I Can Give the Origin of Everything

Chapter 566: Highest authority

, The fastest update I can give the latest chapters of the origin of everything!

Night demon! ! !

When everyone found a strange feeling, their first thought was that the warships hidden in these warships were not soldiers from the Kingdom of Light at all, but bombs or other things that could cause them great harm.

They got it.

The opponent played a trick and played with them in applause. They thought they were clever. Not only did they fail to count the enemy, but they also fell into the enemy's plan and sent all the elite fighters to this neighborhood.

If there is a bomb on the opposing battleship.

There is no doubt that it can cause extremely deadly damage to them...I am afraid that at least one-third of these soldiers will be completely tragically killed by artillery fire.

But no matter how much Siyuan and others imagine, they can't imagine the other party's methods are so terrible.

What they sent was not a bomb at all, but a night demon!

Those terrible monsters that were extremely terrifying and prevented them from occupying the Blue Star.

At this time, Si Yuan finally understood why the other party wanted to play such a scene with him... They were afraid that they would attack these warships.

These warships do not have any protective measures. If they take action halfway, they can definitely wipe out these warships in the universe.

No matter how powerful these night demons are, they are not enough to contend with the might of their artillery fire.

As long as the battleship is destroyed, these Daredevils will float in the universe... until they die, there is no threat to them at all.

Unfortunately, their cleverness was mistaken by cleverness.

Unexpectedly, he took the initiative to let these night demons set foot on the boundary of the Great Wall of Despair.

Especially the soldiers left the battleship and stood outside with their weapons in hand. Isn't this being exposed to the mouth of the Night Demon?

In such a moment, the entire Great Wall of Despair, twenty-one locations surrounded by alien races from all over the world...

At the same time, the Night Demon's disaster broke out.

From the inside out, the night demons encircled and suppressed these alien races.


Not hitting the point is not enough to kill them.

Heavy blow?

Even if they break up their bones... as long as they have enough aura, they can still regroup. In a sense, this is an immortal monster.

Coupled with suppressing hunger and thirst for more than a month.

Now that they suddenly smelled the breath of strangers, how could they endure it?

Only for a moment.

The nearest tens of thousands of soldiers have been directly submerged by the night monster's ocean, and they can't even make a scream, so they are completely buried.

Like a snowball, the night demons rolled into a ball, vast and mighty, toward the alien races in front of the heavens.

"We are in the game, quickly, look for cover, attack, and hit them on the head. This can temporarily hinder their footsteps!"

Siyuan and others reacted extremely quickly, and their strength was also strong. Although they were also within the range of these night demons’ recent attacks, Siyuan’s arms burst out like a steam engine, bursting out countless gas, swept across with a beam of light, and directly drove forward. The night demons blasted into fragmented skeletons.

They retreated quickly...

This offensive seems extremely strong, but it only slightly hinders the footsteps of these Daredevils.

The only way to deal with these monsters is to set up shelters to hinder their progress.

Now that these beasts are on the Great Wall of Despair, I am afraid it is impossible to go down again... The best result this time is that the Night Demon occupy half of the Great Wall, bringing them a great threat day and night.

Even if the worst result.

Thinking, he just rushed to the safety zone, his pupils suddenly shrank.

I have seen that the elders rushing towards them one after another, several of them are actually strapped to powerful plasma bombs!


The exclamation has not yet fallen.

The harsh roar completely occupied all the sight and hearing of the alien races.

In the loud noise, the night demons were completely blown to fall... the nearest night demons were even directly evaporated into anger.

However, the casualties of the alien races are also extremely high. The line of defense they have arranged before has completely cracked an irreparable gap under this explosion...

The heavens and alien races suffered heavy casualties.

More importantly, close contact with such a terrifying bomb, everyone is instinctively a little confused at this moment... I feel that the brain can't keep up with the pace...


The Silicon Yuan is almost sluggish, and the Blue Star people are so despicable.

I thought they would use bombs to attack, but they were so evil that they used the Daredevil as a weapon to attack them, but I thought that this was evil enough, but I didn't expect that they would even have a bomb tied to the Daredevil.

Now this gap...

He watched the scattered bones on the ground tremble violently, and the strange monsters quickly reborn on the dead ground.

Staggering again, but rushing towards them at extremely fast speed...

This time.

The line of defense was torn, and the night demons rushed directly into the deepest part of their line of defense.

In one place with the most elite foreign warriors of the heavens...

The most terrifying tactics.

"Everyone retreat, cover... the rear Gauss machine gun covers, and the night demon opens the line of defense, open the line of defense!"

Wing Twenty-two flew in the air with its wings, relying on these night demons who could not fly, shouting hoarse.


A monster with bone wings rushed over from behind him and rode on him.

A bite on his wing.

Yi Twenty-two screamed and dived down quickly, but the other party couldn't get rid of it at all, but kept biting him bit by bit.

And its bones emit a dazzling silver light, which is very different from ordinary bones...

This is a trace of being transformed.

Is the silicon-based family...


Si Yuan screamed, his eyes were already wet.

This bone...

Isn't it his biological father?

In order to assassinate Xu Lingjun, his father finally became part of the Night Demon...

Was his father even the dead body reduced to a tool used by others to counterattack his homeland?

With a sharp scream, Si Yuan rushed towards the body of the Night Demon.

But just after rushing out a few steps, countless night demons surged up beside him.

There are a lot of Daredevil, more than a hundred warships, adding up, the number of Daredevil can not be millions...

But even more frightening is the rate of radiation of the Night Demon's infection.

Its survival depends on aura, but the root of its actions is nuclear energy and radiation.

Just be hurt by them...

Even if you come into contact with them, you may be infected with different degrees of radiation, and when the radiation reaches a certain height, it can directly infect people into their kind by reacting with the aura of the outside world.

The night demons killed more and more.

From the beginning, they kept hitting these alien races, and now the alien races are retreating steadily, especially within the alien races. The wounded who had retreated, suddenly rose up at a certain moment and caught them directly. I bite the comrades around me...

Physical fear, psychological despair.

Obviously they are crowded and powerful, but they feel embarrassed on all sides.

This terrible power has far surpassed the limit they can bear!

In particular, the Night Demon did not erupt in one place, but at 21 locations at the same time...Even if one place is quickly suppressed, as long as one place spreads, it will become bigger and bigger like a snowball, until In the end, they became a monstrous snow mountain, completely submerging their desperate Great Wall.

"Can't love war, let's retreat quickly!"

Shenyan stubbornly grabbed the Si Yuan who wanted to rush forward and shouted: "Ying Twenty-two is not saved, and these soldiers are not saved. We must now return to the headquarters as soon as possible and turn on the defensive towers. These night monsters are isolated...We must..."

The voice did not fall.

On the wrists of the two of them, the signal receiver suddenly rang sharply.

Exudes an unknown red light.

The headquarters has been hacked!

"Impossible, how could the night demons attack our headquarters so quickly... They have no reason at all, only the instinctive desire to kill, they will rush towards crowded places instead of towards our headquarters... "

"Then if it is not the night demon who enters our headquarters?"

Shenyan looked dazed, her voice was already mixed with a sense of despair.

"Are you trying to say that humans also took the opportunity to enter the Great Wall of Despair?"

Si Yuan sneered and said: "How is it possible, are you stupid... You mean that these humans actually sat in the same boat with the Night Demon, and then entered the boundary of our Great Wall? It is absolutely impossible... even these warships One of the ships may not have night monsters, but are all humans, but if they come out, they will also fall into the ocean of night monsters, and the night monsters will attack them first!"

He shook his head and said, "Could you mean to say that even if these humans appear next to the Night Demon, they won't be attacked by the Night Demon... You can simply say that these Night Demon are raised by humans."

"Do you really think that this is not possible?"

Siyuan suddenly stagnated, and shook his head: "Impossible, absolutely impossible. In this way, why have they not used the Night Demon to attack us in the past few years, so you never want to say that they think our attack is against them? It is not painful or itchy at all. They are actually borrowing our existence to help them block external pressure and buy time for their survival..."

His voice became lower and lower, until he couldn't speak any more.

Just like Shenyan said...

Is this really impossible?

In the past two years, didn't they have never beaten down even with an inch of land?

It's just that he can't believe it. If this is really possible, doesn't it mean that mankind has never paid attention to the silicon-based clan and others?

How terrible is human beings?

"Go back, master control room..."

"Go back quickly."

The two of them didn't care about the warriors who were fighting with the Night Demon. At this point, these warriors had no chance to speak of.

But at headquarters, they still have more than half of their combat power in it.

Just go back, turn on the protective tower, and then order all the soldiers to go up to the tower to defend, to isolate these night demons from the protection...

At that time, they still have a chance to win.

But the most important thing is that they must first eliminate the rats that have sneaked into their headquarters.

The two of them fled to the distance with all their strength, and turned a deaf ear to the screaming of twenty-two screams from the wing behind them.

Undoubtedly, the intelligence of Wing Seventeen was a lie and conspiracy from the beginning, and this Wing Twenty-two brought all of them into the ditch.

They hated him so much, how could they try to save him?

And this time.

Under Xu Lingjun's leadership, the Seven Kills Legion of the Great Xia Empire, the most elite group of fighters, had already sneaked into the headquarters of the Great Wall of Impasse, wearing iron armor under the cover of the night demons.

A solid defense?

Just take out the Haotian mirror and lightly shine a light on those steel fortresses...

Immediately, a round gate was opened enough for all of them to enter.

And if you encounter obstacles that are not going to pass, you can directly use the spear of time and space to remove those obstacles, whether they are dead or alive... As for where to move, Xu Lingjun doesn't know, and he is not interested in knowing.

It doesn't matter even if you move to Blue Star.

You know, now launch a total offensive.

The entire Blue Star is under the control of the Great Xia Empire, global martial law...

When these alien races enter the Blue Star, they will be spied by the newly developed Skynet system over the years. At that time, they will still be inevitable!

But this gave Xu Lingjun their greatest convenience.

Everyone drove straight into...

Under Xiaoya's guidance, she soon entered the command room.

It is also the place where the alien races of the heavens discuss wars on weekdays...

Solemn and cold.

As long as you think about the deaths of countless soldiers in the past few years, their orders are all issued from here.

And now, their human beings have set foot here on behalf of Blue Star.

There was a burst of uncontrollable relief and pride on everyone's faces.

"Well, if you want to be proud, wait until this group of alien races have been completely wiped out."

Xu Lingjun appeared in the air.

Said: "Now, follow the plan...Wing Seventeen..."


Isn't it the Yi Shiqi who is following Xu Lingjun?

He came to the dashboard and started to operate seriously, and said: "In their eyes, I was already killed in battle, so for a dead person, they will definitely not cancel my permission at all... I can issue an order, Let all the fighters go out to the base to rescue the fighters on the outside!"

"Then hurry, or wait until Silicon Yuan and the others come back, this best opportunity, we'll probably let it go."


Wing Seventeen quickly typed words in front of the dashboard, and said in surprise: "My authority is still there. This will save you a lot of trouble from the president. Okay, the order has been issued."

How fast is optoelectronic information transmission?

In less than a second, all the soldiers in the base had the latest command messages on their watches!

"The army is deeply trapped in a human conspiracy, and goes out quickly to help!"

Naturally, the alien races also know that today is their day to encircle and suppress mankind... just didn't expect mankind to have a conspiracy brewing? And those comrades-in-arms are already in a trap.

Especially at this time they couldn't reach their leader at all, so naturally something must have happened.

It's a pity that they don't know that neutron jammers can directly disrupt their electronic communications.

The commanders of the army moved immediately.

"Assemble! All the soldiers assembled in front of the Tower of Despair, we are going to help our comrades!"

"Everyone is responsible for destroying mankind!"

"Five minutes~www.readwn.com~ If you fail to deal with military law, the gun will be decided!"

Under the most efficient organization, millions of troops gather.

Under the leadership of the commanders of the army, countless armored vehicles and individual skeletal warriors rushed out of the base, rushing towards the place where many soldiers were attacked before.

Yi Shiqi said with joy: "Now, I am the entire base, the person with the highest authority!"

"Well, you did a good job. You are the first to take the lead in this surprise attack."

Xu Lingjun smiled and said, "Now, transfer the highest authority to me!"


Yi Shiqi did not resist, he had seen Xu Lingjun's power with his own eyes, and now he has witnessed Xu Lingjun's re-evolution.

Thanks to Xu Lingjun's teaching of his practice, he now understands...With Xu Lingjun, he has such a slim chance to reach the true peak.

Even, control the Iron Wings!

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