I Can Make Everything Level UP

Chapter 415 The fifth (2)

Chapter 415 The fifth (2)  You learned the skill Quick Steps.

Quick Steps: passively increases your speed by five points per level.

"Finally…" Billy said and then sighed. "Four down, one to go."

Billy didn't have much use for dexterity currently, but it was better to have it just in case. Who knows when his brute strength or magic powers won't come in handy at some point, and he will need to be a bit more skilled. While Billy was thinking about that, he saw his parents, grandmother, and the twins approaching. It was still pretty early in the morning, but it seemed that they were packed and ready to return home already. It was a bit surprising, but it seemed that the twins had too much adventure already.

"Are you homesick?" Billy asked.

"You can say that," Drew said while smiling. "We reached the seventh floor and the kids are satisfied with that for the time being."

"I guess this last job made them grow up a little," Camilla said while patting their heads, but then they moved her hands from their heads. "Or maybe not. Would you mind if I were to pat you, Billy?"

"Not at all," Billy replied and then made his siblings feel a bit conflicted.

In the end, Camilla indeed patted his head for a while, but they had fun watching the twins. They were at that age where they wanted to be adults, but they still needed more life experience for that.

"It seems that they are ready to fly on their own," Anna said when the others went to pick up the stuff that they left inside Billy's house." They did well inside the dungeon, and those two are thinking of giving the twins the free reins over their lives. What do you think?"

"I think they are a bit too young for that… But that is just me, a worried brother speaking," Billy replied. "They certainly are stronger than the average adventurer and soldier, so they can protect themselves, but weird things are happening right now… I would feel better knowing that they aren't too far away."

"I guess they are smart enough to figure out that on their own," Anna said. "They seek adventures, but they don't dislike being close to home."

After a while, everyone was ready to go home. The twins will probably stay there for a few weeks before starting their own journey. In any case, Billy took them home, and once the twins left the vehicle, Billy patted their heads and messed with their hair.

"Come visit me when you want to learn something new," Billy said. "I have learned some awesome techniques that will need some time to be learned."

"All right," Samuel said.

"Only if you stop with the head pats," Samara said.

Billy smiled, and then he went to talk with Edward, he probably had received a report after this point, but it would be better if Billy told him the details himself. Although Billy told the things, Edward still had a hard time believing.

"... I have been doing some research lately and I never found any traces of creatures like that," Edward said. "I guess those who see that rarely survive to tell the tale. In any case, I don't know why I only learned this recently, but it seems that the story of the states is pretty recent, we not older than five hundred years."

"Oh? Is that so?" Billy asked.

"There are traces of civilizations far older than us, but in those spots, we didn't find books or anything like, only old relics…" Edward added. "Regardless, I am starting to think that we should have some spies beyond the lands that we know as well, but training one isn't something simple and we don't have the skills necessary for that."

"I probably can reach far away places fast enough, but it isn't like I can gather all the Intel that fast," Billy said. "I would have to spend a lot of time travelling and that is something I am not interested in doing."

"I also don't want to see my grandchildren being raised with non-present parents, I will think of another solution to that problem," Edward said.

As expected, Billy truly needed the shadow clones technique, or at very least a Teleport spell. However, he couldn't learn those with six hundred skill points either. He could learn things like Heat and Freeze Vision, though. While they seemed interesting, Billy didn't need those. He didn't want to practice them either. He probably couldn't heal his eyes with magic…

"I just learned a passive skill that increases my speed, but I can't get carried away with it," Billy thought. "Spy work seems kind of fun, but it isn't something that only brute strength and offensive magic can solve. Let's see if I can learn the Lightning God technique and Teleport to marked places, if I can use that on my enemies, even better."

In terms of magic, Billy still was probably on the basics since, aside from support and offense, he didn't know anything special… hoping that he couldn't learn space magic using the system was probably too much. He had to come up with some better training options…

While Billy was heading home, he checked his spells list and tried to study them while using Magic Eyes, but he didn't learn much. Their applications were rather simple, after all. Billy had to think of better applications for his mana…, and it seemed that one of his most recent addition to his skill list might be a starting point to that… it was Fire Creation.

With Magic Eyes, Billy checked Fire Creation in action. The mana leaving his hands was almost impossible to see, but he still managed to see it in action. They moved to a single place above his hands, and then they began to move faster until a single spark was formed, and the remaining mana was used to fuel the flames…

"I guess this will be hard…" Billy thought.

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