Brand new class.

But Xu Lingjun blended in very harmoniously.

As soon as he stepped into the gate of the class, he won the favorability of more than half of all the female students MAX.

As for the disgust of the other half of the male students...Zong Xiaoping also told everyone that after this student Xu Lingjun saved Teacher Su, his eyes immediately turned into approval.

Hmm... dare to save people from the edge of a cliff.

And it was their teacher who saved them. If it wasn't for him, we might not be able to see Teacher Su every day.

Ever since.

Through the monitor, I saw that Xu Lingjun was not rejected by male classmates or harassed by female classmates because of his appearance, but everyone was eagerly talking about him.

Su Huanqing nodded in satisfaction.

Although there were some accidents in the middle, he finally integrated into the class. In this way, I can feel right about Xiaoya.


new environment.

Except for the lack of harassment from a wretched and perverted best friend, it feels like there is not much difference from when I was in Qingzhou City.

The content of the class was lackluster, nothing to commend it.

It's just a normal martial arts course sparring. Of course, at this time, the Longmen exam is close at hand, no matter how urgent the special training is, it's useless.

More, on the contrary, it is the review and explanation of cultural lessons.

You know, in order to prepare for the Longmen Exam, these martial arts students have been preparing for nine years in martial arts, and they have already done what they should do. No matter how much they review, it is difficult to make great progress in a short period of time.

In contrast, the minimum score limit of cultural courses is their biggest obstacle.

Don't pass the martial arts score at that time, but fail to meet the minimum standard in the culture class... At that time, you still won't be able to get into the martial arts school you want.

Therefore, the teachers put more energy into Reiki, Culture, Interstellar and many other subjects that martial arts students also need to take part in.

Martial arts wants to improve from 500 to 600, and liberal arts wants to improve from 100 to 200. With the same score, pigs know which one is better to improve. A person's shortest board determines how long he can be.

In the past, I am afraid Xu Lingjun would study hard...

After all, his goal was the North Xuanwu Mansion.

As one of the Four Great Martial Arts Houses, the difficulty is naturally not ordinary.

But now, with Wang Qingya accompanying him to study day and night for a month, especially during this period of time when he took a lot of Life No. 1, although he consumed a lot of original value, his brain became clearer and brighter accordingly.

Those flashing memories in the past are also imprinted in his heart like a template.

Even if you don't review it, you will become more and more thorough about those knowledge points.


Xu Lingjun took out his mobile phone and clicked on Taobao again.

He planned to choose another set of powerful martial arts for himself.

Now that the lightness exercise has been cultivated almost, Zong Xiaoping's suggestion before is very correct. He may have been a little eager during this period of time. In fact, he did not let go of the daily practice, but took it wantonly. Blood-enriching oral liquid, and even all kinds of supplements that Dad Wang prepared for him every day were all solved...

Correspondingly, the purity and total amount of his zhenqi has been continuously increasing, even when he is practicing lightness kung fu, the "Infinite God and Demon Exercise Art" is constantly strengthening his physique.

Maybe he was really in a hurry.

Just let it go, take it easy.

Playing martial arts for a change of taste can be regarded as a buffer...

He carefully browsed the sales records. Anyway, the best seller must be the smoothest one.

The female instructor who was giving a serious lecture fell on Xu Lingjun who was seriously flipping through the phone.

I couldn't help but shook my head helplessly,

Bai Xiachang is so good-looking, it seems that there is no hope for the Longmen exam, so he just gave up on himself.

She wanted to remind them, but she also understood that for those poor students, sometimes not studying is really not because they don't want to study, but because they are really too late.

Forcibly arousing their sense of responsibility and arousing their fear of the future is not a good thing... Just go on like this, even if it's just deceiving yourself and others, at least, you can relax now.

Although the ease during this period will take responsibility for a lifetime in the future.

And at this time.

Xu Lingjun suddenly remembered, oh yes, at this time, it's time to clock in after get off work.

He took out the punch card and pressed it, and the salary of 30,000 yuan a day arrived in the account.

He couldn't help but sigh in his heart, the pressure on students nowadays is really great.

I'm already off work, and I haven't even finished school yet.

that night.

I studied until nine o'clock in the evening.

On the way home, I made two extra detours and met a lost five-year-old girl. Using my external advantages, I quickly coaxed her into a smile, and then refused to take her home. Send her back to her home and get 13 points from her parents!

I rescued a stray dog ​​and sent it to a shelter established by dog ​​lovers, but I don’t know why, although I spent a lot of effort, I didn’t get any source value.

I saw a couple arguing and breaking up.

Xu Lingjun stepped forward to comfort her, but she didn't know why, the woman who was a little bit relieved immediately became very hysterical after he penetrated, disliked and picked on her boyfriend in various ways, and broke up completely this time.

Xu Lingjun felt that it might be because there was no resentment value, otherwise the man would hate himself to death.

That's all... Today's harvest is not very rich.

I didn't encounter any old men and women who fell down or anything, and I didn't have a chance to help them.

This person is not familiar with the place, and leeks are not so easy to find.

That is to say, saving Qingzhou City some time ago gained a lot of source value, otherwise, I am afraid it would have been beyond the means.

But it’s not the way to just sit and eat. It seems that it needs to develop and go offline as soon as possible.

that night.

Xu Lingjun didn't take the big tonic specially prepared by Father Wang, didn't drink the blood-enriching oral liquid, and didn't even practice martial arts. Instead, he lay down on the bed early and chatted with Wang Qingya for a few messages as usual , went to bed early.

Wang Tiancheng, who wanted to talk to Xu Lingjun about how he was used to living during this period, couldn't help but feel guilty.

I heard that young people nowadays never go to bed before midnight, Xiao Jun actually goes to bed so early, maybe he is tired from thinking about clocking in every day...

How about helping him get a punch card machine that can punch cards automatically?

In fact, as Xu Lingjun fell asleep soundly.

On weekdays, it has already become a habit to replenish a lot of blood and supplements during this time period, and there is no supplement during this day...

It seems that even the body is slightly uncomfortable.

The zhenqi in the body is about to move, as if it is longing for something...

But it was too late to wait for the daily routine.

The zhenqi began to impact the internal organs of the body more frequently, forging Xu Lingjun's body.

one night...

Xu Lingjun couldn't get up all night.

And when you wake up.

He was pleasantly surprised to feel that the powerful zhenqi in his body had changed from the illusory before to a smoky gas...

Late gas gathering.

It was such a smooth breakthrough.

"As expected, it is a family tradition."

Xu Lingjun was pleasantly surprised: "This time, I really have to thank Zong Xiaoping for going to school. Unexpectedly, I just followed his suggestion and tried it, and I actually made a breakthrough."

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