"Xiaojun, did you hear that?"

"I heard."

Xu Lingjun and Wang Qingya both looked at the mobile phone in their hands. Just now, the mobile phone suddenly lit up and a call came out, telling them to go to Tianlong Street.

Wang Qingya whispered, "Tianlong Street is not far from us."

"But there are a lot of gangsters out there."

Xu Lingjun's eyes swept out secretly, and there were several fully armed gangsters gathered outside. These people carried a lot of ammunition on their backs and held heavy strafing machine guns in their hands to continuously shoot at the distance.

In the nearby hotel, shrill screams also began to sound.

It seems that some criminals have already broken into the hotel.

"I'll kill the person who broke in first, and then go to Tianlong Street together!"



Xu Lingjun patted Wang Qingya's shoulder comfortingly, saying that nothing will happen.

He got up carefully, took a side of broken glass, and reflected it through the crack of the door... Sure enough, he saw a gangster with a submachine gun and a grim face walking towards him.

Every time he passed through a door, he would go in and search. From time to time, there would be roaring gunshots, accompanied by shrill screams, and then quickly stopped.

Soon, he came to the next door of Xu Lingjun's room.

Xu Lingjun pondered in his heart.

There is no way to hide any longer. In the face of such an enemy, if you go all out...you may not have a chance of winning.

His gun shouldn't kill me anyway, it's worth trying.

Thinking about it, Xu Lingjun slowly narrowed his pupils. He has experienced more than one battle of life and death, but it was all passively facing the enemy, and this time, he will turn passive into active.

Although the strength of the enemy may be beyond his expectations.

At this time, Jia Tengying, a member of the Chiyu clan, was already standing in front of a door.

His mission is to kill as many people as possible before he dies. The more people he kills, the more pain it can cause to human beings. Since it is already madness before death, he must let the entire Qingzhou City be buried with them. die, but these people cannot live either.

as now...

He had clearly heard the two heavy breathing sounds inside.

There should be a family of two in the house. He fired several shots at the door one after another, smashing the door full of holes, but the inside of the room was blocked with something from the inside, even if the door was broken, the sofa behind But it still prevented him from getting in.


He snorted coldly and kicked on the sofa.

The Chinese-style sofa weighing more than one hundred kilograms flew out directly under his foot, smashing the tempered glass in the distance, and then fell downstairs.

There was a piercing scream in the house frightened by the powerful force.


Xu Lingjun gritted his teeth, and directly activated 50% "Dry Sky Gang Qi".

The thick qi and blood boiled and turned into true qi, and the blood-colored qi energy instantly surged out of the body... dyeing him into a blood man...

He didn't break in.

Instead, he punched the nearby wall with a savage punch. The shot was the only lore technique, the Flame Killing Wave Fist. The wave can reduce the destructive power of the Flame Killing Fist on my body. Does this mean that I can be more powerful? Limit increase the upper limit of the flame killing fist?

Wouldn't it be more powerful for such equal damage?

In the face of a powerful enemy, Xu Lingjun just made an argument...

The scorching fist directly smashed through the wall, and he rushed out like a heavy cannon. The smoke and dust and bricks splashed all over the place. Xu Lingjun, who smashed through the wall, was already within easy reach of Jia Tengying.


Jia Tengying only smelled a strong bloody smell in his nose. He instinctively raised his gun and fired at the attacker.


An angry roar was mixed with grievances.

Didn't I just open a room with Sister Yaya?

I didn't do anything, how did it become like this?

My home was destroyed by you?

The bullet hit the body, and after being buffered by blood gas, it made a puff sound when it hit the body, and the pain was far worse than before.

Xu Lingjun directly hit Jia Tengying's chest with a heavy knee, and there was a muffled sound.

Jia Tengying only felt as if he was hit hard by a high-speed locomotive. He flipped two somersaults in the air and was knocked out.

Xu Lingjun got the upper hand and was unforgiving, rushed over, took off hard, smashed the opponent down, knelt on the opponent's arms, pressed the opponent so hard that he couldn't move, his hands were like heavy artillery, one shot after another hit him. on the head.

The enemy is very strong. I also have a sofa of the same type in my room. It is very heavy. This person can actually kick it and fly. It can be seen that his strength is stronger than mine. He cannot break free from my suppression, otherwise I have no chance of winning, I have to seize this silver lining.

Thinking about it, Xu Lingjun didn't keep his hands anymore, his true qi was mixed with blood, and he burst out with extremely powerful power, like a blood demon god...

In the blink of an eye, dozens of shells went down.

Only his body was still twitching.

Jia Tengying's head had already been smashed to pieces, and blood and brains flowed all over the place.

Seeing the enemy die can no longer die.

Only then did Xu Lingjun breathe a sigh of relief, and the burning True Qi quickly turned back into blood energy... This man is so powerful, in order to kill him, I lost so much blood energy, at least it will take a few minutes to completely make up for it!

You know, in this environment, a few minutes of weakness means at least a 20% increase in my chances of being injured.

He took out a bottle of blood supplement oral liquid from his pocket and poured it into himself.

I felt that the qi and blood quickly replenished the deficit in the body and returned to the best state.

Only then did I come to look at the two people who were already frightened in the distance...

A man and a woman looked like they were husband and wife, and they were all stunned.

But it's not that he's afraid of Xu Lingjun's blood-soaked appearance like a murderer...

Even if his body is covered in blood, he is not scary at all, but instead gives a sense of fearlessness to the brave warriors who fought bloody battles.

This is a good man, you can tell by looking at his upright and awe-inspiring face.

And when the other party asked, "Are you all right?"

The two immediately confirmed that this is indeed a good person.

[You saved the lives of Zhou Yun and Li Xue, and received their sincere thanks, thus gaining the favor of the world's source will, source value +42! 】

So high!

Is it because I saved their lives?

Xu Lingjun's heart suddenly became happy, and he only felt that the blood he shed had meaning.

At this time, Wang Qingya also came over.

She picked up the submachine gun from the body of Jia Tengying, loaded it with bullets skillfully, and then pulled the bolt, noticing Xu Lingjun's surprised eyes, she explained succinctly: "The four universities each perform their duties, I The Zhanzheng Academy I attended specializes in weapons for warfare. This gun can only be regarded as the lowest level among them... They were all used to disassemble and study the principles when we first entered the school. Over the years, I have been working hard to practice gun shooting for the sake of the future. Just in case... this is not, it really worked."

She glanced at the man and woman and asked, "Can you use a gun?"

"No... no."

Zhou Yun stammered in response.

"No, I have to. We two can't protect ourselves, we can't protect you."

Wang Qingya took out another pistol from the corpse, threw it to Zhou Yun, and said, "You need to be strong as soon as possible, even for your wife, you have to protect yourself, and you will be safe when you reach Tianlong Street. ."

"By the way, my wife and children are still at home, I don't know how they are doing!"

Zhou Yun touched the pistol, his face suddenly turned pale with fright, and he screamed.

Wang Qingya: "………………"

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