I can improve the quality of my abilities

Chapter 34 Preparing to capture the overlord alive

Then, the three of them walked directly to the group of superpowers waiting outside and said, "Is there anyone willing to join us? It's 10,000 yuan per trip. You don't need to fight, just help. We need ten people!"

As soon as these words came out, the whole place was quiet, and then the crowd was boiling.

"I am willing to join!"

"Add me, I'm strong!"

"I am willing to join, my superpower is transformation, I can be male or female!"

"I am willing too!"

At this time, the teammate next to Li Yafei and Huang Shijun also suddenly raised his hand and shouted!

Suddenly, Li Yafei and the other two cast murderous eyes at him, and the man quickly retracted his hand.

At this time, Su Shu spoke again: "Superpowers are power-type first, come and register with me!"

After screening, the three of them quickly selected ten people, and then led the mighty into the gate of the beasts.

As soon as he came in, Su Shu explained some precautions to everyone.

The most important thing to note is that without orders, you must not stay away from the crowd, you must not act privately, and you must not use superpowers without authorization.

The reason why these ten people were asked to come was because after the three of them came in, they suddenly thought that if they really caught the Overlord Black Bull, could they, just three people, lift it out?

After all, the Overlord Beast just now was just of ordinary weight, and it almost sent the three of them away.

And they had seen the Overlord's body before. It was so huge, and its weight must have reached a very terrifying level. Not to mention lifting it, it would be crushed to death.

Therefore, the three of them thought of recruiting some people to help, which led to the scene just now.

Next, a group of thirteen people began to act as Voldemort in the Gate of Chouwu.

Originally, the ten people thought that after following in, they would immediately engage in a vigorous battle, but they crawled on the grass for four or five hours, and did not see Su Shu and the others make any moves, and did not even kill an ordinary Black Bull.

Gradually, some people began to lose patience and couldn't help asking Su Shu: "Boss, how long do we have to wait?"

Su Shu glanced at the sky: "I observed the stars at night and found that the time is not ripe yet!"

The man looked up at the clear blue sky and was speechless for a while. What the hell is the starry sky?

The village student also spoke calmly at this time: "Young men, don't be impatient when doing anything. You can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. Be patient!"

The ten people were speechless after hearing this. Who are they calling young men? Most of them are in their thirties and forties. They are all restricted by the quality of their supernatural powers, so they have achieved nothing until now.

Now, they are called young men by this young man! They look younger in an instant!

But out of respect for the ability of the three to capture the lord, they did not refute.

After observing for a while, Su Shu took them to another place and observed another group of black cattle.

In this way, it was repeated more than ten times.

Even Su Shu was a little impatient and couldn't help frowning: "It shouldn't be, why can't I find the one with four tufts of long hair, did it run away!"

The village student shook his head: "It's impossible, the lord and the overlord have their own territory, it's impossible for them to leave."

This is the fixed habit of the beasts, and it's the same in every gate of the beasts, and it can't be changed.

Su Shu: "But I saw three lords with three tufts of hair, but I didn't see the one with four tufts of hair!"

Wang Yuxian said softly: "Take your time, the overlord is not that easy to catch. Tomorrow is Sunday, and there is no school. At worst, I will look for it tomorrow!"

Su Shu and the village student agreed after hearing this, and then continued to look for it.

As if to confirm what Wang Yuxian said, the thirteen people lay in the grass for a night, and everyone felt exhausted physically and mentally.

The villager stared at the two dark circles and complained: "Wang Yuxian, you are such a badass, you really have to use my Sunday to find it!"

Wang Yuxian rolled her eyes: "You are the only one who used it!"

While the two were talking, a person behind them stood up directly: "I won't waste time with you. I thought I came in to help catch the lord, but I ended up lying here all night!"

Then someone else stood up: "That's right, following you like playing house, what's the point of lying here all the time!"

Su Shu looked at them and said softly: "I won't stop you, but what I want to say is that the opportunity is rare. If you really catch the overlord this time, it will be the glory that will accompany you for the rest of your life, enough capital to brag about for the rest of your life!"

"But once you miss this opportunity, you are destined to be mediocre for the rest of your life, and bragging will be useless! It's better to fight for it so that you won't regret it in the second half of your life, or continue to fight for a possibility, you can choose it yourself!"

After hearing this, the two stood still, with doubts and hesitation in their eyes.

Indeed, their special qualities destined them to live an ordinary life. If they missed this opportunity, they would not be able to get in touch with the Overlord, let alone the Lord.

The eight people who had been lying there without moving had seen through this, so no matter how hard or tired they were, no matter how anxious and unhappy they were, they did not move.

The reason why they followed in so eagerly this time was not to win the glory?

And at first they thought they were coming in to catch the Lord, and later they heard from Su Shu that they were coming to catch the Overlord, which made them even more excited.

In the end, the two men still lay down and did not choose to leave, and they did not want to miss this opportunity.

In a blink of an eye, a morning passed, and they were destined to have no gains.

After such a long time, the thirteen people basically searched the black cattle herd near the entrance and exit, but found nothing.

It was afternoon again, but there was still no trace.

Seeing that the sun was about to set, everyone began to get anxious.

Even the village students couldn't help it: "Brother Shu, is it possible?"

Su Shu thought and said: "I thought of a question in the morning!"

"Since the overlord has four tufts of hair on his butt, but after so many big cleanups, the other party has always existed and has not been cleaned up?"

"There is no record of the overlord beast unearthed in the gate of Chouwu, but it has always existed, and we have seen it with our own eyes!"

"So I wonder if the other party is not four tufts of hair, which is why it can survive in many big cleanups!"

"So I deliberately observed ordinary black cattle in the afternoon, and now I probably have the answer!"

Everyone else's eyes lit up after hearing this! Su Shu directly gave them great hope.

After almost two days and one night of waiting, it is finally going to bear fruit.

Then everyone stopped complaining and began to crawl along with Su Shu, and finally stopped in the distance of a large group of black cattle.

Su Shu stared at an ordinary black cattle that was eating grass.

Although the other party looked no different from other ordinary black cattle, Su Shu still saw a different temperament from the other party, just like when they first came in, he could feel the difference of the other party at a glance.

"Ready!" Su Shu shouted, and directly used his supernatural power on the ordinary black cattle.

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