I can improve the quality of my abilities

Chapter 124 SSS's ability to transform into a myriad of things

There's nothing they can do to save this guy if he insists on being mean-mouthed!

However, although the three of them did not dare to say anything, they looked at Su Shu and the other three with schadenfreude, expecting them to be reprimanded by the invigilator.

"What are you doing?" The invigilator shouted directly when he saw Su Shu and the others coming.

It's not that he has a bad attitude, it's just that there are too many candidates who want to jump in line and have a relationship during this time in the morning. If there are too many candidates, he will definitely be upset, so his attitude will definitely not be much better.

Without saying a word, Su Shu took out the supernatural force certificate and said: "We are candidates and also the supernatural force. We need to go in and perform tasks!"

The invigilator looked at the certificate of the supernatural army that Su Shu took out, and he was dumbfounded. A high school senior became a supernatural army?

This has never happened before in history!

The other party's so-called execution of the mission must be nonsense, they just want to jump in the queue.

However, this was of great importance, so he quickly reported it to the commander of the garrisoned supernatural force.

As a result, the other party replied lightly: "I can't afford to offend you. Let them go in after a routine inspection!"

As soon as it was mentioned that high school students became superpowers, the officer stationed at the station immediately thought of Su Shu and the other three. Apart from the three of them, he couldn't think of anyone else!

Nonsense, Diamond Superpower Lin Fangcai's home was robbed, and in the end Lin Fangcai went to apologize to them!

Who dares to offend such a person? What if the other party is unhappy and directly blocks Luo An's gate, or else everyone will not take the exam?

To be honest, there is really nothing the supernatural forces present can do against Su Shu and the others!

In terms of background, he has direct access to Tianting and can directly contact the Spirit Emperor. In terms of strength, diamond superpowers have no way to deal with him. What should I do? What can be done?

The officers of the supernatural force stationed there said so, and the invigilator had no choice but to conduct a routine examination on the three of them, and then let them in.

This scene directly dumbfounded all the candidates in line behind.

Immediately, various dissatisfied voices sounded: "Why did they jump in line?"

"It's not fair. You abused your power and let related people in!"

"I'm going to complain to the Spiritual Emperor that you are using your power for personal gain!"

"Jumping in line is bad for your health..."

Li Yafei and the other four were also very surprised. They couldn't understand why Su Shu and the others could jump in line or even get in early.

You should know that the inspection has not officially started yet, and those at the top of the queue are still waiting!

When the invigilator was in trouble, a figure suddenly flew out from the superpower base, came to the front of Luo'an Gate, and then spoke:

"You don't have to be dissatisfied. The three of them are superpowers, and even if you don't know their names, you must have heard of their deeds."

"I'm not afraid to tell you that they robbed the Alien Beast Hall some time ago, they also robbed the black market, and they also robbed the home of an officer of the Diamond Superpower Army!"

"If you make them angry, then we will block the door to the alien beasts and everyone will stop taking the exam!"

There are some things that you know without even thinking about them, and the other party can do them.

As soon as these words came out, all the candidates turned off their engines, yes! The other party can really do it!

This will take some time, the time has come, start checking and entering.

Then candidates began to file in one by one.

But what no one noticed was that the moment Li Yafei and others entered Luo An's Gate, they disappeared.

The towering trees blocked the sky, and black shadows streaked across the sky. They were flies the size of fists. They were the strange beasts in Luo'an's Gate - strange flies.

Su Shu and the others turned into three strange flies and were waiting for something among the dense green leaves of a big tree.

The village student couldn't help it anymore: "Brother Shu, what are we waiting for here? Hurry up and kill the strange beasts!"

Su Shu had a constipated expression on his face and didn't reply.

He was currently communicating with Meiyangyangsang.

As soon as he came in, Meiyangyangsang felt the strange atmosphere of this alien beast space, and then reminded Su Shu: "Boy, you are so lucky, there is a god-level alien beast crystal core in it! It's a pity that this thing is missing. In the black iron level space, otherwise it will be of great use to me!"

Su Shu: "What's the use of this thing to me?"

Meiyang Yangsang: "It seems useless for the time being! I can only tell you that god-level crystal cores contain rules. After being used by legendary creatures, they can help the other party understand the rules, and there is a high chance that the other party will break through to the god-level!"

Su Shu was surprised: "So perverted?"

Meiyangyangsang: "Of course, anyone who reaches the god level will have unimaginable power!"

But perversion is perversion. For the time being, it is really of no use to the current Su Shu!

Where can he find legendary beasts for his opponent to use?

Besides, what's the point of using it on the other party? Raise a god-level enemy?

But now that he has met him, Su Shu has no reason to let him go.

Su Shu was not in a hurry to go deep into the alien beast space, but chose to wait where he was. Before going deep, he had to create a good college entrance examination environment for Li Yafei and the others.

Not long after, as the candidates entered, Su Shu also saw Li Yafei and the other three through the cracks in space, and then directly threw an illusion to them.

After finishing it, Su Shu stood up and said, "Let's go!"

The three of them jumped directly from the big tree and headed deep into the forest. Below them, there were three strange flies crawling on the ground. They looked very strange.

"Lao Mei, which direction are you going?" Su Shu asked Mei Yang Yang Sang in his mind as he walked.

Meiyangyangsang: "Follow the big river at the front and go deeper, right at the source of that river."

After getting the answer, Su Shu led Cunsheng and Wang Yuxian to go deeper.

When they met elite or lord alien flies on the way, Su Shu did not stop and did not seem interested at all.

Cunsheng was the first to be unable to help and asked Su Shu: "Brother Shu, don't we kill them? It's a pity to miss so many!"

Su Shu: "Let's go straight for the high-quality ones! Killing these is boring!"

If it is true as Meiyangyangsang said, there are god-level crystal cores at the source of this river, then that should be the gathering place of high-quality alien flies.

At that time, we only need to get some emperor-level alien flies there, which is much better than killing these elites and lords.

But as they went deeper, the surrounding scenes also made the three people feel uncomfortable.

Just the terrible stuffy feeling made the three people sweat.

You also have to pay attention to your feet at all times.

Because the environment inside is particularly humid, the ground is basically a pool of water and swamps. Every step you take needs to be cautious, for fear of accidentally falling into it.

What makes the three people most uncomfortable is the dense alien flies around.

Whether it was on the tree trunks, leaves, the ground, or the sky, there were dense flies all around.

The originally green forest and the blue sky were now all dyed dark by the dense black flies.

This depressing environment was very unbearable, and even made the three people feel extremely irritable.

Finally, Su Shu couldn't help it anymore and asked Mei Yangyang Sang.

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