I Can Magically Change the Black Technology

Vol 7 Chapter 81: Look down, the way you can see

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That drop of water crossed all interceptions along the way, but the moment it touched Su Chen, it merged with his body.

It was like a drop of water, seeping into the ground.

And Su Chen is such a ground.

In the dark world, Su Chen saw a pool of spring water.

He suddenly understood what kind of attack this was.

This attack originates from the real world of matter, but acts on the non-existent world of consciousness.

The fluid life has just realized the power of Su Chen and his analytical power, so this blow will no longer work from the frontal world.

But what he probably didn't expect was that Su Chen's world of consciousness was extremely chaotic.

What the other party projected was a concept, to make Su Chen consciously affirm that he is water, his consciousness is water, matter is water, and life is water, so he will become water.

Just like throwing people into sulfuric acid and being melted away, Su Chen will use his own inner strength to turn himself into water through this idealistic "consciousness determines matter".

This means that the fluid life instantly saw the essence of the substance and magic transformation in Su Chen's power, so "pushing the boat with the current", the boat must be immersed in the water until the boat is turned into water.

Unfortunately, this concept did not work out.

The monster in the dark opened its **** mouth and swallowed this concept in one bite.

It was like a hungry beast that came to Su Chen's body, merged with him, rushed left and right, trying to eat Su Chen's body and everything around him.

And the first one to be eaten is naturally Su Chen himself.

his consciousness.

The blow of the fluid life became invisible. Su Chen wanted to "follow the vine" to find him and kill him, but he failed. The other party was amazingly cautious. Before launching this attack, he cut off himself and the water droplet. All the connections between them, no matter whether this water droplet works or can kill Su Chen, have nothing to do with him, and it is difficult for Su Chen to kill him.

This made Su Chen a little frustrated.

He originally wanted to kill him.

It is rare to be so powerful now. Naturally, I have to take advantage of the opportunity to pull as many people into the water as possible and kill one. In this universe, there will be one less strong person and one less enemy. Even if it is not an enemy now, it is actually for Su Chen. It doesn't matter.

As long as it is not one of your own, it is possible to become an enemy, and it is good to be killed.

But at this moment, the original life began to struggle and change, Su Chen's thoughts were pulled back, and he continued to increase the output of analytical power. The crisscrossing analytical power was like thunder and lightning, completely wrapping the planet under Su Chen's feet. Traveling in and out of it, the primordial stones scattered all over the star will be penetrated one by one, as if to be worn into a bracelet.

The throbbing of the original life immediately stopped.

Su Chen's eyes turned to the stars under his feet.

It was not accidental that the original life suddenly throbbed again. You must know that just now, Su Chen had made him honest.

The bottom layer that was lifted has been put back by Su Chen, but this kind of thing is not a tablecloth. It is lifted and laid out.

The planet under my feet has long been a mess, the earth is cracked like broken tiles, the lush green planet has become a mess, thick smoke is rising in the scorched earth, and most of the green trees and flowers have turned into a messy and dilapidated scene. , while the world tree in the center—

The tree of the world is withering.

Its leaves scatter.

The golden light dimmed.

Su Chen's perception of it was unprecedentedly clear.

It's about to die.

This made Su Chen's heartbeat slow for half a beat.

If it dies, who can suppress the original life?

Turn the tide on both sides.

As if it was just an empty joke.

Vaguely, Su Chen seemed to see the shadow of fate again, and laughed in front of him, mocking and sneering at him.

It seems to be talking and laughing: Look, don't you think it's funny to turn the tide and help the building collapse, rhetoric and vain?

How can a person not be laughed at by fate?

Su Chen exhaled heavily, and he raised his head in the dim light.

From the very beginning, his consciousness began to wander, and he knew it was not normal, because he could hear the weird howls in his body.


has spread.

This time is no longer as intense as the last time, and even Su Chen still retains a lot of self-awareness.

But Su Chen was clear.

This is the last period of his diffusion period.

Because the hunter in the dark had caught him.

Because in his vision, the dark wasteland and the real world have completely overlapped, regardless of each other, like a unified world.

In the starry sky, the fluid life failed to attack, so he stopped shooting, turned his head without hesitation, and returned to the ecological continent spaceship behind him, and then, the fleet behind it rose in high spirits, and the naval guns were like forests. , ready to fire.

In the near distance, it seems that the gods and the condensed people have finally come to the final result.

The condensed people's fleet jumped out of the battlefield, and the naval guns turned around, obviously preparing to open fire with the Tandan people and other parties.

The fish-like fleet seemed to hesitate for a while, but also chose to follow in the footsteps of the condensed people fleet.

The opinions of the gods have been respected by them, but the threat of the ninth domain is not huge now. Once the original life is broken, it will be a crisis of genocide close at hand for them. In this case, Their first choice is to stop the original life from breaking the town.

Su Chen is still suppressing the original life, then they will not shoot at Su Chen.

They are the civilization of the stars, no matter what the circumstances, it is impossible to choose the road of genocide.

The condensed human fleet and the fish-like fleet made a choice, and other vassal civilization fleets followed closely, and they were also prepared to maintain the status quo-the original life threat came first, and the ninth domain threat came after, in any case, they would never allow it The original life was broken today.

The envoy seemed to be furious about this, and returned to its own spaceship. Then, the coffin-shaped spaceship moved and took the lead to leave its fleet, and the solitary ship flew to the battlefield.

The realm of the divine envoy was not as good as the previous one, and it was only in the fourth caste. It and its spaceship came to fight Su Chen, which was like a moth to a flame.

This also shows their piety and determination.

The owner of the power of the ninth domain is the enemy of the entire starry sky.

Su Chen looked at this scene, but instead smiled slightly, he lowered his head and looked at the original stone under his feet.

Look down to see the way.

The original stone was as smooth as a mirror, crystal clear, and it was able to illuminate Su Chen's face.

Reflecting on this primordial stone~www.readwn.com~ he seemed to see the consciousness of primordial life beneath it.

He is also staring at Su Chen.

He smiled and said, "Do you want a deal? Homura."

In the darkness and shadows, the original life stared at Su Chen.

Su Chen didn't say anything, but at this moment, he had already guessed what this human being wanted to say.

He stared at him.

It was as if he saw the shadows of those people he was familiar with in the past.

Either vicious, or crazy, or just, or persistent, or pure...

They are not the most powerful beings in this starry sky.

But no matter how far away they go, when they stand under the Sogo, they can only see behind them the shadow called "man".

This "person" is not human.

Just people.

That is the old **** of man.

Twenty-seven gods.

The names of human beings glittering in the starry sky.

Yuan Sheng didn't answer Su Chen's question immediately, He only said softly: "Human - if you face the ninth realm without dying, within the universe, thousands of light years, no matter where you are, I will kill you.

"But now, we can trade."



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