I can improve the quality of my abilities

Chapter 249 Improving Weakness

In this way, the number of third-level life grasses in Su Shu's sack space increased to four.

When they returned to the base again, it was already evening!

The three were so tired that they went back to the dormitory to sleep.

Su Shu had just fallen on the bed, but the space next to him was suddenly torn open, and the Void King slowly walked out of it.

"How does it feel to be a superpower soldier?"

Unexpectedly, the Void King seemed to be in a good mood today, and he actually asked Su Shu on his own initiative.

Su Shu: "Don't mention it, I haven't been idle since I came here!"

Originally, Su Shu wanted to take time to check the information of space-related superpowers to prepare for the silver-level superpowers, but it turned out that he had no time at all!

By the way, isn't the person in front of him a space-based superpower user! And this guy is the top space-based superpower user in the whole of China!

So Su Shu quickly asked, "Lord Xu Wang, can you tell me what space-related abilities are there?"

In fact, the most suitable one for Su Shu now is of course time-space division, but according to Baobao and Meiyangyangsang, the strength of the Void Walker is too terrifying, and Su Shu has no way to deal with him now, so he can only wait and see!

After hearing this, the Xu Wang was stunned, and then he also understood that Su Shu was preparing for the silver-level ability slot, so he answered:

"The more powerful spatial attacks are space exile, space blade, space cutting, space cracks, and the more powerful auxiliary ones are teleportation, transmission, space barrier, space barrier, imprisonment, etc."

Su Shu frowned and thought, it seems that the Xu Wang does not know some high-quality space-related abilities, such as time-space division, wormhole, black hole, space oppression, space jump, space bounce, etc.

These are some high-quality space-related abilities that Meiyangyangsang and Baobao summarized for Su Shu.

However, these abilities sound awesome, but there is no place to get them!

In fact, what Su Shu can get now, and what helps him the most at this stage, is teleportation!

This thing is the best choice whether it is attacking, defending, or escaping.

After all, he now has the Space-Time Thorn and the Forbidden Alien Horn for attack, and the auxiliary has weakness and space manufacturing. Teleportation can help him deal with various problems encountered later.

And teleportation is also easy to obtain. The Void Mantis in the Void Gate they went to before has it!

Void King: "I see that you have attack abilities, but teleportation is more suitable for you!"

Su Shu was surprised: "Do you think teleportation is suitable for me too?"

Void King nodded: "Yes, if this ability is used well, it can often have unexpected effects!"

Su Shu nodded: "Okay, I will consider it!"

"Well! Give me the sack!" Void King nodded and stretched out his hand to Su Shu.

Su Shu handed the sack to Void King, and then Void King opened the space, and the dense diamond-level alien beast crystal cores inside gushed out crazily and directly entered Su Shu's sack.

A few minutes later, King Xu handed the sack back to Su Shu: "Click it!"

Su Shu took it and sensed it roughly. After seeing that the number was correct, he nodded to King Xu: "Okay!"

After the handover, King Xu directly tore open the space and left.

At this time, Cunsheng and Zhao Shilin got up from pretending to sleep.

Su Shu: "Why don't you sleep?"

Today is quite tiring, so the three of them did not absorb the crystal core after returning, but prepared to rest for a night.

Zhao Shilin couldn't help but ask curiously: "King Xu? Is he the top space king-level superpower in our China? What is he doing here?"

Su Shu: "He came to say good night to me!"

Zhao Shilin: "¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿"

Cunsheng: "Don't listen to him, I'm here to give him something! By the way, say good night!"

Zhao Shilin was speechless after hearing this. None of these two guys are serious!

Since they didn't say anything, Zhao Shilin simply didn't bother to ask, and then couldn't help but be curious: "How much military merit can we get from these two missions? Can my sergeant rank be upgraded by one level?"

Su Shu: "What's the use of upgrading the sergeant rank?"

Zhao Shilin: "There are many benefits! It can increase the rights in the supernatural army, and can contact higher-level monster gates and obtain more resources!"

In fact, Zhao Shilin is very happy that Su Shu and the others can come and be with him!

And from today's mission situation, it can be seen that with them, the mission is too easy, and they are all completed in excess!

Su Shu: "I don't care whether it's money or not, I actually want to serve the people more!"

Cunsheng: "Then transfer all your military merits to me! I need money! From now on, you will serve the people exclusively, and I will be responsible for collecting your military merits and wages!"

After hearing this, Su Shu glared at the village student: "Get lost!"

As they chatted, the village student and Zhao Shilin fell asleep.

Su Shu sat up, took out the sack, and began to absorb the crystal core inside to improve the powerlessness ability.

That's right, this time Su Shu chose to improve the powerlessness ability.

This ability is the core of Su Shu. Only when this ability is improved can Su Shu have more confidence.

Soon, all the diamond beast crystal cores were absorbed by Su Shu, and the powerlessness ability also changed.


Quality: SS

Causes 40 minutes of weakness to the user. During the process, the opponent will be completely weak, unable to attack, and unable to use the power. The control can be released at any time during the process.

Can sense the power fluctuations and use the powerlessness ability on the opponent.

When using it, you can choose to exchange positions with the other party, or just go to the other party's position, or just let the other party come over.

It can be used on 100 targets at the same time, and you can choose whether to pull the other party over or exchange positions with the other party.

The current quality improvement requires: 100000000 Master Beast Crystal Cores.

Looking at the new changes of Weakness, Su Shu was surprised!

Using it on 100 targets at the same time, isn't that a group weakness! This effect is simply amazing!

Although 100 may not seem like a lot, Su Shu can release it continuously!

Wherever he passes, a group of virtual kings will be left behind...

And after this upgrade, Weakness can already be effective against bronze legendary beasts.

At the same time, it can also work on the human king level. In this way, even if facing a large group of king-level sieges, Su Shu can easily turn them into virtual kings.

In his fantasy, Su Shu fell asleep unknowingly.

But it felt like he hadn't slept for long when he was suddenly awakened by Zhao Shilin!

Su Shu got up in a daze, only to find that it was still dark. He was immediately furious: "Captain Zhao, why did you ask us to get up so late at night?"

Zhao Shilin said as he put on his shoes: "Emergency mission, hurry up and get up!"

Su Shu: "What mission is so urgent, so late at night!"

Zhao Shilin: "There is a gate of strange beasts to be opened in the city center of Mingxi District. It is initially estimated that it is a silver-level gate of strange beasts. We must go over to block the first wave of outbreaks, otherwise the consequences will be serious!"

Su Shu stopped talking after hearing this and hurriedly got up and put on his clothes.

If the silver-level gate of strange beasts in the city center is not stopped in time, the consequences will be very serious!

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