I can improve the quality of my abilities

Chapter 408 The supernatural fruit tree has blossomed

Murakuo's eyes were bright at this moment, and he began to excitedly explain the effects of the new power:

"The natal spider web can be condensed into a spider web in the body in advance by using supernatural powers. The effect is similar to the effect released by the king-level golden spider before. It has terrifying toughness, elasticity, and terrifying stickiness!"

Su Shu was confused: "Condensate it in the body in advance? How old should it be? It's difficult to cooperate with your earth armor superpower!"

After all, the earth armor powers that village students sometimes release are the size of a city. No matter how the natal spider web is condensed, it cannot be as large as the earth armor!

Compared to Su Shu's doubts, Murao didn't really have much idea about this. After all, what he cared about was whether he could get this power. As for whether he could cooperate with the earth armor, it was actually not important anymore!

But he was really able to cooperate. Immediately, Murakami gave an explanation: "Brother Shu, the characteristics of early concentration, as for the size of the release, it still depends on the amount of supernatural power used when releasing!"

"Of course, this ability is only A-level at the moment. No matter how many abilities are used, the range will not be large! If you really want to be able to fully cover the earth armor with full power release, you must at least reach SSS level!"

Su Shu thought about it after hearing this. After all, no matter how defying the heavens, it is only an A-level superpower!

It seems that Su Shu himself took it too much for granted!

The village student immediately smiled: "Brother Shu, I will ask you to help me improve from now on! If I can reach SS level, my range will also be greatly increased!"

Su Shu suddenly became embarrassed: "Musheng! You also know that improving my abilities consumes a lot of money on me!"

After hearing this, the village student hurriedly patted his chest and said, "Don't worry, I will try my best to install golden spider eggs for you this time!"

Su Shu: "That's just about superpowers. Improving superpowers will take a huge toll on my body, mind, and mood!"

The village students couldn't understand this, and they didn't know what Su Shu was going to do!

At this time, Wang Yuxian said from the side: "Only delicious food can soothe your mood!"

As soon as these words came out, Su Shu subconsciously gave Wang Yuxian a thumbs up!

The village student was speechless: "After all, you just want me to treat you to dinner! It's easy! I won't treat you!"

Su Shu spread his hands and said: "Yuxian, we will eat by ourselves when the time comes. If we are AA, we can still afford this little money!"

Wang Yuxian nodded: "Yes!"

The village student stopped talking and looked up at the sky, expressing that he didn't understand!

He has a thorough understanding of the urine properties of these two guys, so he won’t be fooled anyway!

Immediately, the three of them stopped worrying about this topic and began to check inside the sack space!

After not seeing it for so long, Su Shu was still curious about the growth of the Grass of Life!

First, Su Shu took the two of them to see the fourth-level grass of life that had grown before. It was now mature!

Su Shu walked over and pulled it up, then handed it to Wang Yuxian: "Yuxian, you eat it first tonight!"

Wang Yuxian looked at the Grass of Life in Su Shu's hand. He did not take it immediately. Instead, he looked up at Su Shu and asked with some embarrassment: "Su Shu, the next big thing is coming. I think this Grass of Life should be given to Su Shu." Five Emperors is more suitable!”

Wang Yuxian can still handle this clearly. If she eats it, it will have different effects in the future than if the Five Emperors eat it!

But Su Shu was able to give it to her without hesitation, which made her very happy!

Su Shu: "Let's talk about the future things later, maybe it has already grown!"

Su Shu is quite confident about the current growth rate of the fourth-level grass of life!

After hearing this, Wang Yuxian had no choice but to take it! She actually couldn't refuse the fourth-level grass of life!

But immediately, Su Shu’s words were confirmed, and it seemed to exceed expectations!

Not far from the ancient exotic apricot tree, two new fourth-level grass of life grew.

In another place, a new tree was also found. After counting, there were three new trees in total!

This surprised all three of them, and Wang Yuxian no longer felt that guilty!

Then, Su Shu made a rough statistics on the second-order and third-order ones!

The second level has reached sixty trees, and the third level has fifty trees.

It can be said that these grasses of life are a terrifying hidden wealth for the entire human world!

Even if someone offered Su Shu the legendary crystal core in exchange, he would not exchange it!

Then, the three people wandered to the side of the ancient alien apricot tree.

This time, the village student couldn't help it anymore: "Brother Shu, Wang Yuxian didn't believe me when I said the tree you planted was honeysuckle! Tell her now, isn't it?"

Wang Yuxian was speechless: "I told you, it's a golden apple tree!"

Su Shu was speechless: "What kind of thinking do you two have! This is obviously Jin Kela!"

The village student was stunned: "Isn't Jin Kela a washing powder?"

Wang Yuxian was speechless and rolled his eyes: "You ignorant person, that's obviously dishwashing liquid!"

Su Shu was convinced by the two of them, and then explained: "Jin Ke La is feed!"

Wang Yuxian: "Stop joking, what on earth is this?"

Su Shu stopped talking to them and roughly explained the functions of the ancient apricot tree and so on!

Both of them were surprised after hearing this! This is also the first time I know the concept of legendary abilities!

It turns out that legend can no longer be achieved simply by absorbing crystal nuclei, it must be eaten!

Now, the way the two of them looked at the ancient Yixing tree was no longer ordinary, but the eyes of the second class!

At this time, the village student turned to look at the space-type super fruit tree next to him: "Brother Shu, what is this?"

Su Shu: "Guess!"

Murata: "Guess whether I will guess or not!"

Su Shu: "Guess, I guess, you guess or not!"

After the two talked a lot, Wang Yuxian couldn't help it anymore: "Stop talking nonsense, haven't you ever thought that we are still facing dangers all the time?"

"Not to mention that there is already a dragnet outside, and there is also a master-level legendary beast watching covetously, but you are still in the mood to bicker here!"

Sometimes, Wang Yuxian really can't understand the two of them, and his mentality is so good that it explodes.

Then, Wang Yuxian said again: "I guess it's a fig!"

Before Su Shu could say anything, the village student raised his hand and pointed at the super-powerful fruit tree and said, "What figs? You can't even see them yourself! They've all blossomed!"

Muransheng's words immediately made Su Shu startled. Then he quickly looked over and saw a transparent flower hidden among the shrubs of the supernatural fruit tree.

Although it is transparent, it is the color of grass and trees, so Su Shu can see it.

Looking at the flower, Su Shu's breathing quickened unknowingly, and he quickly walked over! Measure it carefully.

"Holy shit, it's blooming!" Su Shu finally said while holding back his excitement.

He just heard from Mei Yangyang Sang that the fruit of this thing can quickly improve the abilities of space superpowers, but he didn't know what the effect of this fruit was!


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