2021-07-30   141 Chapter Green Caterpillar, which put in danger?   with commentary voice down.

Wang Che touched Green Caterpillar's head and said:

"The opponent is very strong this time."

"Hey wu!"

Green Caterpillar Nodded, yelled, very imposing manner.

"Holding the mountain bamboo bear is a new evolutionary form of the bamboo bear. I look at the match record of the Soul Pet. It only lost three games, one of which was a encounter with a Sky Soul Pet, was consumed and lost, and he lost two games deliberately, um, it was also for the purpose of controlling points and playing two more games."

For the current more than 60 players, controlling points is normal.

This has nothing to do with the rules of the game after the third round.

Controlling points is just having strong confidence in oneself, and playing two more games to accumulate experience.

"Judging from the game record, this is a Soul Pet that is extremely good at strength. All its opponents are played by it with varying degrees of strength, and then slowly defeated."

"In other words, so far, the strength of this mangosteen bear has not been fully demonstrated."

"So, I need to test it later, its strength ."


Wang Che said.

At present, these more than 60 players, especially today, are definitely the ace players of a certain school.

Not hiding one hand is impossible.

These are strong contenders for the top eight, even the top four, and even the championship and runner-up.

Eliminate one, only one less.

The new evolutionary form means the unknown. Unknown means powerful.

No one knows how strong it can be?   and hold mangosteen bear, or earth-based Soul Pet, the soul of technology can use the land line.

The restraint of Soul Pet of the Earth Department is very different.

As long as it is a Soul Pet that lives on the ground, the Soul Pet of the Earth System has strong restraint.

No matter what department you are.

Only the water spirit system and the grass Wood Element are special. They are not subject to such restraint, but can be countered.

It's like Insect, so it goes without saying.

Especially the flightless Insect.

On the other side.

"Rocky terrain! Very good! Without random river terrain or forest terrain, we have an 80% chance of winning. For rocky terrain, add another 10%!"

" September 1st!"

Yang Xiaoshan is very excited at the moment.

This tournament, he is the first time to participate.

It was born as a small Kang Family. By coincidence, the bamboo bear that he cultivated was told that it might evolve into a bamboo bear holding a mountain, let alone how happy it was!

You know, there are many Soulbind Masters who breed bamboo bears.

Very many.

However, there are only a few who can successfully evolve into a bamboo bear holding a mountain.

The rest are not Western Mountain Continent.

The benefits of the new evolution Soul Pet, he is the first wave to eat.

Easily enter the third round all the way!

"That Green Caterpillar is very strong, but this time, it's not your opponent!"

The bamboo bear beside Yang Xiaoshan patted, "Xiong Qi, go! Let them See your true power!"

Xiong Qi, he got the name.

Because when I got this Soul Pet egg, it was the Seven Moons Seven Suns in the summer vacation, and it was successfully hatched on August 7th.

named Xiong Qi.

"ao ~!"

The bamboo bear holding a mountain beside Yang Xiaoshan is round and round, with a height of one meter and six meters, about the same size as Yang Xiaoshan.

The hair is still black and white, but the limbs of the bear's paws are deep yellow, and the pupils are also deep yellow. On the forehead, there is a bunch of deep yellow dull hair, and there is a diamond-like yellow on the eyebrows. Prism.

The Soul Power cultivation base of 700 years and 20 years is beyond the reach of ordinary Soul Pet.

Among them, there are reasons for swallowing various rare materials during evolution, reasons for Yang Xiaoshan's meticulous cultivation, and reasons for Baoshan Bamboo Bear to train hard by himself.

As for the Soul Guidance Device and Soul Guidance Technique, naturally they are also configured.

At this stage, every Soul Pet that can only have a Soul Power cultivation base for 700 years is not simple.

The bear holding a mangosteen collided with two fore palms and roared.

Then suddenly jumped off the platform!

The ground seems to shake!   "Martial Spirit:! crystallized ring"

Yang hill suddenly move a palm, palms spread.

In each palm, there are three earth-yellow steel rings, which are not too big.

"Xiong Qi, go on!!!"

Yang Xiaoshan threw down a total of six rings in his palm.

In the current battle, if you cast Martial Spirit in the middle of the battle, it is easy to be interrupted by your opponent.

Because they are prepared.

So, of course, to start using it is to start using it.

Xiong Qi, who had just jumped down, raised two fore palms, and saw six earth-yellow steel rings, which fell directly into Xiong Qi's two palms in turn.

"Earth Crystal Ring! It is a good quality tool Martial Spirit, and also a very powerful controller Martial Spirit! At the same time it has a certain range of attack capabilities! Even if there is no spirit ring attached. If the earth crystal ring can control the enemy, the weight will increase rapidly. When the six crystal rings completely hit the opponent, it will imprison the opponent’s Soul Power. It is difficult to release the soul ability!"

" Of course, this effect is only effective for opponents."

"At this time, contestant Yang Xiaoshan’s earth crystal ring fell directly into the palm of the mountain bamboo bear!"

"This If you are hugged by a mountain bamboo bear, in a punch, the powerful force attached to the crystal ring will destroy all defenses of your opponent!"

"This is the first time Yang Xiaoshan has cast Martial Spirit! It seems, He values ​​his opponents very much! I don't know if Wang Che will use Martial Spirit! He hasn't used Martial Spirit yet!"

When Soul Pet uses the power of human Martial Spirit.

That will be out of control.

Even though, it's just the state where Martial Spirit has just been implemented.

The increase in battle strength is definitely obvious.

The stronger the strength of Soul Pet and Martial Spirit is, the stronger the battle strength will increase.

"ao ao ao!"

Xiong Qi let out a fierce roar again, and the two fore palms covering the golden ring slammed into each other.

The strong roar burst, suddenly burst!

The terrifying imposing manner spreads the audience!   this power and influence, far away, across the screen are so many audience was scared.

Too strong!   hold mangosteen body bears no big lazy bird quiet storm.

The imposing manner distributed at this time is stronger!

Especially when the crystal ring is attached to the bamboo bear holding a mountain, it seems to get a weapon bonus, and the imposing manner and strength are rapidly improved!   force Martial Spirit, the Soul Pet indirectly enhance the strength, but also can directly enhance.

This is the most direct way to improve, directly using Martial Spirit to Soul Pet.

"Green Caterpillar is also gone, Wang Che doesn't seem to have the idea of ​​using Martial Spirit."

"Then next, the game begins!!"

With a gunshot sound.

The game broke out!

On the rocky terrain, two Soul Pets fell, and the location quickly disappeared among the towering hills.

Except for his Soulbind Master, no one knows the exact location.

If it is normal, it is difficult for two to find each other.

"Xiong Qi, use to listen to the earth!"

Yang Xiaoshan loudly shouts.

In the pictures that the major audiences can see, they immediately saw the mangosteen bear, closed his eyes, and the fore palm fell on the rocky ground.

It seems to be sending out one after another invisible wave, passing to all directions.

Perceive the breath of the earth.

"Listening to the earth is the signature spirit ability of the earth system! It can perceive the fluctuations of the earth through the earth's life energy in the body, as long as it is a Soul Pet moving on the ground, it can be sensed by it! "

"Especially in this kind of rocky terrain!"

"The location of the Green Caterpillar and the direction of movement will soon be perceived!"

Soon, the bamboo bear holding a mountain stood up, leaped abruptly, and climbed up to a hill of more than 20 meters.

Obviously, it has discovered the location of Green Caterpillar!   "With hills, immediately close to Green Caterpillar!"

Young Hill loudly shouted.

Xiong Qi immediately jumped between the mountains, very fast!

Compared to normal running, it is faster!   this action, which allows large numbers of viewers slightly startled.

Because this is similar to Green Caterpillar spinning and moving in the forest!

"Holding a mountain bamboo bear has extremely good strength, but its speed is relatively weak. If it is casually in other terrain, it is difficult to move so fast, but the rocky terrain has become it at this moment The help of it! It makes up for its speed disadvantage!"

The commentator said immediately, "This kind of movement must be well-trained!"

Soon, in the audience’s watching , The bamboo bear with a mountain approached Green Caterpillar.

That feeling is amazing.

The senses that the bamboo bear hugs them is like a Great Demon King, coming in a majestic imposing manner.

People can't help but worry about Green Caterpillar.


"Green Caterpillar hasn't moved, it hasn't moved! What is it doing?"

The commentary said.

Yang Xiaoshan also knows that the Green Caterpillar has not moved, so he knows without explanation.

Even, through Xiong Qi and his Life Soul Contract, he needs to know Xiong Qi’s feedback before commenting.

Green Caterpillar hasn't moved?   "want to trap you ready?"

Young Hill know Green Caterpillar silking, formidable power super.

Staying still, it is very likely that some kind of trap will be prepared.

"A very wise choice! It seems that you also know that if Green Caterpillar dares to face my Xiong Qi head-to-head, it will definitely suffer!"

Yang Xiaoshan grinned, "but It's useless!"

While approaching Green Caterpillar.

"Xiong Qi, the land is cracked!"

Yang Xiaoshan immediately issued the order!    crack, earth-based core for centuries the soul of technology, with powerful force, crushing the ground, let the Soul Pet fall into the cracks, was brought under control, to withstand earth tremors squeeze, formidable power is very strong.

The advanced thousand-year spirit ability is The earth shook and the mountain quivered, and the thousand-year spirit ability is the earth shook and the mountain quivered.

Xiong Qi a loud roar, the soles of his feet shook the ground!

In an instant, the ground began to shatter, and a huge crack began to spread towards the front!

bang bang bang!   with cracks, and soon discovered silk, Green Caterpillar finally appeared in silhouette, playing on the sky.

Avoided this move and the ground is cracked!   as to be split.

Sure enough, there are many traps made of white silk among the gravel on the ground.

If you jump and fall at will, it is easy to fall into it, but when the ground cracks, these traps will immediately appear.

"I was seen through! The Wang Che player's plan was seen through!"

The commentary loudly shouted, "Using listening to the earth, holding the mountain bamboo bear to get the upper hand! See through the opponent's intentions! ! In midair's Green Caterpillar, make a sideshow! It seems to be a hard fight!"

On the high platform.

Wang Che's expression is calm, it seems that he intends to be seen through, and he doesn't feel anything.

Make traps in place, just to make sure that the bamboo bear holding a mountain will listen to the trick of the earth, which is Soul Pet’s signature spirit ability.

This trick is very powerful, and it can take the lead in many battles.

Compared with the breath perception of the Uranus Snake King in the forest, it is more accurate.

But it is not so easy to learn, and in Yang Xiaoshan's previous battles, it has not been shown.

If the opponent is well-trained, he will be able to do this, and he will definitely see through the fact that Green Caterpillar is not moving.

Players who can reach the third round basically have no obvious shortcomings, and Soul Pet has a wealth of experience in battle.

Will not be fooled easily.

With the trick of listening to the earth, the rocky terrain does have a strong bonus effect.

"Next, let's try the strength of this mangosteen bear, how strong it is..."

Wang Che looked at the mangosteen bear in the distance, his eyes Flickering slightly.

Don't let Green Caterpillar experience it. No matter how many game videos you have watched, it is useless.

At the same time.

"Use Hakata!"

Yang Xiaoshan was not afraid of Green Caterpillar's rattle strike, and immediately shouted.

Haida Fist, a conventional one-hundred-year-old soul skill, Soul Pet gathers the power of the whole body into a punch.

Inflict powerful damage to the enemy!

The stronger the strength, the stronger the formidable power of this trick, and the upper limit is also extremely high!   volatility is the power fluctuations.

The weaker the vigor, the weaker the move, and the lower the lower limit.

rays of light, gathered on the right fist of the bamboo bear holding a mountain.

Green Caterpillar's tail rays of light shone like the sun and fell down. With the help of a high-altitude fall, the formidable power of this blow has also increased a lot.

next moment, the fist collided with the tail!

Boom!   All around the several hills, the rapid collapse of tilt, strong air blowing the whole rock terrain of rocks lasing!   to hold mangosteen bear position, the ground emits a huge shock waves   !

The position of the bamboo bear holding the mountain remains unchanged, but the body continues to drop!

The Green Caterpillar on the other side flew out directly!   Zala on the hillside in the distance!   set off a cloud of dust!   see this scene, people suddenly bear to hold mangosteen pneumatic shocked!

Many viewers know how strong Green Caterpillar's sidebar is.

But now, he was blown away directly?

This mangosteen bear is definitely a real powerful enemy!   many Green Caterpillar fan of the audience can not help but worry:   Green Caterpillar, which seems to be dangerous?    night there       (Chapter End)

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