I can improve the quality of my abilities

Chapter 212: Too excited to sleep

Su Shu was immediately disdainful after hearing this: "A cat that can do backflips? Who would believe it!"

Si Wang looked at Su Shu with her big blue eyes full of charm, and her voice was extremely gentle: "If you don't believe it, you can come in and take a look!"

Su Shu raised his hand directly: "No need, there is no such cat at all, so that's it, I'm leaving first, I have to go back and prepare things for going abroad!"

After that, Su Shu turned around and left without stopping!

Si Wang leaned against the door, staring at Su Shu's back with wide eyes, and then said disdainfully: "What a loser who doesn't understand romance!"

After that, he turned around and closed the door!

After leaving, Su Shu went all the way back to Dongfang's house and reunited with the villagers!

As soon as he saw Su Shu, the village student couldn't help but come forward and proudly said: "Brother Shu, how was my performance today? I have been holding back from using other superpowers!"

Su Shu gave the village student a thumbs up: "Great, the United States needs you to win a Nobel Prize!"

Wang Yuxian on the other side couldn't help but complain after hearing this: "That's called the Golden Broom Award!"

The village student: "Is that an Oscar?"

Su Shu patted the village student on the shoulder: "Don't pay attention to those details!"

There was only one day left before going abroad.

On this day, Su Shu was first called to the office of the Spirit Emperor!

The Spirit Emperor spent more than an hour explaining to Su Shu many things to pay attention to. In his words, he told Su Shu to keep a low profile and try to win in the end.

Otherwise, once the United States realizes the terrifying combat power of several people, they may try their best to strangle them in the cradle.

Su Shu couldn't help but say, "We don't have SSS abilities, and we can't achieve the emperor level in our lifetime. They won't go to great lengths for us, right?"

After hearing this, the Spiritual Emperor said loudly, "Do you think you can have such combat power without SSS abilities? Think about it with your asshole!"

"Do you really think I don't know? The earth armor of the village student has long been an SSS ability, right? And Wang Yuxian's pear blossom spear, and the ability to release five-color lightning, seems to be a god-level ability beyond SSS, right?"

After hearing this, Su Shu opened his mouth wide, "You know all of this?"

Spiritual Emperor: "You are so high-profile, you can guess it, right? Okay, go pack up and get ready!"

After leaving the Spiritual Emperor's office, Su Shu went to see Zhao Shilin and Wang Wuchen again. Anyway, it was just a farewell!

As for home, Su Shu didn't go back. Instead of telling them and making them worry, it's better not to tell them, so that they don't have to think so much about themselves!

In the evening, Kong Fanjing specially invited Su Shu and the other four to dinner, fulfilling his promise to treat them to a buffet.

At the same time, the custom-made alien cage was also made. After dinner, Su Shu and Kong Fanjing completed the handover and handed over the two legendary beasts to each other.

Before leaving, Kong Fanjing couldn't help but say: "Be careful on your way and return safely!"

Su Shu looked back in surprise: "Aren't you going with us?"

Kong Fanjing shook his head: "Someone has been arranged to escort you, not me!"

Su Shu couldn't help but ask curiously: "Do you know who it is?"

Kong Fanjing said mysteriously: "You will know tomorrow!"

Seeing that the other party didn't say anything, Su Shu no longer struggled! Go back directly!

After a night of excitement and insomnia, Su Shu finally made it to dawn!

There is no way, I am really looking forward to going abroad, and sometimes I am still restrained in China.

But it's different when I go abroad. It can be said that it's like a fish returning to the sea, swimming freely!

Seeing that it was dawn, Su Shu got up and put on his clothes, put on his backpack, opened the door and walked out.

As soon as Su Shu went out, he saw Cunsheng sitting outside with two dark circles under his eyes. After hearing the noise behind him, he couldn't help but turn his head to look.

Su Shu was immediately surprised: "What are you doing?"

Cunsheng: "Brother Shu, I'm so excited that I didn't sleep all night!"

Su Shu was speechless: "What's the big deal! It's just going abroad!"

Cunsheng shook his head vigorously after hearing this: "No, for us it's not going abroad, but going to do big things!"

Su Shu pouted: "Country bumpkin!"

Cunsheng: "You are also embarrassed to say that to me, tell me what's wrong with your dark circles?"

Su Shu couldn't help but raise his hand and touch it after hearing this, and was also speechless.

Seeing that Su Shu didn't speak, Cunsheng spoke again: "Wang Yuxian is still calm, she must have slept well last night!"

"Get ready to go!" As soon as Cunsheng finished speaking, Wang Yuxian's excited voice came from behind them!

Su Shu and Cunsheng turned their heads and looked, and immediately saw the pair of dark circles under Wang Yuxian's eyes.

When the three of them arrived at the meeting place, they came too early and the others hadn't arrived yet.

After waiting for a long time, the village student stamped his feet: "These people are too slow, don't they want to go abroad?"

Su Shu was speechless: "Do you think everyone is like you!"

Wang Yuxian: "That's right!"

The village student rolled his eyes after hearing this: "What the hell, you don't want to be the same!"

"Brother Shu, Brother Cun, Sister Yuxian, good morning!"

At this time, a voice sounded, and then Suo Youren came jogging!

The few people didn't wait for long, and the other two teams also came.

The group waited for a while, but no escort came.

Su Shu was a little impatient and couldn't help saying: "Why haven't you come yet? I don't know who will escort us this time!"

The village student came up directly: "Do you think it will be the Ice Emperor?"

Su Shu and Wang Yuxian widened their eyes after hearing this, this is completely possible!

After all, if only one king-level player came to lead the team this time, it would be really not good enough.

Suo Youren couldn't help asking, "Who escorted last year?"

As soon as this was said, everyone present was confused.

After all, everyone present was new, and those who participated in the competition last year had graduated and left!

"I remember someone told me that it seemed to be Lord Xu Wang!" At this time, one person suddenly remembered and spoke.

"Lord Xu Wang? Now that you mention it, I remember that I did hear the contestants of the last session say it!" Another person spoke.

Village student: "Lord Xu Wang? He is so weak, will he die on the road due to lack of physical strength? Do we need to be responsible then?"

Wang Yuxian: "Keep your voice down! If it is really the other party, and you happen to be heard by the other party, you might be thrown directly in the United States!"

Su Shu: "Who cares who he is!"

Although he said so, Su Shu couldn't help but take out his mobile phone to check the message of the Ice Emperor.

If it is really the other party who escorted this time, he would probably send him a message.

To Su Shu's disappointment, there was no movement in the Ice Queen's message, so it shouldn't be her!

The group waited for a while, and finally, a white figure flew over and landed directly in front of everyone.

When everyone saw the appearance of the person clearly, they all opened their mouths in surprise!

Many people couldn't help rubbing their eyes, and couldn't believe it was true!

Even Su Shu and the other four didn't expect it to be the other party!

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