I can improve the quality of my abilities

Chapter 284 This is too exciting

This... is... too exciting!

Su Shu suddenly felt a great sense of pleasure all over his body!

When he looked at Kabu again, Su Shu's eyes had a little more sympathy!

Hey! Maybe only readers can understand Kabu! Anyway, Su Shu can't understand it!

Then, Su Shu began to point out: "Boss Kabu, like here, the other party asks you what you are doing! You can't say you are playing with your phone, you should say you are getting an IV!"

Kabu was stunned: "Infusion? How to say?"

Su Shu was immediately a little disappointed: "The other party must be curious! So she will ask you what kind of fluid you are getting, and then you can reply to her, I miss your night!"

Kabu's eyes widened after hearing this, as if the door to a new world was suddenly opened, and then he couldn't help but raise his hand to give Su Shu a thumbs up: "Great, so great! Vibian, you are really a genius!"

Su Shu: "And here, you obviously can't find a topic, right?"

Kabu nodded repeatedly: "Yes, I don't know what to say!"

Su Shu: "At this time, you can ask her, do you know why tall people walk across the river, and short people like to swim across the river?"

Kabu quickly answered: "Because short people are too short, they will drown if they walk across the river!"

Su Shu shook his head: "No, you should say, because ilove you!"

After hearing this, Kabu was completely stunned. There was actually such an operation. Then he couldn't help but look up at Su Shu: "Vibian, why didn't I find that you have such a genius side?"

"I've decided. From now on, you, Vibian, will be my Kabu's emotional ambassador!"

Su Shu patted his chest: "Don't worry, I will definitely do my best to help Boss Kabu chase Miss Siwang!"

Kabu nodded: "Okay, okay, I'll ask my dad later if your Sky Army selection quota has been confirmed!"

Su Shu: "Thank you so much, Boss Kabu!"

Kabu: "It's okay, you have worked so hard for my affairs, I will never forget you! As the old saying in China, I will definitely remember your eight generations of ancestors!"

Su Shu was speechless after hearing this. Brother, this is not how it should be used!

But Su Shu couldn't refute it. At the same time, he was muttering in his heart that he did work hard last night!

Afterwards, the two had classes, so they went to class separately!

In the afternoon, Kabu couldn't wait to chat with Siwang as soon as he came back! The whole person was extremely excited!

And Su Shu was teaching beside him!

Anyway, all kinds of cheesy love words were taught!

Si Wang responded very enthusiastically. She seemed to know that what Kabu sent was taught by Su Shu, so she felt that she was chatting with Su Shu! Therefore, the chat was particularly emotional!

When the two were chatting enthusiastically, Su Shu suddenly received a message from Si Wang: "Come out, the hotel last night!"

Su Shu: "This is not good! You are still chatting with my boss Kabu now!"

Si Wang: "Aren't you the one teaching beside me! Isn't it just like chatting with you!"

Su Shu was speechless! He didn't refuse again, and went out after saying something to Kabu!

And Kabu was chatting happily with Si Wang! He didn't care about Su Shu!

Then, Su Shu came all the way to the hotel and entered the room that Si Wang had already opened!

Then he couldn't wait to start a new journey!

And in the process, Si Wang was chatting with Kabu.

This made Su Shu even more excited!

In this way, every day that followed, Su Shu spent his time in this way to enrich others!

Of course, he himself also lived a very fulfilling life!

Two weeks passed in a blink of an eye, and this year's Sky Army selection is about to begin!

It only happens once a year!

For this reason, Su Shu specifically asked Kabu, and that guy repeatedly assured Su Shu that it would definitely be implemented!

Su Shu was actually also beating his drum in his heart!

Because once he missed this opportunity, he would have to wait for another year, and he really couldn't wait!

So Su Shu asked Si Wang again, and Si Wang told him that if Kabu couldn't implement it, she would find a way to temporarily implement Su Shu!

Now Su Shu has a bottom line in his heart, after all, Si Wang's background is there!

Finally, two days later, the Sky Army selection quota came down, and Su Shu was relieved when he saw his Vibian's name in it!

But there was a name that made Su Shu speechless, Jiro? Damn, the king level also has to participate in this kind of selection? Are you interested?

Later, Su Shu also saw Kabu and Si Wang.

Su Shu was a little confused. Logically, Si Wang should have been a Sky Army a long time ago! Why did he still want to participate?

I'll ask about it later!

The Sky Army selection in the United States is different from that in China. Here, it is conducted through a supernatural competition!

The competition is held simultaneously across the country, and the top 50 can become Sky Army.

Those who rank high will be valued and will be more likely to be reused later!

Su Shu actually knows in his heart that whether or not to be reused depends on the recommendations of the key figures behind!

It has always been like this in the United States. If you want to climb up, you have to look at your background and your relationship! Or just spend money!

However, Su Shu's goal this time is still the first. After all, with this resume, it will be easier to write a letter of recommendation later!

At this time, Si Wang sent a message: "If you don't want to expose too much strength, I can spend money to let you enter the top 50!"

Su Shu was a little curious and replied: "Spending money can only enter the top 50? Is the first one OK?"

Si Wang: "Yes! But it's more expensive!"

When Su Shu heard that it was more expensive, he quickly replied: "No, the top 50 is still relatively easy!"

Su Shu is not a person who is willing to spend money, not to mention that he let Si Wang spend money, this is not his character!

Si Wang: "Okay! Come to the hotel at night!"

Su Shu: "It's not good to go every day!"

Si Wang: "Are you a man?"

Finally, Su Shu had to agree!

After the night, Su Shu specifically asked Si Wang why it was not about the Sky Army!

Si Wang's answer was very simple, the ranking she participated in before was sold!

The reason was nothing, just to let Hei Huang relax his suppression on her!

She knew very well in her heart that once she entered the Sky Army, Hei Huang's suppression on her would definitely increase, which would make her uncomfortable!

Two days later, the Sky Army selection competition officially began.

The main venue of the competition is at Hogwarts College every year. At that time, the school will hold the preliminary round, and then the contestants from other places will come to Hogwarts College to participate in the semi-finals after the preliminary round!

The Sky Army is an important superpower army in the United States, so the annual selection competition will attract the attention of the whole country!

The college will also choose to suspend classes during this period and hold the selection competition seriously!

Early in the morning, after Su Shu returned to the dormitory from the hotel, Kabu excitedly said: "Vibian, you have to do your best in today's competition!"

Su Shu was a little surprised: "Boss Kabu, didn't you also participate?"

Kabu nodded: "Of course! But it doesn't matter whether I can join through the competition. As long as I graduate, I can join directly through the recommendation of my parents!"

Su Shu was speechless after hearing this. Are you talking like a human?

Sure enough, the life of the rich second generation is unimaginable for ordinary people like them!

After tidying up, the two got up and went to the competition venue!

At this time, there were already crowds of people there.

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