I can only achieve nothing and become the Pirate King

Chapter 163 The Showdown between ‘Master and Disciple’


Sage was startled for a moment, and subconsciously looked at the three Gabras standing aside, "Did you report it? It came quite quickly."

Owl looked at Sage and immediately shook his head: "I haven't had time to report, chirping."

That’s something unplanned!

He is not afraid that CP9 will report his whereabouts. What he is afraid of is that his plan will go wrong.

The appearance of Garp was not within his expectation, but judging from the current situation, this guy is not playing by common sense. In other words, it is very likely that he is the only one on the ship.

Then the plan has not been ruined.

Sage clicked his tongue, stepped on the side railing of the deck, and yelled: "You old guy, how did you find me!"

"Hahahaha, I'm not good at waiting for people. It's better to go out in person and just take a stroll!" Garp said with a smile.

Of course this old guy can't lie. It was really a stroke of luck to find him.

"Retire early when you are old. Then you can wander around in the sea as much as you want!" Sage said ferociously.

"Pfft hahahaha, I'm still young!"

Garp easily threw the cannonball in his hand.


What does the rain have to do with him having sex manually?

If it is strong enough, it can still explode.

The artillery shells in the heavy rain disappeared into the rain curtain. Not only were they too fast, they could not be seen clearly. Only a sound of breaking through the air could be heard, and the dark cannon shells had already reached the deck.


Sarge kicked it over and caught the cannonball, sending it flying into the sea and causing a huge splash.

"Do you want to fight?" Lily held the hilt of the sword.

"No need, Letty, sail the boat!"


Renedia flashed the electric spark with her hands and pressed it on the deck. The Death Omen immediately turned around and sailed forward without being controlled by anyone.

"Akin will take people to pull up the sail, and Palu will take people to the cabin power room to start the power. Bellamy, tell your men to pay attention to avoidance and order, don't run around, and be ready to fight at any time!" Lily arranged everything in an instant.

"Navy Hero Garp."

Hawkins looked at the pursuing dog-headed warship, drew Tarot cards, and said: "Sag, if you fight him, your chance of winning is only 20%. It is right to retreat."

"Not because of anything like this."

Sage shook his head and said, "It's just meaningless."

Whether he wins or loses, Sag is not afraid. If he can't be beaten, he can run away, but he has already finished the robbery, why should he fight?

We are at sea now. If a fight breaks out, will he still have his men on the ship?

The wealth that I finally saved is not wasted on this kind of thing.

If he was still robbing, he wouldn't mind having a good fight with Garp in order to ensure that the robbery plan didn't fail. There was no need for it now.

"Hahahaha, kid, are you going to run away when you meet me? What you did is not a small thing, and I won't let you go so easily!"

Garp grabbed another cannonball, leaned back, straightened his legs and feet, and threw it forward as if throwing a baseball with all his strength.

"Fist Bone·Meteorite!"

Bang! !

The cannonballs, which were faster than before, were fired directly into the water next to the Death Omen Star. The splashes they blasted were like tsunamis, causing the Death Omen Star to tilt sideways and almost flip over.

A few unlucky men fell directly into the sea water because they had no time to escape, and were directly overwhelmed by the turbulent waves.

"You old fool!"

Sager flashed and came to the stern of the ship. He pulled out a box of cannonballs covered with cloth directly under the tail gun, reached out and took out one, "Do you think you can survive?!"

He flicked his hand and threw the cannonball straight away.

boom! !

The same force and speed were almost the same as the cannonballs thrown by Garp. They exploded near the dog-headed warship. The huge water splash mixed with the strong wind that was already sweeping under the storm made it almost impossible to flip over.

Similarly, a few unlucky sailors fell into the sea and were swept up and drowned by the violent sea water.

This sudden blow stunned Garp on the spot, and Bogart's eyes widened even more, looking at Sager in surprise as he continued to pick up the cannonball.

That posture, that technique of exerting force.

Is it a ‘fist bone’?

When did you learn it?

"Old guy, I told you, I won't be so embarrassed when we meet next time!"

Sage stretched out his hand to throw out the cannonball and shouted: "Now, let us compete to see whose ship will sink first!"

"Pfft hahahaha, you learned my moves, I wonder how much you have learned them!"

Garp raised his head and laughed, grabbed a cannonball and threw it out as well.


The two cannonballs collided violently in the middle of the two ships. Even on rainy days, the strong force and impact caused the cannonballs to explode and stir up a cloud of smoke in the center, which was quickly washed away by the rain.

"What about this!"

Garp bared his teeth and smiled, his hands like afterimages, and he kept throwing cannonballs forward, "Fist Bone·Meteor Swarm!"

The dark cannonballs were like meteors streaking through the air. Under his rapid throw, they hit the Death Omen in dense numbers.

On the sea, the only means of transportation and footing are boats.

If the ship is gone, half of a pirate group is lost, and in such stormy weather, once the ship sinks, it will be catastrophic.

Sometimes hitting people is really not as effective as hitting a boat.

Coincidentally, Sage thought so too.

"Fist Bone·Meteor Swarm!!"

His hands continued to take out the shells from the shell box as fast as afterimages, and then threw them out quickly, forming a dense group of shells and hitting the incoming shells.


Boom boom boom! !

The space between the two ships, one behind the other, was filled with the sound of explosions and bursts of smoke.

Both the pirates and the navy watched nervously as both sides threw cannonballs.

If it is hit, there will definitely be a hole in the ship, and it will be at a disadvantage.

After Garp threw a cannonball, he grinned and grabbed a heavy cannonball. His hand was covered in pitch black and wrapped around the cannonball.

Sage's pupils shrank, he stretched out his hand and said, "Solid bullets!"

Miot, who was on standby, had already moved a lot of shell boxes. Hearing this, he took out a solid bullet and put it in his hand.

Likewise, jet-black domineering energy like flowing fire followed his hand and wrapped around the solid bullet.

Almost at the same time, both sides took a throwing posture and threw it violently towards the other side.

"Fist Bone·Meteorite!"

Bang! !

The solid bullets mixed with domineering collided in the air, making a harsh explosion, and a wave of air was spread in the center, and even the surrounding storm was blown away at that moment.

The eyes of an old man and a young man looked at each other in the air.

An old but heroic man laughed heartily.

A young but energetic man with a ferocious look.

After that exchange of glances, Sager took the lead and grabbed the cannonball and continued to smash it. Garp bared his teeth and laughed, and also hit back.

Exploding cannonballs, domineering solid bullets, and chain bullets that wanted to penetrate the opponent's canvas, as long as they could be thrown out, they were all thrown away.

Compared with the cannon bombardment fired by the ship, their manual movements are many times faster, and their power exceeds the bombardment of the cannon itself.

Of course, the consumption in this form is also very huge.

In this high-speed and continuous collision of artillery shells, the support from both sides failed to keep up, and the speed of transporting the artillery shells was insufficient, even causing them to pause.

But now it doesn't matter whether they stop or not, because the distance is gradually being opened.

Driven by power, the Death Star is very fast, and it is difficult for warships to keep up.

Even this special Lieutenant General's ship only followed for a while and was still pulled away.


The two shells collided in the air again, and after a violent explosion broke out, Garp threw it again, but it was thrown directly into the sea far away from the Death Star, causing a splash of water.

"Hahahaha, I haven't lost it so happily in a long time!"

Garp laughed and said: "Sag kid, it's such a shame that you become a pirate!"

"Really? I also think it's a pity for you to become a navy!" Sage said ferociously.

"Really? I have no regrets about joining the navy!"

With a solemn look on his face, Garp stepped onto the bow of the ship and clenched his fists. His domineering energy was wrapped around his fists, and he could faintly see several black thunder flashes beside his fists.

Sagar narrowed his eyes and suddenly grinned, "Just right! Look at the gap!"

He also clenched his fists, condensing domineering energy like flowing fire into his fists.

But at this moment, he suddenly felt a darkness appear behind him, which caused the domineering force he had just gathered to dissipate again.

He stared at Garp and smiled ferociously: "Old man, I will play with you next time. Now is not the time! This time I am not embarrassed. Next time, I will let you see blood!"

After saying that, he disappeared into the darkness, and the entire ship disappeared from visible sight.

Their original position itself transcended the direction of the Seven Waters Capital and recorded the final direction of the first half.

Originally, the position they were sailing towards was towards the Red Earth Continent.

In other words, it is towards the huge sea area that blocks all the routes in front of the Red Earth Continent.

Devil's Triangle Sea Area!

Lily carried out Sage's plan. Once entangled by the navy, she would dive directly into the Devil's Triangle. In this case, no one would know where he was.

"That dark mist."

Bogart watched the black ship disappear into the dark fog and frowned, "Devil's Triangle Sea, Lieutenant General Garp, do you want to continue chasing?"

"You can't catch this!"

Garp put down his hand and said with a smile: "If you escape, just run away. Just catch him next time. That kid is not a give-in person. He will definitely come to the Capital of Seven Waters. I have a hunch that he will definitely come to Seven Waters." Meet him in the Water City!"

"Lieutenant General Garp. Are you happy?" Bogart asked strangely.

"Pfft, hahahaha, of course I'm happy to have a successor. That idiot Kuzan is too lazy, Kebi is still growing up, and this kid Sag is quite good. I didn't expect that after catching pirates all my life, I can still survive when I am old. There is a pirate apprentice!" Garp laughed.

"Lieutenant General Garp, that is stealing lessons, not your apprentice. Please be careful what you say, you cannot say this casually." Bogart reminded.

"Well, just pretend you didn't hear it."

Garp scratched his head and glanced at the place covered in dark fog, "However, it is still too dangerous to let the Sag kid continue."

That kind of domineering intensity can be considered good in the new world, let alone the first half.

This place is a real 'paradise' for that kid.

Moreover, the way that kid gathered his domineering energy just now

It shouldn't be enough.

That kind of move is not something that ordinary people can learn.

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