I Can Magically Change the Black Technology

Vol 5 Chapter 108: Weird power

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In the empty starry sky, two huge transport ships took the lead to approach the extinguished Yulin Palace.

The huge starry sky war "palace" has been extinguished by this time, like a huge starry sky tomb or ruin.

The empire's fleet is like an explorer spaceship that keeps approaching.

The "tentacles" extended by the secret key from the Tandan people penetrated into all corners of the empire, and nothing can escape the control of this secret key. After thousands of years of hard work by the imperial emperor, they finally eliminated the Tandan's control over the secret key itself, and turned this Tandan's technological achievement into a real "imperial power."

In the face of this invisible power, no matter how many turrets and advanced equipment the Yulin Palace has, it can only passively extinguish.

"So, who is it now?"

In the Conqueror-class battleship, Su Chen slowly let out a sigh, looked at the emperor, but his eyes swept towards the rose knight standing in the corner of the bridge.

Guan Ling was raising his head.

There is no dark energy individual in the empire. The apocalyptic knight is its peak power in the dark energy field. In the first battle of the capital star, the "Omen" knight Liu Chengming died, and now no one has taken over his apocalyptic armor, and after Ma Qisi rebelled, There are only two apocalyptic knights left in the empire.

Right now, Marquis is in the Imperial Forest Palace, and although the members of the Imperial Marines who land on the transport ship are all well-trained fighters, they are also non-dark creatures.

The technology of the empire is not yet strong enough to support individual soldiers fighting against high castes, not to mention that the emperor obviously did not want to damage the main body of the Yulin Palace battleship, let alone carry any powerful weapons.

In such a situation, Marches alone could kill all the imperial boarding troops.

Then, a person with the strength of Ma Qisi is needed to stop him, or even capture him, and bring him back.

At present, the only candidates in the Imperial Fleet are Su Chen and Guan Ling.

The Emperor Mingxuan spoke in time and said: "Guan Ling, you go, Mr. Su, you need to stay here, if there is a **** to take action, you can't be exposed to the power of the **** in advance."

The rose knight led the battle.

She quickly left the bridge.

But the rose knight failed to play smoothly.

Because they were the first to be attacked by the gods.

Su Chen was the first and only one to perceive the arrival of this blow.

From the ejection bay of the Conqueror-class battleship, Guan Ling heard the news that he was ready to fight, and Su Chen raised his head.

He felt a magnificent force sweeping the battlefield.

That power is so terrifying and magnificent, but independent of the world of dark energy, the speed of light traverses, and many non-dark energy creatures, including the emperor, can't even feel it.

Su Chen's analytical power emerged in the first time, and he must quickly confront this power, otherwise, the entire empire fleet would be destroyed by the speed of light in an instant. The people who were killed, the non-dark creatures, would not even know when the death came.

This may also be euthanasia to some extent.

Su Chen made plans in an instant.

One analytical power spelled out the attack of the first power, the second analytical power swept across the starry sky to lock the position of the god, and the third analytical power directly killed him!

In the last battle in the capital of the empire, Su Chen's power with one arrow was already determined. His one arrow may not kill a god, but he can indeed shoot a god!

The principle here is surprisingly simple. Su Chen is just a person who bows and shoots arrows. The real power is to analyze the power itself. Its almost endless analysis and reconstruction of the ninth caste can almost destroy a god.

At this moment, the gods appearing here can only be "Uto", the evil **** of the weird world.

If you can leave him here, you will be able to accomplish everything in one fell swoop!

Power quickly strikes and kills, and Su Chen's analytical power has already been "platooned" in his body. The three analytical powers are prepared one after another, and the first one is quickly separated from the body to kill!

However, what surprised Su Chen was that his analytical power did not meet the expected collision.

The unknown power of the speed of light attack did not bring about destructive destruction, on the contrary, it did not even approach a warship of the empire, but stopped in a space area relatively far away from the warship, and suddenly came into play.

When Su Chen was at a loss, the surrounding scene changed.

The Yulin Palace battleship that was close at hand disappeared instantly, and the two spaceships rushing towards the Yu Lin Palace also disappeared.

Not only the two transport ships, except for the Conqueror-class battleship itself, the other spaceships of the Imperial fleet have all disappeared.

All the reference objects around are gone.

They disappeared into the original starry sky as if they were evaporated or beaten into some alien space!

There is only one battleship left in the fleet!

The other spaceships, the surrounding starry sky, all disappeared!

It's weird.

Su Chen suddenly rose from the ground, he issued a demand to the Imperial fleet, and went directly to the outside of the Conqueror-class battleship.

Only then did the Conqueror-class warship react, and a series of alarms sounded.

The emperor immediately said, "Tell me what's going on?! What about our other warships?"

Su Chen is coming outside the Conqueror-class battleship.

There was pure darkness all around, and only at the very end of the field of vision, there seemed to be a little faint light.

Guan Ling also flew out.

She did not take the spaceship again, but came to the starry sky as a knight of the apocalypse, but she also did not communicate with Su Chen. She glanced at Su Chen from a distance, then raised her arm and pushed it flat into the darkness. In between, the space is constantly shattering and reorganizing like a mirror~www.readwn.com~ and then shattering and reorganizing.

After a while, she stopped, and slowly flew to Su Chen's side, and said to Su Chen in the news channel: "It shouldn't be them that disappeared, but we disappeared.

"We are in a huge hole."

At the same time, the Imperial Bridge members of the Conqueror-class battleship finally figured out the situation here.

"Mr. Su, please return to the battleship immediately. We have determined that we are now located in the giant hole outside the chaotic star field, 0.93 light-years away from our original course."

Hearing this answer, Su Chen couldn't help taking a breath. Only then did he realize the true effect of that "softness" power.

The Cthulhu in the weird world did not want to fight him Su Chen at all. The blow was not an attack, so it did not affect the warship itself at all, but played a role outside the warship, throwing away the entire area of ​​the space and the Conqueror-class warships. Nearly a light-year away in a huge hole in deep space.



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