
  Chapter 152 suppression?

In the semi-final matchup, if you are not careful, you will fall into a dangerous place.

At this point, the feathered spirit snake that has completed its roots has risen in its state.

The whole snake seems to fuse together with the current terrain. Just from the breath, you can feel the power of incomparable.

This time, even without explanation.

From the imposing manner alone, the audience can feel that the bug is very difficult.

Although he gave up a trick of straw rope, but in exchange, the state was greatly improved.

At the moment, it is very difficult to defeat the feather snake.

Moreover, Feather Spirit Snake will do two things at the same time. Once two spirit abilities are cast at the same time, it is even more difficult to deal with.

From the two hole cards exposed by Lin Xi, Wang Che has to say that they are really good.

The special training in that semester was very effective.

Maybe, there is expert advice behind it.

Otherwise, it is really difficult for the feather snake to learn the profound fighting skills of doing two things at the same time at this stage.

Lin Xi squeezed his hands slightly.

Next moment, the feather snake attacked!

Like a green flash, the feather snake rushed towards the Green Caterpillar.

The speed is incredible!

The feather snake itself is a very skilled in speed Soul Pet.

Especially, it is a Soul Pet that is extremely rare at the beginning.

Innate's growth attribute is very high, and the improvement brought by Soul Power cultivation base every year is much stronger than the rare Soul Pet.

Initially extremely precious, it means that Innate foundation must be strong in all aspects.

As the gap between Soul Power cultivation base becomes larger, the gap behind it becomes larger.

At this time, the speed of the feather snake can definitely be said to be the best in the whole sailing cup!

Especially after using the roots and absorbing the life energy of the wood element in the earth, it is not only more resistant to hitting, but the overall strength has also been visibly increased by naked eye!

There was a slight sonic boom in the air.

That is a manifestation of the speed of the feather snake.

The speed in motion alone is so exaggerated that no Soul Pet can react.

"Fast speed!"

The middle commentator couldn't help saying, "At this speed, I am afraid that no Soul Pet can handle..."

Grassland On the terrain, the feather snake is flying at a half-low altitude, passing by in a flash, and the grass-green ocean is directly separated by a grass wave.

"Insect hiding!"

Wang Che said.

Green Caterpillar without the slightest hesitation immediately turns on the insect hiding, and the whole body instantly turns into grass-like color and texture.

The body shape has also undergone a slight change, and it disappears into the grassland terrain in an instant.

The feather snake's momentum stagnated, and suddenly lost its target, making it a little bit astonished.

"Insect hidden! Insect's signature spirit ability! It can hide itself in many terrains, accumulate energy, and burst out a powerful attack on the next blow! This is the second use of Green Caterpillar The spirit ability of the original department!"

"But this trick..."

The middle-aged commentator was about to feel emotional.

This trick is placed now, and it is completely defeated by the feather snake!

At this time, the feather snake has completed its roots in the vegetation and terrain, and its movements on the vegetation and terrain are extremely clear.

It is not difficult to know where Green Caterpillar is.

The feather snake stopped.

This time without Lin Xi's command, it closed its eyes, and the rays of light of the body began to shake away all around.

It seems to be sending out a special wave.

Breath perception!

A trick that many Soul Pets have used!   Able to perceive the enemy's location in complex terrain.

There is a certain restraint effect for the Insect that enters the hidden state.

Especially at this time, it has also completed its roots, and the feather snake's induction of the entire vegetation and terrain has been greatly enhanced!

"Green Caterpillar should be spotted quickly as soon as this move is performed."

The middle-aged commentator looked towards the vegetation and terrain.

With his eyesight, he did not find the location of Green Caterpillar.

However, after a while.

When the feather snake opened its eyes, it was a little dazed.

Where is the worm?

It can't even sense it?   Lin Xi is also a little confused when he learns of the situation.

It's unscientific, breath perception + rooting, Feather Spirit Snake has reached a very strong state of control over the vegetation and terrain.

Although insect hiding is very strong, it also has a bonus effect on vegetation and terrain, but it is impossible to sense a breath! At   this time, the middle-aged commentator also saw it.

This trick is wrong!

Can't perceive, lose the target of attack.

The feathered spirit snake, who was in a prosperous state at this time, felt a little uncomfortable.

However, at this moment, when the feathered spirit snake is sensing its aura...

Make a tail blow!

The feather snake startled, at this time it was too late to respond.

The opponent almost attacked face-to-face!

But the excellent fighting qualities of the feather snakes are reflected in this brief moment.

The small feather wings in its ears are slightly incited, and when it is unable to use its soul skills, it relies on the advantage of being able to fly at low altitudes.

I flew directly to in midair.

Green Caterpillar hit the tail shot immediately.

"It's now!"

Wang Che said immediately.

Hearing the command, Green Caterpillar seemed to be ready for a long time, and at the moment when the rattles hit the air, he turned his head back and spun silk, and the precise moved towards the flying feather snake entangled away. !

The spinning of that head shake is very chic and free.

The feather snake avoided the rattle strike, just took off, and has not yet flown ten-twenty meters.

A thread of silk was wound directly on the body of the feather snake.

"It's here again, anticipating the attack! The dodge of the feather snake is completely expected!"

Hidden, lost the first opportunity. Its excellent combat qualities allowed it to avoid the side effects of Green Caterpillar’s ​​appearance, but unfortunately, its dodge was expected!"

"This scene, it seems It used to be similar!"

"The flame sparrow and the mangosteen bear are all like this. They were attacked in advance and were entangled with silk in midair."

"Wang Che player seems to be I can always anticipate all the enemy's movements."

"The feathered snake entangled in silk is dangerous! The flame impact has appeared! This is a very deadly move to the vegetation spirit ability!"

"Still biting and spinning, this time directly used the flame impact upwards, and was directly hit by the entangled feather spirit snake!"

"With the help of insect hiding, this set of attacks It's like running clouds and flowing water!"

The commentator couldn't help but applaud loudly.

Insect is the signature spirit ability of Insect!

As a pre-cast, as long as it is used properly, it can inflict heavy damage on the enemy.

It's just Green Caterpillar's trick to hide, it seems a little different.

The feather snake can't detect it at all!

Green Caterpillar burst into flames and directly slammed into the feathered snake that flew low in the sky and was entangled with silk.

The extremely high temperature, coupled with the violent impact, directly knocked the feather snake out, smashed it down in the vegetation terrain, and delineated a ravine visible to naked eye!

Against the enemy at a disadvantage, he has the upper hand in the first round!

Special guest seats.

"Something is wrong, the feather snake has a higher cultivation base than Green Caterpillar, and it has roots and breath perception. How can you not perceive Green Caterpillar?"

Zhou Principal of Xiyue Academy, Seeing eyes rounding, "The insect hiding in my memory, even at full proficiency, can't do this. Only the advanced thousand-year spirit ability, insect hiding, can have this effect, and even the aura disappears completely. No spirit. Strength is not sensed at all."

The higher the proficiency of Chong Yin, the more it can be cast on various terrains.

"Which one of you has Insect Soul Pet?"

Zhao He looked towards others, "Tell me what is going on?"

"I have "

He Huan slowly said, "It should be an improved insect hiding. It's hard to say how to improve it. But even the breath has completely disappeared... This insect hiding effect is very powerful... I guess Unless you use spirit strength to perceive, otherwise..."

"Improved? The secret of soul skills can be improved after learning?"

Everyone was stunned.

"It may not have been learned by the soul skill and soul skill secret engraving. But there is really a big difference between the trick and the real insect hiding."

There is a difference naturally. .

This trick is that Wang Che combined the Breath Restraining Technique for Green Caterpillar, and then through the principle of changing the color of the martial arts soul outfit, the insect hides through self-study.

Its operation mode is completely different from normal insect hiding.

When I was fighting against the two-thousand-year-old Rain Demon Butterfly, I didn't feel it because of the opponent's cultivation base.

It is still perceived by ghosts with spirit strength.

It's not right if it can be sensed.

With this trick, the initiative in this battle is in the hands of Green Caterpillar.

Especially the vegetation and terrain.

The effect of insect hiding is stronger!   At this moment, the feather snake, which was hit by a blaze of flames, was burning with flames all over its body.

The flame element is too restrained against the grass Wood Element.

Lin Xi's face remained unchanged, as if he had expected it a long time ago.

The feathered snake that fell on the ground screamed proudly, and its skin began to gradually change.

The flames on his body began to disappear quickly.

Immediately afterwards, as the rays of light converged on the terrain, the wounds on the feather snake immediately recovered!

"It's a natural skin!"

The middle commentator said immediately, "Natural skin is the unique soul ability of Wood Element, which can effectively weaken the formidable power of the flame soul ability! It is also the signature spirit ability of the Feather Snake race! Under this skin, the flame type spirit ability no longer has a powerful restraint effect on it! It only has normal formidable power!"

"At the same time, because The rooted relationship absorbs the life energy of the plants and trees in the earth, and the state of the feather snake is quickly restored!"

"This move is supposed to be a deadly blast of flames... it didn't produce much effect!"

The rooted strength is reflected.

As long as it is not dropped by a single move.

All can take advantage of this huge terrain to quickly recover!   "It's a great trick to take root."

Wang Che laughed on the high platform.

Using insects to seize the opportunity, and finally attacking the opponent, didn't expect did not have any effect.

Indeed, it is difficult to defeat the feather snake.

But, it is not without chance.

If you want to seize such a good opportunity, it will be difficult to use Chong Yin again.

"Turn on the martial arts spirit outfit! Let's attack directly!!"

Wang Che said with squinting eyes.

The whole body of Green Caterpillar immediately became pitch black.

"Just waiting for you to attack."

Lin Xi directly issued an order this time, "Feather Spirit Snake, you also attack! Last time I lost in this martial fighting spirit outfit! this Time, it won't happen!"

The feather snake also screamed very excitedly.

The last time I was in the Qiming Cup, I was defeated by this move.

This time, it has found the place back!   This gives the feathered spirit snake a sense of Foreordained Confrontation! The   powerful Soul Pet needs to stand up where he was defeated!

The feather snake rushed out!   Turn into a green streamer again!

On the other side, the Green Caterpillar, who opened the Wudou Soul Suit, has reached the normal state of perfect strength.

However, at this time, the speed is still no better than the feather snake!

Even, it's not even close! The   two collided.

hong long!

The feathered spirit snake, which has a huge force collision and an advantage in speed, can do its best to perform side effects in one step, and it does not suffer at all in this respect!

The two flew upside down.

With its small feather wings, the feathered spirit snake rolls around in midair lightly, removing all its strength.

On the contrary, the Green Caterpillar on the other side flew upside down, but also tied to the ground by spinning silk and quickly unloaded his strength to fix his body.

"chi chi chi!"

The feather snake screamed in excitement!

It won!   With rooting, powerful Innate Aptitude, and hard cultivation!

Finally defeated the black Green Caterpillar! The   last time I was crushed in the Qiming Cup, I finally vomited that breath! The   feather snake enters a state of excitement, and the martial arts are extraordinary!

Lin Xi also felt a little excited about the feather snake.

Really, this little fellow lost to Green Caterpillar in the Qiming Cup last time, especially after the speed and strength were crushed by a Green Caterpillar, it was true that the blow was not so big.

Jizhen Soul Pet itself has good spiritual wisdom.

What level is oneself, what level is Green Caterpillar, Feather Snake knows.

Being crushed in that way, I changed to other extremely precious Soul Pets, and maybe I was in a slump.

But the Cloud Mushroom Snake at the time was not discouraged. During the special training period, the hard training was done in order to one day defeat the Green Caterpillar!   In the process, only Lin Xi knew, it was very difficult.

Every time I train to exhaustion, I stop.

This kind of hard work directly enabled Cloud Mushroom Snake to evolve into a feather snake more than two hundred years in advance.

Normal Cloud Mushroom Snake evolution requires a thousand years of Soul Power cultivation base.

Evolve ahead of time, and aptitude climbs, which means that the strength has grown a lot, and the Soul Power cultivation base for each subsequent year of improvement will be stronger than that of Jizhenshi.

Outstanding aptitude, hard training, plus the bonus brought by rooted soul skills.

Only now has the feather spirit snake!   Thinking of this, Lin Xi's mood actually has several points of surging.

Obviously the other party is just a Green Caterpillar...

"Suppressed! Feathered snake and Green Caterpillar chose a tail-to-meat clash! But Green Caterpillar was suppressed! This is Green Caterpillar uses the martial spirit outfit and enters the pitch-black form. It is suppressed for the first time! Last time even with the bamboo bear holding a mountain, it was only a bit inferior!"

"This time I was caught by the feather snake Completely suppressed! The power of the rooted spirit ability completely offset the increase in the pitch-black form of Green Caterpillar!"

The middle-aged commentator said immediately.

Wu Douhun performed this trick, after the game with the bamboo bear holding a mountain that day.

Related staff came to inquire about it.

After asking about the self-created spirit ability, he gave a high degree of affirmation, and then the official staff immediately identified Green Caterpillar's martial arts spirit outfit. According to its effect, strength, and cultivation base years, it lasted. Time and so on to determine.

After confirming that the world currently does not have the same spirit ability as the one, the patent registration will be carried out immediately.

The process is very fast.

With patent registration, if Wang Che is willing, he can invite secret engraving experts to make secret engravings and sell them.

Of course, the difficulty of making the secret engraving of soul skills is quite high, and it is related to the Soul Pet gene.

Wang Che is temporarily not going to be sold.

So, the middle-aged commentator now knows the name of this move.

Otherwise, as a commentary, if the name of the soul ability is still not known, its professionalism will be doubted.

The next battle, as the commentator said.

It’s a hard-to-fist!   Green Caterpillar frantically uses rattle strikes and spins to fight the feather snake!   One black, one green, like two lights and shadows, intertwined in the venue.

Every time there was a collision, violent fluctuations broke out, and all around grass clippings flew randomly.

From east to west!

From south to north!

The vegetation and terrain are very large, but every corner has traces of fighting between the two.

The more he fights, the more excited the feather snake becomes.

Because, it knows, victory is not far away.

(End of this chapter)

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