I Can Make Everything Level UP

Chapter 451 Upgrade (5)

Chapter 451 Upgrade (5)   Billy knew that some skills could become stronger just by increasing energy output. Mana and stamina worked like that. However, at some point, it becomes inefficient. It took a while for Billy to notice that, but whenever he uses more than the double of the mana necessary to keep Fierce Aura active, his mana ends up being wasted. When he uses three times the output, Billy only receives 150 percent of the bonus when he should have gotten two hundred percent. When he used four times more, he would get 190 percent. Hence, improving the skill was necessary, but even after hours of mental training, he didn't find the answer… it was quite the problem.

"Well, let's clear my mind and see if mental training also improves my physical skills," Billy thought.

It didn't seem like he would get the shadow clone technique any time soon, so he might as well try everything that he could think of. In any case, while Billy couldn't imagine his full power when he used the Diamond glaive, he could see himself using that rather well. No wasted movement, nothing wrong with his stances… It was no surprise, given that he had been training with a spear for almost twenty years.

"Might as well take a break for a change of pace," Billy said and then left his underground training arena.

It was hard to tell how much time passed underground. Since Billy had gone to train as soon as the sun began to rise, it was mid-afternoon, but then Billy lost some time that he could use to play with his kids. They were almost two years old now, so they tended to wake up pretty early and were like human batteries full of energy. Hector was a pretty calm kid, so he didn't move all that much, but Christina was, and sometimes she tried to leave her bed on her own. It was dangerous. So, Kate had to wake up earlier to look after her. During the day, she barely stopped, so she was getting exhausted. Training teens was easier for her… Still, she didn't complain. It was good that Christina was as healthy as a bull.

"Sorry, I am late," Billy said. "You can use the underground room now."

"I feel like I just want to lazy around on the grass today…" Kate said.

"We shouldn't skip daily training since we already spent a lot of time training others," Natalie said while offering Kate a hand to get up. "Did you forget what Lily did the other day? We can't fall behind."

By that, Natalie was talking about the Explosive arrow that Lily could enchant now. By enchanting the arrowhead with fire magic in an unstable way, her arrows could explode upon contact. Lily was still having a hard time trying to learn Electric magic, but she wanted to enchant her arrows with those as well. Since she wanted her arrows to be as fast as lightning bolts. What a scary girl she was…

In any case, Sarah now could also use lightning magic alongside from ice magic, so those two were thinking that they were falling behind in the group. While they actually weren't competing against each other, they felt compelled to do their best when their friends were clearly improving.

"I guess we can't slack off," Kate said and then headed toward the underground room with Natalie.

Their powers were also something that could damage the area around them easily, so they had to train at an appropriate place. In any case, as unusual, to burn their energy, Billy made a small golem to play tag with his kids. Touching them was pretty easy, but Christina would cry if she were to be it for too long. As for Hector, he disliked when things were too easy and when it got harder to get the golem, he would feel more fired up. Billy wondered if it was normal for kids to be so complex while playing tag….

In any case, they got tired after a while, but they didn't feel like resting yet. Billy had to keep them entertained. So, Billy fired a gust of wind toward his face to make it look weird, and then Christina laughed a lot. She got tired of the armpit farts, but it seemed that Billy found something else to make her break into a laughter. Much to his surprise, Hector also laughed a little… Maybe Billy was thinking too much about it, but he felt that Hector was laughing at him, looking more stupid than funny.

In any case, Billy looked around to see if beyond was looking at them, and he made them fly by using Telekinesis. While that impressed both of them, Billy ignored that and used magic eyes to see how mana worked when that skill was active. Much to his surprise, Billy didn't see the mana… Was it because the skill was at too high of a level?

Despite that, Billy caught some small undulations around his kids. He couldn't see the mana, but he could see the space around them moving like waves very slowly… It was like something invisible was doing that, and Billy knew that it was mana.

"Wait a minute…" Billy thought.

Billy didn't learn how Telekinesis worked, but he had another idea… What if he made the mana of Fierce Aura move around his body? Like a saw? A saw was pretty sharp on itself, but when it could spin… It becomes much more dangerous. Billy didn't know that idea was actually what he was looking for, but it certainly was worth a try. Still, Billy had to try that later. First of all, he had to look after his kids until their mothers were back.

As a test, Billy tried to use that on his glaive since the surface was a lot more simple and much to his surprise. The glaive couldn't touch the ground without opening a hole like a hot knife in butter.

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