I Can Magically Change the Black Technology

Vol 7 Chapter 69: sword behind

Remember [New] for a second,! Bai Feng soared into the sky, swept out of the Rubik's Cube spaceship, turned his head, and saw a passage through the center of the huge Rubik's Cube structure behind him, it looked like a large piece of cheese had been dug out of a hole. But such a picture appeared on the starry sky giant of this magnitude, but it only brought a huge impact and shock to people.

Bai Feng is not a fool, he seized the opportunity to run out, and the dark energy swept the world at the first time, and immediately saw Su Chen and the water drop-shaped spaceship located very close to the Rubik's Cube spaceship, and immediately understood why he came out. .

The guy shouted strangely: "I just said that there will be no human allies who will kill us to help us, and we have to rely on ourselves!"

And Su Chen didn't have time to talk to Bai Feng at this time.

At the front end of the Rubik's Cube spaceship, Su Chen was soaring into the sky. His blood-colored crystal sword had been "swallowed", so he turned his analytical power into a bow and wanted to shoot another arrow.

At this distance, Su Chen turned this mechanical emperor into a chocolate emperor with one arrow!

Su Chen has even thought of several chocolate styles in his mind.

And the Great Mechanical Emperor made his own response almost simultaneously.

Its nanostructure is spreading and moving rapidly, the entire huge Rubik's cube is alive, and every microscopic unit of it can undergo incredible changes, and in this change, it can become any form, turning it into any form. It can be moved to any position on any side.

And just now, when it took the initiative to make way for Su Chen and the drop-shaped spaceship, and dug a large hole through its own "body", it also took advantage of the situation to complete a new round of changes. In the change of structure, it was not affected in the slightest, but directly changed its position, from straight ahead to downward, and the muzzle changed from being aimed at the planet and the world tree below to being aimed at Su Chen.

At this moment, Su Chen is soaring into the sky. Just above his current position is the muzzle of the black hole moved by the mechanical emperor. Its front is facing Su Chen. Brilliant to unprecedented extremes.

Su Chen's pale arrow was formed in his hand, and the cannon opened fire.

The moment it opened fire, Su Chen realized what kind of blow it was.

It was a massive, exotic particle ray.

And the reason why you know what this blow is, it comes from the crazy alarm in the drop-shaped spaceship.

The moment he saw this blow, Su Chen's mouth opened wide.

Su Chen's bow of analytical power spread out in his hand in an instant, turning into a "steel shield" of analytical power, and then, the impact poured down from the sky like a flood.

In the space, a magnificent flash lit up.

But there was no big bang, and no big annihilation.

It was a bizarre collision, and the strange particles were swallowed by the analytical force.

This is Su Chen's clearest feeling. He can clearly feel that at the moment when he collided with this strange particle, his analytical power began to operate itself again, just like he had seen the high caste before, like The hungry wolf encountered the food and began to devour the strange particle ray.

This strange particle ray of unprecedented scale seems to have become the nutrient for analytical power.

Su Chen didn't know how and how to eat the analytical power, but he felt that after the analytical power ate the strange particle ray, it began to swell. It has been used by Su Chen, and the amount of analysis has been decreasing. Strength, for the first time, there is a positive growth!

Its volume has increased!

This is different from when it dealt with the ninth caste of the gods before. At that time, it was frantically analyzing and changing the ninth caste, which was also a total consumption, but now it is different. Now it is just swallowing, and the amount is increasing.

What's happening here?

Su Chen didn't know.

However, although the real power of the blow was resolved by the analytical force in this unexpected way, the impact of the blow itself was still so powerful that Su Chen was slammed straight down, all the way to the ground. on the drop-shaped spaceship behind him.

The strange particle rays are still going on, and the devouring of analytical power is still going on, but the amount of analytical power is growing very slowly.

Now the analytical power in Su Chen's hands has consumed nearly half of the amount of analytical power he had at the beginning, and now, slowly increasing, it seems to eat up the entire round of attacks, at most It can only go up by about one or two percent.

But even so, it's amazing enough.

The mechanical emperor who completed the blow was also surprised. It has been surprised how many times it has been on this human body today. It was surprised: "What is your power?"

It doesn't seem to be very clear and understand the power of the ninth domain.

Even high-level beings don't seem to know about the ninth realm.

At this moment, with the help of analytical power, Su Chen completely digested this strange particle ray that the Mechanical Emperor had been brewing for a long time. , Su Chen's body was knocked down from space again, falling like a cannonball.

But at this time, Su Chen is not in a hurry. Since he can "eat" this strange particle ray with his own analytical power, what else can he fear? He is invincible!

Even if the Mechanical Emperor takes another shot and directly hits the planet and the World Tree under his feet, so what?

He Su Chen didn't need to stop him at all, just waited for the Great Mechanical Emperor to open fire, then ran to the ray of the human world and waited!

Therefore ~www.readwn.com~ Although Su Chen was directly shot down, the plan and attack just now seemed to fall short again, but he screamed in the sky and waved: "You have another shot!"

As he said that, he also stretched out his hand and hooked his fingers at the tall robed figure in the universe still standing on the huge stage above the main gun, as if provocative.

The Mechanical Emperor's eyes were heavy, and it was extremely shocked, but it did not find it difficult to handle.

This human being is very troublesome, but it is only the sixth caste. The real realm is there, no matter how many means, it is nothing but a bubble. The mechanical emperor wanted to release the original life first and then solve Su Chen, but now it is just a change of order. ...


The Mechanic Emperor suddenly noticed something, and turned his head like lightning—in fact, that was what its electronic equipment detected—the tall figure standing on the slow stage just relied on the program to make a completely anthropomorphic mimetic response.

Because at this moment, a blood-colored crystal sword that should never have appeared, condensed out of thin air behind him, and struck out with one sword!



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