
  Chapter 160 One week time

Color flashes!

It is the theoretically highest level reward in the current Super Gacha drawing!

It is extremely difficult to appear once!   Especially, in the color flash, there is still golden tied up!

Color flash with gold!

In a short time, all the players around were dumbfounded.

Compared to Western Mountain Continent, golden still appears frequently.

The color flash is too rare!

You may not see it several times a year.

Every year in Western Mountain Continent universities, various Soul Pet competitions are held, not just the Qiming Cup and the Sailing Cup.

So the number of lotteries per year, the hard-working classmates can still have one or two ten consecutive.


Green Caterpillar also looked a little stunned, with a little sluggish expression on his face.

Wow! It's color!

It's a color I haven't hit!

The staff is also slightly dazed...because he has not seen the color flash this year.

Toot toot.

From the mouths of Soul Pet ten dragons, one color, one gold, eight blue and white were quickly spit out.

The golden, which should have been dazzling, looked a little bleak at this time.

Wang Che: "..."

Could it be that Caterpillar's luck has all come to me?   Colored Gacha, according to the theory of color relativity, there must be good things inside.

Wang Che is not very demanding, and he doesn't ask for the exquisite Soul Pet. Now it can't be raised. The Soul Power level is high.

Wang Che didn't really want the powerful spirit ability.

The reason is simple.

In the colorful gashapon, if a spirit ability is used, it is definitely a very powerful spirit ability.

The more powerful the spirit ability, the harder it is to learn.

"Rare materials, Heaven and Earth Treasure is the best."

Wang Che pondered.

Heaven and Earth Treasure is the most difficult, and it is not easy to buy with money.

The color capsule came out, which caused Wang Che to be less interested in Golden's...

"Send it to my home directly. I will look at it when I go back." Wang Che Said to the staff.

"Good... good."

Wang Che turned around and said to many players:

"Tell you a trick, in this lottery Before, must let the mat several times and ten consecutive times. If there are blue sky and white clouds several times in a row, then the next time, there will be golden flashes!"

"Oh, forgot, you may not That many lottery times. That's okay."

In the previous sentence, many players found it reasonable and very gratified.

"The Champion's Experience"

In the last sentence, many players instantly felt fatal injuries.

Fan from the champion.

After the gashapon is drawn, the sailing cup is completely over.

After that.

Several opponents of the Sailing Cup made an appointment with Wang Che, spent two days in Rongdu, and talked about their experience in cultivating Soul Pet and their future plans.

And what school you want to go to, etc.

The classmates will have dinner in Rongdu again, enjoying the last classmate time before going to the university.

Because the Sailing Cup is over, it means graduation is over, and the third year of high school can be regarded as a complete end.

Among them, the Xiyue Daoguan, the top universities in Xiyue, and the Soul Pet base in Xiyue all invited Wang Che to visit.

Wang Che temporarily refused to cultivate Soul Pet and study Martial Spirit cultivation as an excuse.

Because he knows that he needs to go back and improve his strength immediately.


In the clouds.

A huge body, soaring in the sky on the back of Soul Pet.

Shanhai Dragon Hawk, Hall Master of Xiyue Gymnasium, Soul Pet of Yue Zilin.

Wang Che is now on the back of Shanhai Dragon Hawk.

Li Yanming is the same.

I originally wanted to take the maglev train back.

But this time, because the situation is more urgent, I need to return to Heavenly Heart City immediately to prepare.

In addition, some things need to be discussed separately, so I took this mountain and sea Dragon Hawk personally.

"After sending you home, you have to prepare yourself."

Li Yanming said, "The floating forest is a bit too much. Divine Void Several major War Zones around us already know about Dragon, and the continents nearby in their War Zone have great objections to this."

"Furthermore, the War Zone Central has also dispatched special departments. People, rush to the floating forest... Divine Void Dragon is also completely close to awakening."

"The Rongdu side is still far from the floating forest, and Heavenly Heart City can hear a dragon from time to time at night. Roar groaned..."

The situation is really serious.

Indeed, half a year has passed.

"If you can't solve it, within a week, War Zone can only send powerhouse to kill immediately."

Li Yanming glanced at Wang Che, "Young hero, Batian, Are you sure?"

Li Yanming's tone was heavy, and his eyes closed, as if a fascinating rays of light burst out.

Yue Zilin sat cross-legged in front of him, as if he was not interested in communicating between the two, so he didn't interrupt.

At Li Yanming's request, he just sent Wang Che back.

If it is an ordinary person, he dignified the Hall Master of Xiyue Daoguan, naturally, he will not agree.

Even Li Yanming's request is the same.

"Probably, it is 50-60%."

Wang Che said in a deep voice.

"50-60%? Is it so high?"

Li Yanming wanted to say, "You brat, don't lie to me? That's Divine Void Dragon. One has at least ten An ancient super strong soul beast for thousands of years! Its strength can turn you into ashes with a single sneeze!"

"Indeed." Wang Che nodded, "The premise is that it can sneeze. "

Yue Zilin in front heard this and couldn't help laughing.

I find it interesting.

The identity of Wang Che Wang Batian is a secret to others.

But for a powerhouse of his level, it is not a secret.

"Okay, anyway, after a week, you have to try it."

Li Yanming sighed, "I can do it, that's all. If you can really If you succeed, the relevant departments in the War Zone should look at you with admiration. Your future role will be great. If you can’t do it, well, you should not be able to come back."

"... "Wang Che.

"Could you please reveal first, how do you solve it?" Li Yanming asked.

"It's useless to say, you don't understand." Wang Che said.

Li Yanming's corner of mouth twitching seems to have been severely hit.

"hahaha..." Seeing Li Yanming's expression, Yue Zilin couldn't help laughing heartily.

They were the same group of classmates. Li Yanming went to the military department, Zhao He went to the Martial Spirit research department, and Yan Xiao went to study Soul Pet. He traveled through several continents, and finally returned to his hometown of Western Mountain Continent, became the Hall Master of Xiyue Gymnasium, and cultivated many outstanding professional Soulbind Masters and outstanding Soul Pets.

Nowadays, Li Yanming is also a big man in the Western Mountain Continent military department neither too big nor too small.

In another ten or twenty years, it is also scheduled by the king of heaven.

Now I was stunned by a single sentence by a student.

Of course, if other students say this, Yue Zilin must think that this student is not good, too exaggerated, joking, bragging.

But from Wang Che's mouth, he doesn't feel that way.

No way, Yue Zilin doesn't know the details of the floating forest.

He can see the Sailing Cup competition clearly.

This Wang Che can’t be viewed with common sense.

"Then what do you want? Within this week?"

Li Yanming asked, "We will satisfy you as much as possible."

"Find me a good place with verdant hills and limpid water. I retreat for a week. Just don't disturb me."

Wang Che said.

"This is easy to handle."

Li Yanming looked towards Yue Zilin, "Lao Yue, I remember you have a private training base in the artificial forest on the border of Heavenly Heart City. How about renting for a week?"

"Li blind, you are hitting my idea again." Yue Zilin smiled.

"Anyway, your private training base is not used, so you keep it." Li Yanming said.

"All right." Yue Zilin thought for a while, slightly nodded, and glanced at Wang Che.

That private training base has been around for some years. When they were in college, every summer when they returned to their hometown of Heavenly Heart City, they would gather together to exchange their own experiences, and they were established for Soul Pet battles with each other.

"Any other requirements?"

Li Yanming asked.

"No. Just pick me up in a week."

Wang Che said.

Li Yanming is nodded.

Shanhai Dragon Hawk is very fast, much faster than magnetic levitation.

From Western Mountain Continent to Heavenly Heart City, it takes ten minutes.

The speed of Soul Pet in 100,000 years is simply terrifying.

And it's not the kind that goes all-out, just flying normally.

The private training base is actually not big, inside the forest in the border of Heavenly Heart City, and in the distance is the Soul Pet base of Heavenly Heart City.

Various facilities inside are very complete.

However, no one came to use it for a while, and it was covered with dust.

Seeing Yue Zilin waved his hand gently, the Mountain and Sea Dragon Hawk spouted a stream of water gently.

At first, it was blisters, covering the training ground below which was less than three-four hundred square meters.

The blisters were controlled quickly and accurately, and seemed to be cleaning. When the blisters dissipated, the Mountain and Sea Dragon Hawk waved its wings high in the sky.

A hurricane was blown directly into the control training base, and then dried quickly.

"Okay, it should be almost cleaned up. Because it is a training base, the living environment is average. But all around Soul Power is full, quiet and peaceful, it is a good place for cultivation."

Yue Zilin is nodded.

Shanhai Dragon Hawk landed at low altitude, Wang Che took the Green Caterpillar and jumped directly.

After enjoying a high-altitude flight, the Green Caterpillar now feels that it is floating all over, and it is a little unstable when it falls on the ground.

"After that week, I will come to pick you up. If you have anything, I can find Yan old man from the Heavenly Heart City Soul Pet Research Base."

Li Yanming said.

Wang Che compares with an ok posture.

The Mountain and Sea Dragon Hawk took off again, and disappeared from sight for a moment.

Wang Che first took a look at this training base and found that it was indeed a good place.

There are various Soul Pet training equipment.

Although some are aging, the venue is not very large, and it is enough for the Soul Pet who has been the base of Soul Power cultivation for hundreds of years.

It is not far from the Heavenly Heart City Soul Pet base in the distance, ten minutes away.

The Heavenly Heart City Soul Pet base also has a magnetic levitation stand.

Wang Che went home first.

Because I said in advance, Wang's parents and Wang's mother have also prepared a sumptuous meal to celebrate Wang Che's victory in the Sailing Cup.

Well, a hearty meal...refers to a few more dishes.

I probably know that Wang Che is in Rongdu, where there are a lot of gatherings and dinner parties. The two parents did not prepare big fish and meat. They were both homemade cooks.

But Wang Che thought it was pretty good. After eating, he stayed for a day and talked to Wang's parents about some interesting things that happened during the game.

For example, how does the Green Caterpillar fight, when it is high light, when it is stupid... etc.

Green Caterpillar just wants to hear Wang Che talk about its high gloss and cool, when being stupid, just pretend not to hear it, and have a little expression that has nothing to do with me.

However, Mom and Dad Wang directly took out a bunch of photos.

The above are all close-ups of the little caterpillars at the highlight moments.

Especially the last scene.

(End of this chapter)

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