I can improve the quality of my abilities

Chapter 30: Relatively docile, he walked away after stepping on someone to death

There are eight routes in total. The three of them chose one and started moving forward.

After walking for about ten minutes, they saw a group of black cattle.

They were densely packed and eating grass on the grassland.

At this time, Su Shu said the knowledge points about black cattle in the textbook:

"Compared to other strange beasts, black cattle are more docile. Generally, when they see people, they will directly attack in groups, knock people to death and trample them into meat paste, and then they will leave. They don’t eat people!"

The village student turned his head and looked at Su Shu: "How to do it? Just rush up and kill?"

Su Shu: "If we rush up, at most a few seconds, we will turn into three balls of meat paste! I think it’s feasible! Go!"

Wang Yuxian was speechless: "Let’s come one by one! Stand far away, Su Shu will be responsible for using superpowers to get them over and kill them directly!"

"With Su Shu’s special superpowers, we don’t need to lure and resist like other teams. When the group of strange beasts rush over, we can just run and kill while running!"

This efficiency is much higher than other teams.

This is why Cunsheng and Wang Yuxian had to go all the way to find Su Shu. His ability is the most important.

Otherwise, the two would need to find two more people to team up to barely kill a few ordinary beasts.

"Then kill it quickly!" Su Shu suddenly said, and then threw an ordinary black cow to Wang Yuxian.

It was said to be thrown, but in fact it was pushed over. Because the black cow was weak, it was easily pushed down by Su Shu.

Wang Yuxian did not expect Su Shu to be so direct and decisive. For a moment, she was a little flustered and quickly summoned the pear blossom spear to stab the black cow.


The black hot blood splashed, and the black cow lost its vitality directly.

Cunsheng hurriedly stepped forward and dug out the crystal core in the black cow's head.


Moo Moo Moo——

In an instant, the black cows in the distance suddenly collectively roared to the sky, and then rushed madly in the direction of the three people.


The sound of the cows running collectively was deafening, and the ground was shaking constantly.

"Run!" Su Shu turned around and ran first!

Cunsheng and Wang Yuxian hurriedly followed!

"I said we should be farther away before we start killing!" Cunsheng shouted as he ran.

"When did you say that?" Su Shu said speechlessly.

Wang Yuxian: "Stop talking, everything has a first time, no experience!"

Su Shu: "Remember, I gave you my first time, you must cherish me and treat me well in the future!"

Cunsheng: "It's like everyone else's first time! You took away my virginity!"

Wang Yuxian was speechless: "Stop talking nonsense, turn the corner!"

Their speed was still too slow compared to the black cattle, and only by turning the corner could they get out of the sight of the black cattle.

Then the three of them suddenly turned to the side and ran in another direction.

Su Shu's eyes turned: "Wait, the grass here is taller, let's run on the ground! This way it's easier to get out of the sight of the black cattle!"

Cunsheng: "It's also easier to turn into meat paste!"

Although he said so, after seeing Su Shu and Wang Yuxian lying down, he also lay down quickly.

After turning and crawling for a while, the three of them heard terrifying footsteps coming from behind, and they were relieved.

Then the three of them began to crawl forward, moving slowly under the cover of green grass.

As they crawled, the three of them suddenly felt something, and when they looked up, they saw a large group of black cattle eating grass in front of them, and one of them was staring at them.

"Damn, villager, how did you lead the way!" Su Shu complained, and without saying a word, he got up and ran!

"Damn, it was obviously you who led the way!" Villager also got up and followed.

Wang Yuxian also got up and followed the two.


A black cattle reacted and called out, and all the black cattle reacted immediately, and rushed towards the three people with their footsteps.


The terrifying footsteps resounded through the grassland.

Due to the huge speed difference, the three were about to be caught up.


Just when the black cattle were about to rush up, Su Shu suddenly roared.

As if they had begun to have a tacit understanding, the three of them suddenly turned to the side in unison, narrowly avoiding the black cattle that were charging.

Boom boom---

Listening to the terrifying footsteps passing by from behind, the three of them temporarily breathed a sigh of relief.

But they were not safe, because the black cattle that had not yet started to charge were already coming towards the three of them quickly.

And more and more black cattle seemed to be attracted by the movement here and were running towards this side from a distance.

There were cattle in front and behind, and the three of them were about to be surrounded.

Seeing this, Su Shu gritted his teeth, turned around, and in the confused eyes of the villager, he directly tore off the other's coat with force and pulled off a red bellyband from his body.

"Damn it! Su Shu, you are not a human! In this situation, you are still thinking about taking off my clothes!" The villager couldn't help but speak.

Su Shu didn't bother to pay attention to him and began to wave the red bellyband in his hand.

Soon, all the black cattle saw it and their eyes turned red.

If we can't see each other again with red faces, then we can only see red eyes.

Moo, moo, moo——

The dense black cattle suddenly roared to the sky, and then rushed towards Su Shu like crazy.

Seeing this, Su Shu threw the red bellyband to the village student and shouted, "Use your superpowers!"

After saying that, Su Shu grabbed Wang Yuxian's hand and ran to the side!

The village student was holding the red bellyband and was stunned in the place. He couldn't help but yelled, "Damn Su Shu, you treat me like this!"

But no one responded to him, Su Shu and Wang Yuxian were in a hurry to escape.

Cunsheng quickly released his superpowers, and suddenly, the khaki armor covered his whole body, defending him tightly.


With a muffled sound, Cunsheng was directly pushed up by a large group of black cattle, and then pushed up again after falling down, and kept falling and being pushed up in the air.

Fortunately, he was a defensive superpower user. If it was Su Shu or Wang Yuxian, they would have turned into a pool of meat paste.

In this way, he was pushed up and down for 20 or 30 times, and Cunsheng was pushed up to the point of foaming at the mouth.

"Brother Shu, save me! My superpowers are almost exhausted!"

As if he heard his call for help, a superpower wave instantly enveloped him, and then he disappeared directly in the air.

When he appeared again, he had come to Su Shu's arms.

At this time, Su Shu and Wang Yuxian were crawling behind a slope, panting.

The village student lay on the ground with his whole body weak, and said weakly: "I don't want to be with you next time!"

Su Shu rolled his eyes at him: "Who cares, you are just a sandbag, what else can you do?"

Village student: "You are still a weak chicken! Do you have the ability to attack?"

Then the two looked at Wang Yuxian and said in unison: "You can only attack, nothing else!"

Wang Yuxian raised his eyebrows: "If I am omnipotent, what do I need you for?"

Su Shu: "That's right, if I am omnipotent, what do I need you for?"

Village student: "How about you two transfer your superpowers to me?"

"Get out, sandbags!"

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