Just when Su Shu's hand was about to touch the mound, he was immediately stopped by Meiyangyangsang and Baobao!

Meiyangyangsang: "Brother Shu, don't! Can we go out right now?"

Baobao also flattered: "Go, go, go, find the exit!"

Su Shu stopped and flew out of the sack space!

After Meiyangyangsang and Baobao caught up, they couldn't help but look back, with expectation and reluctance in their eyes!

After returning to the void, Su Shu observed carefully.

At this time, he suddenly discovered that the place where the roots of the ancient apricot tree originally grew was now densely covered with inky black wormholes, which emitted dim light, and no one knew where they led to!

Looking at these wormholes, Su Shu couldn't help but raise his hand and touch his chin to think.

Do you want to go in and take a look? Maybe after going out from here, you can reach the exit area.

Su Shu was desperate, but it was a helpless way.

After he came in, he was pushed by Leopard for a distance and originally deviated from the exit area.

Later, he even went through a wormhole, so now Su Shu didn't know where he was!

Finally, Su Shu gritted his teeth and said directly to Leopard: "Go, push me into the wormhole over there!"

Leopard was also surprised: "Wormhole? Are you sure?"

Su Shu nodded: "Sure, let's go!"

Leopard had no choice but to agree and push the sack space towards the wormhole.

Leopard's speed was very fast. In just a moment, he pushed the space to the edge of one of the wormholes.

Suddenly, a huge suction force came, and the sack space was instantly out of control and flew towards the wormhole.

At the last moment of entering it, Su Shu looked back at the void behind him, and the only huge space left, and activated his supernatural power at the same time!

The surrounding scene changed, and the sack space appeared in another void.

And Su Shu in the space was holding a huge void mantis at this time, and the man and the beast were staring at each other!

After a while, the Void Mantis finally realized that it wanted to struggle, but found that it was too weak to struggle at all!

That's right, at the last moment, Su Shu used his weakness to pull the only remaining Void Mantis over!

No matter what, Su Shu will definitely not let go of the legendary beast in front of him!

"Baobao, push the space to find an exit!" Su Shu shouted!

Baobao did not hesitate, and pushed the space to quickly wander in the void.

I don't know how long it has been.

Meiyangyangsang suddenly shouted: "Look! What is that?"

Attracted by its voice, Su Shu and Baobao hurriedly looked over, and immediately saw... dense wormholes!

Su Shu glared: "Damn, we seem to be back again?"

Meiyangyangsang: "Don't use seemingly, but really back!"

"Baobao, what are you doing? Why are you pushing us back again?" Su Shu couldn't help but look at Baobao and blamed him!

When Baobao heard this, he raised his eyebrows: "What? Blame me? This void looks the same, how do I know where it is!"

Su Shu: "Aren't you wrong?"

After hearing this, Baobao immediately quit: "Whoever wants to push can push, I won't push anyway!"

Su Shu: "Okay! It turns out that the fastest beast among the alien beasts is just like this! I see! What the fastest speed is simply nonsense! Even the speed of pigs is faster than this! Not as good as my teleportation!"

When this was said, Baobao was stunned, and then he was endlessly dissatisfied: "Do you mean to look down on me?"

Su Shu shook his head: "No, no, no, it's not looking down on me, but I think that the first in speed is garbage, or in other words, all alien beasts are garbage, even this dares to claim the first!"

"You're done!"

When he said this, Baobao's eyes were red!

Then, a forward force suddenly appeared, and Su Shu, who was caught off guard, felt his body shake, and he fell backwards with inertia while holding the legendary void mantis!

Fortunately, Su Shu reacted quickly and flew up and stuck to the edge behind the space!

Then, the space rushed out at an incredible speed, leaving afterimages in the void!

And this was not enough, Leopard was still accelerating, and the speed of space movement was getting faster and faster. In the end, Su Shu inside couldn't even see the scene outside, and could only see the light of the stars flashing outside!

I don't know how long it took, the space kept moving quickly!

"Leopard, even if you encounter an exit like this, we can't see it clearly!" Su Shu looked at the scene flashing outside and couldn't help asking.

Leopard gritted his teeth: "The exit is not important now, I want to let you know what the real speed is!"

While speaking, Leopard was still accelerating, with no intention of stopping at all!

At this time, a space crack flashed by, and the white light in the crack could be seen faintly!

I don't know whether it was intentional or unintentional, Leopard deliberately slowed down a bit when he was here, as if he wanted Su Shu to see the space crack clearly!

Su Shu and Mei Yang Yang Sang stared at the space crack passing by.

After they reacted, Su Shu and Mei Yang Yang Sang went crazy!

"Bao Bao, that's the exit, stop! We've passed it!" Su Shu shouted hurriedly!

Mei Yang Yang Sang: "Over there!"

"Damn it, if you can't find it later, I'll never let you go!" Su Shu was so anxious!

Baobao: "I said, the exit is not important now, letting you experience my speed is the most important thing!"

Su Shu nodded: "Okay, okay, I will go to the sack and dig out the seed right away!"

As soon as these words came out, Baobao was stunned!

Meiyangyangsang hurriedly said: "Baobao, the hope of legend is more important, go back quickly!"

"Okay!" Baobao finally had to succumb to Su Shu's power and turned around!

Soon, the space passed through the void and came to the exit! Then he pushed the space directly into it.

Then, the sack space collapsed, and Su Shu held the legendary void mantis and stood in the air outside the huge space crack!

Feeling the sunlight on his body, Su Shu couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief: "Finally out!"

Then, Su Shu carried the void mantis and went towards Luo Anyi Gao!

Along the way, many people saw Su Shu holding the huge legendary void mantis flying by, and they were all surprised!

Soon, Su Shu came to Luo'an Yigao, holding the legendary Void Mantis in one hand, and took out his mobile phone to call Wang Wuchen with the other hand!

Soon, the call was connected, and Wang Wuchen's lazy voice came from the other end: "Why are you calling me in the middle of the day?"

Su Shu: "Luo'an Yigao is almost destroyed by the monster, and you are still taking a nap, principal?"

Wang Wuchen on the other end was shocked: "What's the situation? I'll come right over!"

Then, the phone was hung up, and then Wang Wuchen's figure appeared above Luo'an Yigao.

After looking around, he turned around and saw Su Shu holding the legendary Void Mantis, and his eyes widened immediately!

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