I can only achieve nothing and become the Pirate King

Chapter 147 If nothing unexpected happens

Compared with before, Sage's domineering energy is now more mature. Although it still cannot be released at a specific point, if it is released in a targeted manner, the domineering energy will not leak to the side or affect the people around him.

But it can still be sensed by others.

Although it is not a direct impact, the power brought by the overlord color can be felt.

The intensity is astonishingly terrifying!

Hawkins looked at Sager who had almost poked a hole in the sky, and his heart trembled.

that's what he always said

Domineering, does it mean to be above everything?

"Go, demolish the houses for me!" Sage pointed to the houses whose roofs were blown off by the hurricane, and there were a lot of cracks in the walls, which were crumbling in the water flow and strong winds.

Lily was just stunned for a moment before she understood what Sager meant. She stepped on the edge of the ship, and like thunder, she turned into a white light and quickly flashed several white brilliance in a three-story building in front of her.


The building was cut into several sections under the smooth surface and collapsed to the ground, forming ruins.

"I see."

Seeing this scene, Hawkins understood Sager's intention, drew out his sword, and the straw was wrapped around the sword.

"Straw hand with knife."

He swung forward, and the straw blade stretched and elongated, and suddenly split into several strips. It cut through a building like a whip, causing it to break into several pieces and collapse towards the street.

Renedia didn't quite understand, but it didn't matter, just do it. She pulled the windshield to cover her eyes, twisted the mechanical hammer to extend it, and locked one of the houses, but after thinking about it, she changed it again. Another building.

The house she was targeting before had people taking refuge on the roof, but the house she was targeting now had its door wide open and no one was there. As she twisted the handle of the hammer, she fired an air cannon, which destroyed the house with one shot. Let the rocks and wood pile up on the ground.

Ah Jin used the Moon Step to jump high into the air. He rounded the hammer in his hand and descended violently. He smashed it down from a house. The huge force dented the entire house and sent pieces flying.

There were unoccupied houses around, so there was no need to look for a place with people to attack. They followed Sage's rule of not looking for trouble to attack.

Ordinary people, in their eyes, are just miserable.


boom! !

People hiding on the roof and hiding on the second floor watched in horror as people came out of nowhere under the storm to destroy the building. They hugged each other in fear, fearing that they would hit this side.

They didn't stop until the periphery of the port city was obscured by ruins, forming a circle of ruins.

The waves hit the ruins and were blocked by those ruins. After hitting them, they returned and no longer poured into the city.

As an island in the rainy season, the city's waterproof facilities are good, but the previous tsunami was too violent. Now there is no impact from the waves, and the weakened storm will not cause much damage to the city.

Soon, the water in the city stopped being turbulent and gradually receded, turning into water that only reached the ankles.

The wind and rain are still there, but the civilians in this city are overjoyed at this time.

Several civilians ran out, not caring about their shoes getting wet in the water, and said happily: "You are good people, it was us who misunderstood you. Thank you for saving us!"

"Thank you early!"

Sage waved his hand violently, and the pirates who had been waiting on the deck for a long time jumped off the ship with a grin on their face, crossing the ruins and heading towards the city.

The civilians on the street were stunned on the spot. Soon, they screamed and ran back to nearby houses to take shelter.

Sage fell from the ship and stood on the street, laughing at everyone: "I'm just here to rob!"

The house was demolished for flood control and the water was under control, purely to give his men a place to stay.

The pirates rushed all the way, looking for undamaged houses and large manors, as well as boutique shops on the streets, and robbed them.

The supplies on the ship are now very rich, and a lot of them were stolen from the Anu Kingdom. They are not needed for the time being. For the three targets on this route, Sage does not need supplies, only money.

Santa Pobla is rich in products and new products are constantly coming in. As a big economic town, there is a lot of money. As far as Sage could see, any of his men could carry a small treasure box when they came out of any house. Filled with baileys and gold and silver jewelry.

This made him smile even more.

As an economic city and a prosperous place on the Magnetic Island, the guard strength is certainly good, but under the disaster of this storm, everyone was scattered, which made the pirates' robbery go very smoothly.

But even if they responded in time, it would have no effect. They were not an ordinary pirate group.

Although the process was somewhat tortuous, once the money was obtained, Sage no longer cared about the violent storm.

His plan is still perfect.

In about four hours, the pirates had robbed almost everything and returned to the Death Omen with the boxes. As the canvas opened, the black ship gradually left under the storm.

As the Death Omen star left, the sky that was still rolling now turned dark again, making it look like a storm was about to come.

It seems that after a short period of weakening, the violent winds and heavy rains have returned to their previous violent tendencies. The sky is as black as night. The renewed doomsday scene has made the residents of this city despair.


It just disappears.

The dark clouds were like bubbles, bursting when pushed, revealing the normal weather. The strong wind suddenly stopped, and the rain curtain weakened, turning into the most normal drizzle in the City of the Queen of Spring.

Everyone around him was stunned and looked around.

The water flow on the streets has almost dissipated, leaving only some puddles. They themselves were not harmed. At most, when the disaster struck, the houses were damaged, and some houses disappeared, turning into ruins and surrounding the city.

Others, nothing.

It was like having a dream.

"Did pirates really come to rob us just now?" A civilian asked stupidly.

"I do not know"

The other person was also in a daze, "What did they rob?"

"Well, you didn't rob me anyway!" The person who spoke before thought for a moment and didn't care anymore, "Whatever!"


Under the violent storm, Sage's laughter was even more prominent than the wind and rain, ringing in the rain curtain.

In the banquet hall, Sage looked at the treasures piled in more than twenty boxes in front of him and laughed loudly: "This is the value that a prosperous town should have!"

These are not the kind of simple baileys, but are filled with precious things. They are small things such as gold coins, and more of them are jewelry and gold ornaments.

"Ajin, bring me that gold bracelet, those rings, and that scepter."

A red dot appeared in Sagar's eyes. After glancing at the boxes, he pointed at several boxes and ordered.

Ajin followed the instructions and presented everything Sage ordered one by one.

The things Sage chose were all induced by the cognition color. This is not a special cognition color, it is also the use of ordinary cognition color, but it can be done by sensing some valuable items.

Just like a swordsman can sense a famous sword, no, even a non-swordsman can sometimes sense a special aura.

And Sager is quite sensitive to treasures.

The last battle with Doflamingo left him with a lot of empty hands. Now that he has seen some good things, of course he has to put them on again.

The gold bracelet that Ah Jin brought over was only slightly smaller than the wristband. It was engraved with gemstones and runes, and it looked very precious.

I don’t know which noble family has an heirloom with historical heritage.

As for the rings, there was a gold signet ring edged with black gemstones, a ring edged with gemstones and gold, and a ring engraved with runes. Under his induction, they were all worth collecting.

As for the golden scepter, it had the symbol of a three-petal flower and was dotted with a large number of gems. In his eyes, it had a strong historical flavor and was something worth collecting.

Sage played with the scepter and said with a satisfied smile: "The harvest this time is good. I will reward you with all the Baileys. I will give you half of the gold, and you will share the rest!"

The amount of Baileys he grabbed was not small, it was estimated to be around 200-300 million Baileys, but Sage was in a good mood and rewarded him generously.

There were a lot of people who robbed, so Bailey gave them a little more. After all, the gold that was stolen was really valuable.

The value of this robbery is definitely more than the value of the robbery in Rogge Town.

But in Rogge Town, he took a lot of effort to grab it. How could it be so easy this time in the Spring Queen City.



Such an easy thing to solve is too simple compared to fighting!

After the money was distributed, it was naturally the stage of the banquet that everyone enjoyed. After leaving the sea area attached to the island during the rainy season, the storm returned to normal intensity.

As for how normal it is

It was the intensity with which Renedia could sail on the sea without using her powers, relying on her men to control the ship, which was strong enough to withstand normal storms.

That is to say, the average ship will basically sink into the sea when it comes.

"We successfully grabbed the Spring Queen City! Next is the Food City!"

In the conference room on the third floor, Sage laughed loudly: "The Navy probably hasn't fully reacted yet, and we won't have any accidents at the Food City. When the three targets are finished, even if the Navy finds us, there will be no use for Lily. Why are you frowning? The weather in the food city is also rainy.”


Lily shook her head and said, "It's okay. Food City has a summer climate. Although it's not tropical, your storms will also be reduced."

"Forget it's not my storm, it's not important, as long as the plan goes well." Sag was in such a good mood that he didn't bother to correct it.

As for what Lily thinks

Really, was it that smooth?

As the first person to follow Sager, it can be said that this pirate group is the oldest member they formed. She is very clear about Sager's family history.

In the past, she was not deeply involved in the world, and she was limited to theories about the outside world. She always believed that robberies like Sager were normal. Later, she entered the Grand Line, especially after recruiting a group of pirates from Demon Valley Town, she felt that That's not the case.

Normal pirates are doing normal robbery. If they are unlucky, they just don't encounter merchant ships. If they encounter the navy, they are very unlucky.

There are very difficult actions such as plundering towns, but basically they are to grab some urgent supplies when entering coastal towns or villages. The time is definitely not too slow. If you can rob for an hour, you will gain a lot. Rich.

This is the trajectory of a normal pirate.

Sagar is not normal.

It's not that Lily thinks he's unlucky because there's no need to feel that in itself, it's just the norm.

She was reflecting.

Sag recruited his men and met Garp.

While robbing Rogge Town, I met Zefa.

Seize Alabasta and besieged by the navy.

While recruiting subordinates in Demon Valley Town, he met Doflamingo, one of the Shichibukai.

While grabbing the Anu country, I also met a rare strong man.

Now grab a Spring Queen City and only have Storm? Although it caused a tsunami, it was just a storm.

Is it too easy for Sager?

Why doesn't it feel right?

But looking at Sage's confident smile, Lily secretly shook her head.

Maybe she is overthinking it

Four days later.

The Death Omen arrives at Food City.

This time, there was no storm, and it even stopped and the sky was clear again.

If nothing else happens, Sager can complete the smoothest robbery here.

If, nothing unexpected happens.

Boom! ! !

The island shook, as if it had triggered an extremely strong earthquake, mixed with huge waves that were larger than a normal tsunami, and almost half of the island was submerged.

In addition to being submerged, various strange and huge objects with heads half the size of the island fell onto the island. Their huge size caused vibrations in the island, making the island scream and feel as if it was about to break at any time.

Neptune type!

Still a giant Neptune type!

But now these huge sea kings have a hole in their body, and their blood stains the island in blood red.

And among the fallen sea kings, Sage threw down his fishing rod and looked down at the seawater that submerged his lower body, his face was terrifyingly gloomy!

Different from him, the people on the Death Omen docked far away from the beach had frightened expressions on their faces.

"Sarge, are you still trying to grab it?" Lily stared blankly at the corpses of the Neptunes. She was stunned for a while before she came back to her senses.

The beach leading to the food city was now occupied by Neptune corpses, like mountains blocking the way. Even the beach was blocked by a Neptune corpse, separating them from the Death Star.

Even if an accident happens.

As a large magnetic island within the Great Sea Route, this island is most famous for being a must-pass route for sea trains. Its waters are rich in fish.

Food City was born under such conditions.

Relying on the abundant fish and the food delivered by sea trains, the towns on the island gradually became prosperous.

The fish here don't even need to be caught, because the island's terrain is surrounded by beaches, which are natural landing points. The food city is not in the port, but behind the beach.

Because the tide here often rises, and after the tide recedes, a large number of fish will dock on the beach and be caught by the people living here.

The bad thing lies in this aspect.

When Sage heard that there could be a lot of abundant fish, he immediately became interested. After getting off the boat, he directly found a place to start fishing.

But I never expected that today would be a high tide day, or even very soon.

Ah Jin and his men had just gone down to the beach and were about to rob, when Sage found a place to sit down and swung the fishhook.

The tide spread instantly. Because he had to choose a good location, he did not start fishing on the boat, but chose a place on the beach close to the ocean.

But when the tide came up, Sage himself didn't expect it, and he was half submerged in the sea in an instant.

This is how the Neptune species came about.

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