
  Chapter 181 I am the king of heaven, I am also very confused!

"Martial Spirit." Wang Che said casually, "I used the power of Martial Spirit to withstand the majesty of the domain for a few seconds. Then, didn't I drew a color flash capsule in the sailing cup before? The capsule is a medicine that can The medicine that repairs the damaged soul. I took advantage of these few seconds to feed Divine Void Dragon."

"Well, temporarily let Divine Void Dragon regain consciousness."

This set The wording, Wang Che had already thought about it.

The secret of the Super Gacha, Wang Che can think of not only related to Dino Technology, but also related to the sage who created the Life Soul Contract.

Surely, the human powerhouse in this world must also know the secret.

So, that said, although there are many problems, they should be roughly easier to understand.

Sure enough, I heard this explanation.

Heavenly King Lieyang can finally understand a bit. But he still couldn't accept it.

Understand it is because the special-grade gashapon color flash will indeed produce very good things.

Even if it is a good thing, Lieyang Heavenly King can understand it.

Because, he knows what that super gashapon means.

What is unacceptable is that Martial Spirit alone is absolutely impossible to resist Divine Void Dragon's domain pressure.

It’s just that Divine Void Dragon told him not to ask more, and Heavenly King Lieyang didn’t plan to ask more.

Judging from the results, no matter what, Wang Che has accomplished a miracle!    But other people, not only can’t understand, they can’t accept it...

"Recovered sober..."

Zhou Xing, Soulbind from the Ninth Department of the Central Soul Soil Relics Research Department The Master looked at Wang Che in a daze, "Really did it? No, no, I can't accept...Lin Tianwang, tell me this is not true."

How is this possible?

Things that the king of heaven can't do.

You told me that a student did it?

This world is not right!

Everyone is also watching the Lieyang King.

I want to know the details from this king.

The Heavenly King Lieyang said, I don’t know. When I went, they had already settled it...

I am the Heavenly King, but I am also very confused!   Divine Void Dragon also asked me not to ask too much.

Who is Divine Void Dragon? That's the big brother of the soul beast world from the ancient era!   Can I ask more?   Obviously, Divine Void Dragon also wants to keep privacy for others.

And personal privacy is related to the laws of War Zone, and I can’t mess around with the king.

People are not doing bad things...it’s still a great thing.

There is Divine Void Dragon on the top and the laws of War Zone below.

No matter how curious, I can only suffocate in my stomach.

All kinds of words, gathered in the mouth, finally let Lieyang King say three words:    "It's true."

"Zhou Xing, quickly get the central government to contact you. A heavenly king, come here to help Divine Void Dragon seal itself. I am waiting here to prevent accidents."

Everyone has sucked in a breath of cold air …

Use With a horrified look, he looked at Wang Che.

"Your special mother really did it..."

Li Yanming looked at Wang Che and didn't know what to say for a while.

"I said, I am sure."

Wang Che said, "Of course, there is a certain element of luck. As for what I said, it is true."

Wang Che really didn't lie.

He really did it by relying on Martial Spirit and the Nine Shan roots, and he did it barely.

Of course, if he hadn't been the Immortal Realm Great Cultivator, he would not be able to do either of these two.

As for the various Green Caterpillar inheritance of Divine Void Dragon inheritance, as well as the battle, there is no need to say.

The little caterpillar is still too weak and needs development.

"Zhou Xing, don't be stunned, and hurry to contact."

Lieyang King frowned, "Hurry up!"

Zhou Xing will contact immediately went.

Everyone hasn't reacted yet.

"I said Vice Jun Li, and you, people have done this. You should also think about it, and reward it on the whole point?"

He Huan said with a smile, "I can't let people work in vain, right? People have used all the rewards of the color flash gashapon. You Western Mountain Continent, or War Zone, don't you give me some rewards?"

"Don't say anything else, one or two special grades are not too much."

Everyone suddenly returned to their senses.

"The reward will not be small. This achievement is also an honor for the king," said Lieyang, "but we have to discuss it carefully and see what he needs."


Wang Che thought for a while, the benefits he gained this time, to be honest, there are too many.

The inheritance of Divine Void Dragon alone is too much for the little caterpillar.

In the future, the evolution of the little caterpillar can be regarded as a new route.

Wang Che has also benefited himself.

He chatted with Divine Void Dragon for a long time, and learned a lot about the ancient times and the ancient soul beasts of the ancient times.

A lot of knowledge has never been recorded in modern times.

Especially the matter of ancient soul beast illustrations.

In the following chat, Wang Che and Divine Void Dragon mentioned this thing.

Divine Void Dragon was quite surprised at the time, and a bit more gratified:

"You can get this thing, that is the best. This thing was some of the human The powerhouse that researched and guided soul artifacts was created, and he anticipated that the war at that time might lead to the extinction of many rare soul beasts. So he created this thing, and then visited many soul beasts and asked them to engrave their spirit willpower on Among them, leave some of their slight inheritance."

"Then save it, so that if the future generations of humans get it after the war is won, they can also use this thing to learn about the soul beasts of their age. Even if they are extinct, they can guarantee that some of their inheritance Absolute Art will be passed on..."

"However, the conditions for opening are more demanding, either requiring huge energy or the breath of ancient spirit beasts."

"At that time, I also left a spirit willpower, and then the war broke out and this thing disappeared. If you can get it, then try to open all the pictures of this thing as much as possible."

"Look more for the breath or ruins of ancient soul beasts, open this ancient soul beast illustration book more, and inherit the power of the soul beasts of our time. In this way, it is not in vain that many humans concentrated on research and the soul beasts. Wish."

Divine Void Dragon fills the remaining two grids of energy for Wang Che.

Fortunately, there are only two grids left.

Because it uses too much energy in its body at this time, it used to condense the small Divine Void Dragon to fight with Wang Che.

Make it consume.

Too much consumption will cause the dark magic that was suppressed and eliminated by the Spiritual Consciousness Baodan to surge, and the time to wake up will be shorter.

For the rest, we still have to rely on Wang Che himself.

However, the lack of two grids of energy means that the Ancient Soul Beast Illustrated Book can be opened once.

Wang Che intends to let the magnetic sword go in after going back this time, to see if he can not inherit the powerful spirit skills of 1-2 moves.

Anyway, this trip to the floating forest is over!

Wang Che doesn't care if they give rewards or not.

He has got what he wants.

"Student Wang, why did you want to solve the Divine Void Dragon problem in the first place?"

He Huan suddenly asked.

"I say curious, do you believe it?"

Wang Che said with a smile, "I was actually not sure if I could solve it. But I was curious about Divine Void Dragon …I’m very curious about these ancient soul beasts."

"I believe it, why don't you just do Soul Pet research?"

He Huan said with a smile.

"Am I not doing it?" Wang Che said, "Nurturing Soul Pet, isn't it just a process of research? My Green Caterpillar and magnetic sword, I have been researching."

He Huan was taken aback for a moment, and said in silence: "I am narrow."

"If there is nothing to do? I will leave first?" Wang Che said, "There is no danger in the wild now, Divine Void After Dragon wakes up, the external situation will slowly recover. After the seal is again sleeping, it should be disappeared without a trace."

The situation of Divine Void Dragon has taken the lead, and the rest is just Look at these kings.

"Okay, I'll talk to you about the follow-up." Li Yanming was in a trance, nodded.

Wang Che and everyone waved.

This time I didn’t ask anyone to give it away.

Because the coercion has weakened a lot, he can also step on the magnetic sword and return with the sword at this time.

"This time is just one day..."

Wang Che looked at the horizon, the sky where the clouds were gradually dissipating, driving a magnetic sword, and following the defense lines of many sergeants along the way , Return to Heavenly Heart City.

Not long after Wang Che left.

Everyone in the Qingyan Bulwark, you look at me, I look at you, and they are speechless for a while.

Two days later.

The floating forest returned to normal, Formation disappeared, blue sky and white clouds appeared again in the wild, and the soul beasts returned to live in the wild again.

Under the seal of Divine Void Dragon's self-space, with the help of several heavenly kings, he fell into deep sleep again.

This is enough to affect Western Mountain Continent, and even the major event of Eastern Flower Warzone safety, in silence, unconsciously was resolved.

Two days later, Li Yanming and Zhou Xing came to the private training base where Wang Che was located.

"I'm still a little dreaming..."

Zhou Xing rubbed his eyes, "This is just solved..."

It seems Thinking of something, Zhou Xing's face showed a smug smile.

"The night before yesterday, on the side of the Solar War Zone, the aggressive three kings came to Divine Void Dragon, regardless of our stopping. They are about to solve Divine Void Dragon."


Zhou Xing laughed heartily and said, "As a result, these three heavenly kings were scared by the look of Divine Void Dragon. At that time, the three heavenly kings of our War Zone were planning to help Divine Void Dragon seal themselves. Falling into a deep sleep."

"The three kings of the Solar War Zone, dare not say a word, Soul Pet dare not let it go. They even confessed their crimes and then left dingy."

"As a result, Ming City War Zone also sent three kings over there... They are like dolls..."

"One of them all went back in a dingy manner."

Zhou Xing became more excited as he spoke, as if he had seen the scene at that time.

"These two War Zones are so embarrassing!!"

"On the contrary, our Eastern Flower Warzone has made a big show in the Seven War Zones of the Federation this time, and has a long face. "

"Several War Zones have asked us privately how to solve it?"

"Their War Zones, similar to Divine Void Dragon, have never happened before...but Most of the solutions are difficult to explain in one word."

"Now, we see that the Divine Void Dragon has been resolved, and we all licked their faces to ask for advice."

"But there is a fart... We didn't know anything about it, and we all refused."

Zhou Xing became more and more refreshed.

Li Yanming can understand.

The ninth department of the soul soil research investigation is specifically responsible for the research of the major soul soils in the War Zone.

Inside expert as clouds, powerhouse like forest.

There are three heavenly kings who are in charge of the conditions of the soul soil in all continents.

Right now, being licked by the rest of the War Zone for advice, it is naturally a long face.

Li Yanming brought Zhou Xing to the private base.

I only saw a Green Caterpillar and a magnetic sword being seriously trained.

"Oh, these are the two Soul Pets of Classmate Wang?"

Zhou Xing came to Green Caterpillar with a kind expression.

This Green Caterpillar is now covered with an iron cable on its tail. Behind the iron cable is a solid metal ball with a diameter of at least seven or eight meters.

The two tentacles on its forehead, like a zombie, are pasted with a few sheets of paper.

As if unconsciously, he dragged the solid iron stone forward in no hurry.

The scene looks very dazzling, because Green Caterpillar is less than one meter.

"Is this training intensity a bit high?"

Zhou Xing couldn't help asking, "This Green Caterpillar Soul Power cultivation base is only 700 years old... Have you withstood such a high-intensity training? This kind of metal ball is extremely heavy, it must have a Soul Power cultivation base of more than a thousand years, and be good at vigor for cultivation... This, give a Green Caterpillar such a high-intensity cultivation? Don’t be afraid of injury. …"

Li Yanming hasn't watched Wang Che train Soul Pet very much, but think of the performance of the Hang Cup.

I feel... If it weren't so big, Green Caterpillar wouldn't be so strong.

"Should be okay?" Li Yanming said, "It is indeed a bit squeezing this little caterpillar."

Zhou Xing walked to the front of the Green Caterpillar and opened it to completely cover the Green. Caterpillar's head of paper.


Green Caterpillar squinted towards this person.

What are you doing?   "Well, I'm here to find Wang Che. What about others? Can you take us to find him?"

Zhou Xing asked.

Green Caterpillar moved towards The paper shook his mouth, then shook his head.

It is training while watching stories.

No time.

Zhou Xing looked towards the first piece of paper that was opened, and found a few big characters on it:

Today’s basic training.

Zhou Xing: "..."

Li Yanming: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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