I Can Magically Change the Black Technology

Vol 7 Chapter 98: intertwined world

Remember [New] for a second,! Su Chen is in a hot world.

He has been here before.

It was a place he was familiar with.

Galefa-1, being engulfed in flames.

Unquenchable flames burned on the ground, and the magma merged into rivers and washed the ground.

The oceans of this planet have evaporated, and the rivers are filled with scorching magma that breathes the breath of death.

Farther away, the towering towers rumbled down.

That's the Federal Central Building.

This time, Su Chen seemed to have a real glimpse of the entire process of its destruction.

The magma eroded through the structure below the Federal Central Building, and the terrifying high-temperature lava poured into the underground space below the Federal Central Building, destroying all man-made structures, the steel melted in the high temperature, the rocks collapsed, and became part of the magma. What was ushered in was a devastating subsidence. The ground at the foot of the Federal Central Building sank into a huge tiankeng. The magma poured out like groundwater that emerged after the collapse, and the building standing between the sky and the earth was short. After several sections, most of it sank into the lava lake in an instant, setting off a searing wave of death, leaving only a structure with a tip of a few hundred meters, floating on the water, burning flames, and slowly sinking.

This is an illusion.

Su Chen clearly realized this.

The Federation was not destroyed, and he successfully pushed back the spaceships of Yuansheng and Tandan and others.

There is no integrity in his transaction with Yuan Sheng, and all he can guarantee is that Su Chen and the others will not stop him when they leave the World Tree. As for the rest, they still need to rely on strength to speak.

There is a lack of integrity in the universe. Even the so-called universe merchants have a very low foundation of integrity, let alone among the top powerhouses.

You are as strong as I am, and the agreement between us is valid.

You are not as powerful as me, and all the promises I make to you are meaningless.

Everything is so clear and simple.

Su Chen knew this from the beginning. The deal between him and the original life can be reached based on the fact that he can threaten the original life.

If Yuan Sheng wanted to kill him Su Chen, he would have to pay a very heavy price.

This is the premise of peace.

Based on this, Su Chen made a request that if he did not do anything with the Federation, he would not take the initiative to find trouble with the original life.

This does not conflict with Yuan Sheng wanting to kill Su Chen.

The original life is very clear about Su Chen's current state. His sanity will not last for long. The power of the ninth domain will be like a group of ants nesting in the soil, eroding Su Chen's body and consciousness little by little, turning it into an empty place. It becomes a nest suitable for its survival, and at that time, Su Chen's subjective consciousness will be gone, and the power of the ninth domain will only become an empty shell of a crazy trend of entropy increase, which is not in the current universe. The concept in the body is not so much a killing body with self-awareness and ability, but a special physical law with powerful force.

It's not easy to kill a conscious creature that masters the laws of physics, and you may be injured, but if you just erase a piece of the laws of physics, it's not a difficult thing for an existence at the level of the original life, so he can wait.

The original life has been waiting for endless years, breathing slowly under the eternal town of the World Tree. Therefore, for him, the most unbearable thing is waiting, and the most acceptable is also waiting.

Such waiting is nothing compared to the cost of urgency.

Therefore, this time, the original life really came to kill Su Chen, with the idea of ​​killing Su Chen, but he did not take action, because Su Chen did not reach the best state for him to kill, so he He chose to step back and abide by the transaction and agreement between him and Su Chen.

That's all.

Of course, Su Chen is also very aware of his state.

In front of his eyes is a world of flames. This is an unreal and false illusion, but at the same time, Su Chen is very clear that his real condition is that he fell to the ground, looking like a bereaved dog, strange power from him It breeds around and is bringing unimaginably bad changes to the world around it.

He could feel the "ants" of the ninth domain walking through his body and flesh and blood, digging holes to build their nests.

He asks them for strength, and they ask him for "space".

This is the price that must be paid.

It's been that way since the beginning, only now the cost has become clearer than ever.

- Su Chen can't stop Yuan Sheng and Tandan's fleet forever.

This is an inevitable fact.

Fortunately, Su Chen did not intend to do this all the time. The original life was waiting for the passage of time, and Su Chen was actually waiting. When the day when he really collapsed and was emptied by ants came, the Federation would also complete the voyage completely, from chaos. Start from the star field and disappear into the depths of the starry sky.

The current federation already has the strength of large-scale interstellar immigration. The federation has enough warships, transport ships and related technologies. Although these technologies and spaceships are not worth mentioning compared with civilizations such as Tandan people, they are actually not bad. The universe is vast, and civilizations are scattered in it. There are as many as stars. There are very few who can really reach the top level. There are not many civilizations that can reach the current state of the Federation. Unless the luck is relatively bad, the Federation only needs to hide. To a corner, you can settle down.

Everything he sees in his eyes will be reborn on the other side of the starry sky, living according to the future he hopes.

And without Su Chen, a small civilization of human beings who fled, UU reading www. uukanshu. com will no longer be the thorn in the eyes of the original life, even if the Tandan people want to find the federation... do they have that time?

In the world of flames, Su Chen laughed slowly, his laughter seemed a little hoarse, and spread in the world of flames.

What is he laughing at?

Maybe he's laughing that everything has gone as he planned.

Perhaps, he was laughing at the absurdity of the world he saw before his eyes—because he saw patches of weeds growing out of the lava and flames. It was swaying in the magma, coexisting with it, but not a single one was ignited. This scene was extremely absurd and it was really funny.

In the laughter, the absurd world gradually faded away, and the real earth appeared in front of Su Chen.

He is still on the top of the 10,000-meter giant mountain on Sentinel Planet 16. He is close at hand. On the ground, there is a monster-like, dark purple flower in full bloom, with tentacle-like stamens growing and swaying in the wind. .

Chapter 98 The Intertwined World

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