
  Chapter 184 Trial of Soul Fantasy Land    "Student Wang, Soul Fantasy Land We’ve already arranged the trial of, and it’s about seven days later.”

The staff of Dino Technology said, “Prepare on your side. This time the intensity of the soul illusion is not high, only the elementary level. If you can pass the trial, it will be a big improvement to you and your Soul Pet, especially in spirit strength. At the same time, there are many good things in it..."

"Soul illusion itself is It’s an illusion space. You and Soul Pet had better be prepared."

This news from the staff made Wang Che feel like a long drought in the rain, and he was in a very good mood.

Now the Power of Space staple food Wang Che that Little Caterpillar needs has been solved.

But spirit strength is relatively troublesome, and too much staple food is not conducive to the absorption of caterpillars.

It is more difficult to improve the spirit strength of the caterpillar.

Only when it is in the True Dragon First Rank form and its strength is greatly increased, can it take on the flower feather and insect crown and increase a certain spirit strength.

The current cultivation base does not allow it to be in the form of a small caterpillar, and it is also allowed to wear a flower feather crest.

Therefore, if you want to improve the spirit strength of the little caterpillar, it is not a Spirit System Soul Pet itself.

The difficulty is relatively high. The various food supplements on the market that are used to enhance spirit strength have weak effects and are expensive.

Wang Che did not choose to buy.

Now with this soul illusion, the opportunity is here!

This soul illusion, listening to mysterious, but even if it is arranged by others, it will certainly not be too dangerous.

"Okay." Wang Che nodded.

Three days.

It is enough for Wang Che to prepare.

Wang Che first carefully investigated what the soul fantasy is.

Want to investigate this, the subject of inquiry naturally came from the Zhou Xing of the Ninth Department of Soul Land Relics Research.

"Soul illusion, that is a good place, you may have heard of some."

Zhou Xing sent a newsletter and an email, which said the origin of the soul illusion And history.

"That was an alien invader at that time, a creature called a ghost, a spiritual illusion left over after being defeated. At present in our War Zone, there are very few soul illusions that are truly open. Some of the more deadly dangers of the soul illusion that War Zone organizes are also eliminated. But it is also very dangerous. For you, it should be no problem to be careful."

"In this illusion space, generally There are more troublesome trials. Trial success will increase the spirit strength of Soul Pet and Soulbind Master. If it doesn’t survive, it will be weak for a few weeks with the strength of the illusion at the initial level."

" Growing a treasure that contains spirit strength. If you can get it, it will improve you a lot."

"Soul soil is not the same as soul illusion. The qualification of soul illusion is fixed. Normally. It will only be issued to outstanding students from various universities, investigators from large groups, professional Soulbind Masters from all continents, Peak Soulbind Master clubs, and some special families, etc."

" The Qihang Cup is considered to be you students. At this time, you will be the only one to have access to this kind of trial qualification competition."

"Go on!"

Wang Che glanced at Zhou Xingfa. The details come here.

"The creatures like ghosts...but two or three points similar to heavenly demon."

Wang Che pondered.

At the moment this creature has been completely repulsed, and the Federation naturally does not.

"It's a pity, if there are any more, I can study..."

Wang Che has a pity on his face, "Heavenly demon is a good thing..."

Foreign Heavenly Demon, for other Immortal Cultivator, it is evasive.

For Wang Che. It's a good thing.

Can be used for cultivation.

"There is no restriction on Soul Pet..."

On the training field, Wang Che said seriously to the Green Caterpillar and the magnetic sword, "So, this time you all have To participate, your spirit strength of the magnetic sword will also increase, which will help you to control your own mechanical energy."

"The trick you created, the Super Thunder Magnet, can Better to learn. There is also mechanical charging, this move spirit ability, you should be able to learn it in one day with your aptitude, mechanical charging is specially prepared for your this move."

" After you use the mechanical charge, it will not only increase your control of the mechanical energy, but also increase the formidable power of that trick."

"When you succeed in this trial, your strength will also increase by one. Festival, on the contrary, I will open the ancient soul beast illustration book, let you learn some powerful tricks."

For the Soul Evocation technique created by the magnetic sword.

Wang Che encourages it very much.

It's just that the magnetic sword is too weak, and now it can be worth 400 years of Soul Power cultivation base.

It is still very difficult to use this move.

In order to make it better and better to learn, I also specially selected this move for mechanical charging for the magnetic sword.


The red light on the blade of the magnetic sword vibrates for a while, indicating that it will come on!   "As for Green Caterpillar..."

Wang Che looked at Green Caterpillar.

Green Caterpillar: "(=ω=)"

What's the order, let's talk!

"With the dream space, even the proficiency of the flame type soul skills will increase rapidly. Your proficiency in flame impact has reached A-Rank, and the energy bomb has reached B+. You can try training Let’s cultivation dual-line spirit abilities."

Dual-line spirit abilities.

Wang Che met several times in the Sailing Cup.

The one that impressed me the most was the Raging Flames Storm of the Cui Ao player.

Flame Turbine + Gale, a super dual-system spirit ability formed.

Formidable power is extremely powerful.

If it weren't for Wang Che's rich combat experience, he could see at a glance that his opponent was about to use some powerful moves to interrupt.

Once the opponent releases this trick, Green Caterpillar may be taken away by one trick.

If you want to learn dual spirit skills, you must learn the pre-movements.

Like Raging Flames Storm, you have to learn flame turbines and strong winds.

This has very demanding requirements for Soul Pet.

Currently, Green Caterpillar has the formidable power for learning dual-line spirit abilities.

Of course, dual-line spirit abilities can be developed by yourself, but the difficulty is extremely high!

"Insect net + spiral flame ball =? Think about it for yourself, what kind of soul skills can be formed."

Wang Che asked.

In fact, the previous Fireball Technique + rattle strike is similar to a dual-system spirit skill.

It's just that Fireball Technique is not a soul skill, and the rattle strike belongs to a conventional soul skill.

So the two are actually quite different from the dual system.

However, the formidable power is definitely not lost to the dual spirit ability.

Green Caterpillar tilted his head and looked confused.

What can I think of?

"Hide the worm net in the high-speed rotation flame ball, so that after the explosion, the inner worm net will disperse and the enemy can be trapped directly."

Wang Che explained, "The enemy you can't guard against it."

Green Caterpillar's eyes lit up and fell into contemplation...Continue contemplation...Contemplation again...

Then, bang, pour On the ground.


Green Caterpillar fell asleep and entered the dream space.

"It seems that I have an idea."

Wang Che nodded, as soon as there is an idea, the little caterpillar will enter the dream space.

Of course, Wang Che does not ask it to learn immediately.

This is unrealistic.

But let the little caterpillar have an idea, it can turn the idea into action in the dream space.

After getting familiar with it, you should be able to try it   and it is much silkier than normal training.

After all, it is in the dream space.

"It's just that with the strength and size of the current dream space, soul abilities with scope, like energy bombs, can't be used. Moreover, only one soul ability can be contacted in a day. Practicing a few, the spirit of the little caterpillar is too much."

Just learned the dream space, little caterpillar can only practice spirit skills such as insect net and insect sound in it.

Flame impact is also because the dream space is very small, so the effect is not obvious when practiced.

"After a month or two, the little caterpillar should be able to learn space system spirit abilities."

Space system spirit abilities, especially the inheritance spirit abilities of Divine Void Dragon, Formidable power is very strong.

With the dream space, the little caterpillar can also cover its lack of perception.

"Eh...wait, dual spirit abilities shouldn't be limited to the same Soul Pet?"

Wang Che suddenly thought of this.

Wang Che remembered that there were still doubles in the Soul Pet game.

And as long as they are not in a game, it is normal for two Soul Pets to appear at the same time, especially when exploring the wild.

"Can you combine the spirit ability of the magnetic sword and the spirit ability of Green Caterpillar?"

"With mechanical charging..."

Here, Wang Che immediately began to train the magnetic sword to use mechanical energy.

Because it was a purchased soul skill secret engraving, after the magnetic sword absorbed the gene capsule, it quickly learned this trick by facing the scroll.

Basic centuries-old soul skills of mechanical Soul Pet can basically be learned by mechanical Soul Pet.

There is no difficulty, which is extremely easy for magnetic swords.

"Now, use mechanical charging."

Wang Che said.

The child of the magnetic sword is really worry-free.

You will learn as soon as you learn.

I saw the rays of light on the magnetic sword, which suddenly increased from above.

If there is an energy grid, the mechanical energy in the magnetic sword at this time, from above to below the tip of the sword, is constantly lit.

It's just that there is no energy grid, the rays of light charged by the magnetic sword accumulate to one-fifth of the position of the sword body, and then it stops.

After being charged, the formidable power of the machine will be increased to a certain extent.

When the charged rays of light can contain the entire blade, it means that the proficiency is full.

At this time, the formidable power will be increased by two levels when the mechanical spirit ability is cast at this time, and the degree of increase is very strong!

"Try to cast heavenly thunder."

The heavenly thunder slash itself consumes the mechanical energy in the magnetic sword. Of course, it must be red formed by the Heavenly Thunder Sword. lightning.

Otherwise, this move is just an ordinary slash.

The magnetic sword slashed down with a single sword, and the sword light emitted was a full seven meters! The formidable power and spread range have been improved!   During the Sailing Cup before, the sword light emitted by Heavenly Thunder was only two or three meters away.

After the seven days of training and the past few days of cultivation, the proficiency of heavenly thunder has improved, and the normal display is close to five meters, and the sword light has grown to seven meters.

It can be seen that the changes brought about by this move by mechanical charging are very obvious.

No wonder many mechanical Soul Pets must learn this trick.

"When the heavenly thunder slash proficiency is full, you can learn the wind and thunder slash."

Wang Che slightly nodded, "With your innate talent, the proficiency of mechanical charging, The improvement will be very fast."

Soul skills need to be advanced.

(End of this chapter)

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