
  Chapter 112 refused! (8)

The closed door of Wan Zang Dao Palace always gives Wang Che a mysterious feeling.

9-Layer, every floor he knows what's inside.

But now it is Martial Spirit, which is hard to say.

If you want to open it, there should be requirements for the Soul Power level.

The cultivation this night is different from the night when the memory awakened.

Wang Che can be said to be refreshed and extremely transparent.

When there is a hint of Hundred Refinements Soul Power, Wang Che will naturally not be limited to future soul abilities.

It can cultivation powerful martial skills, improve spell, and refining sword skills with magnetic sword cultivator, pill concocting, refining tools, and making symbols, all of which are not impossible.

You can also accompany Green Caterpillar to exercise and fight together.

"Well, another day full of energy."

Wang Che looked at the sun outside the window and woke up the Green Caterpillar who was dreaming, and the sleeping magnetic sword. .

The cultivation of Soul Pet cannot be left behind.

That's it, a week later.

Wang Che successfully developed the first strand of Hundred Refinements Soul Power.

Indescribable, this dazzling of Soul Power.

After a hundred tempering, this strand of Soul Power, like a silver thread, exudes terrifying power!

At the same time, with this strand of Hundred Refinements Soul Power, he wanders around Wang Che’s limbs, internal organs, and all over the body.

Wang Che's body is strengthening all the time!

Hundred Refinements Hundred Refinements, not just Soul Power.

It's also a body!

Otherwise, this cultivation technique will not be so strong, it can be Immortal and Martial Cultivation!

This week, Wang Che was not peaceful.

But fortunately, Green Caterpillar and Magnetic Sword are still improving steadily.

Wang Che feels that in two months, after he has practiced nine more Hundred Refinements Soul Power, he should be able to easily subdue the little fellow Green Caterpillar.

When the time comes, we must let it know the sinisterness of Human World.

This week, on one of the days, Wang Che took advantage of the good weather and went to cultivate a Divine Sword with a magnetic sword.

The magnetic sword has once again been greatly improved, and the Heavenly Thunder Sword in the body has become more and more solid.

Wang Che also feels that his body is already strong to a certain extent.

That mysterious second Martial Spirit, Wang Che is also slowly feeling, there are already some signs of it.

Twin Martial Spirit is still rare in this world.

Magnetic sword, Wang Che feels that he can try to teach it some sword skills.

But after a week, it will be the Sailing Cup soon, and I need to go to Rongcheng to participate in the competition.

Before going, Li Yanming suddenly found Wang Che.

"Starting Cup, you have to go to Rongcheng. It means you are out of the city." Li Yanming said, "It will be very dangerous to get out of the city. The news is that those ghosts begin to stir. If you leave the city, there is a high probability that you will attack. You, how you are going to act at present, we don’t know."

"Those ghosts are extremely cunning, you can't guard against it."

"This is the military department." Bian intends to send a special car and a team of professional Soulbind Masters to protect you."

"No need." Wang Che shook his head.

"Why?" Li Yanming asked.

Wang Che smiled and said:

"I am Wang Batian."

Li Yanming's body was shaken, and these words made him understand in an instant.

fell silent.

It's been a long time.

"Okay." Li Yanming whispered, "Then you have to be careful."


When Wang Che is planning to go to Rongcheng at the same time.

Western Mountain Continent Rongcheng, somewhere in the courtyard.

In a room with the nameplate of the Martial Spirit Research Department.

Zhao He is in his prime this year. He is under the age of 70 and is already the first research department of Western Mountain Continent Martial Spirit.

Innate talent's strength and background are naturally indispensable.

This sitting is ten years.

In the past ten years, every year in Western Mountain Continent, there will be many strange Martial Spirits in major cities.

Lin Lin always adds up to almost three digits.

But this year, it is very different.

Zhao He feels that Martial Spirit is really a very magical power. At present, every year, all kinds of new Martial Spirits are born in the entire Federation.

Most of the new Martial Spirit are conventional variants, which have a lot to do with the environment.

A small number of them belong to unknown mutations, which are not much related to the modern environment.

But this year, he saw a Martial Spirit that he didn't know how to describe.

He is very excited.

In the room, there are all the professors from their Western Mountain Continent Martial Spirit Research Department.

The Martial Spirit Research Department, naturally the War Zone of Zhoucheng, researches the forefront forces of Martial Spirit.

As the Martial Spirit controlled by humans, such as Soul Pet, the major War Zones do not stop studying for a moment.

At this time, these big guys who stomped enough to shock the industry were watching a holographic image one after another.

"si si …this palace Martial Spirit, how is it so huge…There are 9-Layer in total. Although the number of floors is not high, the details of each floor are too much… Moreover, its height is not The height of a normal palace...extraordinary, extraordinary!"

"From the perspective of the skill and texture of the palace, it is not like the historical palaces of our Seven War Zones. Such a brand new palace, Martial Spirit, is my life. I’ve never seen it before!"

"Martial Spirit of architecture, most of them have extraordinary spatial abilities. As far as they can be said, there are more... Why is this palace, the more we look at it, the more weird it is, even the spirit It’s all a little messy...no, I can’t read it carefully, especially the inscribed text...this is not our federation’s text, it may be some kind of mysterious ancient text...wait for me to check it..."

"It's amazing Now... this palace is so magical, such a god-made thing, I think it is extraordinary at first glance. But I can’t figure out what it is for when I look closely..."

Many professors surround I watched the holographic image for a long time.

I didn't even see a name.

It is one kind, it is very beeping, but I just can’t tell how it beeping.

That kind of feeling.

It is caused by the lack of cognition.

But the rich experience tells them that this Martial Spirit is absolutely very difficult to deal with.

"hahaha …"

Zhao He looked at a group of professors, blowing beards and staring, he couldn't help but laugh without saying one, two, three, four or five.

"How about, professors, does this Martial Spirit see that the fame is coming?"

Zhao He felt very comfortable in his heart.

Western Mountain Continent has been around for many years, and there is no such Martial Spirit.

No, to be precise, it has never appeared.

Eastern Flower Warzone, nine continents.

His Western Mountain Continent can shine this year!

"Xiao Zhao, this Martial Spirit is truly extraordinary... With our insights, we really can’t say anything... I just looked up a whole number of hours’ worth of classics, including the ancient on one of the tiles. It’s impossible to parse one character."

A gray-haired old professor shook his head and said, "I have been studying Martial Spirit for so many years. This is the first time I have encountered this situation. Not simple, really not simple . This Martial Spirit, we can’t make a product for it."

"Possibly, only the master of Martial Spirit comes to us in person to use Martial Spirit, we can study it slowly and determine it. Quality."

"It is impossible to study the holographic image. But at first glance, I feel that it is at least the Martial Spirit above the destiny grade. But I can’t say anything. Actually, it is strange..."

Many professors have seconded.

For Martial Spirit above the destiny level, the strength of Martial Spirit is far beyond what ordinary people can imagine.

"Xiao Zhao, what did the War Zone headquarters say?" a professor asked.

When Zhao He heard this, even if he was speaking in front of hundreds of thousands of people, he would not have a changed square-faced. At this moment, he couldn’t help but feel proud, "The headquarters is the same as you. I haven't worked out anything, but at least it is positioned above the destiny level..."

"So, I gave the student full marks at the time and gave a report to the War Zone headquarters."

Hearing this, many professors were shocked.

"Full score? Not enough? The grade is not determined."

"This student with this Martial Spirit, not simple, right?" said the gray-haired old professor .

"You are almost two hundred years old, and the reaction is still so fast." Zhao He nodded, "The student is named Wang Che, who is to be protected by the Western Mountain Continent military department."

"It's him!" The old professor suddenly became serious, "I can understand it."

"I said, Xiao Zhao, what do you sell with Old Li? Tell the truth. Come on! Are we all considered to be outsiders?"

"I see, how about going to this student directly, this Martial Spirit is really itchy to me... Holographic projection makes me feel like this It's so special. If the Martial Spirit really appears, I don't know how powerful it is..."

Several professors scratched their heads.

Zhao He hurriedly said:

"Don’t worry, the Sailing Cup will begin soon, and that classmate will come to Rongcheng. The military department warned us, it’s okay. Don't bother others. If you are willing to fight the stubborn donkeys in the military department, I have nothing to say."

Many professors stopped talking, but they all guessed something.

At this moment, a man in formal clothes walked in.

Handed Zhao He a document.

Zhao He took it, glanced at it, his face suddenly changed.

"This group of dogs knows that they will never settle down."

He looked into the distance and smashed the table fiercely with his hand.

"Li Yanming ah Li Yanming...If something goes wrong in the floating forest, you can't cut down the nine heads..."

Zhao He sighed and took another look at the clear presentation The special Martial Spirit.

"This kid Martial Spirit is so special and powerful... His family background is thoroughly, his ancestors are pure and innocent, and he is definitely a native of Xiyue... Such a baby, I don’t know if I got involved in this matter. What did you Li Yanming think...you would agree to this ridiculous thing."

"No, I have to keep Western Mountain Continent... Contact me, Xiyue Soul Pet Base Headquarters."


Xiyue Soul Pet Research Base Headquarters.

Soul Pet, Martial Spirit, are the two major themes of the world today.

As long as it touches these two words, it is quite extraordinary.

At this moment, on the high platform in the lobby on the fifth floor.

"Is it all analyzed one by one? You also teach scholar, I think you are not as good as a student! This is all half a month, and this video has been played thousands of times! Did something happen?"

The cold voice is not as immature as a girl, but very mature.

The imposing manner of sound and the meaning of slander, but ruthless.

"Professor Tang, are you responsible for the spiritual field? When you sent the red magnetic sword to Heavenly Heart City, have you ever thought about who you are ashamed of now?"

The cold voice continued.

On the high platform, there was a tall, graceful woman wearing a white research uniform.

Facing the professor at the bottom, with lotus mouth blooming, he coldly reprimanded.

"It's so embarrassing! I then went to the War Zone headquarters. If you can't do your own research, you will throw the pot to other research bases! I am ashamed for you!"

(End of this chapter)

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