassin who has just broken through the Qi Gathering Realm.

Outside, there is Shang Youya, who is not inferior to Mingbu in the slightest, to support him.

He couldn't think of what was wrong here. It was like a lion fighting a rabbit, and he went all out.

It's not that dozens of them have to be dispatched in order to kill a small Qi Gathering Warrior... But why, things have developed to this point?

Mingbu, who should have succeeded, failed inexplicably. She failed, and she didn't even have a chance to blow herself up. She was captured alive.

The Chiyu tribe paid a huge price to hide their secrets for more than ten years, and they were so thoroughly exposed under the eyes of the entire Qingzhou City. Needless to say, they must have informed the imperial capital of the matter.

But now, the imperial capital has begun to clean up this group of aliens.

Akabane Xinghen took a deep breath, opened his eyes, and the bottom of his eyes was only firm.

Although there are too many puzzles, but at this stage, there are not too many choices for him to struggle with.

Well, things are pretty simple.

He shouted in a deep voice: "Everyone, although I don't know what happened to Mingbu's side, it is undeniable that because of her, the secret of our Chiyu people's entry into Blue Star may not be kept. I absolutely believe in Mingbu's loyalty, but I also absolutely believe that after she was handed over to the imperial capital, those hateful humans had too many means to extract the information they wanted from her mind. Everyone, our existence, our details, I am afraid It will be revealed soon."

As soon as these words came out, everyone's faces became extremely heavy.

They have been lurking in Blue Star for many years. In order to ensure that their existence is not discovered, when they are fighting against the enemy, they will blow themselves up without hesitation, and they will never give the enemy the slightest chance to take advantage.

Over the years, in order to keep this secret, they don't know how many people have sacrificed.

But now, these sacrifices are all in vain.

"Now, we have only two options left."

Akabane Xinghen shouted in a deep voice: "Or, we immediately give up everything in our hands, leave the Blue Star barrier through smuggling ships, return to our homeland, return to our Akabane planet, and spend the rest of our lives as owlwings."

As soon as these words came out, no one answered.

Owl Wing is the punishment that the most wicked person will carry out.

Even if the official will explain to them that they sacrificed for the ethnic group, it is conceivable that when they return to their homeland, they will face a pair of discriminatory and strange eyes.

"Or, continue our plan, burn our last lives, and let those lowly humans see the last glory of our Akabane tribe!"

Chiyu Xinghen said loudly: "Our mission target, Wind Zhihen, will return to the imperial capital early tomorrow morning. Once we enter the imperial capital, we will completely lose the opportunity to kill him. The wind marks have brought too much to our Chiyu ethnic group. A lot of pain, we can't let him go so easily, although we have been exposed, there is still hope!"

"Sir, say it, we all listen to you!"

Shang Youya's eyes showed a look of excitement, and said: "The way we are now, even if we return to our homeland, we will only be looked down upon all our lives, and we have to bear the name of a loser... It is better to devote ourselves to our clan here, maybe still To gain access to the Holy Spirit Temple."

"That's right, my lord, you order it."

"Sir, we will listen to you."


All the Red Feather tribesmen responded.

From the moment they accepted the punishment of Xiaoyi, they were destined to die in a foreign land, and even if they returned, they would not be heroes.

That being the case, it would be better to leave a name behind, and perhaps win a good future for the family.

Chiyu Xinghen looked around with relief, and said: "Very good, then I will talk about my plan, we are still killing the wind marks and causing the greatest damage to the Blue Star World as the first priority, yes, We did get exposed, but you can tell just by looking at Qingzhou City's reaction, but we also have an advantage."

He sneered: "Our advantage is that they still think that we are only a small group of aliens, and we can easily be destroyed. I am afraid they will never imagine that we have been lurking here for many years. Over the years, our heritage It's pretty deep."

Chiyu Xinghen's eyes showed a bit of coldness and fanaticism, and he almost twisted: "Since it is exposed, let's go to the last madness and let the entire Qingzhou City be buried with us."

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