What? Ten billion?

"Fuck, damn it, we only robbed more than 140 million, which means that someone directly swallowed more than 9.8 billion from us!" The village student couldn't help but yelled.

Wang Yuxian nodded in agreement: "It should be taking this opportunity to fill the previous hole. It seems that the black market was very deep before!"

Su Shu narrowed his eyes: "This is the first time someone has taken advantage of me. Interesting, interesting! When I have a chance in the future, I will let him know whether it is easy to take advantage of me."

Xu Jun and others were dumbfounded when they heard the conversation between the three people. How could they not hear that Su Shu and the other two were the heroes who robbed the black market.

For a moment, several people were excited. They didn't expect that they were old acquaintances with the hero! This is simply too dreamy!

"So Brother Shu, you are the heroes who robbed the black market!" Xu Jun was too excited and his voice trembled.

At this time, Su Shu finally calmed down, then turned to look at Xu Jun, wondering: "Why do you call us heroes? It shouldn't be a good thing for us to rob a black market store?"

In Su Shu's opinion, the black market is very deep, but it should have nothing to do with ordinary people. Ordinary people are usually deceived by the scammers outside the store.

They can't know that the scammers outside are actually colluding with the store.

So the three people robbing the black market store is actually not very meaningful to them.

Xu Jun hurriedly explained: "Brother Shu, after you robbed the black market store, the black market ushered in a rectification, and directly beat all the scammers outside the store. Now we are much more assured when we go to buy and sell things!"

The existence of the black market is also reasonable. It is an important trading place for all low-level superpowers.

If you don't go to the black market, you can only go to the Monster Hall.

However, although the Monster Hall guarantees that it is authentic, the price of buying things will increase by 10%, and the price of selling things will decrease by 10%.

Adding up the ups and downs, that is a 20% floating point, which is fatal to low-level superpowers.

The black market is different, all transactions are at normal prices.

Over time, the black market has become a trading place for low-level superpowers.

After hearing this, Su Shu and the other two looked at each other and saw surprise in each other's eyes.

What this news means is self-evident. The three of them can go out normally, and they don't have to worry about being caught and stepping on sewing machines after going out!

Forcibly suppressing the excitement in his heart, Su Shu nodded: "I just can't stand that group of liars, but the superpower army doesn't care, so I thought of this method! It seems to work well!"

As soon as these words came out, they immediately ushered in the contemptuous eyes of the village students and Wang Yuxian.

The eyes of the two seemed to ask Su Shu: "Is this really the case?"

Su Shu chose to ignore their eyes directly.

"Chen Shunqing seems to be dying!" Among Xu Jun and others, one of them who kept an eye on Chen Shunqing from time to time suddenly raised his hand and pointed at Chen Shunqing and shouted.

Su Shu subconsciously looked over and found that Chen Shunqing was covered in blood and lying on the ground unable to move. It was obvious that he was breathing more and breathing less.

It was impossible to cause a death, so Su Shu directly used his weakness to pull the other party over and threw him on the ground.

"How dare you beat someone like this! We will call the police to arrest you!"

One of Chen Shunqing's men saw Chen Shunqing become like this, and couldn't help but speak angrily to Su Shu and the other two.

Su Shu turned his head with interest to look at the person who was talking, and said with a smile: "You usually only know how to bully people. Now that you are bullied, you think of calling the police? You are really capable!"

"Let's not talk about other things. Anyway, we see that it is you who caused this! We, the Niutou Gang, will never let you go!" Although the man was weak all over, he was very stubborn!

Su Shu turned his head to look at Xu Jun and the others, and asked: "He Chen Shunqing went to kill Wuniu by himself, and was injured by Wuniu like this, right? What does it have to do with us!"

Xu Jun and the others nodded subconsciously to express their agreement!

Afterwards, Su Shu didn't bother to pay attention to Chen Shunqing and the others, and raised his hand: "Let's go! Go home!"

Cunsheng and Wang Yuxian were immediately surprised and hurried to follow!

Xu Jun and his friends hurriedly bowed and said goodbye: "Brother Shu, take care!"

"You can't just leave like this, you have to give us an explanation for this matter!" The man was still stubborn!

However, Su Shu and the other two had already gone far away, leaving only their backs.

Xu Jun looked at the stubborn man and asked: "Do you know who he is? How dare you say you want to call the police?"

"Who cares who he is? Can he be a member of the Superpower Army?" The man continued to be stubborn.

Xu Jun's face became serious: "When we met Brother Shu, he was already a pre-selected soldier. We caught a Hegemon Black Bull with him at the Gate of Chouwu!"

The other party was stunned after hearing this! They often wandered outside the Gate of Chouwu and were very familiar with the legend of catching the Hegemon Black Bull alive.

Even now, some people still talk about it with relish.

But he would never have thought that the three people dressed as beggars would be the protagonists of the Hegemon Black Bull incident.

Before the man could digest the information, Xu Jun continued, "Also, my brother Shu and his gang were the heroes who robbed the black market store some time ago! If you dare to offend them again, all the medical insurance cards of all the members of the Niutou Gang will be deducted from your accounts! He is fine!"

This time, not only the stubborn man was surprised, but also everyone lying on the ground was surprised.

Even Chen Shunqing, who was seriously injured and unable to move, kicked his legs in fear.

How brave are those who dare to rob the black market! How dare they not fight them?

If you continue to offend the other party, as Xu Jun said, your medical insurance card will be charged for arrears.

After leaving the Gate of Chouwu, the three of them went directly into the base of the supernatural army.

Then they exchanged all the crystal cores.

There were nearly 180,000 in total, of which more than 160,000 were ordinary ones, 16,000 were elite ones, and more than 1,600 were lords.

There were fewer overlords, only 100, and a more precious king-level crystal core.

In the end, all the crystal cores were about 600 million.

Then there were the living king beasts, but there were only two forbidden cages in the base that could hold the king-level black cattle. It would take time to transfer them. The staff suggested that they come to exchange them next time.

In the end, there was no choice, Su Shu could only exchange two of them first, and take the other two back first, and talk about it later.

The two king-level black cattle were worth 2 billion in total, plus the crystal cores, a total of more than 2.6 billion, and each person got more than 800 million.

The total exchanged for military merit was more than 800,000.

Then the three of them began to exchange what they needed, and the first one must be the bronze-level crystal core for absorption!

Finally, Su Shu asked, "Do you have any better cars here? Off-road military vehicles?"

The staff was stunned at first, then smiled and said, "Sir, you have asked the right person. Because the Gate of Chouwu can be driven into, our base has several off-road military vehicles with better performance!"

The village student couldn't help but be curious: "Brother Shu, why are you exchanging military vehicles?"

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