2021-08-01   Chapter 149 temperature just   At this time, on the other side.

"Okay! It's now."

Wang Che nodded, "Use the spiral thunderstorm ball to see how the formidable power of your move is. Don't attack its horns, aim directly at its body ."

Although it was not completely squeezed dry.

But there shouldn’t be much left to squeeze out Thunder Fang.

Be a little bit animalistic, the opponent is also the top sixteen.

The squeeze is too dry and unreasonable.


Magnetic sword light is made by Mang, I feel full of power at this time!

Although it is not as great as the previous heavenly thunder, it has made great progress, but it is definitely not small!

Most of the strength of the entire Thundertooth has been squeezed out, one can imagine...

Soon, the magnetic sword began to condense the electric ball from the tip of the sword.

After four days of training, it has been able to master this trick very steadily at this time.

Its casting speed and control of its own energy are very stable.

The trick it created has not yet succeeded, but it has made progress.

That trick is mainly because its cultivation base is not enough, so it has not been successful so far. If the magnetic sword feels that it has not succeeded, it is not worthy of a name.

Wang Che was not given a name.

Now that the cultivation is completed, the lightning is absorbed, and then this spiral thunderstorm ball is cast. The formidable power should be good.

"An unexpected scene appeared! The Thundertooth's thunderbolt seems to...have not solved the magnetic sword! On the contrary, the magnetic sword's breath has changed at this time? It has become stronger! There is also red lightning around! "

"This...this...why is this? Could it be that this magnetic sword absorbed the lightning that was cast by Thunderfang?"

The commentary immediately shouted loudly.

I have thought of the commentary.

Lei Yunfeng naturally thought of it too...but he didn't dare to think about it.

As soon as he thought about it, he felt a wave of congestion constantly hitting his brain.

"The magnetic sword wants to cast a spirit ability! The cast speed is very fast! What kind of spirit ability is that, I haven't seen it!"

The commentary voice came again.

It’s not just a commentary that I haven’t seen before.

No one has seen it at this time.

The electric ball formed by red lightning squeaks and creaks. Under the high-speed rotation of the magnetic sword, a spiral airflow visible by naked eye is produced, rioting all around, exuding extremely terrifying breath!

"Storm Fang! Get out of the way!"

Lei Yunfeng loudly shouted.

At this time, Thunder Tooth has sore limbs and looks like it has been hollowed out.

Hearing these words, there was a burst of potential power, and he wanted to run away.

"zi zi !"

Where to run!   just hit me that more than the next, which I also played a bit of it!   magnetic tip with that sword to see a power ball, moved towards the direction of Baolei teeth running, chasing fly past.

Ball Thunder Fang is actually very fast.

The magnetic sword can be faster!

At this time, the cultivation is over, it has absorbed that many lightning, and it is flying again. Compared with the exhausted body of Thundertooth at this time, the speed is naturally faster than the previous one.

The magnetic sword saw the right time and threw it away with the blade!   Boom!   seems not a huge red ball of lightning, broke out of the shell fired like speed!

It exploded directly around Thunder Fang.

The first time it was cast on Soul Pet, the accuracy was really not enough.

Wyvern rides his face and throws it crooked.

Immediately afterwards, the pressure of the air wave like the explosion of an electric ball directly shook the thunder teeth away.

Red's lightning struck Thunder Fang's body, making it scream.

Soul Pet of the lightning system is naturally very resistant to lightning.

But this resistance has a limit.

Like a thunder tooth, it can resist thunder and lightning, mainly on that horn tooth.

Without this horn, it cannot resist the power of heavenly thunder at all.

Especially the pressure of the air wave generated by the explosion of the spiral thunderstorm ball is too strong, even stronger than the red lightning strikes on the body.

Thunderstorm's teeth, who were already weak, have endured such a powerful attack.

Let it climb all the time instantly does not raise.

If it is in perfect condition, it will not be afraid of the damage caused by this power ball... But it is almost squeezed now .

At this time, the spiral thunderstorm ball cast by the magnetic sword has absorbed its lightning, and the formidable power is stronger than usual!   normal magnetic spiral thunderstorms sword play ball, this is not the formidable power.

"Come on again, take it away."

Wang Che ordered again.

The meaning of this issue is to give respect.

Hmm... after all, it absorbs too much lightning. After repairing the spirit refinement, I need to vent some.

Without saying anything, the magnetic sword once again fired a spiral thunderstorm ball, directly smashing it around the Thunder Fang.

This time, Thunder Fang didn't run, it felt that it had cast it accurately!

The horrible explosion strikes again.

Stormtooth was about to stagger to stand, and fell directly to the ground.

Directly fainted with both eyes and lost battle strength.

The audience was silent for a while.

Lei Yunfeng is even more absent-minded.

He understands.

He absolutely understands!

That magnetic sword is definitely the lightning that absorbed Thunder Fang!   Otherwise, trick weird soul of technology, formidable power impossible so strong!   "So ... is the power of Baolei teeth, defeated Baolei teeth ..."

" I beat myself?"

Lei Yunfeng catch the key points , I kept asking myself, "Why, why this magnetic sword can absorb lightning... At that time... the professor at Soul Pet base did not say it."

If the magnetic sword can absorb lightning With this ability, he absolutely signed the Life Soul Contract without saying a word.

breathes deeply, Lei Yunfeng suddenly clenched his fist.

He understands that he was plotted against...

Everything just now was pretended by the other party.

Blame myself for being stupid, I didn't find it.

But it's okay!

"wind and thunder dark crow, played it!"

Lei Yunfeng immediately loudly roared, in the distance Soul Pet audience room, the door opened   a whole body green purple of Soul Pet, let out a loud tweet, and flew out.

With two Soul Pets, you can put one in the Soul Pet’s dedicated viewing room to watch the battle and gain experience.

You can also rest in the Soul Pet treasure box.

Wind, Thunder and Dark Crow, is a small Soul Pet, about the size of a magnetic sword.

The Soul Power cultivation base, which was in the early 400 years, is not very different from the magnetic sword.

The sky thunder and lightning are dual genres, with great potential.

"This time, I don't need the thunder and lightning spirit abilities!"

Lei Yunfeng gritted his teeth, and the wind, thunder and dark crows are also of the sky category, so naturally they will have the sky category spirit abilities.

Because I already know the key to the victory of the magnetic sword.

That magnetic sword released two such powerful moves, even though it absorbed the lightning of Thunderfang.

The Soul Power cultivation base can be placed there.

It should now be back to its original state.

Wind, thunder and dark crows are also very resistant to thunder and lightning, and the cultivation base is even better!    its wings, with lightning-like symbol, azure crown feathers, able to perceive the direction of air flow in the freedom of flying in the sky.

If you use the flashball again, you will be in the sky again in the state of Wind, Thunder, Dark Crow, and you can definitely avoid it easily.


Lei Yunfeng loudly shouted: "Wind, thunder and dark crow, use the feather of electricity storage!!"

The feather of electricity storage is wind, thunder and dark Crow's unique spirit ability.

The feathers of the Wind and Thunder Crow have the power to resist thunder and lightning, and are similar to the horns of the Thunder Fang, which can absorb the power of lightning.

After using this trick, Wind, Thunder and Dark Crow can also accumulate lightning.

I am not afraid of the electric ball of the magnetic sword at all!

Can you absorb lightning!

I can too!   However ...

" with a heavenly thunder cut, second it!"

Wang Che hesitation and said without the slightest.

Get the magnetic sword!   immediately launched Heavenly Thunder Sword potential!

In an instant.

The magnetic sword qi interest has changed again!   the Heavenly Sword Thunder potential, not the soul of technology, nor is it to find the correspondence.

It is a realm, artistic conception.

Heavenly Thunder Sword is in full swing!    atmosphere suddenly change, at the moment, as if a two-edged sword magnetic represents the ancient Sword Spirit heavenly thunder, horizontal stand in midair.

Rolling sword momentum, exuding a powerhouse aura.

The Wind Thunder and Dark Crow that was casting soul abilities was suddenly stopped.

The imposing manner is too strong to stop it!

The imposing manner of heavenly thunder, even if it is the Soul Pet of Thunder and lightning, it will be suppressed for a while.

At this stage, Soul Pet has only a few hundred years of Soul Power cultivation base, and the imposing manner is very weak.

Immediately afterwards, the magnetic sword immediately launched a heavenly thunder slash!   the Heavenly Thunder cut!   belong to find the correspondence.

If you insist on talking about spirit abilities, it belongs to the category of self-created spirit abilities.

The energy used by itself is the Soul Power of the magnetic sword itself, and does not contain the life energy of other genres.

At the same time, rely on the heavenly thunder absorbed by the cultivation Scriptures to perform lightning-fast slashes!

Formidable power Wang Che feels so so, this trick highlights a lightning fast.

The superior alternative sword technique in the Scriptures is called Storm Thunder Slash, which can be regarded as a formidable power and speed can be equalized.

Heavenly thunder cut it...

If there is a heavenly thunder bonus, formidable power is still possible.

There is no heavenly thunder bonus at the moment. Under the Heavenly Thunder Sword, I can see the red light flickering around the magnetic sword.

The light and shadow formed by the red lightning spread to the tip of the magnetic sword, as if it had grown by two or three meters.


The magnetic sword made a loud excitement.

Then, facing the wind thunder and dark crow held by the Heavenly Thunder Sword, he cut it down with a single sword!   power and influence than when the original Wang Che With heavenly thunder play, a big difference.

But, it is enough!   directly cut in the wind and thunder dark crow's body!   "Ga !!!"

thunder dark crow uttered anguished howl.

Falling at the speed of light!    "appeared! soul of technology is a trick I've never seen! What is the soul of technology! formidable power so strong! magnetic body of the sword imposing manner ... what is it cultivated a profound Soul Guide Technique do? Why actually Give me a hint of Prestige of Heavenly Thunder..."

The commentary voice was full of puzzlement.

He has never seen him.

The previous flashing ball can also be found in the Thunderbolt Spirit Ability.

But this trick... the magnetic sword bursts out of the sword light two or three meters away and cut it off directly. What kind of soul skill is that?

Especially the imposing manner, Immemorial is weird!

The Wind, Thunder and Dark Crows were directly stunned!   "wind and thunder dark crow!"

Lei Yunfeng shocked speechless.

hong long!

The wind, thunder and dark crow fell to the ground.

Under the same cultivation base, he was deterred by the Heavenly Thunder Sword and forced to eat this move.

As a defensive and physical physique, it is not a good wind and thunder and dark crow, obviously it can't hold it.

He was lost in seconds when he played.

There was another silence in the audience.

After a child, the referee before announcing Road:    "wind and thunder dark crow losing battle strength, magnetic sword win Congratulations Wang Che player to reach the semifinals.."

sound of a referee out.

The audience boiled instantly.

What game did I watch?   a magnetic sword, pick two completed a feat?   In particular, this magnetic sword only three hundred years of Soul Power cultivation base?

Most of the audience's minds are dumbfounded.

What kind of magnetic sword is this so fierce?

Countless people are puzzled.

But this does not prevent the shock in their hearts!

This magnetic sword is too strong!   "What part? What can explain this situation? You are not only a magnetic sword Soul Pet base of it?"

Zhao took a deep breath, looked towards the side of the Ho Huan.

shua~ shua~ shua~!   All of a sudden, the other invited guests immediately looked towards Ho Huan, eyes full of curiosity.

They watched this game very unexpectedly...

"Don't look at me, I don't know. For some special reasons, I sent this magnetic sword to other Souls. I went to the Pet base."

He Huan said, "Otherwise it will hinder the other research work of the Soul Pet base... In my experience, it should be a special cultivation. It may be a special kind of cultivation. The Soul Guide Technique. Wang Che is indeed a genius who cultivated Soul Pet. The professor of this magnetic sword at our base has also personally taught some Soul Guide Techniques."

"But all failed. "

"The previous move should be some kind of improved lightning type spirit ability. As for the latter move, it should be a self-created spirit ability. Although this red magnetic sword is very troublesome, but It’s also very special, it’s very active, and its spiritual wisdom is not high. But it’s actually very smart...As for what your own spirit skills are, only you soul fighters know."

He Huan said something. blurry.

Everyone understood, but they didn't fully understand.

"It should be a very powerful sword technique."

Ling Yuejun’s that powerhouse said seriously, "Moreover, it fits very well with the magnetic sword, even with its Soul Guide Technique of cultivation. , Are very suitable. As far as the situation is just now, I have not seen the operation of this kind of sword move. But there are similar moves. Formidable power is hard to say. At this stage, the speed is completely inferior to this move. ."

"The imposing manner should be a rare sword style, a kind of artistic conception that is extremely difficult to cultivation."

"Regardless of the sword-shaped Soul Pet, or Soulbind Master who owns the Martial Spirit of the sword class is very difficult to cultivation out of this kind of mood."

"The magnetic sword can cultivation out of this kind of mood, indicating that its innate talent and aptitude are very high. The mutated Soul Pet has many problems, but at the same time the potential is also very strong."

"Can tap the potential power of Soul Pet, Wang Che is indeed a genius who cultivated Soul Pet."


The military powerhouse spoke.

Then naturally everyone has no doubts, understand.

The game is over.

Wang Che returned to the lounge and took a sip of tea, nodded:

"The temperature is just right."

Three people: "..."

There will be in the evening! Tomorrow the race should be completely over, and you can guess who the protagonist final showdown       (Chapter End)

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