I Can Magically Change the Black Technology

Vol 7 Chapter 79: endanger unnei

At this moment, the people present are all high-level civilizations and top-level powerhouses. Bai Feng and the others have no room for concealment. Naturally, they are also under everyone's attention. Every move is clearly seen by others. eye.

Bai Feng also knows this, but when he wants to come, this enemy is very jealous when they meet. They are at least human, and they should stand with the envoy and the condensate fleet. If they run away, they probably won't care.

At this time, the divine envoy flew out, and Bai Feng was even slightly overjoyed.

Because in his opinion, the divine envoy appeared at this moment, and Bacheng was about to start a war. Once the war started, Bai Feng thought to himself, they would undoubtedly be better off running.

Bai Feng's analysis was not wrong, and there was nothing wrong with his judgment. That was the most reasonable inference he could make under the current circumstances.


For these things, Bai Feng knew too little information.

Without a wealth of information as a basis, even the most advanced computers cannot deduce any data.

Therefore, Bai Feng didn't even think that the scorched black shadow human envoy stood in the sky and looked at the planet where he and Su Chen were at first glance, and the second action pointed at Su Chen, and then made a sound, then Dark energy fluctuates in the starry sky: "The power of the ninth domain is here, endangering Yunei, kill!"

At that moment, Bai Feng's expression froze.

Under the divine envoy's order, the condensed man fleet below it did not move at all, which seemed a little embarrassing. The fish fleet moved, but seeing that the condensed man fleet did not move, they immediately fell silent.

And the fleets of other civilizations that are vassals in this camp turned their muzzles one after another and pointed to this side. At that moment, they were almost about to fire, but the top civilization on their own side did not shoot. They didn't fire.

The **** made it embarrassing all of a sudden, it lowered its head, the dark energy no longer fluctuated in the starry sky, but the cold voice and condensed people communicated with the fish-like fleet.

Bai Feng could sense the fluctuations in the dark energy, and the emotions expressed violently were disputes, but the content was completely blocked by the other party's technology. He couldn't hear the specific content, but he only felt chills all over his body.

He never imagined that when the divine envoy who obeyed the human gods appeared, it was not to kill the civilizations such as the Tandan people who were trying to help the original life to break the town, but to kill Su Chen!

What is the power of the ninth domain?

Why endanger Unai?

Is that Su Chen's trouble?

Bai Feng didn't know, no one could answer him at this time, but seeing the dispute broke out between the envoy and his fleet, he knew that this was the last chance.

The Tandan people are definitely not on their side, and now, if the gods want to kill them, it will make things worse, or even die. In this situation, if you don't take the opportunity to run away, what else are you doing?

However, the voice of the divine envoy fell, and the Tandan people's camp took the lead.

Tandan's fleet and Condenser have been fighting for a long time, and they have always been at a disadvantage or even on the verge of extinction. At this time, the appearance is also strong from outside. Therefore, it is the ecological continental spaceship that is shot at this moment.

In that spaceship, there is a fluid figure in the spaceship. He is extremely powerful, and the dark energy of the fluctuations is already far above Bai Feng, but he did not expand the dark energy. Raise your hand directly to the planet where the World Tree is located.

Of course, it looked like raising his hand from Bai Feng's human point of view, but in fact, it was just an action.

Just this plausible action, at that moment, the planet where the World Tree is located "collapsed"!

The ground that began to crack in the previous blow of the Great Mechanical Emperor was lifted up at this moment, like a floor tile was lifted from the ground and lifted up. On the ground where the World Tree was located, the entire bottom layer was out of thin air. When it rose, the ground became violent, the entire continental plate and even the bottom layer, throwing a huge amount of material, was lifted up from the ground abruptly.

And the root veins of the World Tree, which are intertwined under the earth, and even the crystallized root veins, are directly pulled up and pulled up as the bottom layer is lifted up, and are exposed to everyone's eyes.

And such a scene, for the creatures on this planet and even the forest clan, is an absolute apocalyptic divine punishment.

They trembled and panicked, shivering beneath the fading golden trees of the World Tree.

But the tree of the world can no longer save them.

The Quartet Altar vibrated and the primordial stone located deep in the planet as a star core made a pulsating sound like a heartbeat. It was not a real sound, but it made the entire starry sky, countless civilizations and creatures hear clearly, Trembling in my heart!

The purpose of the fluid figure that flew out of the Eco-Continent spacecraft was very clear, it was to liberate the original life.

They don't have to start with the condensate and other fleets at all, as long as they release the original life here, then the battle situation of this battle has been decided!

In fact, although the combat power of this fluid figure is powerful, it is actually a little stronger than Bai Feng. Bai Feng can feel that he and himself should be in the same realm in theory, but the combat power of the two people is not the same. language.

Bai Feng is just an "empty shell" powerhouse, but the other party is really top notch.

The so-called ninth caste, in the face of this existence, is probably only for ants.

Just then, a cold light shot down from the sky.

It was an analytical force that gradually turned from pale to dusk-like colors. It originated from Su Chen's body, penetrated the starry sky, and went all the way down, penetrating the planetary atmosphere, the lifted continent and the bottom plate, and the earth. , to the depths of the star core where the original life is located.

So, the pulsating sound disappeared in an instant.

The "eyes" of fluid life move.

Look at Su Chen.

And Su Chen ~www.readwn.com~ on the surface of the Sacred Moon is also looking up at him.

That pure dark gaze fell directly on him.

At this moment, Su Chen was almost surrounded by analytical power. The color of the pale analytical power changed. Part of it followed his arm and sword blade straight into the dismembered body of the original life in the sacred moon, and part of it seemed to be flying. Dancing wildly in the sky like a belt.

And there was darkness in his eyes.

In his eyes, there seemed to be a darkness roaring like a monster.

Looking at Su Chen, the fluid life seemed to hesitate for a while, and then continued to shoot, but this time, his target was no longer the star where the World Tree was, but Su Chen.

He waved his body and threw a drop of water at Su Chen.

This drop of water separated from his body and smashed towards Su Chen.



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