
  Chapter 200 Unconsciously completed the small test   Wang Che is actually right These crop plants are quite familiar.

Such as Yan Lolo and Roasted Potatoes.

When making hot-flavored leaf snacks for Green Caterpillar, I purchased this raw material for refining.

Two kinds of refined fragrant leaf snacks, coniferous leaves and fir and cedar, are also used.

What grows in the farmland below are all raw materials that contain various life energies.

It can be used to refine a variety of foods.

Of course, Wang Che is more than just twelve dollars.

According to the standards of Wang Che's farming in his previous life, he feels that there are some problems, especially the complicated soul-guided map below.

Exactly, if you use the current standards, most of them are fine.

In order to get a few more bags of rare seeds, Wang Che chose some more obvious ones and said them.

Considering that since I said it, I have to say it a little more carefully, so I said it in more detail.

However, at this time, everyone looked at Wang Che dumbfounded.

My head is full of question marks.

Even, in the eyes of some people, Wang Che at this time is not like a student...

On the contrary, he looks like an old professor?   Are you here to go to school or to teach?   Especially Tian Xiaoyu, directly confused.

"???" Tian Xiaoyu.

She can actually accept the first few blocks.

Nine of them were planted by students, and three of them were planted by students in the second and third year.

There are three, not grown by the students, but grown by the instructor...

And, to put it in such a detailed way... Isn't this too powerful?   Tian Xiaoyu's eyes flashed with shame, and if she were to be a sophomore, she could only say five or six yuan.

Moreover, it can only be seen from experience that the question is so detailed and difficult.

"Am I right?" Wang Che asked.

"Eh? Wait, let me see..." Tian Xiaoyu quickly flipped through the information recorded by the communicator, and said with some embarrassment, "Most of them are right..."

Indeed Most of them are right.

Exactly, because the test only tells the fields that the students planted.

So the three fields planted by the instructor are not counted seriously.

The Shui Qingling looked down below, looked at it for a while, and asked in surprise:    "No, I feel that what the student Wang said is all right...what is wrong? Is it?"

As soon as Wang Che finished speaking, she immediately began to look down and observe.

Then I was shocked to find that...all was right.

Some situations are not obvious, and some signs of problems can also be seen.

There are even a few pieces, which are very minor problems.

Even with a large amount of knowledge in this area, it may not be able to tell...

"No..." Tian Xiaoyu's expression is really embarrassing.

It can’t be said that it was planted by the instructor, right? The   mentor is also a human and can make mistakes. But you have to save some face for the mentors.

Wang Che laughed, pointed to the following, and said:   "Well, I said nonsense about three pieces. It should be those three pieces that are wrong, right?"

Everyone Naturally, you can't see it, but after hearing this, it might be right to think about it.

Having said so much, there must be something wrong, right?

Otherwise this would be too abnormal.

Only Shui Qingling is a little confused, she feels right.

Then Shui Qingling looked at Tian Xiaoyu's somewhat embarrassed expression, and after a little thought, he immediately understood.

'Those three pieces may not have been planted by students...it is indeed wrong. 'Shui Qingling was stunned.

Wang Che's question is correct.

What is wrong is that those three pieces were not planted by the students.

So Wang Che said he was wrong.

Tian Xiaoyu was taken aback first, and looked at Wang Che in surprise.

Good fellow, can he see that those three pieces might have been planted by the instructor?

I understand very well...

Actually, Wang Che didn't see it at first, because there were too many problems... So I picked some of the differences and talked about them.

Moreover, considering that there is a gap between the level of freshman and senior students, some of the problems may be the mistakes of the third and fourth students.

Looking at Tian Xiaoyu's awkward expression later, Wang Che thought that it was not planted by the seniors, but by the instructor.

Because the seniors are so powerful they can be compared with some tutors.

"Um... you are right about nine yuan in total."

Tian Xiaoyu thought for a while, "I only have five bags of water orchid seeds...Wait later, I will Go get some for you."

After that, Tian Xiaoyu looked at Wang Che with a weird expression:

"This year’s quiz, you answered more than other freshmen. There are even more to get up... Junior Brother, you are a bit outrageous. How do you know so much?"

The rest of the freshmen heard this, and then they reacted.

It's simply outrageous!

Don't say they see the problem, they don't even know some crops.

"Great God!" Kong Shijin looked at Wang Che with a face of admiration. This hasn't enrolled in school yet, is it so awkward?    He actually saw a piece of it, but he was not sure. It was a bit embarrassing to say it wrong, so forget it after thinking about it.

"That is to say, I am usually interested in these, and learn more." Wang Che replied.

Tian Xiaoyu said in his heart, I'm afraid this is a better understanding.

Tian Xiaoyu did not ask.

After finishing speaking, let the wind whispering eagle land nearby.

Because there are fields nearby, the wind whispering eagle has not fully descended, and there is still two to three meters in the air from the field.

"By the way, Senior Sister, is this the only test?"

Kong Shijin asked, "Is there any? Isn't the test related to the little soul bean? This little test just now has nothing to do with Xiaohundou?"

Tian Xiaoyu's face changed again, his face flashed with embarrassment, after thinking about it, I had to helplessly said:

"Yes Yes. The second test is actually based on the little soul beans that Soul Pet ate, and gave you feedback through Life Soul Contract. Look at how many raw materials you can name, which are in the field below. , They are planting some raw materials for small soul beans."

"Because this is relatively difficult, as long as you can name more than three kinds, you will be rewarded with a bag of seven-leaf smoky seeds."

Seeing the problem of the field, if you have a certain amount of knowledge, you can still see it through careful observation.

But if you use Soul Pet to give feedback about the small soul beans, you can tell the raw materials, say one or two are okay, you can guess a little.

After all, the taste is there, and some basic ingredients are found in many snacks.

But if you name more than three, it is very difficult.

It’s even more difficult to find these special field crops below.

"Seven leaf smoky grass...I remember this kind of grass has the effect of calming the mind and rejuvenating..." Shui Qingling startled, "It is a rare soul plant herb that can enhance spirit strength."

This is very precious.

"Why don't you take the test..." Kong Shijin just finished speaking, and the complexion changed and immediately looked at Wang Che.

"Yes, this classmate Wang just said almost..." Tian Xiaoyu helplessly said, "He has unconsciously completed this test..."

Everyone: "... "

absolutely didn't expect!

The completion of this test was caught off guard.

Because Wang Che said in more detail just now, he did talk about some raw materials of small soul beans.

Wang Che can even eat all the raw materials of small soul beans.

Because he ate it himself.

If it is only based on Soul Pet's feedback, you can only speculate.

"A fluke, a fluke." Wang Che looked towards everyone and said.

This kind of test... Actually guessed a bit from Wang Che's experience...

So when I said just now, I also mentioned the raw materials of the small soul beans by the way.

didn't expect it really is like this.

"I don't think it's a fluke, God, have you seen it a long time ago?" Kong Shijin said, "Actually, this test is my strength! I like to eat, and I can eat about four kinds of raw materials. The smell of..."

"Then your innate talent is good." Tian Xiaoyu looked at Kong Shijin in surprise.

There is a lot of food.

But small soul beans are not ordinary snacks. It is not simple to eat four kinds of raw materials.

"Family inheritance." Kong Shi smiled and looked regretful.

Wang Che who accidentally completed the second quiz.

There is no opportunity for everyone to perform.

Tian Xiaoyu led everyone down the farmland and said:   "I'll get a few bags of seeds."

When everyone heard it, they wanted to laugh but couldn't laugh.

Tian Xiaoyu did not prepare too many seeds, which means that he also thought that at the level of freshman, there are probably not many that can be completed.

The purpose of this little test is just to let them experience the atmosphere of farming and learning in the future.

However, the freshmen are more optimistic and have a good attitude.

I choose this major because I like farming.

People who like farming are mostly laid-back and open-minded.

There are very few students who are impatient or eager to choose agriculture and planting.

Of course, this profession is also competitive.

But compared to other majors, it is much better.

I saw Tian Xiaoyu walk to a farmland not far away and talked with an old man who looked like a farmer.

"These farmers are not simple, right?"

A new student said.

"I'm afraid it's a tutor or professor of a university..."

Kong Shijin said, "Where can it be an ordinary farmer...I think they are doing research..."

He finished.

The old man turned his head in surprise and glanced at the many new students.

Then he smiled and touched his wrist, and there were several more bags of seeds.

"Space guide soul artifact." Shui Qingling pursed her mouth.

This thing is very expensive.

Moreover, those who can carry the rare seeds of Aesculus shamrock with them are estimated to have a high status in the Academy.

Soon, Tian Xiaoyu walked back and handed Wang Che some bags of seeds.

This reward is very efficient.

Really enough.

Wang Che took a few bags of seeds and thought it was great.

There are nine bags of seeds in Shuiyoulan, and each bag has only ten seeds.

The seed is a round particle of water blue, which looks like a plump grain of rice.

The seeds of Aesculus vulgaris are purple oval seeds, and there are subtle lines on the seeds, which can vaguely feel the flow of energy, which is very not simple.

There is only one bag, and the quantity is only seven.

Very rare.

The bags of these two kinds of seeds are not ordinary bags. They are specially made to lock the breath and energy of the soul artifact.

"Harvest, these seeds are very precious."

Tian Xiaoyu said, "In our Academy, if we want to obtain this kind of seeds, we must be If you are above excellent, you have to complete some tasks to earn contribution points in exchange. Otherwise, these seeds will be easily wasted."

"Generally, you are freshman, you are to lay a solid foundation and learn all kinds of knowledge. Almost 3 months later I will plant some simple crops under the guidance of my instructor. I will start planting some high level ordinary crops alone in my sophomore year. I will start planting some simple soul plants in my third year."

" These seeds are relatively complex and rare soul plants. At this stage, they should be harvested. At Junior Brother, you may be able to start planting them in your sophomore year."

"Or, you can also entrust seniors. Senior Senior Sister, I’ll help you plant it, and you will be able to harvest it in a few months, but you have to charge some compensation."

Tian Xiaoyu briefly said.

Wang Che nodded, plant it on his own back.

After the test was over, Tian Xiaoyu continued to take the new students moved towards the distance and flew over this large area of ​​farmland.

Soon they saw the location of Beijiang Linhai Academy.

It is on a relatively large lone mountain peak.

The mountains are surrounded by endless fields.

The highest peak may be less than 500 meters, but it looks very majestic, and there are still clouds and mists in the mountains.

Amidst the clouds and mist, on the mountainside, you can see various densely packed buildings.

Beijiang Linhai Academy is built around the mountains, and even the mountains are planted with various rare plants, dividing many areas.

Everyone was surprised to see it.

Tian Xiaoyu said proudly:

"The scenery of our school is the most beautiful among all the universities in Beijiangzhou District!"

"In War In Zone, it can also be ranked in the top five!"

It is really beautiful.

That is a lone mountain, on which stands an academy with a very modern architectural style.

Northern River Forest Sea University is not too big.

Unlike other Peak universities, they are divided into different campuses.

At the same time, Northern River Forest Sea University does not have many majors, which add up to less than ten.

In addition to fighting spirits and animal breeding, these two majors are basically the majors of academies, and the rest are majors related to planting.

(End of this chapter)

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