I Can Magically Change the Black Technology

Vol 7 Chapter 40: "Real" "Choice"

Su Chen found the root of the crystallization of the World Tree here.

Through careful observation, Su Chen noticed that from the huge primitive stone nailed to the Sifang Altar, some extremely fine structures grew like some kind of mycelium. They were only as thick as hair, but they were also crystallized. The state spreads along the four square altars that nailed it, and extends all the way up. Although the mycelium is very thin, they are very dense. At first, there may only be one or two sporadic lines, but as they grow, they gradually cover the entire The structure of the lower half of the square altar, and then continue to probe upwards.

Finally, they came into contact with the roots of the world tree buried deep in the ground and covering the square altar.

That was the beginning of change.

It is a pity that Su Chen's previous perspective has always been at a high altitude, and all he sees is the changes on the surface of this planet. Therefore, he has not been able to see the spread of these crystallized mycelium little by little, covering the square altar and even infecting the world. The process of the root system of the tree.

Now when he observes, those roots have completely crystallized.

From the inside to the outside, the completely crystallized structure is almost indistinguishable from those hyphae.

Here is the beginning of the source, and the trend of crystallization is still spreading upward, all the way into the depths of the World Tree.

This is like a basket of fruits. If one of the fruits is broken, then it is not far from the time when all the fruits in this basket are rotten and moldy.

And now, that's exactly what happened.

Moreover, there is only one fruit in the "basket" of this planet.

The Primordial Stone is infecting the entire World Tree. This process may be extremely slow, but because the years are long enough, it has also given it enough time to erode.


This is not the erosion of the primordial stone.

This is the original life trying to tear apart the eternal hold of the human gods and the tree of the world against him.

For thousands of years, He has made this towering world tree "terminally ill".

When Su Chen saw this, he suddenly had a terrifying thought.

If the Primordial Stone has already infected the World Tree to such an extent, then, is the World Tree he is facing now—is it the World Tree that really suppressed the original life, or the original life that has eroded the World Tree and replaced it? !

This question suddenly popped into Su Chen's mind, and it expanded in an instant, almost filling his thinking space.

Because the more he thinks and thinks, the closer the conclusion is to that answer.

The tree of the world he saw might be the original life at all.

This is a scam.

Why does the World Tree need to rest?

Why did he enter the conscious space where there is no "master" on this side? And he can only enter the conscious space of this side when he does not go deep into the tree hole?

Why does the tree of the world fall with withered yellow leaves?

Why is the way Su Chen has always communicated with the World Tree different from the way Ori said that their forest tribe listened to the World Tree's guidance?

Why was there such a big difference between what the World Tree told him at the beginning and what it told the Forest Clan?

Su Chen thought of the crystallized structure connected to the tree hole.

He may have taken control of everything.

This world tree is just a chess piece in the hands of the original life.

And if this is the case, sacrificing the altar of the four directions is useless at all, it is just a reassurance pill for them to eat, making them believe that they have completed the suppression of the original life, but in fact it is useless .

Just looking at Su Chen can tell it's useless.

Almost all the altars of the four sides and the deepest part are filled with crystallized "mycelium". Under this circumstance, how could a simple blood sacrifice be useful?

So, this original life has been destroyed? !


Maybe it hasn't reached that point yet, and the consciousness of the World Tree is still there. Otherwise, why would the original life be in vain with you, and even come to help yourself? With the top-level ability of his starry sky, as long as the town is broken, he is invincible. Throughout the entire chaotic star field, who can be his opponent?

If He had completely broken the town, he and Bai Feng had died long ago, and this planet had already been destroyed, and he would not have been able to see everything in front of him from the river of thinking of the World Tree here.

The World Tree is still playing its role, playing its role in restraining and suppressing the power of the original life.

Because of this, the power of the original life is difficult to express to the outside world, and it is impossible to form a substantial impact on the outside world. Therefore, it has the previous disguise.

He hasn't broken the town yet.

This original life may not be far from the step of breaking the town. His infection of the World Tree and suppression has reached the point where it has penetrated into the bone marrow, but it is obviously not yet the last step of breaking the town.

As long as you haven't come, there is still a chance.

Immediately after that, the next thought that Su Chen gave birth to was.

If the "tree of the world" that he has been communicating with is actually the original life replaced by him, then, is his "help" to him true or false?

Su Chen had heard from Jiao Heiying Ren before, and also received ambiguous answers from Tandan people. The top star in the sky has the hope of eliminating the influence of the ninth domain on it, so...

Now, is this original life helping him~www.readwn.com~ really helping him, or is it just a scam?

Yuan Sheng didn't need to help him, it might be a scam, but judging from the current situation, Su Chen really felt the effect after Yuan Sheng helped him.

Thinking of this, Su Chen's heart seemed to beat half a beat slower.

Because this matter is too important to him.

The power of the ninth domain, for him Su Chen, is the sword of Damocles hanging over his head, which can be cut off at any time. Whoever can help him solve this problem is equivalent to giving him a way to live.

If the help of the original life is true...

So, should he, Su Chen, pretend that he didn't notice that the world tree has been replaced by him?

This is a dangerous and selfish idea, but as soon as this idea appeared in Su Chen's heart, it took root and sprung up, out of control.

In this world, who doesn't want to live well?


All are selfish.

The same is true for Su Chen. On that red planet, he has seen how he got to where he is today.

It was not a fantasy, but his real, life experience.

He came out of the blood and fire that he paved.

Before he had no power and did not become a so-called promising person, he relied on cold-blooded and selfish superiors.

Then today...

If Yuan Sheng can really help him, how should he choose?

Su Chen lowered his head and looked at his hands, which he could not see in this world, with a fiery light beating in his eyes.



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