I can only achieve nothing and become the Pirate King

Chapter 159 Why don’t you just grab it?

Let CP9 join?

Ajin said anxiously: "Captain Sager, they are a secret espionage organization that specializes in stealing intelligence. Our intelligence can easily be leaked."

"Akin, we are a pirate group."

Sage smiled and said: "The pirate group is like a sieve. How can there be any information that will not be leaked? Do you think that if you eliminate these people on the surface, there will be no spy organization in private?"

He glanced at the crowd gathered in the hall, his eyes were like mountains, which made his subordinates lower their heads subconsciously and kept silent.

How could a pirate group, especially a large-scale pirate group, not have spies?

Even in a group of hundreds of people, it is possible for a few spies to sneak into the group, let alone someone of Sager's level.

It is possible for pirates to impersonate the navy and rob warships. As a huge world government, it is normal to send a few spies to some noteworthy pirate groups.

Sager doesn't care.

Pirates are originally a group of people who cannot be restrained and are lawless. The pirate group composed of pirates is like a big sieve. It is not a strict organization. Even those who call themselves pirates have the ability to kill people with knives. Strength is enough.

Especially if Sage wants to become a powerful being, unlike a pirate group consisting of a few or ten people, there will definitely be people who want to sneak in.

Sage's pirate group of 1,200 people must have a few spies in addition to the demons with obvious characteristics and these cadres.

After all, he had already robbed several places, and no one knew about the spies who had sneaked in along the way.

There is also a mixed place like Demon Valley Town, which recruits so many subordinates. There are always some hidden spies who take the opportunity to join the Natural Disaster Pirates.

Even if they are cleaned out now, what will happen if they are killed?

When he has a territory and becomes more powerful, people will still come.

Besides, these people are actually quite useful.

Most of the espionage personnel are government officials. These people are well-educated and dedicated as pirates. They do whatever they have to do. They are even more disciplined than normal pirates. Except for showing their true colors when necessary, they spend the rest of their time Very convenient.

It’s easy to use, why not use it?

Sage didn't pursue a pure team in the first place. He only wanted to ensure that the cadres were loyal. Now, except for the demon clan, which he planned to train as his team, he didn't care about the rest.

As long as they do things for him, he doesn't care who these people are.

Government officials?


It's just a career.

How can people be imprisoned by something like that.

A spy in the dark is a spy, and a spy in the open is also a spy.

CP9, why can’t I accept it?

What core secrets is he afraid of revealing?

How could a pirate group have any core secrets?

"Hey, we are a secret agency directly under the World Government, and you actually said something to recruit us." Gabra's eyes widened.

Usually when pirates see them, they should have killed them long ago.

Gabra was also prepared for the mission to fail.

He wanted to play a trick or something. After all, wolves are like that, cunning, cruel and good at deceiving, but in front of Sarge, he couldn't think of it.

"What does it matter? I didn't ask you to quit CP9. Aren't you an agent? Then just be your agent and work part-time as a pirate."

Sage laughed loudly: "Go tell the World Government that I will arrest you people, hahahahahaha!"

Just like he wants to be a landlord, but that doesn't stop him from being a pirate.

These agents carry out missions everywhere anyway, so they can just carry out a long-term mission here.

Anyway, he won’t let people go.

Gabra stared blankly at Sager, who was laughing. He had never seen such a pirate before. He didn't even have much dealings with pirates. He basically completed tasks among various kingdoms and the revolutionary army, but Regardless of whether he is a pirate or not, he cannot let his own power be mixed with sand, right?

Is this guy being stupid or fearless?


The spirit is really great!

Gabra couldn't refuse, and he couldn't even say harsh words. Although the mission failed, it was the mission of the useless commander after all, not the order of the World Government as a whole. It was best to be alive.

"In this case, we will stay on the ship and pretend that nothing happened to us, Captain Sage." Gabra showed a sinister smile.

As long as they are still alive, they have a chance to escape from here. No, there is no need to escape. This stupid pirate thinks he can conquer them, so he can just stay on the ship and secretly send information to the world government to grasp the trends.

When they received Spandam's order in Carnival City, they also reviewed Sager's basic information.

Since his debut, Sarge has plundered many kingdoms and killed many kings. He himself is a person who challenges the authority of the world government.

"Great, no need to die, chibababa."

The owl said: "What a stupid pirate. He actually wants to conquer us CP9. We will pass on the information soon. As long as we are on the ship, your actions will be known to the navy."

"Shut up, you spilled the beans again!" Gabra yelled.

"Although it's not my fault, it was my companion's plan that was leaked. I should be guilty of this, so I can only commit seppuku to pay for my sin, yo yo!"

He held the ribs again and stabbed the abdomen with force.



The tip of the knife once again made a sound of gold and iron clashing with the abdomen, and it was pressed against the abdomen, unable to move forward even an inch.

"You should die early!" Gabra's voice almost became hoarse.

One or two are not worry-free at all.

"Navy? Hahaha, isn't it normal for pirates to encounter the navy? There is nothing to be afraid of! My goal is to seize the capital of the Seven Waters. If you want to inform me, then go ahead and inform me."

Hearing this, Sage smiled ferociously: "I'm not looking down on the navy's mobility, I mean you are all rubbish!"

There was a spy under him, and he would have been informed long ago if he really wanted to, but so what, hasn't the navy still not been able to catch him so far?

If the World Government's response could be that fast, there wouldn't be so many pirates in the sea.

Besides, it wouldn't be a bad thing if you really want to keep an eye on him.

His goal is to grab it all the way, especially the final target, the famous shipbuilding city of Seven Rivers. If these CP9s are allowed to release the information, so many navy will gather in Seven Rivers, but he will not go!

As long as he can be sure that the Navy is setting up defenses near the Capital of Seven Waters, he can play tricks on them and go around directly to rob other places. When the Navy withdraws, he can come back with a carbine!

If you don't notify me, then what should you do?

"The capital of seven waters?"

Gabra was surprised for a while, lowered his head slightly, and his eyes rolled around.

O'Hara Remnants.

And the capital of seven waters

Sure enough, he and Nicole Robin were connected.

But, does he now know that Nico Robin is about to arrive at the Capital of Seven Waters?

Do you know their plan?

Impossible, even they themselves had just found out, and the action had not yet been implemented, so how could Sag know about it.

Maybe it was just a coincidence that he didn't know about it.

"Is it to save Nico Robin? Chief Spandam asked us to go back to Justice Island, because Rob Lucci's mission is coming to an end, and we are preparing to capture Nico Robin in the Capital of Seven Waters and bring him Return to Judiciary Island for trial.”

The owl made Gabra understand what "I'll let you know" means.


Gabra rushed to him, grabbed his collar, and said fiercely: "This is not allowed to be said!!"

The owl pulled the zipper on his mouth and covered his mouth again, cold sweat breaking out, "I let it slip again, chirp!"

"Nicole Robin."

Sagar's drinking movements stagnated slightly, "Judiciary Island, you want to arrest her."

I remembered the Justice Island incident.

The Straw Hats became famous all over the world when they wreaked havoc on Justice Island.

This reminded him of another thing. After Judiciary Island, these guys seemed to have been expelled, because the organization CP9 cannot be exposed to the world.

As for catching Robin, that's normal. As a remnant of O'Hara, she has the ability to understand the text of history. Even if the World Government doesn't want to know, it won't let others know.


"It's none of my business, that's her choice and freedom."

Sage drank all the wine in the glass and laughed at everyone: "Let's make it exciting, let's welcome the new subordinates to join us! Hahahahaha!"

It's not that he has nothing to do with Robin. After all, there is blood connection here, but to say how deep the relationship is, there is basically no.

After Alabasta Robin rejected his invitation, the two men's paths took completely different paths.

Even if she dies on the sea in the next second, that is her business, just like if Sagar dies on the sea in an accident.

Instead of thinking so much, it’s better to have fun first and then continue with his plan!

"Your name is Nudori, right? Keep dancing! Gabra, you seemed to have transformed just now. If you transform again, let me see what kind of animal it is!"

The banquet hall was filled with Sage's laughter and the roar of the pirates.

Nudori liked the art of kabuki very much. After making sure that there was no death threat and Sage didn't mind, he really continued to dance.

As for Gabra.

That's an animal-type person with esper abilities who ate the dog fruit and took the form of a wolf.


He was transforming into a human beast in the banquet hall, transforming into a werewolf. With Nuri's kabuki performance and the shouts of other pirates, they were also surrounding Nuri, with his left paw stretched out and his right leg in front. Then switch sides, as if you were dancing around a campfire.

The banquet lasted until night, and Sage finally enjoyed himself and left with the people, leaving behind pirates lying on the ground.

Among those people, Gabra, who was also drunk, suddenly opened his eyes, kicked an owl that was sleeping soundly on the side, with snot bubbles popping up like balloons, and shouted: "Don't sleep!"

The owl sleeps really like an owl, instead of lying down, it sleeps standing up.

"It hurts, chirp!"

The owl jumped up and said angrily: "Sleep at night is very important!"

"You are an owl, how can you sleep at night!" Gabra said angrily: "When will your big mouth stop? All the secrets have been exposed!"

"I can't help it, chibababa."

He is not the type who doesn't want to say something but can't help but say it, nor does he claim to be the 'strongest defense'. He is simply a loudmouth, keen on passing on gossip, and it is very uncomfortable to keep things in his heart.

That's why there's a zipper on the mouth.

"What to do now, do you want to leave?"

Nuri woke up earlier than Gabra. He didn't drink much, but he put a lot of effort into the performance, but he was also very happy.

Finally someone understands his art!

"I feel so guilty. I know Sag understands my art so well, but because I am my enemy, I want to do something contrary to my will. I feel so guilty that I want to commit suicide by committing seppuku!"

He pulled out the ribs and cut into the abdomen.



"Well, he's not dead, Yoyoi." Natsuri shouted.

"Stop practicing your art of seppuku!"

Gabra gritted his teeth and said, looked around, led the people out of the banquet hall, came to the empty deck, took out a phone bug from his arms, and dialed the number.

Soon, the phone was answered, and he simulated an arrogant and silly face wearing a mask.

"Hahahaha, it's Gabra, is it solved?" The phone bug laughed out loud.

"The mission failed, you useless commander!"

Gabra shouted: "Sag is so powerful that we were recognized immediately and we are no match for him. Of course, what I want to say is not this, but the intelligence about Sag."

O'Hara remnant!

And also know Rob Lucci.

He didn't know how Sagar knew it, but since he could say that, it meant that the other party's information channels were also terrifyingly strong.

This can no longer be treated as a pirate.

No pirate knows the secrets of the World Government.

On the deck, Gabra was reporting to the phone bug, while in the conference room on the third floor, Lily looked down coldly through the window for a while, shook her head and said: "It's so stupid."

The one named Gabra seems to be very scheming, but he gives people the impression that his IQ is very low.

If you want to report information, you shouldn't report it on this ship.

"Won't they escape?" Renedia asked curiously.

In the conference room, several cadres gathered here. Sage, the leader, showed a smile:

"An organization like CP9 will not leave so easily, especially if they know that I am an O'Hara survivor, they will stay. And even if there is an order, as long as they have some brains, they will know that they are leaving not open."

The remnants of O'Hara are one thing. Sage doesn't mind letting others know his identity now. He has become a pirate anyway. If he really needs to investigate, the World Government has already completed the investigation. Does CP9 still need to report?

These people have not been exposed to this news, so they report it and then continue to stay on the ship because they need to figure out how much history they know.

Secondly, they dare not.

Sage valued his talents, so he spared their lives, but since he agreed to join the pirate group, he didn't care what the other party wanted to do, but once he got on the ship, he had to ask for his permission if he wanted to get off.


That's deadly!

He can even allow the opponent to run first, and then he can catch up and kill him.

These people know this, so they will not retreat.

Hawkins pulled out tarot cards, divined their actions, and determined: "The escape rate is 5%, they will not leave."

"But plotting on the ship is very annoying." Renedia frowned and said, "Do you want to interrogate them?"

"No need, the owl will tell me." Sag waved his hand.

He's such a big talker that he can tell himself without you asking him.

"Island of Justice, Nicole Robin."

Lily turned around and said: "Is it because of the O'Hara remnants that the world government has plans against your sister? Sage, will it not be against you either?"

"What are you doing to me? What are your plans for me? I can't read a single word! You spent a long time looking for information from me, but you found out that I can't read?"

Sage laughed for a while, "That kind of thing is not important, but now is an opportunity. If Robin is captured, the Straw Hats will definitely mess around. By then, the defenses of the Seven Waters City will be down, and we can go directly Rob."

In the Judiciary Island incident, the Straw Hats made a scene on Judiciary Island and became famous all over the world.

The bounty has also been increased

How much?

Sagar didn't think of it for a moment, but it seemed like he wasn't very tall, at least not as tall as he is now.

He destroyed one of the three major institutions of the World Government, but from the bounty point of view, it seems that it is not as good as just grabbing it casually.

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