
  Chapter 167 Difficulties, enter the floating forest again!

It is very gloomy here, and the sky seems to have dark red energy rays of light brewing.

At the same time, near the floating forest, there is a blue ice mask covering the entire floating forest.

is a powerful Space Formation.

Around the edge of the floating forest and mid-air, there are many sergeants, continuously patrolling back and forth, observing the situation everywhere in Formation.

Apart from this, there is a fortress nearby.

It is an azure, hexagonal fortress.

"That is the Martial Spirit of Soulbind Master of the Military Department, Qingyan Fort. Its prototype is an ancient building three hundred years ago, and it is the Martial Spirit of the Western Mountain Continent military side with strategic value. "

Li Yanming said, "With strong defensive ability, the interior can accommodate up to thousands of people. I heard that your Martial Spirit is also a building type, but it is related to the court. It is a new type of Martial Spirit. Zhao He, that dog thing, many times let me persuade you to give up your own ideas."

"He is a pity, I heard that you put your Martial Spirit model in the Martial Spirit research headquarters of the War Zone. For meticulous research, I also found a lot of Martial Spirit professors from major Peak institutions. To see if I can provide you with certain training ideas and methods for Martial Spirit cultivation."

"If you can What can I find out?"

"If you can come out alive this time, you have the opportunity to thank others."

"After all, you Martial Spirit, you guess it’s not good now. Cultivation, the research has no clue, and I am very confused. Also, I think you Green Caterpillar is not by your side, has the spirit ring been condensed and attached to the Martial Spirit? You better not cultivation, so good Martial Spirit, if the path of cultivation is wrong, it will not be easy to change in the future."

Li Yanming walked to the azure fortress with Wang Che and said.

"I know it in my heart." Wang Che coughed.

My own Martial Spirit, Wang Che estimates that even if he brings together all the world's professors and scholars who study Martial Spirit.

I can't figure out why.

This, only he can do it himself.

"Okay." Li Yanming didn't say much, and didn't ask much.

Entering the fortress, there are some familiar faces.

The most familiar one is He Huan.

At this time, she is wearing a white research uniform, her hair is still very messy, holding a pen in her hand, and she is discussing something with a few gray-haired elders.

In the center, there is a Soul Pet floating in midair, like a cute fleshy ball, which seems to be participating in the discussion.

Wang Che recognized the Soul Pet, which is a very rare Spirit System Soul Pet, the phantom brain.

It is a Soul Pet that is born with strong spiritual wisdom and very strong spiritual strength.

It looks like a human brain, but the facial features are very cute, all fleshy, naked, and without hair.

There is a cluster of long horns on the head that resemble an antenna.

It can help human beings in many aspects of research. The calculation speed of its brain is one grade higher than that of modern research supercomputers, and it can perform various complex calculations. Can also perceive various emotions of humans and Soul Pet.

There are several serious Soulbind Masters watching.

In the third round, the powerhouse sent by the military who appeared in the guest referee's seat was also present.

Seeing Li Yanming come in at this time, the discussion among those people still did not stop.

When Wang Che saw it, he knew that there must be arrangements.

You cannot enter the floating forest casually.

After all, the current floating forest is very dangerous.

Everyone here is not simple.

"Old Li is here."

An old man stood up, his eyes fell on Wang Che immediately, "This is the little Wang Che hero, right? Not bad. The floating forest smashed the conspiracy of those ghosts. A month ago, they solved the ant colony and ghosts alone. We at Western Mountain Continent have been out of characters for some years."

Standing upright, wearing a military uniform, smiling, but with an imposing manner of no anger and prestige, he looks like a powerful Soulbind Master in a high position.

The most conservative are Soulbind Masters with Level 10 and above.

It is hard to say whether it is the king of heaven.

All those present here are estimated to be Soulbind Masters with Level 10 and above.

Except Wang Che himself.

The big guys gathered together, Wang Che showed the demeanor of a talented youngster, his face and expression remained unchanged.

"You and I are too lazy to introduce."

Li Yanming said without thinking, "I have brought people, according to Xiao Wang, enter Formation as soon as possible, and then contact Divine Void Dragon. Don’t look at me, just say, giving medicine to a dead horse."

"Otherwise, in a few days, even if our War Zone does not send the heavenly king into the floating forest to kill Divine Void Dragon."

"Sun Yao War Zone and Zhonghai War Zone will send the Heavenly King powerhouse into the floating forest to forcibly kill Divine Void Dragon, which will surely cause the floating forest to shake. The entire soul soil will be razed. to the ground."

When these words came out, everyone's faces were extremely strange.

That is a very weird expression.

To be honest, in the past six months, since the dispatch of the spiritual king and the division into the floating forest Central Region to contact the Divine Void Dragon to no avail, I have wanted to kill the killer several times.

But Li Yanming made another military order, and as long as there is hope, the War Zone center still does not want Divine Void Dragon to die by human hands.

So I have been under pressure until now.

However, the hope is in a teenager...

This kind of absurdity and weirdness naturally makes everyone present look very strange.

He Huan pondered for a long time, walked up and said:    "Thinking a lot, but I don’t know what to say for a while. Student Wang, Chief Li should have made it clear to you on the way here. ?"

"Do you know the current situation of Divine Void Dragon? Do you really want to try it?"

Wang Che slightly nodded.

He Huan looked towards a young man who was like her, who had been watching silently beside her, seemed to be asking.

The youth wears special black overalls and looks like an official official.

"My name is Zhou Xing, punishment of punishment. I come from the Soulland Investigation Department of War Zone, the full name is Eastern Flower Warzone Soulland Relic Investigation Department ninth. Responsible for any situation related to Soulland."


The young man looked towards Wang Che and said, "Eastern Flower Warzone is a lot of geniuses. If only a genius makes such a request, even if Chief Li makes a military order for you. We will not agree to it. The project was initiated on Divine Void Dragon."

"After all, the dangerous area that Divine Void Dragon can radiate is not only in Western Mountain Continent. It includes millions of humans and soul beasts. Life."

"But you are a young hero with merit. Without you last time, you smashed the conspiracy of those ghosts. Now Western Mountain Continent may have already lost of life. I have to say, you Last time it was a miracle."

"So, we agreed to Chief Li's request. We didn't even ask you what you can do."

"About the night after three days No matter whether you succeed or not, we will work on Divine Void Dragon. We will never let it wake up completely."

The youth quickly finished speaking, and took out a special badge to give Wang Che, "This is After taking the Formation license, you can enter the floating forest. Senior Sister He, tell him what is the difficulty before you want to see Divine Void Dragon."

Wang Che Taken nodded.

He Huan walked aside, took Wang Che to the side, took the long stick in his hand, and pointed at the holographic image of the floating forest in the discussion center.

"There are probably three difficulties."

"One, Divine Void Dragon is located at the top of the Central Region of the floating forest. As the soul beast of the space system, it The sleeping space at that time was very special, it was difficult to perceive it. Look here."

He Huan pointed to the top of the floating forest.

Four special floating clods appeared.

"There are a total of four floating soil blocks, each of which represents a Space Node. Changes are happening all the time. Only one Space Node can enter a special space. See Divine Void Dragon ."

"And in these four Space Nodes, there are special phantom guards. These phantom guards are very similar to our modern mechanical Soul Pet, 369 steel. They will enter according to different strengths. The human beings floating in the air will transform into powerful ancient soul beasts corresponding to their strength. You need to defeat these powerful ancient soul beasts before the Space Node will be opened."

"Once you fail, there will be life." Threat."

"Four pieces, only one is the correct entrance. This is considered very troublesome for the powerhouse of the king."

"Because the powerhouse of the king cannot exert its strength in these areas , Otherwise the strong Soul Power fluctuations will cause space tremors, and Divine Void Dragon will be fully awakened immediately. Therefore, the stronger the strength, the more troublesome."

"Your current strength is relatively low, after In our calculations, you have a very low probability of defeating these illusion guards. Even if you can defeat them once, if you are not lucky, you have to defeat them three times..."

"Second, see After Divine Void Dragon, you will face the powerful imposing manner of Divine Void Dragon. With its powerful spirit strength, the powerhouse can resist for a while without using any Soul Power. But with your current strength... You can’t bear this imposing manner at all, even if you are stared at by the Divine Void Dragon, your spirit will collapse. This is very fatal."

He Huan said, "And, we can’t help you. Heavenly King powerhouse If you want to take you up and resist the imposing manner of the Divine Void Dragon's domain, you must use the domain, but this will also awaken the Divine Void Dragon. It can only give you some soul artifacts in the resistance domain... But the hundred thousand year soul beasts, Especially in the imposing manner of the 100,000-year soul beast in the ancient age, no matter how powerful the soul artifact is in the modern era, it will not play a big role."

"This is your most deadly point, even if you suffer untold hardships, met Divine Void Dragon, you may be gone if you meet up..."

"The third is to communicate with Divine Void Dragon. With your spirit strength, you want to communicate with Divine Void Dragon, which is basically impossible. , More impossible to give you any response. Unless it takes the initiative. But it has already lost its sanity, spiritual wisdom has fallen into a frenzy, and it is basically impossible to communicate with you. Under the premise of the second point...there is the third point. "

Three difficulties.

All are very fatal.

Each of them is extremely difficult to almost impossible to complete.

Especially For a teenager.

At least He Huan thinks so.

In fact, in addition to three points.

There is a fourth point, you can and Divine Void Dragon communicates, and there is no way to restore it to its current state. It is temporarily impossible.

"The phantom guard beasts are transformed into ancient spirit beasts. Ancient spirit beasts may not be strong in strength, but battle strength. Very terrifying, unlike the current Soul Pet matchup. The ancient spirit beasts are all about life and death battles, and they are all very life-threatening. And the spirit skills of the ancient spirit beasts are different from those of the modern..."

He Huan took out a pile of materials and handed it to Wang Che, "We can only send you to the place close to the upper part of the Central Region. When you get to the four floating clods, you can only look at yourself. "

He Huan studies Soul Pet.

I know how abnormal Divine Void Dragon, a terrifying soul beast, is.

One hundred thousand year soul beast It's just a title.

In fact, the 100,000-year soul beast has a huge gap in its cultivation base every 100,000 years!

"Okay, let's go. "Wang Che without the slightest hesitation.

He Huan was taken aback for a moment and couldn't help taking a look at Wang Che.

The rest of the people couldn't help looking towards Wang Che.

Good guy, there are so many difficulties, I just didn’t say directly: you go to die, these words.

didn't expect After listening, I didn’t even hesitate at all, just Planning to set off?

Why is he so confident?    That Zhou Xing was also choked.

He Huan was prepared to say so much, but actually wanted to let him This young hero retires when he knows the difficulties.

Don’t be whimsical, go back and grow slowly.

You are a genius, so you have lost it. War Zone feels it is a pity.

"Hey, didn't Chief Li say, giving medicine to a dead horse? "Wang Che looked at everyone's expressions, said with a smile, "Heroes, it is always possible to create miracles." "

"What if it succeeds?" Besides, I have only a small life, compared to Divine Void Dragon, or the soul beasts and humans of Western Mountain Continent, not worth mentioning. "

"Little hero, he has a high level of consciousness!" "The old man laughed heartily, "Xiao Li, take him up." Then we wait for you to triumph. "

The old man's voice is not ridicule, but very serious.

He Huan looks at Wang Che's back and asks the Phantom Brain next to him:

"Xiao Huan, based on your perception, what is the probability of his success? "

"wú wú wú …infinitely close to zero." Phantom Brain blinked his eyes, his voice seemed a bit cold and merciless.

He Huan continued to ask:

"Don't you feel anything special?" Why is infinitely close to zero? Isn't it equal to zero? "

"Yes, there is an unfamiliar force hidden in his body that is difficult to fully perceive with my spirit strength." Because of this force, it is not completely equal to zero. "

The Phantom Brain replied, "It may be the power of Martial Spirit, but it is not enough to solve the problem of Divine Void Dragon..."

He Huan looking thoughtful.

Everyone is silent.

Li Yanming leads Wang Che out of the fortress and towards the floating forest in the distance...

(End of this chapter)

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