Three days of fierce fighting.

The Titan civilization was completely destroyed... For them, this was a battle to the death. They fell into the enemy's plan and were forcibly disarmed of all weapons and control authority of the battleship.

In contrast, human warriors are heavily armed.

Although it was military training, if too many people died, even Xu Lingjun might not be able to help feeling distressed.

Therefore, each of these warriors carried a powerful thunder-light talisman gun in their hands. This gun was a weapon constructed by combining immortal means and technology. If caught off guard, it would be difficult for even the Titans to withstand the power of a single shot.

But even though this battle was aimed at destroying the Titans, the Titans were already trapped and could not escape. Therefore, Xu Lingjun hoped that they could use their own strength to defeat these enemies.

This firearm is only the ultimate means of life-saving. If you use it, you will definitely be punished when you go back.

But with the final support, the blue and blue star fighters march forward with great momentum...

You Qi did not retreat half a step in Regretful Cloud City, defending against Quill for more than 300 moves, and finally twisted his head off abruptly.

Even their lord of civilization died tragically.

After that, morale suddenly plummeted...

In just three days, except for those Titans hiding in hidden corners, almost over 90% of the Titans had all died in the hands of the Blue Star warriors.


However, even after doing such a cruel thing, everyone in Blue Star was full of anger. Thinking back to the countless battles in the past, these titan giants always rushed to the forefront, and they were rough-skinned and thick-skinned, and they often came into close contact with humans.

After more than a hundred years, although it was only used as a weapon for others, if we say that the many heroic spirits sacrificed by the Blue Star Warriors for more than a hundred years, I am afraid that at least 20% are due to the credit of these giant clans.

Just thinking about it like this, they lost all sympathy.

After occupying all the battleships and the only star-class main ship.

It is conceivable that those remaining Titans will also be trapped...

At this point, mankind has finally won a complete victory.

Only then did Xu Lingjun nod his head in satisfaction, and let Regret Yuncheng stay to clean up the battlefield.

And he took the battleship and flew towards the secret realm in the blue star.

Over the years, with the development of science and technology...the battleships have been updated frequently. Up to now, it only takes a little more than two hours.

Xu Lingjun had already returned to the secret realm.

Lu'er has been waiting for a long time.

Seeing Xu Lingjun come back, she stepped forward and asked, "How's it going?"

"Everything went well, the Titan civilization has been completely wiped out, and we also got an extra star-class warship."

Even if Xu Lingjun's temperament is extraordinary now, he still can't help being happy... You know, the reason why a star-class warship is not used as the main ship on the battlefield is because it takes a lot of resources to manufacture a star-class warship , almost exceeding the upper limit of a planet!

Therefore, a star-class battleship is the foundation of a civilization. Only after plundering an unknown number of civilization planets can there be enough resources to build such a battleship that can continue civilization.

"This time it's really thanks to you, Luye."

Xu Lingjun said gratefully: "If it weren't for your demon power, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to use this communication device, and I wouldn't be able to let the enemy run into my trap by itself. It's hard to win so easily."

"I didn't expect that this fierce thing would mix with the Titans."

Luye was not as happy as Xu Lingjun...

On the contrary, there is a lot of worry between the brows.

Xu Lingjun asked, "Worried about your fellow clansmen?"

Green Leaf hummed lightly.

"Don't worry, it's better to think about it better. Just now I left the secret realm to go to the universe. Although I was separated by the battleship, I could feel that the aura between the heaven and the earth had really changed a lot. It seems that it was the evil spirit who brought these things together. All the spiritual energy that has been swallowed for years has been spit out."

Green Leaf said: "It's not surprising, Blue Star doesn't have technology, our monsters are all self-cultivation, why are we failing... It's not because there are too many level 12 monsters,

They have survived for more than a thousand years one by one, devouring spiritual energy every day. After so many years, almost everyone is a spiritual energy pool for walking. It can be said that their existence is the direct reason that brought Blue Star to the brink of destruction. "

Speaking of this, her eyes were a little bit uncomfortable.

The behavior of these monsters is indeed unethical. They brought Lan Xing to the point of being destroyed, and then patted their asses away. Now that Lan Xing finally came back to life, and she didn't know how much thought it took to let the monsters Grow up to this point.

But they came back shamelessly, wanting to monopolize Blue Star again.

"Don't be angry, you might as well think about it."

Xu Lingjun smiled and said: "Just one evil spirit has caused such a big change in the world. I don't know how many people of your kind are there? If they all die in our Blue Star... Humph... this is not coming back to monopolize the Blue Star." Xing, this is coming back to give us a big gift, when the time comes, the combination of old and new Blue Star's aura will definitely make Blue Star a new holy place!"

He sighed: "This is really a surprise. You know, I predicted that Blue Star would become a level 3 civilization in at least a hundred years, but now it seems that with the help of these monsters, the external force has been greatly improved. This time will definitely be greatly reduced.”

"Don't underestimate these people, Jizhen is not weak, but among the group of monsters back then, he was far from being the top."

There was a little worry in Luye's voice, and said: "The ones that can absorb the entire world and almost destroy them, their strength can be seen... If you underestimate them, be careful that the entire Blue Star will be..."

"Don't worry, I won't underestimate them. Besides, don't you have them? I just want to ask you how strong these monsters are."

Xu Lingjun smiled and said: "In terms of age, I'm afraid you are much older than all of them. You should know the details of all of them, right? With you around, I can naturally know myself and the enemy. If you do your calculations with your heart, if you still can't win, then I will be the Lord of the Blue Star in vain."

"This point is clear, but because of the clarity, I don't want you to be too careless. You don't understand their power. Your immortal skills are indeed very powerful, but their demon power may not be too inferior. In addition, they Each of them has survived for more than a thousand years...Xu Lingjun, don't be careless."

Green Leaf said seriously: "I know the details of these monsters, but after all, it has been hundreds of years since they left this planet and went to the outer universe. Maybe many of them died, but if they don't die, there will definitely be many new changes. So you can believe what I say, but you can't believe everything, or you will easily be caught off guard by the enemy."

"I see."

After that, Luye told Xu Lingjun everything she knew.

In a sense, she is actually older than those monsters.

But because plants and trees become spirits, they are not comparable to wild beasts. At that time, they were only chaotic and had a little spiritual consciousness. Not to mention that they could move with the body at any time, and they couldn't even move. They only had a superficial impression of what happened back then.

Therefore, for those monsters, all she knows is their body, age, etc...

But these are already very important messages to Xu Lingjun.

After all, monsters, if they know their bodies, they can know their style and type... Just like fierce beasts, they are formed from snow apes, so they are powerful and violent.

It's hard to hide your nature.

This is their greatest weakness.

Just listening to it, Xu Lingjun's face couldn't help becoming serious.

He has already learned about the strength of monsters through fierceness, even if they are stronger, he is still fully sure that they can defeat these people...

But he really didn't expect that there were so many monsters.

Luye Linlin always talked for a long time.

I haven't finished yet...

There are so many, I am afraid that the total number has exceeded a hundred.

Moreover, all kinds of monsters become spirits, and their strengths must be different... If these people return at the same time, it may really be a disaster for the current Blue Star!

"But you don't have to worry too much. When they left, they had a big fight. Although they both wanted to leave, they wanted to go to different places, so these monsters did not gather in groups, but went to each other. small groups..."

Luye said: "This time you didn't even use the blockade from the outside world, and you directly took down Jizhen. Even if there are a few more people, it won't be difficult for you, right?"

It's obvious what she means.

The monsters are not in contact with each other. Although Ji Zhen is dead, no one knows how he died... They can completely repeat the old tricks.

Xu Lingjun smiled and said, "It's a good idea, but right now, I have better weapons to use."

"What weapon?"

"When I was listening to you just now, I received a message from the old city. They received the warships and supplies of the Titan civilization, and found old millet rice in it!"

Xu Lingjun said: "The millet rice is a specialty of the Yalin civilization, and it is also their staple food. It tastes delicious and the yield is amazing. However, with the prosperity of the communication star over the years, the millet rice has become popular to almost all civilizations. That’s right, Blue Star also planted a lot of millet and corn rice, so it’s really hard to find out who gave these grains to the Titan civilization just from this thing.”

He sneered and said, "It's a pity that the people of Titan civilization have too much appetite and can eat too much, so those who protected them at the beginning were reluctant to give them too much good food, and what they gave them was old millet. It’s been several years since other civilizations got these seeds at that time, and besides the Yalin civilization, who else can produce so much old grain at one time?”

"Are you going to take revenge on them?"

"If I don't hit them hard, I'm sorry for their fooling!"

Xu Lingjun stood up with a sneer, and was about to leave...but suddenly remembered something, and sighed softly.

She smiled at Luye and said, "I'm getting more and more busy now, I finally saw you once, but what I said was serious business, come here and let me give you a hug, and I'll be with you next time, okay?"

Luye smiled sweetly when she heard the words, trotted a few steps, and threw herself into Xu Lingjun's arms.

Rubbed hard on his chest a few times...

Smelling the familiar smell, an unprecedented sense of satisfaction welled up in my heart.

Seven days later.

Yalin civilization.

Although the planet is no longer in danger of being damaged, almost all the buildings on the surface of the planet were destroyed when civilization was rebuilt.

After several years of reconstruction, it still has not fully restored the old look...

In fact, this is also the reason why many civilizations dare not provoke Blue Star.

Over the years, due to the reconstruction of the planet, all their resources and focus have been placed on people's livelihood, and their technology has hardly increased at all.

On the contrary, Blue Star has received so many great benefits, and his improvement has hardly stagnated over the years.

It's not stupid for one to go up and the other to go up... and behind it is the reproduction of an entire civilization.

If you can't do it, it's better to put peace first.


When Mo Luo learned that Xu Lingjun, the master of the blue star civilization, was visiting, he even brought three planetary-class warships with him.

The attack was menacing, and the hostility was obvious, but only three planetary-class battleships were probably far from enough to destroy the Yalin civilization... This made Moro feel a little lucky.

"If you can not fight, it is better not to fight."

He sighed faintly, thinking to himself.

Although Xu Lingjun came with bad intentions, Mo Luo still treated him with courtesy.

Treating those battleships as nothing, just treating them as ordinary salute ships, introduced into the space station... Mo Luo personally greeted Xu Lingjun.

The two entered the hall.

Sit down and serve tea.

Mo Luo asked: "Xu Xingzhu came to see me, it seems that he has nothing to go to the Three Treasures Hall."

Xu Lingjun said bluntly, "I'm here for the Titan matter."

"I can't help it. Back then, I had a good personal relationship with Naquil. He begged on my head. I really couldn't control him, so I had to borrow some warships and supplies from him to let him leave the galaxy... From now on, he will not be in the eyes of Star Master Xu. "

No proof is needed.

Since the other party said such a thing, it is obvious that they have already grasped some key evidence.

If he continues to deny it flatly, it will only show that his Morro style is too low...

It would be better to admit it generously.

"You've caused me a lot of trouble."

Xu Lingjun sighed: "Master Moro, you should know the hostility of the Titan civilization towards us... You saved him, in a sense, you are an enemy of me."

"But I really don't intend to be an enemy of Blue Star, otherwise I wouldn't expel them from the Milky Way, but quietly digest this power."

"This is also the reason why my Blue Star has never overwhelmed the border. If Blue Star has a grudge, it must avenge it. If you are really hostile to me, I am not the only one who came here today."

Xu Lingjun said: "But you did cause us a lot of trouble. From this point of view, I actually have to pay for this trip!"

"It's okay to talk about it."

Mo Luo breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile: "This matter is indeed my fault. The dilemma between public and private interests turned out to make Lan Xing a victim. Whatever you need, you can order."

"My request is simple!"

Xu Lingjun said seriously: "The Titan army is very hostile to our Blue Star, and they will definitely want revenge... If his army suppresses the situation, it will indeed be a big disaster for our Blue Star."

Mo Luo said: "This is impossible. They have already left Blue Star, and before leaving, I warned him not to step into the Milky Way again."

"You underestimate hatred."

Xu Lingjun said: "My condition is that I ask you, Yalin Civilization, to send millions of troops to cooperate with warships of this size, stationed on the outer ring of my blue star, and guard my blue star!"

Moro looked shocked and was about to speak.

Xu Lingjun said: "Of course, the main thing to guard against is the Titans. After all, the surroundings of Blue Star are all friendly civilizations, and the enemies have almost been killed by us. If there are any more enemies to attack, it must be the Titans. So asking you to help garrison is mainly to guard against the Titan civilization, which is also the root cause of your disaster, and you can solve it. This request should be very reasonable, right?"

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