I can improve the quality of my abilities

Chapter 234 The whole world is boiling

Chelson: "After this competition, I will allocate all the resources of the United States to your descendant who has awakened the SSS ability, and help her break through to the emperor level as soon as possible. I hope you won't do anything behind my back!"

"Your little idea, do you really think everyone is a fool? Can't you see it?"

After saying this, the Black Emperor's face became even gloomier, and a murderous intent flashed in his eyes, but he immediately hid it and nodded quickly: "Yes, Mr. President!"

Chelson then said: "The subsequent compensation issues of the US Federal Reserve will all be counted on the Giant Emperor. Sell all his industries to fill this hole! If it is not enough, I will use the money of the US Federal Reserve to make up for it!"

As the saying goes, when the tree falls, the monkeys scatter. Once the Giant Emperor dies, his industry will be dealt with immediately.

Although the other six emperors felt sad after hearing this, they could only agree.

What can they do if they don't agree? Use their industries to help fill it? This will make them more uncomfortable than the death of the Giant Emperor!

After the order was issued, Chelson walked away with the Scepter of Wisdom.

Faintly, the Sixth Emperor discovered that President Cherzen's hand was shaking as he leaned on the Scepter of Wisdom, and every time he leaned on it, there was a loud noise, and the floor was shaking constantly.

It can be seen that Cherzen's heart was not calm at this time.

This was the first time that the Sixth Emperor had seen Cherzen like this since he met him.

Before, Cherzen was very calm no matter what he faced, and then made all kinds of correct decisions.

Now Cherzen is like this, you can imagine how much impact the death of the Giant Emperor has on him!

At this time, Su Shu and the other two went back to the hotel directly, and then tried to suppress the unrest in their hearts in the room!

The three of them were now somewhat afraid to accept the reality.

They actually killed the Giant Emperor, one of the Seven Emperors of the United States!

And they successfully became the first superpower in history to kill an emperor-level person.

This is really too unreal, even novels dare not write like this!

Let alone novels, it feels too exaggerated even in dreams!

The Seven Emperors of the United States! The top people in the whole world, one of the deterrent forces of the United States, has now been solved directly.

Who would be too calm in the face of such a thing?

In this restless state, the three people who came back had been tossing and turning, and it was difficult to fall asleep.

When they finally made it to dawn, the US official suddenly released a message:

"The Great Emperor, one of the seven emperors of the United States, died while arresting Japanese bandits. Please give the United States an explanation from Japan, otherwise, Japan does not need to exist!"

As soon as this news was released, the whole world went crazy!

The Great Emperor, one of the seven emperors of the United States, died? This is too much!

You know, the Great Emperor is also a figure at the ceiling level of combat power in the whole world, but he suddenly died!

For a time, most people were wondering if the United States had released false news!

But then I thought, it is unlikely. How could the United States joke about such a thing?

And the information about the customer compensation plan released by the United States later on the theft of the Federal Reserve warehouse also confirmed that the Great Emperor was really dead.

Because the compensation plan said that the state-owned industry of the Great Emperor would be sold for compensation!

Because in this arrest operation, the Giant Emperor made the biggest mistake. He not only let the criminals go, but also caused his own death! In the end, it was determined that the responsibility was all on the Giant Emperor!

Later, after the various countries confirmed that the Giant Emperor was really dead, those who were unhappy with the United States suddenly gloated over it.

And those who licked the United States, there was a feeling of grief for the death of the rabbit!

Among them, the most uncomfortable was the empty emperor who was hunting the beasts in the gate of the beasts in Japan!

When he was struggling to kill the beasts, he suddenly received news that the Japanese killed the Giant Emperor in the United States!

When he heard the news for the first time, the empty emperor would never believe it!

But after repeated confirmation, he was dumbfounded. This thing was actually true!

What followed was a kind of fear from the heart!

One of the seven emperors was killed. It is conceivable how the United States will treat Japan next!

No, those people must be found, recalled, and severely punished! Isn't this pushing Japan into the fire pit! Absolutely no forgiveness!

As for resistance? Kong Huang would never think about this question!

Just because the other party can kill one giant emperor doesn't mean they can kill all seven emperors!

After all, if the other party really has the strength to crush the United States, the United States will never issue such a notice asking for an explanation. It will definitely shut up and try not to speak, so as not to offend Japan!

After giving a series of orders, Kong Huang worked harder to hunt the beasts.

At the same time, Ling Huang, who was in the headquarters building of the Chinese Ability Army, also received the news.

Looking at the official notice issued by the United States on his mobile phone, Ling Huang felt as if his head was suddenly hit hard. After a long time, it was still buzzing.

In his mind, he unconsciously recalled the scene of meeting with the giant emperor and others!

There was also a scene in which the giant emperor mocked China in the open and secret struggles!

There was also a scene when the giant emperor was in high spirits when he took action!

And that person suddenly received news that he was gone!

Staring at the phone, the Emperor could not move his eyes away. His brows knitted unconsciously, and he whispered: "Was it Japan who did it? Japan has the strength to do this? Wait, could it be that kid?"

In the Emperor's mind, Su Shu's figure unconsciously emerged!

As soon as this idea came out, the Emperor was shocked by it! Some couldn't believe it!

Immediately, the Spirit Emperor hurriedly shouted in his heart: "God Emperor, reply!"

"I'm here, I'm here!" The God Emperor's voice suddenly sounded in the Spirit Emperor's heart!

Emperor Ling: "Tell me, was it Su Shu and the others who did it?"

God Emperor: "You guessed it right, you guessed it right..."

The Spirit Emperor took a breath of air after hearing this, still in disbelief: "What? Is it true?"

God Emperor: "Really, they did go out last night! The..."

When he first heard the news, the God Emperor was shocked, and it took him a long time to react!

Combined with the time Su Shu and the others went out last night, the God Emperor finally concluded that it was Su Shu and the others who did it!

The Spirit Emperor suddenly stood up and paced back and forth: "You are so courageous, and you did a great job! God Emperor, be careful when you come back!"

God Emperor: "Don't worry, don't say that there are only six emperors left in the United States now. Even if all seven emperors were here before, there is nothing they can do to me! They can't keep me! Heart..."

Spirit Emperor: "Okay, let's do this for now! I'll ask that kid later how he killed the emperor! It's so cool! I'll go have a drink to celebrate first, and we'll get in touch later."

God Emperor: "Okay, yes!"

One of the rooms in the hotel where the American players are staying.

Siwang was holding her cell phone at this time, looking at the messages on it for a long time and unable to recover.

Immediately, Si Wang seemed to have made some kind of decision, stood up suddenly, and walked out of the room.

PS, roaring, the leave request failed, I came back early, I will write it out when I have time, keep the leave request note and read it later!

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