I Can Give the Origin of Everything

Chapter 591: Have ulterior motives

Time flies.

In the blink of an eye, another five years passed.

In the past few years... the development of Blue Star can almost be said to be changing with each passing day.

With the popularity of Sendo.

It's not just the students who have gained good luck.

Xu Lingjun always remembered the standards of level 3 civilization.

At the same time that technology reaches the peak of level 2 civilization, the evolution of the monomer is realized, in other words, the whole people are practicing martial arts and the whole people are practicing immortality.

Evolve for the whole people!

It's very difficult.

But in a sense, this is really not too difficult for Blue Star.

The previous exploits have almost exploited the surrounding powerful heavens and alien races and left them with only pants... As long as these exploited technologies can be digested cleanly, I believe that Blue Star’s technological power can achieve a leap. growth of.

As for martial arts, the problem is even less serious.

You know, as long as those martial arts masters, or immortal masters, they give birth to very few children.

Obviously, while practicing martial art and immortality.

Their genes and bloodlines are actually undergoing recessive strengthening. This strengthening may not seem obvious, but when they practice the same techniques as their parents, it will become prominent.

They seem to be born for these exercises.

As for even if waste wood is born...

That is even more a joyous event. At this time, it is necessary to start the flow of waste wood.

Therefore, in a sense, if the whole people practice martial arts and cultivate immortals, the difficulty of giving birth to a waste wood may be dozens of times more difficult than giving birth to a genius!

Xu Lingjun believes that at most two generations.

Perhaps, although the race of Blue Stars is still called humans, they can be born with extremely strong talents, and it is not difficult for ordinary people to catch up with the current world champion.

This should be regarded as a kind of evolution for the whole people.

Therefore, not only the students are practicing martial arts and immortal methods, but also the people who have passed the proper age no longer go to the square dancing and riding they are keen on.

It's that everyone is sitting in the room intently, listening to the popularity of those mentors.

Practice seriously every day...

The war has just ended.

In the entire Blue Star, no one does not yearn for power, especially if they know that this exercise was created by President Xu, the mind of cultivation is naturally heavier.


Although it was only five years.

Human beings have moved forward across a level as a whole.

According to statistics, five years ago, the number of martial artists in the Cave Profound Realm registered in the Great Xia Empire was about 9W!

This is already an extremely astonishing number, and Xu Lingjun's hard work is contained in it. Otherwise, this number might even be halved.

And now...

This number has reached an astonishing 23W, and the number of masters has exceeded 10,000.

Blue Star really formed the most powerful team of Grand Masters. The Templar Grand Master Army, which the Blizzard Empire was proud of at the time, was pitiful and as immature as a 3-year-old child compared to today's Blue Star Grand Master Army.

And the base of the warrior cultivators at the bottom is even more astonishing.

The figure has already exceeded 10 million.

Although they have not yet reached the cultivation of immortality by the whole people, it is only because the old people who are old and have not survived the turmoil have not all passed away, and the children who learn to speak have not yet grown up.

And this... undoubtedly takes time.

During these five years.

Not only the development of martial arts and immortality, but also a lot of major events.

For example...

Xu Lingjun finally ascended the throne as the emperor under the petition of everyone, and became the true and righteous Lord of the Blue Star.

And on the day he was enthroned.

Many other civilizations, such as Frost Civilization, Yuan Ling Civilization and other level 2 civilizations, come to congratulate you.

Compared to the state where Blue Star was almost all enemies in the universe ten years ago, Blue Star is obviously much better now... Especially in the face of these level 2 civilizations, Xu Lingjun can talk to them on an equal footing, and even conceal it. Take the initiative.

You know, in the past five years, Bluestar has not only developed internally.

Exchange star, in just ten years.

Has become the most prosperous and lively planet in the entire galaxy.

Special products from various civilizations, and goods exchanged...

Under Wang Tiancheng's management, his daily transaction amount is booming, and then the planets divide it according to their own contributions.

Here, you can buy Blue Star’s most delicious food. In recent years, although there has been no war, Blue Star has almost conquered the entire galaxy by relying on the delicious food that has been developed for thousands of years.

And every civilization has unique specialties.

The most transparent crystal of Frost Civilization, as long as one is placed in the room, it can almost remain cold for several years... Now, this thing has gradually replaced the Blue Star's air conditioner.

The natural coldness is more refreshing than the artificial cool breeze.

It can be regarded as a contribution to air pollution.

The small accessories of Yuanling Civilization that can make people calm and calm, as long as they are worn on the body, even the most anxious people can have a good night's sleep. Sleeping pills are almost out of the market.

The Hei Ming civilization has an instrument that can intercept the brain waves after death, allowing people to see the dead souls of the dead.

Although it can only be a short period of time, it is enough for anyone to be willing to pay a huge price to see the appearance of those relatives who have been sick for many years standing up again.

The eye drops of the blood eye civilization eye protection can even make the blind see the light again... as long as your eyes have not suffered fatal damage.

This is not surprising, their power is concentrated on their eyes, and naturally they are particularly concerned about these things.

The current exchange star has become a real hodgepodge.

Here, you can see humans chatting and laughing with Frost people, shopping together.

The human boy and the girl of the Yuanling clan hold hands, as if falling into the beauty of first love.

The exchange and trade between each other has undoubtedly greatly promoted the development of major civilizations, which is much faster and more convenient than making war fortune, and all they need to do is to maintain the safety of this planet.

Now that the cosmic pirates have been destroyed, no one dares to attack this planet.

And with Xu Lingjun's accession to the throne.

The whole Bluestar celebrates the whole world...

The happiest one is probably to regret Qingyue instead.

The young girl is not too old yet, she is obviously too early to get married at the age of twelve or thirteen.

But it does not prevent the little girl from having a girl's unique mind...

Who doesn't like a handsome, strong, gentle husband?

Regrettably, Xu Yang once told her that if he wanted to marry Xu Lingjun, he would have to wait for him to take the throne...

As an emperor, marrying two princesses as wives still said the past.

Otherwise, the name of the Kan clan would really be laughed at.

The little girl is just thinking about it. When will Brother Xu marry me?

Especially after Kan Qingxue gave birth to a daughter.

As promised, Xu Lingjun gave this child the surname Guan... This can be regarded as grateful for the kindness of Xu Yang's knowledge at the beginning. If he hadn't given in, how could he have been on the position of the Lord of the Blue Star?

But this shocked Kan Qingyue.

You must know that the reason why Xuan Xuyang betrothed both sisters to Xu Lingjun at the same time was because Xu Lingjun had a poor impression of Han Qingxue at the time. He was worried that Xu Lingjun would resist, so he was **** with Qingyue. .

And now both of them have children.

The two of them won't regret it, right?

Kan Qingyue's heart is very anxious. In order to quickly uncook rice and cook mature rice, I have thought about various methods...such as deliberately breaking in when Xu Lingjun was bathing, or deliberately letting Xu Lingjun break in when he was bathing. .

Although he hasn't planned to cook the rice with raw rice, at the very least, he should destroy his innocence first.

It is a pity that Xu Lingjun has not put aside his practice for several years.

He has never put aside his self-cultivation.

After Kanyun City regained the blood of the emperor to kill the heavens, it used to have a hundred tricks to completely defeat Kanyun City.

But over the years, the two fought fiercely several times a year...

But Xu Lingjun became more and more relaxed, and now it is difficult for Yuncheng to accept Xu Lingjun's ten moves.

Regrettably, how did Xu Lingjun deal with those little tricks of Qingyue?

As for Han Qingyue, Xu Lingjun has always been thinking about resignation... By now, Xu Lingjun's age has already passed 30 years old.

He had passed Lieyan's thoughts a long time ago.

Especially there are so many beautiful family members around.

Although everyone has their own affairs to be busy, in the past five years, after Zhong Yuebai became pregnant and gave birth to a daughter for Wang Tiancheng, Wang Qingya formally took over as the head of the War Academy.

And Su Huanqing has become the highest lecturer of the war school. In the past few years, she has thoroughly studied the civilization characteristics of several alien races. She has also represented the Blue Star and traveled to other civilizations to conduct the Blue Star’s experience on several occasions. Civilized propaganda.

It is also good for them to better understand the history of Bluestar.

Li Jingjun threw the child to Li Pingting as soon as the child was weaned.

In the army, there has been an extra title of Valkyrie. Although she is a woman, if she is a woman, I am afraid that she is already in the top ten in the Blue Star. Even if it is facing the cloud city of regret, It's a fight.

It is as if Kan Yuncheng has always been stuck behind Xu Lingjun. Although Kan Yuncheng has never fought against Li Jingjun, he has never left her in the true sense.

Ji Roufeng has now become the deputy leader of the Immortal League, replacing Xu Lingjun every day, handling all kinds of chores in the Immortal League.

In Sun Lingli’s words, after inheriting Fengquan Liu, she became a professional instructor for popularizing martial arts. With the entire Fengquan stream, she became the cornerstone of martial arts popularization in one fell swoop. Martial arts can be popularized so quickly, Feng Jian Liu can be said to be Contributed.

Kan Qingxue was busy taking care of the children while also helping Xu Lingjun deal with state affairs... In the end, regret Xu Yang couldn't stand it anymore.

Helped to pick up the child.

Let her handle state affairs with peace of mind, and he would tease his children every day and make fun of his grandchildren, which is considered a suitable old age.

Everyone has their own things to be busy.

Blue Star is developing rapidly...Under such circumstances, how can Xu Lingjun have time to take care of the thoughts of a little girl's children?

Anyway, after she turns 14 years old, if her mind doesn't change, he will marry her.

This thing... just do whatever you want.

And just at the time when Bluestar's development is changing with each passing day.

A piece of news that was not news was known by Xu Lingjun.

Titan civilization.

This civilization was once a Level 2 civilization of the Milky Way, and its individual strength may have evolved to a Level 3 civilization. Its planet was finally unbearable for the Titans’ accumulated mining and squeezing, and in a certain day, it was completely broken.

The Titan civilization lost their homeland forever.

Become a cosmic wave race.

Without roots, there is no potential to continue to grow... The Titans, who were once the closest to level 3 civilization, have now completely disappeared from everyone's eyes.

And learned the news.

Crowley and others all sighed with emotion, if they had made a wrong step in the first place.

Perhaps, the current Titans are a lesson for them.

And now, their civilization has been reborn...There is no danger of civilization being destroyed.

But out of fear of Blue Star.

They did not say that they would lend a helping hand to the Titans because of their previous friendship.

You know, Xu Lingjun is even more stingy than he thought, because the Titans used to attack Blue Star because they were employed by other civilizations, and he actually regarded him as an enemy.

If they help the Titans...

Nowadays, the most powerful Frost Civilization among the many civilizations also has to admit... If ten years ago, they could still keep pace with Blue Star.

So now, in just ten years.

The speed of Blue Star's progress has exceeded their imagination. The gap between the two sides has widened, even if there is another war...

Crowley also has an almost instinctive feeling, I am afraid that all their civilizations join forces, and they may not be the opponent of Blue Star.

What's more, I'm afraid I can't get together now.

You know, these years.

Jiu Xin, the lord of Yuanling civilization, goes to Blue Star once or twice every year, so the purpose is almost self-evident.

If they really want to fight, it's really debatable who they are helping.

From this point of view~www.readwn.com~ When Blue Star took the initiative to invite them to visit the rebirth of the Blizzard Empire, I am afraid it was really not afraid of them, but wanted to take advantage of them and exploit them severely, right?

In this case, who would dare to help the Titans?

In fact...

Isn't the Blue Star the only team to send warships?

But they went to the destroyed Titan civilization, not to save the remaining troops, but to completely destroy the Titan civilization...

The battle of civilization cannot tolerate a trace of mercy.

And since the Titans hit the Blue Star’s Pole Star battlefield countless times, and did not know how many innocent soldiers were casualties, there was no more room for peace between them.

Take advantage of his illness to kill her.

Don't you kill them and keep the hatchlings?

And this move further confirmed Xu Lingjun's careful eye...

Let Crowley and others secretly rejoice in their hearts, fortunately they didn't offend him at the beginning, otherwise I am afraid that I really don't know how to die now.


The battleship rushed to the place vigorously, but not even a team was found.

The Titan civilization disappeared.

With the destruction of civilization?

This is absolutely impossible... Under the circumstances of knowing the destruction, the collective left to the burial of civilization is not in line with the brutal style of the Titans at all.

"In that case, is there any civilization that took the initiative in advance and quietly took away the Titan civilization? Was it out of coveting the power of the Titans and wanting to develop them into dependents, or were they just for targeting the Blue Star?"

Xu Lingjun thought that in this mutual aid association, there were people with ulterior motives.

I just don't know which civilization it is... It seems that it is necessary to investigate one or two more carefully.

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