The recollection of Su Chen and Lin Mo hurriedly ended.

The war in the Federation is intensified.

Unlike the empire’s orderly regaining of lost ground in the West and the North, the Federal Fleet’s strength is limited, and it is not easy to regain the two “lands” brought from the empire.

The Federal Fleet and the Hutt fleet led by Sisi have launched a full-scale attack, but encountered a lot of resistance along the way.

Those small and medium civilizations have different abilities. In fact, from a certain point of view, the Federation and Hutt civilization are nothing more than small and medium civilizations, and the cooperation between the two can barely suppress these civilizations.

And because of this, it is extremely difficult to recover.

The planet "Jilongyuan" in the southern border of the empire. This is a star with its own name. It is said that in the early years, the emperor of the empire personally conquered and fought against foreign enemies. He once came here and won a big victory here, thus bringing a number to the border planet of the empire. name.

And this planet is a frozen planet. Its temperature is around minus 20 degrees all year round. The temperature in many places is even lower. The surface of the planet is covered with huge rift valleys, as if there are ancient gods fighting on this planet. , The vertical and horizontal sword energy shed traces of knives and axes on this planet, each path is kilometers long, and the deepest ravine can also reach kilometers in depth.

The imperial cities on this planet are the most special, and cities and ground fortifications are built under these abysses.

Under the abyss, the temperature is higher than the surface, and in good places it can even reach minus three or four degrees. A city with complete modern facilities can fully support the survival of mankind.

This planet is a rare and bitter cold place where planetary transformation is difficult. But here is also the place where treasures are bred. There is a magical substance bred here, called "ice steel". Its chemical elements are something that Su Chen has never seen on Gale Fa 26, but this kind of ice steel is complete and abundant on this planet. The resource veins.

Ice steel is a scarce resource, and it is also an excellent light-weight, high-strength outer armor material for warships. Unless the level is too low, this kind of thing is useful to most civilizations, and not only that, even if it is sold, this kind of material is very valuable in the chaotic star field.

Countless humans gathered here, even though they were on the border, the empire never gave up on this planet. Even the emperor's previous emperor's personal conquest is here.

This is the resource of the empire and the wealth of the empire.

Until this time the empire changed dramatically.

Here is occupied by a powerful civilization.

According to the information from Jilongyuan, the civilization that attacked this planet was called "White Species", a fleet of technological civilization.

As early as one month before the end of the empire capital star circle war, this white civilized fleet had already occupied the planet. They ruined the planet’s imperial defense forces, and would be buried deep in the rift valley. The imperial ground defense facilities were uprooted, ignoring the many ordinary human life forms on the ground, and began to mine ice steel on a large scale.

They seem to know very well that they can't occupy this place for a long time. What they are doing is destructive mining. They don't want to take away all of them, but only take away the most resources in the shortest time.

The first step of the ice layer of the extremely longyuan planet collapsed with the first step, the ground collapsed, and the rift valley was filled and flattened.

Six huge factory spaceships of the white civilization lie on top of the six main mineral veins, continuously violently mining.

The remnants of the empire that wandered the planet could not stop them at all.

Those imperial troops were left with only remnants and defeated generals, not even a decent spacecraft on the planet. Until the imperial emperor's edict spread throughout the east and south of the empire.

The empire will be divided into two, dividing the eastern and southern borders into the federal civilization that is also human.

Moreover, beginning in the next few days, the empire and federation will completely eliminate all invaders in the original empire and ensure the security of the territory of human civilization.

After the imperial emperor’s statement was issued, the Federation fleet, headed by Xiao Ping, immediately broadcast similar messages to the entire region, informing the people of the empire and the resistance forces that are still active, that the Federation will liberate the entire eastern and southern borders.

This is not only a reassurance for all those who are still under attack in the empire, but also a warning to the invaders that it is time to retreat.

However, the effect of such a statement is minimal. Except for the kind of civilization that is extremely weak and rushes to pick up and miss, most civilizations have not given up the idea of ​​getting the fat.

Because of the turbulent empire and the repeated battles, even the apocalyptic knights have died. The military strength is no longer as good as before, so why regain lost ground? The Federation has never heard of it. I don't know what kind of weak human civilization is coming to fill up the numbers.

The weak are not qualified to deter others.

The territory and resources of the weak are nothing but a bank of robbers.

In fact, even many empires don’t know what the Federation is, including Jilongyuan, but they have no choice. According to the emperor’s edict, the empire has been divided into two, and the southern border of the empire where they are now belongs to the Federation Domination, and the Federation is also human civilization, they can only send out requests for help from the Federation Fleet over and over again.

And the Federal Fleet did indeed come.

According to the designated strategic route, Jilongyuan is the third imperial administrative star recovered by the combined fleet of the Federation and the Hutt.

Before coming here, as usual, Seti had issued a series of warnings to the white civilization.

But they were all ignored.

How and what kind of strength the Federal Civilization has, other civilizations are also observing, especially these days, the Federal Fleet has taken action and reclaimed two planets. Therefore, the approximate fleet strength of the Federal Fleet has almost been touched. Up.

The white civilization does not put this kind of strength in the eyes of the Federation fleet.

In the bridge of the battleship Yunhai. UU Reading www.uukanshu.cOM

Tang Haobo squinted his eyes and looked at the distribution map of the extremely longyuan white civilization fleet marked in the sand table, and his expression was cold: "This white civilization is actually not much stronger than our coalition army, even It is weaker, but the gap is not too big. They are not afraid of us at all, because if we confront them head-on, even if we defeat them, we will suffer heavy losses. In a short time, it is impossible to regain another planet, or even The existing planet will become precarious again."

At this moment, Xiao Ping was still on the C-02 administrative star, and it was Tang Haobo who was released by the emperor who led the combined fleet.

The empire's house arrest was open to them, and even provided knowledge for them to learn. Tang Haobo was not out of touch, and even knew better and familiar with Star Wars than many people in the Federation. From this point of view, in fact, the emperor didn't lie, and his eyes were more human beings than the country.

Therefore, Xiao Ping directly appointed him as the commander of the dominant fleet this time, leading the entire fleet to regain the territory of the Federation.

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