I can improve the quality of my abilities

Chapter 81 Grass of Life, Levels of Life

It took the three of them a whole day and night to finally dig out all the crystal cores.

There were more than 100,000 ordinary black cow crystal cores, more than 10,000 elite ones, more than 100 lords, and 10 overlords.

Counting the living king-level black cow, this time it was a big harvest.

The village student turned to look at Su Shu, with satisfaction on his face, and sat on the ground happily: "Hahaha, Brother Shu, it's so cool! Why don't we borrow the gravity of a king-level earth dragon? Then we can find another group of black cows, hehe!"

Su Shu rolled his eyes: "You wish, do you want to enter the Earth Dragon Gate again?"

The village student thought about it and shuddered suddenly. The experience of the drill swallow was still vivid in his mind.

And the underground cave that was extremely depressing, he didn't want to go in again for the second time.

Wang Yuxian: "Let's think about how to go back!"

This matter has always been a problem that the village student and Su Shu have never wanted to mention.

As they said, the two turned to look at Su Shu at the same time, asking for his opinion.

Su Shu pondered: "Actually, I don't have a strong desire to go out now. Anyway, I have food and drink here. I still have to go to the sewing machine when I go out!"

"On the contrary, I can live a better life in here!"

Cunsheng and Wang Yuxian were stunned after hearing this. It was indeed the case!

Cunsheng: "Then what should we do next?"

Su Shu looked up at the sky and smiled gently: "What else can we do! Free up the storage space and catch the king beast!"

He did it as soon as he said it, and he never dragged his feet. In the next two or three days, the three of them took out all the living lords and overlords in the storage sacks and killed them, and took out the crystal core.

Su Shu must come personally to take out the living beasts. He must directly sense the storage space and then use the weak force to pull them out.

If Cunsheng or Wang Yuxian were to come, there would definitely be big problems.

After dealing with all the living beasts, the three sat on the ground to rest.

Cunsheng turned to look at Su Shu: "Brother Shu, how do we find the king beast next?"

Su Shu stood up suddenly: "Let's go, I feel a special supernatural power fluctuation!"

Meiyangyangsang on Su Shu's shoulder suddenly widened his eyes: "Go over quickly, if it is that thing, it will be a great benefit to you!!"

Even Meiyangyangsang said it was a good thing, then it was definitely a good thing.

Without extra words, Su Shu quickly ran towards the place where the special supernatural power fluctuated.

Cunsheng and Wang Yuxian saw this and hurried to catch up.

As the three of them ran, Meiyangyangsang's illusion supernatural power was activated, and the three of them instantly turned into three black cows running wildly on the grassland, but the speed was very slow, which looked a little funny.

Su Shu couldn't help complaining: "Your supernatural power is not good! You are still running so slowly after turning into a black cow!"

Meiyangyangsang said unhappily: "This is my illusion supernatural power, not the illusion supernatural power! I can't let you completely transform into a beast!"

After running for an hour, I finally saw a dense group of black cows in the distance.

The three of them quickly got in and squeezed towards the middle.

However, after squeezing for a long time, they didn't squeeze in much, and they certainly couldn't see what was going on in the middle.

Seeing Su Shu, who had transformed into a black cow and was squeezing into the dense black cow group, Cun Sheng and Wang Yuxian seemed a little scared and trembling in their hearts.

This was the first time they were in such a dense group of strange beasts. If there was a sudden riot, there would definitely be a big problem.

This was different from the phantom antelope group they had in the Horn Gate before, which was not so dense.

And relatively speaking, the phantom antelope group was not as dangerous as the black cow group, after all, ordinary phantom antelopes did not have attack abilities.

But the black cows were different. Once they rioted, they would rush around.

Seeing that they couldn't squeeze in, Su Shu was full of anxiety.

Cunsheng hurried forward: "Brother Shu, let's just forget it! I'm a little scared!"

Su Shu: "Don't be scared! I'm here, I won't let you do anything!"

After that, Su Shu called Meiyangyangsang in his heart: "Turn us into king-level!"

After that, the three people's black cattle bodies suddenly swelled at the same time, directly pressing on all the black cattle.

The three people walked inside in such a swagger, stepping on the bodies of all the black cattle.

Looking at the four giant king-level black cattle in the central area, Cunsheng and Wang Yuxian's hearts couldn't help trembling.

However, looking at Su Shu who was calm and composed, the two could only suppress the throbbing in their hearts and pretend to be calm and follow.

The arrival of the three people immediately attracted the attention of the four king-level black cattle, and they all turned their heads to look at them, with doubts in their eyes.

At this moment, Cunsheng and Wang Yuxian's hearts were in their throats.

Compared with them, Su Shu was much calmer, and his eyes were fixed on a small grass emitting a faint glow in the middle of the four black cattle!

At the moment of seeing it, Su Shu felt his whole body suddenly throbbed, his blood boiled, and his saliva flowed unconsciously from the corner of the huge cow's mouth.

His body kept reminding Su Shu to swallow it, swallow it.

However, this terrifying impulse was suppressed by Su Shu.

Then he looked at the four king-level beasts and shouted: "Moo!"

The four king-level beasts were confused after hearing it, and they didn't understand what Su Shu was shouting at all!

Although they were confused, they didn't show anything.

Su Shu, on the other hand, saw that they didn't react, and became more excited.


After shouting again, Su Shu walked straight to the side of a king-level black cow.

The king-level black cow looked at Su Shu with disdain and subconsciously moved to the side.


Su Shu called out again and leaned closer to it!

The king-level black bull simply stopped moving and let Su Shu lean on it as he pleased!

This scene made Cunsheng and Wang Yuxian dumbfounded, and they had a new understanding of Su Shu's courage.


Cunsheng also called out like Su Shu, walked forward, and stood against a king-level black bull.

The four black bulls looked at Su Shu and the other three, and their eyes gradually became contemptuous, as if they were city people looking at country bumpkins.

Su Shu didn't care, and didn't care what they thought! Turning around, he stared at the glowing grass with them, and asked in his heart:

"Meiyangyangsang, what is this? Why do you say it is very useful to me?"

Meiyangyangsang said unhappily: "I can only say that you are lucky, this is the second-level life grass, which can transform the first-level life into the second-level!"

Su Shu was stunned: "I can understand what you said, but why don't I know what it means?"

Meiyangyangsang explained reluctantly: "You humans are the lowest level of creatures, and later they were affected by superpowers and transformed into first-level creatures!"

"That is, the same level of life as your so-called ordinary beasts! And your so-called beasts, that is, us, the lowest level is also the fifth-level life level, which is at least the king level!"

Su Shu was also shocked when he heard this for the first time, and then he suddenly reacted.

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