
  Chapter 194 Records of Five Levels   Outside the Soul Illusion.

Many players share their experiences.

This is the first time to participate in this kind of trial, and every level they find is very interesting.

"Guess what illusion I encountered in the first test? Why am I with my Goddess! How does this wake me up?"

"I saw my father Teaching me...I only swept the tomb three months ago..."

"My Soul Pet said it evolved into an extraordinary Soul Pet..."

"In fact, the second test is interesting , One said, I’m too comfortable to stop."

"The first two levels are fun, the third test is simply torturing the king, those soul-locking ghosts are so annoying! My whirlwind badger can’t play. A little effect..."

"I also lost in the third test...I can pass the third test. How many people should I do?"


Contestants Red-faced discussion.

"Wang Che? Why hasn't he come out yet? There have been people who haven't seen him for a long time. I feel like I'm going to die."

Bai Youyou looks around, she is Pour in the third test.

Among them, only Chen Fei and Lei Yunfeng have passed the third test.

Nothing else but the second test.

"Should you have passed the fourth test?"

Lei Yunfeng said, "We have passed the third test and took a look at the fourth test. The spirit strength field is a bit difficult, Soul Pet It won’t work after a while, and I can’t go there at all."

"I feel I should have a fifth test."

Chen Fei said, "Intuition tells me that it’s a fifth test. "

At this time, a beautiful woman came over and asked:

"Are you classmates of that student? Do you all know each other?"

A few players took a look, oh, isn't this the Soulbind Master of the smart puppet?

"Yes, yes! We are all classmates, from the same continent, and we have participated in competitions together."

Bai Youyou laughed, "You seem to have been in front of us all the time. , Your grades should be very good?"

Mu Yao laughed awkwardly and politely, and said:   " Why , Wang Che... Isn't he called Wang Che? You Wang Classmate Che, has always been in front of me...I didn't catch up for a long time. When I first arrived at the fourth test, I didn't see him...Always ranked second."


The faces of several people are very interesting.

"The old wind is happy."

Chen Feiyan said concisely.

"It's true that the old style is happy."

Lei Yunfeng also said.

The other players also echoed immediately.

"What do you mean, you guys? Saying that others are happy? Are you polite?"

Yang Xiaoshan immediately scolded him, "Because they are second time after time?"

Mu Yao looked at these classmates teasing each other, a little confused for a while.

I don't know who Feng Xiao is.

"Sorry, sorry..."

Bai Youyou laughed heartily several times and looked towards Mu Yao, "Actually it's okay...We are all used to it."

"Get used to it?"

Mu Yao said curiously, "This Wang Che’s Soul Pet is a Green Caterpillar and a special magnetic sword. Is it very powerful at Western Mountain Continent? Can you pass so many levels? And the speed is very fast..."

"Wang Che, our Western Mountain Continent Sailing Cup this year’s champion."

Bai Youyou blew, "Hanging with a Green Caterpillar I don’t know how many powerful Soul Pets, and the Dragon Soul Pets are all down. From then on, this Young Lady is Wang Chui."

"Whoever dares to look down on my Green Caterpillar, I will fight Whose dog's head is blasted!"

As he said, Bai Youyou raised his fist, and hehe laughed.

"Frankly, I am also the king of blowing."

Yang Xiaoshan agrees, "Xiong Qi and I will never forget the scene of being defeated by a Green Caterpillar in this life. ."

"I am a bug blow."

Chen Fei pushed his glasses, "Wang Che’s Green Caterpillar is the only one in the world."

"My sword blows."

"I double blow..."

Everyone raised their hands to conform.

Mu Yao was a little surprised. It was the first time I saw such a popular student.

These players should be elite players in their continents.

Otherwise, you won't have come to the trial of the soul illusion before entering the university.

It is possible for so many elite players to have a unified caliber, such an evaluation, that kind of admiration from the heart.

This is the first time Mu Yao has seen him.

In the starting cup of Western Mountain Continent, she has heard that there are similar competitions in her continent.

However, even if the champion, the popularity is not so high.

"It turns out to be so powerful, then I am mentally balanced." Mu Yao also said with a smile, "He should be challenging fifth test, fifth test will face a Hades Soul King."

"King Yan Soul?"

Everyone was taken aback.

Some of them haven't even tested the third test.

I can't see the scenery behind the level at all, I only know one name at most.

"Fuck, was it for students?"

"The third test should be for college students."

"Oops, I can’t blow it anymore. Wang Che probably broke and settled in the fifth test."

"I think it’s a little hopeful... I took a look. The fourth and fifth levels are difficult to choose. The easiest one should be There is a chance."


Mu Yao listened to these students talking about this Wang Che classmate, and found it very interesting.

Can’t help asking more.

After some exchanges, I soon became acquainted with each other.

The main Mu Yao looks sweet, of good figure, and speaks softly. She is an authentic Beijiang sweet girl.

They are willing to share.

"Ah... Is that Green Caterpillar so powerful? Even the magpie dragon can beat..."

"No, you are not familiar with our Western Mountain Continent , The last game of the Sailing Cup can see you subverting Soul Pet's view."

"This, Zhao Yixia, you brat come over. See if you don’t see it, just this kid’s cowardly little lizard, he fought with others. One game, it has evolved into a flying lizard."

"This, this, the bamboo bear holding a mountain, we Western Mountain Continent's latest development of the bamboo bear evolution, the special earth Soul Pet, there is no more energy than it is. I have won a little caterpillar."

"Ah this...Can Green Caterpillar have such a strong force?"

"What is this, Cui Ao's flame sparrow , The sky flame dual system, dominates the Soul Pet in most of the games, and doubles the Green Caterpillar, which gave others a counter-second."

Mu Yao was shocked and exclaimed again and again.

In the face of foreign students, a bunch of players talked about it, and they did not hesitate to praise them.

Listening to these students from other continents, they looked shocked, and they thought it was very good and worthwhile.

After all, I gave myself a long face.

"It's all right, one by one."

Bai Youyou waved his hand, "Look at how scared people are...Don't say a few words."


Mu Yao touched the head of the Wisdom Douding in her arms awkwardly:    "I have never seen such a powerful Green Caterpillar...but listening to you speaking of which, it is indeed very powerful. By the way, Have you chosen a university? Have you come to our Beijiang? I am from the Shuhun Department of Northern River University, and I may be a classmate in the future."

"Yes, I am from Beijiang University. Fighting spirit!"

"Me, me too!"

"And me, I am also from Beijiang!"

Mu Yao took a look, almost Ten people chose Beijiang.

She couldn't help being surprised.

For example, Zhao Yixia and Chen Fei chose to be in Beijiang.

"Do you Western Mountain Continent have so many choices to come to Beijiang?" Mu Yao was a little strange.

"Because we heard that Wang Che also went to Beijiang."

Bai faintly said, "I don't know which university it is at. It should be your Northern River University. So some People have also gone. Anyway, for us, Peak Academy, as long as it is not those few, the gap is not big."

"The scenery of Beijiang is good, and the girls are also beautiful, very good."

"Western Mountain Continent is really bored."

Northern River University is the Beijiang Comprehensive College.

It is also the institution of Beijiang Cream of the Crop.

"Ah, really?"

Mu Yao started, and said with a smile, "Then we are rich at Northern River University! Such a powerful man, come to us Northern River University...great!"

Mu Yao was really happy.

Beijiang University, although there is no young supreme talent every year.

However, the rankings of various events are relatively low in the War Zone, and one year is not as good as one year.

With such a great person joining, the Northern River University of tomorrow will have to rise, right?

Moreover, being able to be in the same school with such a great person can also learn more in the future.

People can cultivate Green Caterpillar so well, they must be super strong in cultivating Soul Pet.

Mu Yao has a little expectation in her heart.

At this time, an officer walked up to the face blankly and said:    "My classmates, your trial is over. Your results are recorded on our side, the first five levels. The record of has been updated. If you are interested, you can check it yourself. You can take away the rewards you get in the trial after you register."

"I hope you can take part in the trial next time and take it a step further. "

The officer left after speaking.

The look on his face, somewhat numb, seems to have been subjected to some kind of powerful mental shock.

"The record is refreshed? The five levels of records are refreshed? Niu Beep, ah!"

"Who are they? Let me see..."

"Five levels? Is there anyone who can play fifth test? Fuck, is this reasonable?"

"I don't believe anyone can play fifth test..."


Many players have opened their communicator and started to inquire.

During the trial, none of their communicators can be brought in.

The military communicator only has a simple rescue positioning function.

At this look, I was stunned.

Good guy, all five records were broken by one person...

"First test …six minutes and twenty-eight seconds?"

Mu Yao was beaten by this The record was shocked.

I used two 13 points more than a minute...

How did you do it in six minutes and twenty-eight seconds? The   more I look at the back, Mu Yao feels numb and silly.

Is the record of each level at least twice as fast as the previous record?   Mu Yao believed it if it was the professional Soulbind Master who came to break through.

Especially fifth test.

The time of the fifth test is also very short, more than ten minutes.

In ten minutes, I defeated the Yan Soul King...

How is this possible?

It's not just that she looks stupid.

Some classmates also looked stupid.

Only a few of them passed the third test. Did Wang Che even pass the fifth test?

The scene is very quiet.

The middle-aged officer watched from the side and sighed and said:

"Seeing these records, I hope these children will not be hit... This Wang Che is from the Western Mountain Continent side. Yes, I've heard...didn't expect so great."

"This record is the level of professional Soulbind Master. Even if the professional Soulbind Master comes, it may not be able to reach this speed." Said the sergeant.

Don't talk about these students, they were all stupid at the time.

Especially after seeing fifth test.

Really, I was shocked.

In the first few levels, they were observing from the sidelines and still accepting them.

But fifth test …

Unfortunately, they don't know how this Wang Che student lived.

Not long.

Wang Che is out.

(End of this chapter)

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