
  Chapter 119 Fight, Green Caterpillar! The final outbreak!

"Who do you think your Green Caterpillar can beat?" The ghost smiled, "en?"

"Yes, it can be beaten." Wang Che said.

"Then give it a try!"

The ghost suddenly blew the conch, "Rain Demon Butterfly, you hold the Green Caterpillar, hehe the ghost directly kill the human! Give it to me! Come on!"

Just listen to the sound of the conch, a Dao Soul ring on the ghost flashes in turn, turning into two rays of light, flooding into the bodies of the rain devil butterfly and the slippery ghost.

In an instant, the breath of these two Soul Pets changed in vain!   Their speed and imposing manner have increased at a speed visible to naked eye!

"It seems that before the sailing cup, you have to go through a life and death battle with small insects."

Wang Che narrowed his eyes and said in a low voice.

Green Caterpillar seems to understand, but it understands the breath of extreme danger.

Soul Pet still has to go through some real battles to grow.

Soul Pet battle, no matter what rank it is, it is a comprehensive professional battle.

There are rules and restrictions.

It can reflect the strength of Soul Pet and Soulbind Master.

But it cannot be fully reflected.

When encountering extreme danger, the strength and potential power of the two can be truly reflected.

Green Caterpillar has been bred for a long time and has never encountered this kind of battle.

Wang Che has encountered too many.

In the floating forest, the only thing Green Caterpillar fights is the flying wild lizard.

But it's just a taste of the battle.

At that time, Green Caterpillar didn't have many soul skills, and the Soul Power cultivation base was also low.

It is completely different from now.

At the same moment.

"Go ahead."

Wang Che said in a low voice.

If this guy is a soul fighting master who is good at fighting and attacking.

The Soul Fighter is extremely powerful, let alone Level 10.

Even at Level 10, Wang Che is not too sure.

Wang Che has no other ideas. He can run as far as he can.

However, he is a soul master.

It doesn't have much battle strength itself, even if it is three Level 10, its own strength will not be much higher than Wang Che.

It's definitely consumed a lot right now!

Whether it was the heavenly thunder just now or controlling those ant colonies, Wang Che didn't believe he didn't consume it.

So, this is, he can only rely on Soul Pet.

Soul Shushu, the body strength is not high, but it is very powerful.

This kind of power is embodied in:    Like those ant colonies, even if this ghost has only three Level 10s, even if a few high-level Soulbind Masters come, they are very Hard to move him!

Using Soul Pet, Soul Shushu masters can play a huge role in various battlefields.

However, Wang Che feels that he is the strongest now, which is Soul Pet.

He just started his cultivation, and he was able to develop a trace of Hundred Refinements Soul Power yesterday, which is naturally not as good as Soul Pet.

Especially when he used the heavenly thunder slash just now, he was also exhausted, and he was still a little weak at this time.

The possibility of victory falls on Green Caterpillar.

At this time, Green Caterpillar seems to feel the expectation in Wang Che's heart.

As if in the dark, it seems that a certain fit has been reached.

Telepathy! !   High Life Soul Contract! It means that between the two at this time, telepathy has been truly achieved!   Be aware that during the previous inspection, the degree of Life Soul Contract between the two was extremely high.

Wang Che and Green Caterpillar cannot do this.

A similar effect can only be achieved by relying on the tacit understanding of high training and a glance.

However, it is not true telepathy.

But now, in this extreme danger situation, there is a breakthrough.

Using human research on Soul Pet, it means that the fetters have reached another level.


It means that Soulbind Master and Soul Pet are highly compatible, and any command is instantly communicated to Soul Pet.

The direction of the heart, the direction of the mind!   At this moment, Green Caterpillar's eyes are serious like never before!   Even if the opponent is three Soul Pets, two of them are more than a thousand years old.

Even, one has reached two thousand years!   It is fearless!

Wang Che first lightly pressed the center of the Green Caterpillar's eyebrows, and directly untied the mechanical meteor suit.

next moment.

The size of Green Caterpillar suddenly became larger, from tens of centimeters to a giant insect with a full length of 1.8 meters! In   an instant, like a bolt of lightning, rushed out!    "Guide soul artifact? So fast!"

The ghost was startled, "What speed is this..."

Immediately after, he did not react.

"Use insect sounds."

Wang Che stayed on the spot and gave commands directly telepathically.

Under the same heart, his Wang Che's reaction is Soul Pet's reaction!

There is no delay in the display of Green Caterpillar's spirit abilities.

Seize the opportunity!

It opened its mouth suddenly...


A terrifying voice came from Green Caterpillar's mouth.

The sound seemed to break through the racial restrictions, and it turned out an ancient roar like a lion king!

The invisible sound wave shook all directions! It   was the ghosts in the low air, they all shook suddenly.

Protecting him by his side, the airspeed bird, who has a thousand or two hundred years of Soul Power cultivation base, is under this roar.

It turned out to be a timid scream.

"Insect sound? This is insect sound?" Guituren was stupid.

Hundred years of soul skill insect sound, has this formidable power?    Absolutely impossible!

The worm sound of a century-old soul skill, impossible influence to get a thousand-year Soul Pet!   Not only the airspeed bird, even the 2300-year-old Rain Demon Butterfly has a huge tremor in speed.

But its Soul Power cultivation base is too high, it just trembles, but the speed continues to move towards Green Caterpillar and rushes away.

That slippery ghost is the most lost self-control.

Stunned directly in place.

It is not tall, only fifty-sixty centimeters. It has a white head mallet in its hands. It has a semi-human posture. Its head is like a skull. In its huge eye sockets, there is a strange blue Nether Fire shining.

As soon as the worm sound came out, the Soul Power cultivation base was lower than Green Caterpillar, and it froze in place.

unable to move!

"Rain Demon Butterfly, use desperate powder!"

The ghost sank.

Breaking Light Powder, is a thousand-year spirit ability.

Possessing deadly toxicity, once absorbed by an ordinary person, it instantly paralyzes.

If there is no treatment within an hour, he will die directly.

It is equally fatal to Soul Pet, but Soul Pet can last longer.

Its bright powder, colorless, odorless, invisible and stateless, insoluble in water, and not afraid of flames.

It is the thousand-year core spirit ability of the Insect system.

Very terrifying.

At this time, the Rain Demon Butterfly, whose speed has been increased, hurriedly used this trick.

The effect of insect sound on it is minimal, only one meal.

There is no way, even if this worm sound incorporates the principles of Tiangang Lion's Roar, it is impossible to bridge such a huge Soul Power gap.

I saw violent rays of light on the wings of the Rain Demon Butterfly.

Under the heavy rain, the rays of light quickly condense, just like fireflies burst out.

Scattered down.

The ghost thought is very direct, and the status is added to Soul Pet, that is, he wants to quickly kill Wang Che to prevent accidents.

is also very effective.

A wide range of light powder scattered all over.

Wang Che held his breath.

He had anticipated this trick, but it was just a powerful fan.

As long as it is not inhaled, it is not a big problem.

Of course, for a long time, even if you don’t inhale it.

Those light powders will automatically enter the body.

At the moment, the battle can only be resolved quickly, and then far away from this area.

Under the telepathy, Green Caterpillar also held his breath for a moment.

"Using the side strike, first kill the slippery ghost in seconds, pay attention to the direction of the strike must be the position of the rain demon butterfly, and then take the opportunity to use the insect hiding, wait for the rain demon butterfly to perceive, use the martial arts Fight the spirit outfit, enter the dark blue state, maximize the speed, and then use the flame impact to hit it into the air! The position of the hit and fly is aimed at the Soulbind Master!"

Green Caterpillar understands, immediately moved towards slippery hee The ghost casts a sidekick.

The slippery ghost who has been suppressed by the sound of insects can't react at all.

Just when Green Caterpillar hit the tail shot and was about to hit it directly.

"wu wu wu …"

Just listen to the ghost blowing the conch again.

The low humming sound is similar to but not exactly the same as the bug sound has several points of.

The moment the sound rang, accompanied by a rays of light, it fell on the body of the slippery ghost.

Shua Xigui immediately woke up.

"Release control."

Wang Che said in his heart, "...speed increase, release control, he should have a spirit ability, it is probably related to the control of the ant colony. "

The moment the control is released.

Although the slippery ghost wakes up, he has a huge tail in front of him.

Under telepathy, Green Caterpillar reacts exactly the same as Wang Che.

The ghost is obviously far from reaching this level.

You need to shout out even to give orders.

The Life Soul Contract between him and Soul Pet is not high.

Boom!    The Green Caterpillar, which is close to two meters, has grown in size, and with this tail blow, the formidable power has reached a very terrifying point.

Even if I wake up.

I was still knocked into the air directly, and my eyes were dizzy.

And the direction of being knocked off is the position of the Rain Demon Butterfly!

"It really is telepathy! There is no sign when you use insect sounds!" The ghost fiercely clenched the teeth, "What a genius, I have cultivated Soul Pet for several years, but I can't reach this point...Don't say it. Students, even if they are professional Soulbind Masters, except for middle and high-level ones. Few can achieve such a profound Life Soul Contract with Soul Pet."

He has reacted very quickly.

It is a pity that Soul Pet is not him. Even if he wakes up, he is impossible to immediately know the order of his Soulbind Master.

If he and Soul Pet also reach telepathy, the slippery ghost will be able to avoid it immediately when he is awake.

The flying ghost makes the Rain Demon Butterfly a little out of reach.

After all, it has just performed a thousand-year spirit ability.

However, a strong Soul Power cultivation base and a certain spiritual wisdom.

Even if there is no order from Soulbind Master, it relies on its spiritual wisdom and physical response to avoid it immediately!

But this is the moment it avoids.

This short-term opportunity!

Green Caterpillar disappeared.

It disappeared under the eyelids!


"Insect hidden?"

There was a bad premonition in the ghost's heart.

This is the core spirit ability!

This Green Caterpillar is incredible! There   are so many soul abilities!

Moreover, the formidable power is far beyond ordinary!   "Perceive with breath!"

The ghost immediately said to the Rain Demon Butterfly.

At the same time, his huge spirit strength immediately searched all around.

Under the heavy rain, Green Caterpillar disappeared.

Breath perception is a century-old soul skill.

Perceive the opponent's direction and position through breath.

It is not a type of spirit ability, but a regular spirit ability.

You can feel the Rain Demon Butterfly no matter how it feels!   next moment! The   ghost was shocked and immediately shouted:   "Get out of the way!"

The Rain Demon Butterfly reacted quickly.

This is his first Soul Pet, and Life Soul Contract is the highest.

Telepathy can't do it, but the fighting tacit understanding between the two is very high.

Almost at the same time.

On the ground, a blue flash full of fierce flames burst into the air from somewhere on the ground in the wilderness of howling wind and torrential rain! It   's Green Caterpillar!

"It's a blast of flames!"

The ghost knows that Green Caterpillar can do this.

But, I don’t know, it will hide.

The flame is the nemesis of the insect system.

At this time, the heavy rain is still there, but the flame on Green Caterpillar has not gone out.

The hot flames even evaporate the raindrops falling on it!    As long as this move hits, the Rain Demon Butterfly will definitely suffer a certain amount of damage, no matter how high the cultivation base is.

But the rain magic butterfly is not just itself.

It also has Soulbind Master.

The spirit strength of the ghost is very strong, and the breath perception of the Rain Demon Butterfly is imperceptible to Green Caterpillar.

But he perceives spirit strength, but he perceives it.

The Rain Demon Butterfly avoided, but not completely.

It was a beat slow after all.

The wings on one side hit.

The scorching flame makes it scream in pain.

The ghost has a tingling scalp.

In fact, he doesn't have much Soul Power at this time.

You must know that controlling that many insects and ants itself consumes a lot of money.

Even if it is micro-guided control, not real control, the consumption is amazing.

If it weren't for the special Martial Spirit, it would be impossible.

I just hit the heavenly thunder again, but the ant colony shared most of the thunder paralysis.

But the body is also a little weak, just saying that it can hold it.

At the same time, in his current state, he can only use his spirit abilities a few times.

And, never join the battle easily.

Once the Green Caterpillar finds an opportunity.

One trick can help yourself.

So, at this time, you can only use Soul Pet to fight, plus your own soul skills.

I thought that dealing with this king tyrant should be a spike-like effect.


"Airspeed bird, go use the wind! Green Caterpillar is in midair at this time! It will definitely hit!"

The ghost gritted his teeth.

He kept the airspeed bird by his side to protect himself.

He knew he was weak at this time.

It is a defense against, being attacked by a sneak attack.

After the Green Caterpillar changed from color to blue, the speed was very strange.

The flame impact is simply ridiculously fast!   Three Soul Pets, only the Airspeed Bird can barely compare with them.

But right now, it doesn't work anymore.

"Rain Demon Butterfly, use soul skills, energy beams!"

The ghost breathes deeply, and at the same time, quietly took out a sharp dagger in his hand.

This is the only weak spot that the other party currently exposes!   He must catch it!

Flame impact is indeed very effective, but in midair, even Green Caterpillar will be in a short-term freeze.

After all, Green Caterpillar can't fly.

After the airspeed bird flew out, immediately moved towards the Green Caterpillar, which had finished the flame impact, and moved the wind!

The sky is Soul Pet’s century-old core soul skill, windy advancement.

The fierce wind can not only control the opponent, but the wind can also turn into a wind blade and split the opponent.

Cause a lot of damage!

And the energy beam.

It's even stronger.

That is the thousand-year core spirit ability of the insect system.

And it's a formidable power offensive spirit skill that is good!

Under the two thousand years of Soul Power cultivation base, plus the wind, let alone a Green Caterpillar.

Ten Green Caterpillars can be solved directly!


The solution here is not the solution during the Soul Pet battle.

The Soul Pet battle is in a state of dying until the end.

The solution here refers to direct death.

As expected.

The Green Caterpillar in midair was swept by the wind blades in the fierce gust of wind.

Densely packed blood stains appeared on the body.

At the same time.

The Rain Demon Butterfly, which has lost one of its wings, is descending rapidly, with a large number of rays of light gathered in its mouth.

moved towards Green Caterpillar

Right now!

The light green lines on Green Caterpillar suddenly rose, and in midair, countless rays of light began to converge.

With a bang, the energy beam in the mouth of the Rain Demon Butterfly was suddenly released, and the moved towards Green Caterpillar in the squally wind spurted out!   Almost the same moment.

Grass Wood Element is a century-old core soul skill, the energy bomb is cast at the same time!

The rays of light the size of a fist quickly flew out of the light green lines on the Green Caterpillar!

It exploded!

The violent wind exploded and the violent energy fluctuations not only covered Green Caterpillar.

It also covers the airspeed bird and the rain magic butterfly.

Like perish together.

Green Caterpillar, like a broken string kite, fell from in midair and hit the ground.

The body is slightly glowing, but it is not dead. The energy bomb has a certain recovery effect.

At the same time, it cancels part of the formidable power of the energy beam.

It's just that now, there is no more battle strength.

The Rain Demon Butterfly and Airspeed Bird in the distance have not completely lost their battle strength.

Both received the same violent energy impact, especially the energy bomb.

But the Soul Power cultivation base of the rain magic butterfly is too high, but it says that it can't fly.

Airspeed bird has just joined the battle. The thousand-year-old Soul Power cultivation base makes it difficult to be lost in seconds.

It’s just a trauma.

"hahahaha! Wang Che, you are finished!"

The ghost was ecstatic when he saw this.

Too fucking hard.

Three Soul Pets, two thousand years old, one hundred years old.

In the case of Soul Power cultivation base far higher than Green Caterpillar.

One loses battle strength, one is seriously injured, and the other is slightly injured.

This kind of result, the ghost thinks, is far beyond his imagination.

Fortunately, the most important thing is...

"Wang Che! Batian! You are dead! Airspeed bird, attack with me!"

The ghost is holding a dagger, without the resistance of Green Caterpillar.

A student of Wang Che, that magnetic sword did not fight, and did not possess any battle strength at all.

With his three Level 10 Soulbind Masters, his physical strength, plus the airspeed bird, he can't solve a student if he doesn't believe it!   The airspeed bird swaying in the distance moved towards Wang Che is coming!

Under the attack of both.

There was a tremor in the void above.

Wang Che Motionless As Mountains, watching this scene lightly.

What he is waiting for is now.

If the weak spot is not exposed, the opponent will not be hooked.

Danger, it is danger.

It's just this level of danger, Wang Che has encountered a lot, and it is not enough to make him lose any color.

But just then.

In the sight of Green Caterpillar in the distance, Wang Che at this time seemed to be near death.

It is already in a state of dying, unable to move.

But, watching this scene, it was filled with madness and unwillingness.

In an instant, the pictures of getting along in this little half a year, from birth... to the first time listening to the story, the first time to learn cultivation, the first time to eat snacks, the first time to learn soul skills...

Continuously appearing in its mind...

It seems to have reached a critical point!

Suddenly!   "Hey wu!"

Green Caterpillar let out a low growl suddenly.

next moment! A    fierce and dazzling rays of light burst out from it...

cough cough, it’s a bit late...Two chapters are close to nine thousand words

      (End of this chapter)

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