I can go back to the mysterious age

Chapter 670 The demon statue is complete and the magical power is accomplished! Welcome to hell! (42


The Nirvana Scourge has no intention of merging with the demon Kaxiu!

It has no intention of following in the footsteps of the Totem King!

The Nirvana Scourge now just wants to escape, far away from Kaxiu!

It doesn't matter whether he escapes to his home base in the world of disaster or hides behind the Xia Capital. In short, the farther away you are from the monster in front of you, the better, and you will never see him again.

At this moment, boundless fear has taken over its heart. From the top of the food chain, the master of billions of lives, he is now reduced to being a piece of meat on someone else’s chopping board. How cruel the Nirvana Scourge was in the past, but how terrifying it is now. Because it couldn't be more clear about the despair of life being controlled by others! It was a struggle and suffering every minute and every second.

"The world is made real by fear..."

"The more you fear something in your heart, the more likely it is to happen. Mingtuo... I can feel that you are afraid of death now!"

Three huge voices overlapped in the clouds, as if they were the solemn pronouncements of the holy heaven. Card Xiu judged the outcome of the Nirvana Disaster!

However, how can we sit back and wait for the natural disaster of Nirvana! ?

It wants to escape! It wants to escape to Xiadu, to the world of disaster!

Even if the source is drained, the oil is exhausted, the lamp dries up, and the natural disaster of annihilation still has to escape!

"No one can kill me! Not even you!"

The Scourge roared suddenly, and the pale beast skeleton under the black cloak glowed intensely, as if it were hot and boiling magma. The deathly origin of the dark ultimate body exploded completely, and its power was mobilized to the extreme.

Its entire shape seemed to have transformed into a huge sun.

The black Book of Dead Silence clattered, and a massive amount of disaster and destruction poured into it, activating the most powerful killing move of this original ability. A huge ghost book shadow shrouded the natural disaster of annihilation and expanded rapidly. It seemed to sweep across the entire continent in an instant, detonating all life within.

"No one can kill me, no one!"

The will of the Nirvana Natural Disaster was so insane that it turned into a distorted face.

"You let me down so much, Minggetuo..."

"You fight without the consciousness of being killed, and you speak arrogantly without absolute strength. You are worse than an ordinary soldier among mortals!"

Above the clouds, the will of the Nandou Colossus swept across the sky and the earth, causing the air in the entire area to resonate and vibrate. It took a heavy step and appeared in front of the Calamity of Nirvana as if it had moved instantaneously. The tall and majestic body blocked all the light, casting large and terrifying shadows.

"Feel the reality of death!!!"

boom! boom! boom!

The three faces of the Nandou Colossus emitted powerful divine light, completely locking the natural disaster of annihilation. Scarlet, white, and rose purple, a total of six arms put on postures and seals representing their respective boxing paths, and suppressed it!

The handprints slid across the domineering arc, blowing the air inch by inch.

Quickly arriving at the rapidly expanding shadow of the Book of Death, bang! ! !

The final killing move that the Nirvana Natural Disaster exerted with all its strength was equivalent to the "Dead Silence" erupting from all the runes at the same time. At this moment, it was like a fragile dream bubble, being forcefully punctured and shattered by six arms, and violently crushed by it, unable to hold on for even a second!

Click! Click! Click!

The six powerful palms of the Nandou Colossus suddenly grasped various parts of the Nirvana Scourge's body. It looked like a group of ferocious beasts biting the throats and vitals of their prey, about to dismember the body!

Looking from a distance, the Scourge of Annihilation, wearing a torn black cloak, was struggling wildly, but it was all to no avail. A huge rose-purple python covered with sonic scales wrapped around its body, its bloody mouth raised high, biting the head of the Nirvana Scourge. A scarlet beak like a bloody dragon penetrated the left shoulder of the Scourge of Nirvana, and flesh and blood flew everywhere.

There is also a pair of sacred claws as white as jade, grasping his right shoulder.

Three terrifying beings are brutally strangling an ultimate body of darkness!

"Are you going to..."

The Nirvana Scourge looked at the terrifying Nandou Colossus so close at hand, felt the pain of its body being torn apart, and instantly noticed something. A strong wave of despair and fear vibrated and trembled in its will.

The master of the Golem Sect, he wants to cut me into pieces alive!

"No...no! No!!!!"

Tear it apart! ! !

The three southern fighting beasts exerted force in three directions together, and the surging force was like a tsunami tearing in opposite directions. Suddenly, Nirvana's huge body could not bear the pressure and fell apart on the spot!

Its head, neck and spine were pulled out by the purple-scaled python.

The left half of the body was turned into mud by the blood vulture.

The right half of the body was torn off bloody by the white bird's wings!

The energy light that had just risen on the body of the Nirvana Scourge was like a supernova explosion, and it was also like a supernova, fleeting.

All the unwillingness, all the regrets, all turned into a cry...


Whether it is a mortal or a god-like dark ultimate body.

Before death, they all seemed to scream the same.

There is no difference.


The ultimate existence of darkness, the natural disaster of annihilation, was killed and perished!

The murderer is Ka Xiu, the master of the Golem Sect who broke through the barrier with three punches in one!


At the core of the battlefield, Ka Xiu let out a bohemian laugh that shocked the sky. And on his huge body, the bloody traces of the Nirvana Scourge's cruel dismemberment were still falling down, telling the story of cruelty and cruelty.

In a short period of time, he killed two Dark Ultimates with perfect combat power.

This made Ka Xiu's will instantly surge to its peak.

The three fists of Nandou are combined into one. This is something that only one person can do throughout the ages. A mythical and legendary achievement, of course, it needs to be celebrated with blood! The Totem King and the Scourge of Annihilation are the most suitable starters! Let their deaths announce the arrival of the King of Nandou Chi!


At this moment, Ka Xiu may not be called the King of Spirit.

After all, the progress of Golem Miwu's technique is still stuck at more than 90%, and has not reached 100% of the complete spiritual chapter. When the final chapter is completed, his combat power will reach its peak.

Every Nan Dou boxing technique that reaches perfect combat power will give Ka Xiu a terrifying state. That would be an exaggerated improvement. Fellow Kaxiu's three Nandou boxing skills were transformed into Nandou secrets, which were instantly improved three times! That would expand his power to an unimaginable level!

"It's time to eat..."

"The Golem Secret Martial Arts becomes more difficult the further you advance, especially the last few percent of the spiritual chapter. If it is an ordinary dark ultimate body, it may take many heads to fill it up. However, the perfect combat power is completely different. . The Totem King and the Nirvana Scourge are among the top ten existences of endless disasters, and their origins are as strong as the ocean..."

"That should be enough!"

Card Xiu has not been able to meet the current surge in combat power, because Xiadu has opened a door to heaven, and the last one is about to open. If its true form returns completely, judging from the previous fighting situation, Xia Dou himself is likely to have the ability and power of all the ultimate dark bodies.

Nowadays, Ka Xiu, who combines three fists into one, can easily kill the Totem King and other Dark Ultimates. However, it is hard to say whether he can crush Xiadu himself. After all, that was the existence where the concept of endless disaster fell.

If it is not guaranteed or safe, then continue to improve your strength!

Anyway, Ka Xiu at this time is far from reaching his limit.

"Come on, let me see where my limits are!"

On the mainland, a huge and terrifying figure began to absorb the remains of the Totem King and the Nirvana Scourge on the spot, extracting the surging life vibration energy inside. The two corpses with full combat power are quite powerful.

A steady stream of fiery power was drawn out of Ka Xiu's body.

In the upper right corner of the sight, the skill status bar is displayed as always.

"Golem Secret War: Spirit Chapter 93.2% (Final Chapter)"

Since the creation of Golem Miwu, it has gone from the physical chapter, to the spiritual chapter, and then to the spiritual chapter. Card Xiu has experienced too much along the way, his hands are stained with blood, accompanied by endless killings. Today, this secret martial art of demons will finally reach perfection, which also represents the completion of Kaxiu’s secret martial arts path.

On the earth, Ka Xiu was absorbing the life vibration energy while recalling all the events he had gone back through six times. There is no sigh, no emotion, no loneliness or sadness, only more determination!

He was on the right path, the path he most wanted to be on.

If it is so in line with your wish, why should you be confused? !

The one standing in the way is whether it is the Totem King, the Natural Disaster of Annihilation, or the Xia Capital! They will all be ruthlessly crushed by their own torrent!

Ka Xiu has now merged the three fists of Nandou into one, and will wait until the three fists of Miwu merge into one. Such domineering thoughts and madness, what can be resisted?

In the final analysis, thousands of words can only be reduced to one sentence.

"I'm too strong!"

Swish, swish, swish...

The last trace of life vibration energy was extracted by Kaxiu's magnetic field.

He slowly clenched his fists, feeling the incredible energy fluctuations in his body, and was about to push the demon Miwu. Suddenly, in the southeast of Xinglan Rock Continent, in the direction of the Calamity Altar, a huge wave of waves came over.

Kaxiu suddenly turned his head and looked across thousands of miles.

There is a hill of bones, on top of an ancient altar.

High in the sky, the beam of light firmly locked the last door to heaven, imposing a terrifying restraint. A black smoky figure floated quietly in mid-air, arms crossed across its chest, calmly. In front of the black smoke figure, a scaly giant replaced the previous black clay giant.

Two claws that seemed to be covered with pitch-black asphalt grabbed onto the crack of the spiritual door, pulling outward little by little with an unstoppable momentum. Waves of impact from the Gate of Heaven hit the scaly giant, but could only slightly hinder its movement, and were not as powerful as the previous one that shattered the black clay giant. The Xia Capital itself is the Demonic Well of Disaster, and its body is connected to endless disasters. How could it be destroyed so easily?

Now, the seal of the door to the body has been lifted, and two-thirds of Xiadu's body has returned. It is almost a certainty that the seal of the last door to heaven will be opened. The speed is also much faster than before.


A small crisp sound was inconspicuous among the huge vibrations.

But Xia Du's figure, which had been floating quietly in mid-air, was slightly stagnant. The black smoke on his face turned into a ferocious face of ecstasy.


"The last seal has been completely opened!"

As if to confirm Xia Du's words, the louder and louder sound of the door opening overwhelmed the resistance and vibration at the gate of heaven. Ten giant scaly claws clasped the door panel, pulling it outward bit by bit, clicking. A thick crack in the door appeared, and a beam of golden holy light came out from inside.

"Return...come back...come back..."

"My supreme demonic body!!!"


Inside the Spiritual Gate, a huge crashing sound came.

With the cooperation between the inside and outside, the door to heaven opened several times faster than before. Boom! After a sound, a huge body with terrifying black smoke burning on its surface rushed out from the spiritual door.

And, like a baby swallow returning to its nest, it comes into contact with the body outside.

A terrifying fusion began. It was the complete summer capital, and it was the complete well of disaster. Between heaven and earth, under the holy light, an extremely evil being stood on the ground, with its arms spread out, and the dense black smoke tentacles behind it stretched out crazily, as if the roots of a tree trunk had penetrated into the world of the real world, polluting everything. On the front of this scaly demon body, the head position is a mysterious whirlpool with no facial features. There was a large dark hole between the chest and abdomen, as if it were the mouth of a deep well.

In the mouth of the well, a steady stream of disaster breath was released crazily.

That is a source that is more intense and larger than the source of hundreds of disasters! Wherever the Xiadu deity passes, it is a world of disaster!

It is indeed true. In a short period of time, the area where it is located has been completely contaminated by the disaster and is connected to the entire disaster world.

Ho ho ho! Quack quack! Giggle!

In the gap between the two worlds, one after another, huge dark silhouettes descended from the disaster to reality, revealing the hideous and terrifying body of their dark ultimate body. They were summoned by Xia Capital to destroy the entire world.

"Is this the real world? Great, great!"

"It will become our race's new flesh and blood hotbed!"

"Great, I finally stepped into the surface world! Next, I want to kill heartily! All humans will be my food..."

Dark ultimate bodies of different shapes but equally terrifying vent their excitement wantonly, letting their crazy will be released.

"This place is simply paradise!!! Hahahaha!"

The gap between the two realms is hundreds of miles away from the Altar of Calamity.

A dark ultimate body opened its four arms and laughed crazily. It can't wait to enjoy the killing and flesh and blood!


"No, for you, this is hell..."

Suddenly, a deep voice came from behind this dark ultimate body. At some point, a terrifying figure placed a steel palm on the top of the dark ultimate body's head, and gently grabbed it.

There was a tearing sound, a shower of blood surged out, and the head was taken off.

A face with a hard steel mask came closer quickly, and two points of scarlet light shined brightly. Looking at the dark ultimate body that was instantly killed, the stunned head with wide eyes said ferociously: "Welcome to hell!"

In the upper right corner of the field of vision, the skill status bar flashed slightly in the peripheral vision.

"Golem Secret War: Spirit Chapter 93.2% (Final Chapter)" →

"Golem Secret Martial Arts: Spirit Chapter 100% (Final Chapter)"

The demonic image is perfect and the magical power is accomplished!

Next, just fight and destroy, crush everything to pieces!

Card repair...

Thanks to book friend Hello WAang for the 1,500 starting coin reward.

It's a bit long to write, so I'm a little late, sorry.

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