
  Chapter 154 If you can’t beat the beauty , you can only rely on strength   The semi-finals are over.

The game process was very unexpected, in this game.

The audience vaguely got a vague impression of Wang Che's Green Caterpillar:   This Green Caterpillar...how many strange spirit skills will there be?

No, it should be said, how many soul skills did Wang Che teach him?

How come it seems...the semifinals are now, and there are still spirit abilities that no one has seen before...

It's too ridiculous.

Wang Che himself thinks that he won the semi-finals... not bad.

He knew that Lin Xi probably still had something to show up.

It may be some deadly hole cards that are not used in the game.

Used is a killer move.

For example, after the death, facing the same cultivation base, it is a real killer move.

The so-called killer move is the kind that can kill you.

The Soul Pet of the age of the Mother Earth Worm has no game rules yet.

Their inheritance spirit abilities are all realized in the realm of life and death, in order to truly kill the enemy.

To put it bluntly, it was specifically designed to defeat the powerful enemies who invaded from other worlds at that time, and comprehend the ultimate move.

The formidable power is very terrifying.

Green Caterpillar was able to survive by death, defeating the two thousand years of rain demon butterfly and airspeed bird, even the defensive trick of the ghost can defeat 2/3/2021, it is conceivable. , How strong is the formidable power.

Therefore, in the game, unless the opponent's cultivation base is too strong, otherwise Wang Che will not let Green Caterpillar perform this trick.

There is no chance either.

Wang Che feels that Lin Xi’s Feather Snake should also have a similar deadly hole card, but everyone will not use it in the game.

There is another most important reason.

After the terrain changed, Lin Xi's hole cards could not be taken out.

Wang Che didn't give her a chance, and the spiral flame ball was taken away directly.

Green Caterpillar has just learned the spiral flame ball trick, especially in the flame terrain just now, the effect is doubled!

No matter what, the semi-finals are over.

Next, I will face that dragon Soul Pet.

The game is over, and many spectators are very excited.

Because tomorrow’s game is even more interesting than the battle against the kings of heaven!

A little caterpillar at the bottom of the Soul Pet world’s food chain is going to fight a True Dragon Soul Pet?   Simply fantastic outrageous duel!   But it happened to be about to appear.

After the semi-finals, Wang Che didn't watch the third place match between Lin Xi and He Zhenfeng, and he didn't even think that He Zhenfeng could not support the feathered snakes.

Go straight to the training room and train Green Caterpillar some Soul Evocation skills.

Prepare for tomorrow's final.

After the semifinals.

"Elder sister, do I remember there are some other tricks for Xiao Snake? Uncle Yun taught it personally... Why is it useless..."

Lin Xi was shocked by the result of the competition. , Was shocked by the process.

"No need..."

Lin Xi shook his head, "After he broke the rooted spirit ability, the terrain changed, and the formidable power was not enough. It was just a delay. . With his plot against and the explosive Fireball, he didn’t give me a chance to use it at all."

"He may know that I have a few more tricks, but he hasn’t given me a chance to release it at all. , It's blocked."

"The spirit ability that is similar to the explosive bomb, I didn't expect, Green Caterpillar will also have flame spirit ability other than the flame impact. And it is very likely that it is created by itself. Soul ability."

"In the flames, I didn't even see how it was used, it's a pity."

Lin Xi gave a cry.

So too.

"It's a pity, elder sister, if your Martial Spirit can be realized, I don't think the flame terrain is scared at all."

Lin Xi said with a pity on her face.

"The myth Martial Spirit is realized, and it has improved Soul Pet too much. Without Soul Power above Level 10, it is difficult to realize it."

Lin Xi said, "Moreover, Wang Che’s Martial Spirit is no worse than my Phoenix. It’s just a new type of Martial Spirit, and he needs to develop its potential and role. Its grade, based on the Martial Spirit’s awakening at the time and its scores, at least It’s all myths."

"If I use Martial Spirit, I may lose more."

"I didn’t beat him this time. If I want to beat him in the future, I should It's even more difficult. That magnetic sword is not easy to deal with."

Having said that, Lin Xi didn't hear much discouragement in the tone of the elder sister.

There is even a fighting spirit!   Obviously, elder sister is not a person who can easily give in.

"Yes, this person is really strong." Lin Xi was nodded, and added another sentence after saying, "Too strong and a bit abnormal."

Lin Xi couldn't help but say with a smile :    "You can breed a Green Caterpillar, you have to make it to the finals. Only now did you find out? With this Feather Spirit Snake's personal experience, that Green Caterpillar might have hidden a hand..."

"Eh eh, I have this feeling too!" Lin Xi also nodded suddenly, "I looked all the way, and felt that the little caterpillar seemed to have unfinished secrets and unfinished spirit skills on his body. ."

"But its tomorrow's opponent is the magpie fairy dragon."

"Dragon Soul Pet...natural pressure, ordinary Soul Pet can't bear it."

Lin Xi groaned for a few seconds without speaking.

For the battle between Green Caterpillar and Magpie Dragon.

Who will win, and how?   Lin Xi thought, maybe Aunt Yan should be able to know.

But tomorrow will be the final, and at this moment, there is no rush.

"Sister Xi, what about waiting for me to do it?" He Zhenfeng said with a smile, "Anyway, the top four awards are similar, and you don't miss that point."

"Sure." Lin Xi nodded.

He Zhenfeng was taken aback, and he was in ecstasy:   "Really?"

After all, he is a third runner-up, and there are still many benefits and effects for him.

"If you wait for a while, you can think about it just now, and I will let you break the rooting of the feather snake."

"Damn, how can I be so perverted?" Forget it, I don’t want the third place, and the semi-finals are enough. This time I must have some good stuff coming out of my super gashapon!"


The sixth day of the game, very It's almost over.

But the heat is even higher.

Especially the match between Lin Xi and Wang Che.

Time has come to the seventh day.

Sailing Cup championship finals.

The sailing cup did not have too many bells and whistles.

For the rest of the competition, if it is the final, there must be many advertisements and other endorsements.

And the sailing cup does not.

Even the opening ceremony was just outside the appearance of an extraordinary grade of Soul Pet.

There is nothing else.

The same goes for the finals.

Countless viewers are eagerly waiting   This year's Sailing Cup, compared with the previous Sailing Cup, the biggest difference.

It's just a Green Caterpillar, killing it and flying.

In previous years of the Sailing Cup, at this stage of the finals, the strengths of both sides were similar, and the Soul Pet aptitude cultivation base was not bad in all aspects.

Even if you use Martial Spirit, the grades will not differ much.

In short, they are similar in strength.

But this year, the appearance of a Green Caterpillar detonated many topics in the Western Mountain Continent Sailing Cup.

More interestingly.

The object of the finals is still a rare dragon Soul Pet.

The duel of worms and dragons.

The absurd and true appearance!

"If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would never have thought that a Green Caterpillar could reach this step."

"Peak duel between insects and dragons, let me Take a look at the Soul Pets of the Insect system. There are a few that are only comparable to the Soul Pets of the Dragon system..."

Peak duel for the second time."

"My Green Caterpillar is going to kill the Soul Pet of the Dragon type today! Any one of you refuses to accept it!"

Let your little caterpillar fight timidly!"


The scene is extremely hot.

The fans of Magpie Dragon and Green Caterpillar retorted noisily.

Cheering for their favorite Soul Pet.

There were a lot of spectators in the finals, right there, students from Heavenly Heart City No. 1 Middle School and students from their respective cities.

Those who are not there, such as Wang Che’s parents, are watching live broadcasts at home.

They all watched with excitement.

During the Sailing Cup match, Wang's parents and Wang's mother were very sensible, and there was no communication to bother Wang Che.

I just send a text message every few days to warn Wang Che not to be too careless. The little caterpillar is also small. If you encounter a strong opponent, don’t let the little caterpillar lose too badly to avoid injury. confidence.

When you come back, it’s best if you can bring back the trophy.

It doesn't matter if you don't bring it back, just bring the little caterpillar back in good health.

The commentator of the finals is a very beautiful little elder sister.

She is also a popular beauty commentator with a lot of rich commentary experience, and she is also a professional Soulbind Master.

"Good morning everyone, I am today's commentator, Walnut. It is War Zone time, 9:30. In ten minutes, the finals of this year's Sailing Cup will officially begin."


The beauty commentator in the Soul Pet battle suit is standing on the high platform facing the battle stage in the center. The voice spreads to the communicator next to each audience. The sweet voice makes many audiences excited. , It's getting hotter.

"Cough cough, I know everyone can't wait. But, the two players should be introduced, we still have to go through the process, right?"

" I have been waiting for three weeks, and I am not in a hurry for these ten minutes."

Walnut looked towards today's game.

She has explained the Sailing Cup for three times. In addition to the Sailing Cup of Western Mountain Continent, she has also commented on various competitions in many universities.

But this year's Sailing Cup can definitely be regarded as one of the three most popular events since the Sailing Cup!

Walnut explained the information of both players in accordance with the procedures specified in the finals.

Ten minutes is over soon.

Both players appeared on the stage.

Wang Che As the high platform rises, I immediately see Feng Xiao on the opposite side.

Regarding this opponent, Wang Che can only say... the field competition is really not intentional.

Because I have seen Feng Xiao's game before, I also know a little about this player Wang Che.

How should I put it... a very easy-going person, he will not talk nonsense before the game, he will use the magpie dragon to help the opponent's Soul Pet to recover, lost... well, I have not lost so far. .

He is a very orthodox, very pure, and good-looking boy.

Only the temperament has several points of femininity, which is probably related to his more feminine appearance.

His women's clothing must be beautiful.

Wang Che guesses that many people think so.

Of course, with Wang Che’s current Divine Consciousness, it is natural to feel that Feng Xiao will never be a woman.

As for the magpie dragon, it is even more beautiful.

Magpie Dragon, with its name immortal, is naturally a Soul Pet that humans think is very Immortal Qi.

The magpie dragon is pale white, and the white dragon scales exudes beautiful rays of light under the shining of the sun, and the whole body exudes a crystal-like luster.

There are four white tentacles on the dragon's head, floating in the air.

Longan is green and very smart.

Its size is a Ming City dragon species leaning towards Ming City War Zone. From Wang Che's point of view, it is similar to the western dragon in the little blue ball.

There are many types of dragon species, and the dragon species born in the history of each War Zone are different.

The wings of the magpie dragon are pale white, while the dragon claw is pale-yellow like amber.

In terms of form, this magpie dragon is still very young, and its Soul Power cultivation base has been around 780 years.

At the same time, its racial potential is close to five hundred, which is a superb level, not a king level.

Like the feather snake, the magpie dragon itself is a juvenile soul pet, and Bai Xilong evolved.

It's just the Soul Pet of the dragon type, which gives the Magpie Dragon many powerful abilities.

Moreover, its 3rd stage evolution is very slow, and it will not evolve until at least three thousand years after Soul Power cultivation base.

The difference is that the ancient mandarin dragon evolved from the 3rd Stage is an extraordinary Soul Pet that exceeds the potential of the king.

The potential of a king is a hurdle of Soul Pet.

Soul Pets with king potential can be cultivated for at least one hundred thousand years.

Extraordinary Soul Pet, not to mention it naturally.

"In terms of appearance, the Magpie Dragon is several times stronger than you."

Wang Che said very objectively.

As long as this is the aesthetics of normal people, no one would think that a Green Caterpillar can look better than a magpie dragon.

The Green Caterpillar next to it: "(^)"

"If you can't beat the beauty, you can only rely on strength."

Wang Che said, "You What do you think?"

"Hey wu!"

Nodded, Green Caterpillar agrees very much.

"Very good, very energetic! Let's go!"

Wang Che laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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