At the same time, it was also the corridor of the castle.

"Go, go, go, go, kouya!"

Renedia carried a mechanical hammer and bared her little tiger fangs. Facing the attack of the stone knights, she just swiped it casually. The long hammer rushed away with great power and smashed a bunch of stone knights to pieces.

These stone knights did not recover. After being beaten into pieces, they would be filled with lightning from time to time, preventing the fragments from squirming and merging.

Ever since she first shattered the stone statues and learned that they could be fused, Renedia has used her abilities.

Fusion also requires power. Even water has power when it flows. As a power person, she exerted counterforce on these stone statues to prevent the stones from joining together, so the stone statue knights could not fuse.

Renedia's ability can add power to anything. Things like stone statues are inherently dead, so they can be used later.

The invincible stone knight is nothing to Renedia.

The stone knight did not cause any trouble to her, and the door to the corridor opened like a block of tofu under the power of a hammer.

She just hummed the song all the way, no matter where she went, no matter where she met, she would hit rocks and doors.

"What a shabby place, full of rocks, without even a door? You still want to explore and get some treasures or something, this kind of ghost place Sage! Where are you!"

Renedia's voice echoed in the deep corridor, stirring up echoes.

The torches on the wall made this corridor deep, silent and terrifying.

However, Renedia is not a timid person. Although she is young, as an esper, she knows one thing very well, that is, she is an esper who is undecided about everything, and there are not so many strange things in the world.

Even if it is a ghost, it will not appear suddenly. It must be a person with abilities.

Otherwise, an ordinary little guy would have been frightened by something as terrifying as a moving stone statue appearing in the deep corridor.

Just as Renedia was shouting, the surrounding firelight suddenly moved for a moment, as if a gust of wind had blown, and there seemed to be an extra layer of shadow.

Inexplicably, a line of blood appeared on Renedia's white neck.


The moment she felt the pain, Renedia's pupils shrank and she screamed out. A ball of electric sparks shot out from her body, counteracting all the power exerted on her.

As a person with abilities, she knew that her body was very weak, and Sager also taught her that she was just too young to be suitable for any kind of training, so it was better to develop her abilities.

But when developing her abilities, she must not forget to protect herself. In the past, when she acted, she had to be protected by someone at the level of a small cadre. Miote and Palu took turns following her, and sometimes Akin would Keep up.

She is the real soul of the Death Star. There are rumors on the sea that taking care of the ship will make the ship give birth to a ship spirit. No one has ever seen this thing, but Renedia's importance is not lower than that of the ship spirit.

The legendary ship spirit, Mallet Raincoat, only appears on foggy days to repair and control the ship in order to repay the favor.

The real ship spirit, Renedia, is on the ship all the time, controlling the ship at any time, and from time to time she also produces some small inventions to provide convenience to the crew.

Sarge knew that she was important, and he instilled in Renedia the concept that she was important. If necessary, anyone can be sacrificed, as long as her life is saved.

After all, the self-protection capabilities of the big cadres are completely sufficient, but Renedia is still a little behind. When acting alone, she followed Sager's instructions and immediately launched counterattacks against any changes.

Like it is now.

"What the hell, come out here!"

Renedia activated her power, the electric sparks wrapped around the mechanical hammer, and she quickly swung the mechanical hammer around.


I saw the hammer hitting an object at the neck, and it was embedded in the wall with momentum.

That's a dagger!

But nothing was seen except the dagger.

"Blow this place up!"

boom! !

Renedia turned around sharply, opened the muzzle of the mechanical hammer, aimed at the zenith behind and fired a shell, blasting through the ceiling and dropping a large amount of rubble.

She kept moving, and under the electric sparks full of counter-force, the mechanical hammer extended, and one hammer hit both sides of the wall at the back, smashing two large holes in the wall, and allowed the stones to fall, killing her. The pile behind formed an obstacle, cutting off the way back.

At the same time, Renedia also locked the area.

If there is no back, then only the front is left!

The mechanical hammer assembled and deformed under the power, and the originally unfolded muzzle turned into three barrels. When Renedia twisted the hammer handle, sparks ejected from the muzzle.

Da da da! !

A large amount of lead bullets poured out and hit a corner of the corridor ahead.

"You can't run away!"

Renedia shouted, "I'm going to beat the shit out of you!"

"Hum hum"

Just as she was about to continue twisting the hammer handle, a low laughter sounded from the right corner of the corridor ahead.

Renedia didn't talk nonsense to him, turned the hammer head directly, pointed it in that direction and pulled the trigger.

Da da da!

The lead bullets hit it, causing sparks to collide and the projectiles falling to the ground, but nothing was hit.

"He is actually a person with abilities. No wonder the assassination failed."

From the position directly in front of Renedia, a human shape that was different from the surrounding stones gradually appeared, turned into substance in the air, and turned into a person.

That man was wearing a black ninja suit, and his head was wrapped in black cloth, revealing a sense of mystery.


"Monkey?" Renedia was stunned.

The person in front of her was not taller than her, with short arms and legs, a bulbous nose, small eyes, and thick lips. At first glance, she looked like a little black monkey.

"It's a human being!"

A vein popped out from the ninja's forehead, and he shouted: "My name is Maduro, and I am the intelligence captain of the Anu Kingdom! I am here to kill you on the king's order!"

"Talking monkey!"

Renedia aimed the hammer head and twisted the hammer handle, "Die Kouga!"

Da da da!

Lead bullets sprayed out from the three barrels, and the short, monkey-like man quickly jumped into the air and avoided the attack of the lead bullets.

His speed is very fast and his jumping ability is amazing.

While bouncing in the air, Maduro whipped out several daggers and threw them directly at Renedia. But as soon as he reached her side, the power of the thrown dagger was counteracted, and a burst of electric sparks shot out and fell to the ground.

"You monkey are quite fast!"

Renedia raised the long hammer and continued to fire lead bullets. The lead bullets in the air were also dodged by the flexible figure. The figure he had just jumped up suddenly dropped, and Renedia was about to continue. When taking aim, the whole person suddenly disappeared.

Losing the target also stunned Renedia.

"Hey, hey, you can't find me."

The sound came from the left side of the corridor ahead, and Renedia fired several projectiles directly at it.

It was still a blank call.

"You are not the only one with abilities, I am also one with abilities."

The sound got closer and closer, Renedia fired again, aiming at the direction where the sound came from.

"I am a disguised person who ate the 'Pseudo' fruit. I can disguise myself with everything and achieve the effect of invisibility. I can even disguise my breath. If you can't find me, I will break your ability sooner or later."

The voice appeared next to Renedia, causing her to instinctively swing the mechanical hammer.

boom! !

A hole was made in the wall by a powered mechanical hammer. At this moment, a shadow appeared on the other side of Renedia, approaching her forehead, but when it touched her little head, the shadow turned Because of the appearance of the dagger, the counterattack force prevented the dagger from exerting any force and stayed there. However, it finally came into contact with the skin and a blood spot appeared on the temple.

"Your mother's!"

Renedia's angry eyelids buried a black line, and she hit the mechanical hammer again, but when she moved, the dagger naturally fell, and the person holding the dagger disappeared long ago, just letting her Hit a blank.

"Come and catch me. If you catch me, I will make you hum. It's a pity that you are just a brat and you will never be able to catch me. Do you really want to hit me, but you can't." Ma Dou sounded in the air. Lang's voice even sounded in various places, making Renedia unsure of his location.

The tone was even more full of sarcasm.

When ability users cannot restrain each other, the comparison is of course physical strength. He is very fast, and this brat's attacks cannot hit him, and he cannot be discovered.

But there was nothing he could do about this kid. That ability was troublesome and could neutralize his attacks.

However, most of his attacks are disguised and don't cost much, and since Madoulang is an adult, he is certainly stronger than the kid in terms of physical strength.

At this time, of course, she must use up her energy until she becomes tired and her abilities weaken. That will be her death.

He just used words to taunt people, which happened to be what Maduro was best at. How many people wasted their energy in vain because of his taunts, and finally became his prey.

A kid is the most unprovoked, and it's even easier.

Just a little bit.

"You dead monkey who only knows how to hide, your mother is gone, right? Are you hiding everywhere and want to return to your mother's belly? Tell me, I will give you a hammer, beat you into monkey meat, and stuff it back into you In mother’s belly!”

Renedia opened her mouth and cursed: "You are so old and so short. If I were to be your age, I would kick you while walking and you would think you had kicked the ball. Old monkey! Old ball! It's wrinkled, and when I kick it No feet at all!”

"I'm not a monkey, nor am I a ball!"

Maduro couldn't bear the excitement and shouted.

He seemed unable to mock this brat.

"Power blast!"

Renedia heard the sound and struck straight at it with a hammer, making a hole in the ground in front of her and causing the gravel to explode.

This time, it still didn't hit.

"You damn old villain from Lilliput, when I find you, I will beat your head right under your buttocks and make you bloom with a hammer!" Renedia bared her little tiger teeth and shouted angrily. .

She just doesn't use foul language towards Sage and the others. As for the other people on the ship, who hasn't experienced her violent and foul language?

Bellamy was following Sag's example, and was called a golden-haired loser by her, Palu was an iron turtle, Miote was a gorilla, and even Ajin was called a black-skinned monkey.

It's the new Hawkins. Although she hasn't found a chance yet, she already has nicknames in her mind.

The bad guy, the magic stick, and the imitation of Lily!

She was just being well-behaved in front of Sage. Lily and Malika were partners, so they didn't know how to curse, but not scolding didn't mean that she was really that well-behaved.

It is her nature to scold people. In addition, she thinks the same as Maduro. As long as she finds the person's position, she can knock him down with a hammer. If the other person makes no sound and just makes a sneak attack, how much energy will she have to expend? To counterattack?

If this continues, you will lose sooner or later.

People must be forced out!

"You're trying to piss me off"

Maduro's voice suddenly began to change, basically changing its direction with one word, making Renedia confused about where she was.

"It's useless. I will keep watching you until you relax, which is when you die. Your death is the best counterattack. No matter how much you provoke me, I will not be fooled."

It's okay to ridicule, so let's stop mocking him and just think that this brat is farting. As long as he wins, he will find a way to torture this brat.

"Damn it, you've never seen a dead person, right? You appear in front of me, and I want you to know what a dead person is! Can't you hide from me so I can't see you? You think I can use my powers, right? I'm There’s Sag!”

Renedia's eyes narrowed and she gradually became more focused. She said unforgivingly, "We'll wait here. Either I find your position and knock the shit out of you with a hammer. Or Sage finds me and comes along." I’ll punch your shit out, no matter what, your shit will come out of your butt hole together with your head today!”

She can be foul-mouthed and irritable, but deep down, she is very calm because Sage is so terrifying.

She knew that as long as she didn't make any mistakes, the opponent would die sooner or later.

As long as he finds himself, invisible or not, he will be killed directly.

Until then, just curse.

"Hmph, the king is the strongest. He is the god of this country. He is just a group of pirates, and they are mixed with the descendants of sinners. You are about to follow the footsteps of sinners and be executed by the king! "

boom! !

Renedia followed the sound and struck with the hammer again, smashing a wall in the corridor.

At the same time, some daggers flew down from the sky and appeared above Renedia's head. The force of the fall was offset by the counter-force, which also caused her to move away, allowing the daggers to fall to the ground after losing their power. .

But this sudden movement also made Maduro, who had just fallen from the sky, look happy.

Found the weakness!

The brat couldn't face what was coming from above.


As soon as Maduro's figure, camouflaged by the surrounding environment, landed on the ground, it bounced back to the top of Renedia's head. He held a dagger in each hand, his eyes became fierce, and he stabbed down quickly. past.

He wanted this foul-mouthed brat's head to be used as a dagger holder, filled with daggers.

But just as he was falling suddenly, a long hammer hit his short body, and with great momentum, he was whipped from mid-air to the ground, and was slammed to the ground.

boom! !

The huge force caused Maduro's head to shake, his eyeballs to bleed, and when he opened his mouth, a large ball of blood spurted out. He could not maintain his ability and thus revealed himself.

"I guessed it right!"

Renedia bared her little fangs with a look of madness in her eyes, "You will definitely find my weakness to attack. Now, I'm going to stuff your head into my butt!"

From the moment she dodged the falling dagger, she knew something was going to happen.

The power of power is not without its drawbacks. Falling from top to bottom is the original gravity of the earth. Even if it offsets the power of the dagger, the force will not dissipate and can only keep her maintained.

If you want not to waste your energy at this time, of course you can only move first and withdraw your abilities.

This is also her weakness.

She can't offset too much power because her abilities are not developed enough. The same goes for the power borrowed from the sky, and it can't be eliminated 100%.

But it is also an opportunity. This guy will definitely go to the sky to find loopholes again. As long as he attacks this guy at that time, it will be fine.

Like now!


Maduro struggled to speak out, raising his hands above his head, trying to resist the powered claw hammer, "How do you know when I will attack? It's impossible!"

Renedia was stunned by these words. Inexplicably, a red dot flashed in her excited eyes.

She really didn't know when the other party would attack, but she just had a feeling and knew that this bastard was above, so she launched an attack.

"You don't care how I know, you're done anyway!" Renedia shouted, and the electric spark shot out from her little hand, directly reaching the mechanical hammer that turned into a claw hammer.

"Power Shock!!"

As long as the hammer has enough mass, Renedia can exert unlimited power until her physical strength is exhausted, and the force exerted can be greater than anyone else!

boom! !

As the power gradually increased, Maduro's head was smashed directly into his body by the hammer, and a hole was made on the ground under his feet. The hole gradually spread and turned into a semicircle, blasting Maduro's entire body. It went in and stirred up smoke and dust.

Renedia shortened the mechanical hammer and turned it into an ordinary long hammer and carried it on her shoulder. She curled her lips disdainfully into the smoke and said, "I told you to put your head in, so I put it in for you. Do you think I am joking with you?" Woolen cloth!"

That kind of physical quality cannot withstand her attack.

The same goes for Renedia, except she won.

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