I can only achieve nothing and become the Pirate King

Chapter 149 Pirates also have a pirate savior

At night, the Death Star held a party as usual.

There are too many newly acquired ingredients. After storing all the ingredients, there are still a lot more. There is no place to put them unless there is a banquet.

And Sage, who had been fishing for several hours without catching a single hair, decided to hold a party to get rid of the bad luck.

At this moment, he was sitting on the throne, grabbed a handful of gold coins from the treasure box presented, and threw it towards the hall, "Bonus! Everyone is rewarded! Divide the money!"

"Oh!!" the pirates roared.

Most of the gold in the food city is gold coins, so there aren't many things worth collecting, but fortunately there are a lot of gold coins, which makes him feel relaxed and happy.

In this robbery, the men who were in charge of the operation got two copies, and those who didn't take part in the robbery got half. It didn't matter whether they were in charge of the operation or those who didn't take action.

There's nothing to be unhappy about when you're on board and you get your share of the money.

Sage himself also found some worth collecting. Now both hands are covered with rings. He wears a jade bracelet with a gold ring on his left wrist, and a gold wristband on his right wrist, holding a jeweled wine glass. Laughing there.

Speaking of nobility, he definitely doesn't look like a noble, and he doesn't have that temperament.

The most elegant among these people is Lily. She was born in the royal family and has always been well-educated. Even if she is just wearing a gemstone necklace given by Sagar, without so many fancy decorations, she can tell at a glance that she is a noble.

Next is Hawkins. He has the same blond hair but different body shapes. It is not without reason that Renedia calls him an imitation of Lily. Apart from his hair, he is also very handsome and full of melancholy. If he hadn’t deliberately raised his eyebrows, If the six vertical lines make him look more evil, he could look like a melancholic nobleman.

As for Sag.

In fact, in terms of appearance, he is not bad. The standard is the appearance of a handsome guy in the sea. After all, Nicole Robin, who is the same blood relative, is a beauty. Sage's appearance is certainly good, but his temperament is very wrong.

If you are thrown into the mountains, you will be a bandit. If you are thrown into the sea, you will be a pirate bully. You will be afraid of catching fish.

In this robbery, the total number of Baileys alone reached 650 million, and even the fraction was not counted, it was all divided among his subordinates.

Of this money, 50 million was left as public funds. Sager took 300 million himself, and the rest was distributed among his subordinates according to their contributions.

For the men who didn't rob, just half of Bailey's worth would be over 100,000.

The demon clan responsible for the robbery can get nearly 400,000 beli.

This was a lot of money, because it took Sag less than half a month from robbing the Anu country to robbing the food city.

"Have the money of the men who died last time been separated separately?"

Seeing that his men were starting to get excited, Sage turned to ask Lily.

There were no casualties in the City of Spring Queen and the Food City. The main casualty was from the battle in the Anu Kingdom. This was the main reason why Sag did not feel that he was unlucky.

For real bad luck, I don’t know how many casualties it would have caused.

He really didn't take anything like the tsunami sea king seriously, it was just a little more troublesome.


Lily said: "I also asked the good people and wrote down the addresses. I will contact Doflamingo and ask him to open channels and send the loot back to their hometown."

More than a hundred people in Anu Kingdom died, and now there are more than 1,200 pirates left on his ship.

Those who died were just like the men who died in the previous encounters with warships, and their original money was retained.

Those who have relatives will be given to relatives, those who have no relatives will be given to friends, and those who have neither will be given to the local village chief.

As for whether there are despicable people.

Sagar doesn't think about this.

The folk customs on the sea are still very simple. Friends are friends. No matter how bad the character is, there will always be friends worth keeping for a lifetime.

Even cannibals have kind grandmothers who are worthy of respect.

As for their hometowns, those who can go to sea to become pirates will certainly not come from too prosperous places. They are mostly from villages, and some are from countries that have not joined the World Government.

Even if it wasn't the case, Sage wouldn't be willing to part with the money. As for where the money would end up, it would just be handed over to the local area anyway.

Sage doesn't even need to worry about these.

No pirate is immortal.

There are actually many timid guys on this ship, but no matter how timid they are, once the drinkers let go, they will tell their close companions where their home is, and some even name their treasures after their death. To whom should it be sent?

As long as there are no serious casualties among the members of the Natural Disaster Pirates, the treasures of these people will definitely have someone to belong to.

There were heavy casualties

There's nothing you can do about it, Sag isn't perfect. He's a stinking pirate, and he's already very moral.

"This is the first time I heard it, Sage, a normal pirate group would not do this."

Hawkins, who was nearby, came forward with a wine glass and said calmly: "Only the Calamity Pirates would do this."

Generally speaking, the pirates don't care about dead people. The treasures left behind by those people are either swallowed by the captain or divided by their friends. Friends who are more moral will keep some of them and find opportunities to give away some. .

But in most cases, it is useless to talk morally, because no one knows who will die next moment, so they just throw money around like crazy and enjoy themselves first.

This has led to the fact that few pirates can accumulate a family fortune. No matter how good their intentions are, as ordinary people, they will not be able to stick to the instructions of their dead companions in the end, and the treasure will be spent immediately as soon as they are divided.

"Piracy is a profession, Hawkins."

Sage took a few sips of the fine rum he grabbed from the food city and said: "Since it is a profession, it must have a beginning and an end. I don't want my men to live to the end and end up being destitute and become slaves. That kind of life What’s good about it.”

A famous deputy captain's retired life was horrifically miserable.

Maybe your career is exciting, but since it is so exciting, your life in your later years should not be so miserable!

He made a move in front of everyone, showing strong confidence, and laughed:

"Long before I went to sea, I said that if you become a pirate here, you will die with me. But whether you are dead or alive, I, Sage, guarantee that the rewards of your hard work will be retained! However, If you die, you won’t be able to steal money in the future, and you won’t be able to do what you want to do, so live as long as you can, I won’t treat you badly!”

"Lord Sarge!"

A pirate stood up, drank all the rum in a wooden wine glass the size of a human head, and shouted: "I will always serve you!"

"Me too! Pirates also need a savior. Lord Sager, you are our savior!"

"Yes! Lord Sarge is the savior! You will definitely become the Pirate King!"

"Let Lord Sag become the Pirate King!"

The pirates shouted excitedly.

"Hahahaha! Come on then!" Sage drank the wine in one gulp and laughed heartily.

Hawkins looked at the excitement of the people below and nodded thoughtfully: "That's it."

Morale is available.

But the strange thing is here, because the Natural Disaster Pirates are not an ordinary pirate group.

The Pirates and the Pirates are different.

Pirate groups with a large number of people basically have a strong imprint of the captain, such as Hawkins himself. Everyone in his pirate group wears robes to show their mystery, because he is like this.

Because there are many people, it is easy to command and differentiate. Being able to wear the captain's brand also represents obedience.

Those pirate groups that take the elite route have a strong personal style, but because they are small in number, there will be no civil strife.

But the pirate group here in Sage does not belong to any one type.

Call him an elite, but most of his subordinates are ordinary people.

Call him not elite, these pirates have different styles.

This has nothing to do with whether there are cadres or not, it's because there is no captain's imprint here.

Whether it is the three female cadres or Hawkins himself, they all have a strong personal style.

Even his subordinates are different. Some are completely loyal to Sage, such as the Demon Clan.

Some people boarded the ship because they were grateful to Sage. This is how the men he recruited in the East China Sea came. These people are not so loyal and have their own little ideas. If you want to ask why.

During the last spring robbery in the Queen's City, several people didn't come back.

He didn't die, he took the initiative to get off the ship from that place and live a normal life.

No one knew about this, because there were too many people on the ship, and even Ajin, who was in charge of leading the team, didn't care.

Sage wouldn't care even less. Pirates are free to begin with, but they are not subordinates or slaves of any family. Getting on and off the ship can happen at any time.

This is either a betrayal or simply quitting being a pirate. Not to mention Sag, no pirate group would care about this kind of thing. After all, they are not cadres, just ordinary subordinates.

Lily discovered something wrong when she was counting the number of casualties. After checking, she found that there were a few missing, and the missing ones were the old subordinates from the East China Sea, so she reported it to Sage and discovered this.

It's impossible for Anu Country, that place is too poor, so there is only the prosperous City of Spring Queen.

Some people feel that they have robbed enough money and do not want to be pirates. They were just rescued from the Bridge Kingdom and followed Sager on the ship. Maybe they are afraid of death, or maybe they know that they cannot keep up with Sager, no matter where they are. Plant, they retreated with their treasures.

The more pirates on the ship, the more likely this situation will occur. Even a pirate group with the captain's brand will not avoid it, not to mention that Sag is not ruled by force.

There are subordinates who will quit at any time, and there are also subordinates in Demon Valley Town who joined because of their fame, and the styles of this group of people are even more diverse.

The murderous, the greedy, the despicable, the heroic, the evil-minded, and the kind-hearted are all here.

A normal pirate group would already be fighting among themselves.

But here, it is very harmonious. It is not the kind of atmosphere where everyone is happy and happy, but the simplest atmosphere where there is no need to be wary of each other.

Because of Sager's existence.

There is no need to worry about the hard-earned treasure being taken away here, because Sag will take care of it.

There is no need to worry about who will be killed on the ship, because most of the disputes come from the treasure. Now the treasure has been counted, and no matter how much is stolen, it cannot reach the hands of other pirates.

This is equivalent to stopping 70% of vendetta disputes, and at the same time, it will completely reassure the subordinates. If there is no conflict of interest, there will naturally be no chaos.

In addition, Sage is very generous. As long as he only needs half, everyone will grab enough. Even those who did not participate in the robbery will have half, so there will not be any big gap.

As for the rest, it is similar to those who don't like it, which cannot be stopped. The rule against the rules is that private fights are allowed but vendettas are prohibited. The rules against the rule are disobeying orders and killing Shen Hai if he disobeys orders.


Just get off the boat if you are unhappy.

Even Hawkins didn't care, let alone Sager.

But it doesn’t mean you can get off the ship immediately. Before you get off the ship, you must first get the captain’s consent. This tradition is retained by Sage. He doesn’t care about ordinary subordinates, but those who have names and personal recruitment do not have this power. Disembarking without permission.

For example, Hawkins and Bellamy.

The rules of the Calamity Pirates are very simple, but the simpler, sometimes the more effective they are.

These pirate groups, which are not integrated into one whole at all, seem to be stuck together by strong adhesive, forming a whole.

Especially the system that the treasure will be sent back has greatly ignited the enthusiasm of his subordinates. If it is sent back to their hometown, even if there are no relatives in their hometown, because of this move, Sager's reputation will be established.

This will let more people know about the Natural Disaster Pirates, and also give those who are interested in going to sea a natural choice.


Hawkins took a deep look at Sager, who was laughing loudly.

He probably didn't think about it that much, or simply didn't care about it.

I don't know if it's because of his overlord talent, but any move he makes can have unexpected effects.

"Is it powerful?"

Hawkins murmured and shook his head.

It seems to be more than just powerful.

A strong person does not necessarily have a brilliant mind.

And Sage’s heroic spirit

Hawkins turned to look at the window on the first floor. The rough sea outside stretched as far as the eye could see, with no end in sight.

Just like the sea

Following him seemed like a good idea.

"What are you feeling there for? Drink!"

Sage's drink sounded in his ears. He turned around and saw that he was pouring another cup and pointed towards this side, "Drink up the contents of your cup first. How about leaving some for fish? After you finish it, you can Pour a glass!”

Two days later, in the morning.

The Death Star arrives near the island where Carnival City is located.

This large magnetic island where Carnival City belongs was not a prosperous area at first. It was only because the sea train's terminal station was here that it gradually became prosperous.

The most prosperous thing on this island is the entertainment industry.

As soon as he heard this, Sagar was no longer sleepy. He got up early and is now on the deck, waiting for the ship to approach.

In the bustling entertainment industry, of course there is the song and dance troupe that he cherishes.

Although there are a lot of female pirates on the ship now, there is always a bit of a lack of taste. Those women have their own jobs. They are ship doctors, cooks, navigators and even combatants. They are good at doing their jobs, dancing or something like that. Not professional.

Sage can stay for a while this time, first find a good song and dance group here, experience the local entertainment industry, and then start grabbing.

After sailing for so long, it’s time to relax.


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